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[a习作temp] argument 31年夜饭前特别扭的一篇,球拍必会  关闭 [复制链接]

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Virgo处女座 荣誉版主 US Applicant GRE守护之星

发表于 2009-1-25 18:06:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 leader2050 于 2009-1-26 02:57 编辑

Argument 31
The following appeared in the editorial section of a newsmagazine.
"Some states are creating new laws that restrict the use of of handheld cell phones by drivers of automobiles. Such legislation, however, is sheer folly. Although some people with cell phones undoubtedly cause problems on the road, including serious accidents, the majority do not. Besides, problems are also caused by drivers who are distracted by any number of other activities, from listening to the radio to disciplining children. Since there is no need to pass legislation restricting these and other such activities, it follows that there is no need to restrict people's freedom to use a device that they find convenient-or helpful in emergencies."
1 没有证据表明大多数人不会出事故,即使只有少数人因为打手机出事故,也应该制定法律
2 不能和其他分心活动作简单比较。
3 每个州有特殊情况,不一定folly。


In this argument, the editor concludes that the people’s freedom to use cell phones should not be restricted. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that the majority of people would not cause problems on the road with cell phones. Also he claims that instead of using cell phones, drivers’ other distracting activities would still cause problems. Close scrutiny of the facts, however, reveals they(这个they会让别人以为是facts) suffer critical flaws.(开头没有”明确”的提出你自己的观点,复述稍显过度)

To begin with, the arguer’s sweeping claim that the majority of drivers would not cause traffic problems when using cell phones. Yet the argument offers no evidence about the number of overall traffic accidents and the number of those which caused by using cell phones. (这里提到no evidence, 首先这个说法并不严谨,任何论证你都可以说它no evidence或者lack of evidence,这是一个很滑头的讲法,在哪儿都能用.如何丰富它?你需要提供详细的证据和论述证明确实是no evidence才行,而非一句话就真的否定了.)
Lacking evidence about the proportion of the accidents caused by using cell phones,(lack evidence一样的同上) the arguer cannot convincingly draw any conclusion on the basis of them that most of people would not have accidents on the use of cell phones.

Even assuming
(that不能省) few accidents (are) caused by using cell phones, the arguer unfairly assumes(两个assume用的太近,用illustrates或者points out换掉) that laws to restrict the use of handheld cell phones are unnecessary. (这里最好能加一个过渡句,比如: A myriad of other possibilities must be taken in to consideration 自然些)
It is entirely possible that rare cases caused by cell phones are extremely fatal which engender huge amounts of loss on people’s lives and properties. If in this case, creating laws to restrict the use of handheld cell phones by drivers is inevitably obligatory.

Thirdly, the arguer further assumes that the use of cell phones should not be forbidden since other factors would still cause traffic accidents. By concluding this fact, the arguer assumes that the
distracted(这个词有强烈的主观色彩,用在这里不恰当) effect made by using cell phones is tantamount to the effect of other activities. However, no evidence is offered to substantiate the assumption. Perhaps other activities such as listening to the radio and disciplining children could distract drivers finitely little, and the use of handheld cell phones would cost far more attentions from drivers.(这里就比较好,no evidence后接perhaps) Or the frequency of using cell phones is terribly higher than other activities, and it would result in much more dangerous casualty than other activities. (本段论述比较充分.)

Finally, even if the arguer can substantiate all forgoing(这个词这里啥意思) assumptions, the arguer’s assertion that those states which are creating new laws to prohibit the use of handheld cell phones is sheer folly. It is likely that accidents caused by the use of cell phone are especially excessive and fatal, so actions must be taken to reverse the current condition. (这里就一个possibility吧,那后文怎么跑出的possibilities?)Without ruling out other possibilities about the condition of those states, the editor(author吧,这篇argu不是editor写的)
cannot convince me that it is folly to make new laws that restrict the use of cell phones.

To sum up, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. To strengthen the conclusion, the editor should provide more evidence to prove most of drivers would not make accidents when using cell phones. To better assess the conclusion, I want to know more information about whole condition of the traffic accidents in the country

总结: 2个问题, 第一个就是用词和句式过于单调,整篇出现了不下5个assume或者其衍生词.
第二个就是前面提到的,no evidence前面的过渡和后面的深入论证还需要丰富一下.

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