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[求助] [问题]Some CRITICAL REASONING questions? [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2003-3-7 08:10:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Urgent! Could anybody help me to explain these questions? PLS~~~~
1.Consumer Advocate: It is generally true, at least in this state, that lawyers who advertise a specific service charge less for that service lawyers who do not advertise. It is also true that {each time restrictions on the advertising of legal services have been eliminated, the number of lawyers advertising their services has increased and legal costs to consumers have declined in consequence.} However, eliminating the state requirement that legal advertisements must specify fees for specific services would almost certainly increase rather than further reduce consumers' legal costs. Lawyers would no longer have an incentive to lower their fees when they begin advertising and {if no longer required to specify fee arrangements, many lawyers who now advertise would increase their fees.}
In the consumer advocate's argument, the two portions in boldface{} play which of the following roles?

(A)The first is a generalization that the consumer advocate accepts as true; the secound is presented as a consequence that follows from the truth of that generalization.
(B)The first is a pattern of cause and effect that the consumoer advocate argues will be repeated in the case at issue; the second acknowledges a circumstance in which that pattern would not hold.
(C)The first is a pattern of cause and effect that the consumer advocate predicts will no hold in the case at issue; the second offers a consideration in support of that prediction.
(D)The first is evidence that the consumer advocate offers in support of a certain prediction; the second is that prediction.
(E)The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that main position that the consumer advocate defends; the second is that position.

2.Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product of sercvice that a company has previously provided for itself. Since a company's chief objective is to realize the highest possilbe year-end profits, any product or service that can be obtained from an independent supplier for less than it would cost the company to provide the product or service on its own should be outsourced.

Which of the following, if ture, most seriously weakens the arguement?

(A)If a company decides to use independent suppliers for a product, it can generally exploit the vigorous competition arising among several firms that are interested in supplying that product.
(B)Successful outsourcing requires a company to provide its suppliers with information about its products and plans that can fall into the hands of its competitors and give them a business advantange,
(C)Certain tasks, such as processing a company's payroll, are commonly outsourced, whereas others, such as handling the company's core business, are not.
(D)For a company to provide a product or service for itself as efficiently as an independent supplier can provide it, the managers involved need to be as expert in the area of that product or service as the people in charge of that product or service at an independent supplier are.
(E)When a company decides to use an independent supplier for a product of service, the independent supplier sometimes hires members of the company's staff who formerly made the product or provided the service that the independent supplier now supplies.

3.A proposed change to ferderal income tax laws would eliminate deductions form taxable income for donations a taxpayer has made to charitable and educational institutions, If this change were adopted, wealthy individuals would no longer be permitted such deductions. Therefore, many charitable and educational institutions would have to reduce services, and some would have to close their doors.

The argument above assumes which of the following?

(A)Without the incentives offered by federal income tax laws, at least some wealthy individuals would not donate as much as money to charitable and educational institutions as they otherwise would have.
(B)Money contributed by individuals who make their donations because of provisions in the federal tax laws provides the only source of funding for many charitable and educational institutions.
(C)The primary reason for not adopting the proposed change in the federal income tax laws cited above is to protect wealthy individuals from having to pay higher taxes.
(D)Wealthy individuals who donate money to charitable and educational institutions are the only individuals who donate money to such institutions.
(E)Income tax laws should be changed to make donations to charitable and educational institutions the only permissable from taxable income.

4.Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated nests, or bowers. Basing their judgement on the fact that different local populations of bowerbirds of the same species build bowers that exhibit different building and decorative styles, reseachers have concluded that the bowerbirds' building styles are a culturally acquired, rather than a genetically transmitted, trait.

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the researchers?

(A)There are more common characteristics than there are differences among the bowerbuilding styles of the local bowerbird population that has been studied most extensively.
(B)Young male bowerbirds are inept at bowerbuilding and apparently spend years watching their elders before becoming accomplished in the local bower styles.
(C)The bowers of one species of bowerbird lack the towers and ornamentation characteristic of the bowers of most other species of bowerbird.
(D)Bowerbirds are found only in New Guinea and Australia, where local populations of the birds apparently seldom have contact with one another.
(E)It is well known that the song dialects of some songbirds are learned rather than transmitted genetically.

5.To evaluate a plan to save money on office-space expenditures by having its employees work at home, XYZ Company asked volunteers from its staff to try the arrangement for six months. During this period, the productivity of these employees was as high as or higher than before.

Which of the following, if true, would argue most strongly against deciding, on the basis of the trial results, to implement the company's plan?
(A)The employees who agreed to participate in the test of the plan were among the company's most self-motivated and independent workers.
(B)The savings that would accrue from reduced office-space expenditures alone would be sufficient to justify the arrangement for the company, apart from any productivity increases.
(C)Other companies that have achieved successful results from work-at-home plans have work forces that are substantially larger than that of XYZ.
(D)The volunteers who worked at home were able to communicate with other employees as necessary for performing the work.
(E)Minor changes in the way office work is organized at XYZ would yield increases in employee productivity similar to those achieved in the trial.

6.Adult female rats who have never before encountered rat pups will start to show maternal behaviors after being confined with a pup for about seven days. This period can be considerably shortened by disabling the female's sense of smell or by removing the scent-producing glands of the pup.
Which of the following hypotheses best explains the contrast described above?

(A)The sense of smell in adult female rats is more acute than that in rat pups.
(B)The amount of scent produced by rat pups increases when they are in the presence of a female rat that did not bear them.
(C)Female rats that have given birth are more affected by olfactory cues than are female rats that have never given birth.
(D)A female rat that has given birth shows maternal behavior toward rat pups that she did not bear moer quickly than does a female rat that has never given birth.
(E)The development of a female rat's maternal interest in a rat pup that she did not bear is inhibited by the odor of the pup.

7.In countries in which new life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, such drugs are sold at widely affordable prices; those same drugs, where patented, command premium prices because the patents shield patent-holding manufacturers from competitiors. These facts show that future access to new life-sustaining drugs can be improved if the practice of granting patents on newly developed life-sustaining drugs were to be abolished everywhere.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

(A)In countries in which life-sustaining drugs cannot be patented, their manufacture is nevertheless a profitable enterprise.
(B)Countries that do not currently grant patents on life-sustaining drug are, for the most part, countries with large populations.
(C)In some countries specific processes for the manufacture of pharmaceutical drug can be patented even in cases in which the drugs themselves cannot be patented.
(D)Pharmaceutical companies can afford the research that goes into the development of new drugs only if patents allow them to earn hign profits.
(E)Countries that grant patents on life-sustaining drugs almost always ban their importation from countries that do not grant such patents
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Rank: 2

发表于 2003-3-7 08:14:22 |只看该作者

Several SC questions

Help!Help!Could anybody explain these SC questions?
PLS! I really need to know the answers and reasons!
GMAT Sentence Correction Review
1. Joachim Raff and Giacomo Meyerbeer are examples of the kind of composer who receives popular acclaim while living, {often goes into decline after death, and never regains popularity again.}
(A)often goes into decline after death, and never regains popularity again.
(B)whose reputation declines after death and never regains its status again.
(C)but whose reputation declines after death and never regains its former status
(D)who declines in reputation after death and who never regained poppularity again
(E)then has declined in reputation after death and never regained popularity

2.Faced with an estimated $2 billion budget gap, the city's mayor {proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the city's major cultural institutions and to subsidize} hundreds of local arts groups.
(A)proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the city's major culutral institutions and to subsidize
(B)proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly 17 percent in the amount it was allocating to maintain the city's major cultural insititutions and for subsidizing
(C)proposed to reduce, by nearly 17 percent, the amount from the previous year that was allocated for the maintenance of the city's major cultural institutions and to subsidize
(D)has proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly 17 percent of the amount it was allocating for maintaining the city's major cultural insitutions, and to subsidize
(E)was proposing that the amount they were allocating be reduced by nearly 17 percent from the previous year for maintaing the city's major cultural insittuions and for the subsidization

3.From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoe about twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry fout persons or eight hundred pounds of {baggage so light} that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids.
(A)baggage so light
(B)baggage being so light
(C)baggage, yet being so light
(D)baggage, and so light
(E)baggage yet was so light

4.Analysts blamed May's sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, {colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed} sales of barbeque grills and lawn furniture.
(A)colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed
(B)which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slowing
(C)since it was colder and wetter than usually in some regions, which slowed
(D)being colder and wetter than was usually in some regions, slowing
(E)having been colder and wetter than was usual in some regions and slowed

5.{Unlike transplants between identical twins, whose genetic endowment is the same,} all patients receiving hears or other organs must take antirejection drugs for the rest of their lives.
(A)Unlike transplants between identical twins, whose genetic endowment is the same
(B)Besides transplants involving identical twins with the same genetic endowment
(C)Unless the transplant involves identical twins, who have the same genetic endowment
(D)Aside from a transplants between identical twins with the same genetic endowment
(E)Other than transplants between identical twins, whose genetic endowment is the same

6.Scientists believe that unlike the males of most species of moth, the maile whistling moths of Nambung, Australia, call female moths to them {by the use of acoustical signals, but not olfactory ones, and they attract} their mates during the day, rather than at night.
(A)by the use of acoustical signals, but not olfactory ones, and they attract
(B)by the use of acoustical signals instead of using olfactory ones, and attracting
(C)by using acoustical signals, not using olfactory ones, and by attracting
(D)using acoustical signals, rather than olfactory ones, and attract
(E)using acoustical signals, but not olfactory ones, and attracting

7.In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends and neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, {setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered} his property.
(A)setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered
(B)setting free more than the 500 slaves legally considered as
(C)and set free more than 500 slaves, who were legally considered as
(D)and set free more than the 500 slaves who were legally considered
(E)and he set free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered as

8.An inventory equal to 90 days sales is {as much as even} the strongest business carry, and then only as a way to anticipate higher prices or ensure against shortages.
(A)as much as even
(B)so much as even
(C)even so much as
(D)even as much as
(E)even so much that


Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16


Sagittarius射手座 荣誉版主

发表于 2003-3-7 08:31:44 |只看该作者
have no time


Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16


Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2003-3-8 06:46:13 |只看该作者


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