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[未归类] 0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by archaeology [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-5-27 06:14:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 archaeology 于 2009-5-27 07:06 编辑

13"Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct."

In the ancient, human beings united and planned to build a tower into clouds, through what they wanted to show their power to god, and this indeed made the god shock. Therefore the god decided to punish humans to protect his dignity. He differentiated the language humans using so that they couldn’t understand each other well. Finally, the tower object had to be laid aside. Rightly, this is a story from the Bible.

Language, as a human communicating tool, is the root of the culture for any people. The wisdom, history and customs is involved in their mother language deeply. So the language dies, the culture also dismisses. The diversity of all humans’ culture will be influenced at the same time. We all could feel the importance of mother language from “last lesson” written by a French novelist Daudet. Modern study shows that If one language can be transmitted from one generation to another, what prevents them from being extinct, there must be 100 thousands people speaking them. According to a survey, there are more than 6000 kinds of languages existing in our world nowadays. But unfortunately, nearly 5000 languages only possess a using group less than 100 thousands people, even 500 languages less than 100 people and 1500 ones less than 1000 people. Therefore many of existing languages at present confront with the danger of being extinct from our world.

However, that many languages become extinct as fewer and fewer people speaking them has historic inevitability. In modern society, people from all over the world communicate with each other more conveniently and frequently, as we call this world “earth village”. In this case, people need to speak a current language in business and other fields. And to some minority peoples, their languages play an inferior role during the daily international or district communication. So most of them convert to learn and use the dominate language in order to make more money and live better, it means fewer and fewer ones in their community will say their mother tongue, and more and more of their descendants will be influenced by the dominant and current cultures. For example, many Indians in America dress modern costumes while not their traditional apparels, live in cities while not their reservations, and speak English while not their mother language. We have to admit that globalization accelerates the extinction process of some less-known languages. If the government plans to prevent these languages, how many people would like to study them on earth.

Moreover, if government acts to prevent lesser-known languages from being extinct, many problems will be confuse them, such as fund support. To the developing countries especially the ones where wars, famines or poverty happen, it seems inappropriate to save the languages closing to extinct, what the government should set priority is the problems mentioned above.

In the final analysis, that
many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost is a historical tendency that we modern society couldn’t hold back, and it is unworthy to spend funds on lesser-known languages protection.


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Taurus金牛座 荣誉版主 AW活动特殊奖 AW作文修改奖 IBT Smart

发表于 2009-5-28 22:50:17 |只看该作者
【cmj偏激状态,改的不好还请包含~~   :)】

In the ancient, human beings united and planned to build a tower into clouds, through what they wanted to show their power to god, and this indeed made the god shock. Therefore the god decided to punish humans to protect his dignity. He differentiated the language humans using so that they couldn’t understand each other well. Finally, the tower object had to be laid aside. Rightly, this is a story from the Bible.一开始觉得这么个开头挺好的。看完了你的文章以后就不觉得了。背景式引入话题确实让文章看起来appelling一些。但是这个开头的作用如果不光是引入,而是在后面不断的挖掘延伸,会使文章显得更有内涵~!

Language, as a human communicating tool, is the root of the culture for any people. The wisdom, history and customs is involved in their mother language deeply. So the language dies, the culture also dismisses. The diversity of all humans’ culture will be influenced at the same time. We all could feel the importance of mother language from “last lesson” written by a French novelist Daudet. Modern study shows that If one language can be transmitted from one generation to another, what prevents them from being extinct, there must be 100 thousands people speaking them.前面和后面说的不是一个意思。就算要连起来的话,中间也缺乏过渡。what's more,后面的这个数据其实貌似没多大意思,按照一般的commonsense其实就能够理解这个语言消失的大概现状了。anyway,下功夫去找了资料的还是赞一下~ According to a survey, there are more than 6000 kinds of languages existing in our world nowadays. But unfortunately, nearly 5000 languages only possess a using group less than 100 thousands people, even 500 languages less than 100 people and 1500 ones less than 1000 people. Therefore many of existing languages at present confront with the danger of being extinct from our world.如果使用这句话作为整段的中心,那么着段话就基本废话了。只是变相的用一堆数据重复了下题目而已。但是前半段的话再扩展发觉下应该还是不错的~

However, the fact that many languages become extinct as fewer and fewer people speaking them has historic inevitability. 怎么说呢。。1照搬题目不好 2句子头重脚轻不好 改了,参考一下吧 [however, many of the existing languages will inevitably be spoken by no one with historical trends swept all over.]额。好像也不行。。> < 仅供参考吧。。 In modern society, people from all over the world communicate with each other more conveniently and frequently, as we call this world “earth village”. In this case, people need to speak a current language in business and other fields. And to some minority peoples, their languages play an inferior role during the daily international or district communication. So most of them convert to learn and use the dominate language in order to make more money and live better, it means fewer and fewer ones in their community will say their mother tongue, and more and more of their descendants will be influenced by the dominant and current cultures. For example, many Indians in America dress modern costumes while not their traditional apparels, live in cities while not their reservations, and speak English while not their mother language. We have to admit that globalization accelerates the extinction process of some less-known languages. If the government plans to prevent these languages, how many people would like to study them on earth.其实你这里是要说国际化的影响吧。其实深入了解一下。国际化有一个很矛盾的地方——在走向地方化,MC在俄罗斯的饮料是酒精,在穆斯林地区只有牛肉……所以对这个问题的剖析有欠考虑。

Moreover, if government acts to prevent lesser-known languages from being extinct, many problems will be confuse them, such as fund support. To the developing countries especially the ones where wars, famines or poverty happen, it seems inappropriate to save the languages closing to extinct, what the government should set priority is the problems mentioned above.这段需要大幅度扩写。请注意题目,是政府应该怎么做。政府的考虑是需要从方方面面来的。不是三言两语片面的可以说完的。希望能去查一下政府对待文化问题的解决处理办法和相关考虑再扩写下。这样的分析十分不到位。

In the final analysis, that
many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost is a historical tendency that we modern society couldn’t hold back, and it is unworthy to spend funds on lesser-known languages protection.


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发表于 2009-6-7 18:43:09 |只看该作者
修改的作文,by cooljcq
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RE: 0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by archaeology [修改]
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0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by archaeology
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