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[活动] 【Dark-Tournament】 transformers 第三次作文作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-11-10 01:30:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Some students like classes where teachers lecture (do all of the talking) in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? Give specific reasons and details to support your choice.

Do teachers lecture the class better than students do some of the talking? There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students communicate with others in class should build up their relationship and learn the other's opinion about the course. On the other side of the leaf, I am convinced that professor lecture in class brings more benefits to both students and professors. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim. The first has to go with the efficiency of lecture. There is no denying that when the students talking with the others during the lecture, both of them cannot get the focus of the lecture. Such kinds of talking will certainly bore the professor even the professor does not say it out. As for me, I am a tutor, and(您帮我换个连词 谢谢) I felt upset when those undergraduate students talking in my tutorial. Moreover, those kinds of noise will break my thought and bother the other students. My professor had once told me that he also forgets the main ideas and lose the enthusiasm of the lecture when so many teenagers talking in his lecture. It is a scientific fact made by International Education Committee that more than half of the tutors and professors put to keep silence in their class to a rule.

In addition, why so many teachers are fond of being lecture the hole class is that it is helpful to children' psychology. It is universally acknowledged that keep quite when others talking is one kind of repect to others. Nothing is more significant than teenagers’ personality. Furthermore, we also can not emphasize the children' self control too much. Students could keep quite to listen to the professor when they want to talk with others. And as a result of this, their self control ability will be certainly built up. One of my best friends, also my classmate, is a big fan of chi chat, so he often talking and laughing during the lecture and his professor finally decided to talk with him to let him try to keep silence, and now he is quite successful in his examinations.

One the other hand, one argument, also the one I find most compelling against my conclusion, is that children should build up their friendship and earn their ability of speech when they were chatting in the class. Although I concede this point, in my observation, both of these benefits are not conflict with rule of keep silence in the class. One needs to look no further than the use of self study time and operation to find ample evidence that this is the case: they should talk about their course during the self study time to enhance their friendship and make speech during their operation.

In sum, this issue is a complex one which requires subjective judgments. Thus, students talking in the classes surely enhance juvenile ability of communication and personality, but they tend to only satisfy their individual needs. Other fundamental functions of education, such as efficient of study, children' psychology and the quality of the lecture, are more need teachers lecture than students talking. In the final analysis, so significant of teacher lectures the class that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, teachers need to lecture most of the class.

[ 本帖最后由 教育部考试中心 于 2008-11-10 18:23 编辑 ]

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美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2008-11-11 20:30:59 |只看该作者
Do teachers lecture the class better than students doing some of the talking? (这句话的比较有问题,teachers lecture...better than students (do), 被比较的是动词lecture,所以实际上students后面的都不需要。描述性的比较应该是这样:Is it better to let teachers lecture the class than(or to) let students do...) There is no consensus among people. Some argue that students communicating with others in class should (It seems to be the wrong word. I suggest 'can') build up their relationship and learn the each other's opinion about the course. On the other side of the leaf, I am convinced that a professor lecturing in class brings more benefits to both students and professors himself. My reasons will be presented as follows.

There are two fundamental arguments that support my claim. The first has to go with the efficiency of lecturing. There is no denying that when the students talking with the others during the lecture, both all of them cannot get the focus of the lecture (why? because the teacher was talking? if the students only talk when they are asked to, there shouldn't be a problem, yes?). Such kinds of talking will certainly bore the professor even the professor does not say it out. As for me, I am a tutor, and(您帮我换个连词 谢谢 不用换,and就行.你在描述一种状况,并没有在推演逻辑,不需要很深刻的连词) I felt upset when those undergraduate students talking in my tutorial. Moreover, those kinds of noises will break my thoughts and bother the other students. My professor had once told me that he also forgets the main ideas and loses the enthusiasm of for the lecture when so many teenagers talking in his lecture. It is a scientific fact (你说的不是什么scientific fact,而是a piece of reliable information. Again, 当你需要建立引用数据的权威性的时候,你只需要清楚地说明数据的来源和细节,不需要特意说这个数据是权威的 - 既然出处都有了,想查的人自然懂得去查,添油加醋地说‘俺这可是权威数据’是一件很此地无银的事情..) made by International Education Committee that more than half of the tutors and professors put to keeping silence in their classes to a rule.

In addition, why so many teachers are fond of being lecturing the whole class is that it is helpful to in developing children's psychology (psychology as 心理 is normally a subject for study, not a subject for development. I suggest 'mental health'). It is universally acknowledged that keeping quiet when others talking is one kind of repect to others. Nothing is more significant than teenagers’ personality. (一开始没看懂,前后看了两遍之后大概明白你试图说什么了..连词呢? 别人说话的时候应该安静倾听 和 小孩子的人格很重要 这两句话之间,有什么关系呢? 就算这两句话是中文,放在一起也是有些没头没脑的吧) Furthermore, we also cannot emphasize the children' self control too much. Students could (前后读了两遍之后觉得这里可能应该用should) keep quiet to listening to the professor when they want to talk with others. And (每次都要说,formal writing不要用and起句..) as a result of this, their self control ability will be certainly build up. One of my best friends, also my classmate, is a big fan of chit chat, so he often talks and laughs during the lecture and his professor finally decids to talk with him to let him try to keep silent, and now he is quite successful in his examinations. (I thought you mean to say self control is important for mental and personality development, so what's the examinations doing here?)

One the other hand, one argument, also the one I find most compelling against my conclusion, is that children should can build up their friendship and earn their ability of speech when they were chatting in the class. Although I concede this point, in my observation, both of these benefits are not in conflict with rule of keeping silence in the class. One needs to look no further than the use of self study time and operation (?) to find ample evidence that this is the case: they should talk about their course during the self study time to enhance their friendship and make speech during their operation (觉得应该提醒你下,美国是没有指定的校内‘自习’时间这种概念的..).

In sum, this issue is a complex one which requires subjective judgments. Thus, students talking in the classes surely enhance juvenile ability of communication and personality, but they tend to only satisfy their individual needs. Other fundamental functions of education, such as efficiency of study, children' psychology and the quality of the lecture, are more need better accomplished with teachers' lecturing than students' talking (逻辑依然很诡异的一句). In the final analysis, so significant is teacher lecturing the class that we can not afford to ignore it. Consequently, teachers need to lecture most of the class.



题目问的which TYPE OF CLASS,指的是美国大学里的两种课型:lecture,老师一个人在上面讲啊讲,目的是传道授业;tutorial,一般是老师让学生讨论lecture讲过的课,讨论作业,并问问题,目的是解惑. 有人喜欢听不喜欢跟人讨论觉得听课学东西比较多而讨论浪费时间,有人喜欢讨论不喜欢死坐着听觉得讨论比较多元比较有趣,所以题目才问你喜欢哪种。而上课闲聊这种talking IS NOT A TYPE OF CLASS,不是题目想问的东西。

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发表于 2008-11-16 22:22:25 |只看该作者

回复 #2 mpromanus 的帖子

这种问题是不是写成骑墙的比较好?然后结论写成觉得这两者结合好,中心段儿分两段行么?一段写lecture好,一段儿写tutorial好? 会不会给ETS没主见的感觉?
Hope is the antithesis of despair

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2008-11-16 23:54:53 |只看该作者
TOEFL作文骑墙并不会让你得到比不骑墙更高的分数,因为考官看重的是你道理有没有讲清楚,而全面与否不像GRE那么重要。而且这个题目并不是让你比较这两种class type的绝对好坏,问的是 你比较喜欢哪一种。这种问题完全可以一边倒,道理就和问你 喜欢萝卜还是喜欢青菜 一样,你喜欢萝卜并不一定要是因为萝卜比青菜营养好云云,完全可以是因为你觉得萝卜煮出来比较容易吃不像青菜动不动塞牙。。题目也并不需要你证明萝卜比青菜绝对好还是绝对不好。(这中间的区别很重要,很多作文看起来总有些不太称题多半就是因为太执着于给观点分出高下而忘记了托福作文问题一般倾向于问个人感受所以总是点不到题)


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