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[i习作temp] 0910AW 同主题写作第一期 ISSUE13 by leopard2009 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-2 15:08:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 13 Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.

As what the economists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, free trade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, more and more regions in the world have been earnestly embracing the globalization. The earth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade, free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the most dominant one, is gradually becoming an universal language. At the same time, in contrast, many of the world's lesser-know languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the table of the governments of those countries in which these languages are spoken: should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? As far as I'm concerned, I believe that not only these governments but the whole community in the countries should take pressing steps to preserve their languages.

Why?It is because language actually plays a vital role in preserving culture, even though people are very likely to ignore this truth for the reason of taking the existence of their own language for granted. One language, as an indispensable part of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture. Thus, as the world's lesser-know languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them, the culture in that region is endangered. After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely be fallen apart. Moreover, culture has the great importance in everyone's life. Culture defines the social norms, rules, customs, and rituals that help men/women to understand the relationship between the society and themselves. For instance, without knowing certain culture, a person may be embarrassed by the inability to get along with others in that culture. Anyone who has experienced culture shock knows this. More importantly, culture partly determines who you are. To some degree, losing your own culture means losing part of yourself. Hence the languages on the verge of extinction should be protected.

But who should take this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spoken should be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation to preserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote the well-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it is obvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy. So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages from extinction for contributing to the happiness of their people. Secondly, the local governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be applied to protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their local languages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their own languages. For example, they can strictly require their schools and universities to add the literature in their own languages to students' compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreign students who study their languages by the local governments.

However, these countries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments to protect their languages, and they must involve the efforts of the whole communities to fight in the war against the extinction. Today's world is heavily dominated by the force of globalization and free trade. Due to the benefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of the world. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the involvement in the world development is so necessary, the local governments' efforts along can only play a subtle role in preserving their languages. So it is up to the whole communities in these countries to take actions to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides,  governments, as the authority institutions, have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures and policies may take effects. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting to safeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies with social responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.

To sum up, because of the importance of languages, the governments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewer spoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and many resources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference. Facing with the powerful globalization and free trade process, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the whole communities in the nations, such as non-profit organizations, universities and socially responsible business enterprises and etc, should be united with their governments for preserving their dangerous but precious native languages.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-3 13:28:42 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 greenxs 于 2009-6-3 14:29 编辑

As what the economists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, free trade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, more and more regions in the world have been earnestly embracing the globalization. The earth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade, free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the most dominant one, is gradually becoming an/a universal language. At the same time, in contrast, many of the world's lesser-know languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the table of 这不该用ofthe governments of those countries in which these languages are spoken: Should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? As far as I am 最好不用缩写concerned, I believe that not only these governments but the whole community in the countries should take pressing steps to preserve their languages.

Why? It is because language actually plays a vital role in preserving culture, even though people are very likely to ignore this truth for the reason of taking the existence of their own language for granted. One language, as an indispensable part of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture. Thus, as the world's lesser-know languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them, the culture in that region is endangered. After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely be fallen apart. Moreover, culture has the great importance in everyone's life. Culture defines the social norms, rules, customs, and rituals that help men/women to understand the relationship between the society and themselves. For instance, without knowing certain culture, a person may be embarrassed by the inability to get along with others in that culture. Anyone who has experienced culture shock knows this. More importantly, culture partly determines who you are. To some degree, losing your own culture means losing part of yourself. Hence the languages on the verge of extinction should be protected.

But who should take this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spoken should be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation to preserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote the well-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it is obvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy. So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages from extinction for contributing to the happiness of
to their people.因为翻译过来的话就变成了捐献人们的幸福) Secondly, the local governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be applied to protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their local languages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their own languages. For example, they can strictly require their schools and universities to add the literature in their own languages to students' compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreign students who study their languages by the local governments.

However, these countries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments to protect their languages, and they must involve the efforts of the whole communities to fight in the war against the extinction. Today's world is heavily dominated by the force of globalization and free trade
自由贸易就在全球化里了). Due to the benefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of the world. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the involvement(这词是什么意思呢,卷入世界发展?) in the world development is so necessary, the local governments' efforts along can only play a subtle role in preserving their languages. So it is up to the whole communities in these countries to take actions to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides, governments, as the authority institutions, have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures and policies may take effects. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting to safeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies with social responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.

To sum up, because of the importance of languages, the governments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewer spoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and many resources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference. Facing with the powerful globalization and free trade process, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the whole communities in the nations, such as non-profit organizations, universities and socially responsible business enterprises and etc, should be united with their governments for preserving their dangerous
(危险的好像不太恰当fragile but precious native languages.

good,写的very good

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4



发表于 2009-6-5 12:50:53 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 nlhust 于 2009-6-5 12:59 编辑

As what theeconomists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, freetrade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, more andmore regions in the world have been earnestly embracing the globalization. Theearth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade,free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the mostdominant one, is gradually becoming an universal language. At the same time, incontrast, many of the world's lesser-know(lesser-known) languages are being lost as fewer andfewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the tableof the governments of those countries in which these languages are spoken:should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? As far as I'mconcerned, I believe that not only these governments but the whole community inthe countries should take pressing steps to preserve their languages.

首段的背景描写很详细,但是个人觉得太长了,有些于本文主题无关的信息就不用说的那么详细了。背景描述部分用几个从句把相关内容一起说也是个精简的好办法,像英语和小语种那两句,我觉得其实是可以用一个对比性质的从句写出来的。还有一个我觉得很奇怪的地方就是:questions明明是should they act… ?而且也已经说了是government的难题,但是后面你的回答却是not only these government but the whole community… ,重点不仅在should上了,还包括了who,这样的话说前面是不是应该有些对应的地方呢?不过总的来说开头的思路是很好的。

Why? It isbecause language actually plays a vital role in preserving culture, even thoughpeople are very likely to ignore this truth for the reason of taking theexistence of their own language for granted. One language, as an indispensablepart of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording thatculture. Thus, as the world's lesser-know languages are being lost as fewer andfewer people speak them, the culture in that region is endangered(前面是languages are,后面却是the culture in that region is ?). After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely befallen apart. Moreover, culture has thea great importance in everyone's life. Culture defines thesocial norms, rules, customs, and rituals that help men/women to understand therelationship between the society and themselves. For instance, without knowingcertain culture, a person may be embarrassed by the inability to get along withothers in that culture. Anyone who has experienced culture shock knows this.More importantly, culture partly determines who you are. To some degree, losingyour own culture means losing part of yourself. Hence the languages on theverge of extinction should be protected.



、前面部分论述语言是文化的载体时说的太抽象,语言为什么是a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture?难道你说是的它就是的了吗?作者在文中并没有给出证据来证明这一点,而在我看来,这里才是支持作者论点的关键所在,这一点没有说清,后面再怎么说文化重要也不能凸显出语言保护的重要性,因为连接他们的桥梁并不没有被完整的建立,因为我们不清楚语言到底在那些方面影响着文化。其实这个也很好解决,就是作者在论述的时候写一些语言承载文化的实例。


But who shouldtake this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spokenshould be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation topreserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote thewell-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it isobvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy.So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages fromextinction for contributing to the happiness of their people. Secondly, thelocal governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be appliedto protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their locallanguages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their ownlanguages. For example, they can strictly require their schools anduniversities to add the literature in their own languages to students'compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreignstudents who study their languages by the local governments.


However, thesecountries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments toprotect their languages, and they must involve the efforts of the wholecommunities to fight in the war against the extinction. Today's world isheavily dominated by the force of globalization and free trade. Due to thebenefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of theworld. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the involvementin the world development is so necessary, the local governments' efforts alongcan only play a subtle role in preserving their languages. So it is up to the whole communities in these countriesto take actions to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides,
governments, as the authority institutions,have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures andpolicies may take effects. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting tosafeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities,such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies withsocial responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.


Tosum up, because of the importance of languages, thegovernments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewerspoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and manyresources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference. 3Facing with the powerful globalization and free tradeprocess, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the wholecommunities in the nations, such as non-profit organizations, universities andsocially responsible business enterprises and etc, should be united with theirgovernments for preserving their dangerous but precious native languages.




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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-5 16:15:54 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-6 21:32:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 leopard2009 于 2009-6-7 23:26 编辑


As what the economists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, free trade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, the earth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade, free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the most dominant one, is gradually becoming an universal language. At the same time, in contrast, many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the table of the governors of countries where these languages are spoken : should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? Definitely yes.

Why?It is because the local language actually plays a vital role in preserving the local residents' cultural identity, which has intrinsic value for social cohension in that region and gives its citizens a sense of self-worth. Every infant comes to this world without an identity. And it is largely their mother culture that gives them certain identity. For example, we can easily tell whether a person is an Amercian or Chinese through their different cultural symbols such as: their languages, their clothings, their behaviors and even their values etc.. According to the sociologists, such cultural identity is very significant in forging the social cohension among its holders and giving them a sense of self-worth. Anyone who has even belonged to a group with certain culture knows this. But how do we learn culture? Our language plays a dominant role in it. When we were too young to read, our parents and teachers mainly used the spoken language to teach us our culture; after we were equipped with the reading capacity, we ususally use the written language to learn it. In this sense, one language, as an indispensable part of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture. Thus, as the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them, the culture in that region is in the danger of disappearing. After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely be fallen apart. Consequently, the residents in these countries will lose their cultural identity, which would definitely ruin the soical cohension in that region and destory their sense of self-worth.

But who should take this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spoken should be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation to preserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote the well-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it is obvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy. So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages from extinction for preserving their culture. Secondly, the local governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be applied to protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their local languages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their own languages. For example, they can strictly require their schools and universities to add the literature in their own languages to students' compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreign students who study their languages by the local governments.

However, these countries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments to protect their languages, and they must utilize the efforts of the whole communities to fight in the war against the extinction. Today's world is heavily dominated by the force of globalization. Due to the benefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of the world. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the participation in the global trade is so necessary, English, as an international language, will surely become more and more dominant. Hence the local governments' efforts along can only play a comparatively less and less role in preserving their languages. So it is up to the whole communities in these countries to take action to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides,  governments, as the authority institutions, have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures and policies may take effect. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting to safeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies with social responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.

To sum up, because of the important functions of languages to preserve culture, the governments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewer spoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and many resources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference. Facing with the powerful globalization process, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the whole communities in the nations should be united with their governments for preserving their gradually vanishing but precious native languages.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-7 19:54:36 |只看该作者
As what the economists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, free trade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, the earth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade, free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the most dominant one, is gradually becoming an universal language. At the same time, in contrast, many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the table of the governors of countries where these languages are spoken : should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? Definitely yes. 开头新颖, 避开了模板式语言.

Why?It is because the local language actually plays a vital role in preserving the local residents' cultural identity, which has intrinsic value for social cohension in that region and gives its citizens a sense of self-worth. Every infant comes to this world without an identity. And it is largely their mother culture that gives them certain identity. For example, we can easily tell whether a person is an Amercian or Chinese through their different cultural symbols such as: their languages, their clothings, their behaviors and even their values etc.. According to the sociologiests,拼写错误 such cultural identity is very significant in forging the social cohension among its holders and giving them a sense of self-worth. Anyone who has even belonged to a group with certain culture knows this. But how do we learn culture? Our language plays a dominant role in it. When we were too young to read, our parents and teachers mainly used the spoken language to teach us our culture; after we were equipped with the reading capacity, we ususally use the written language to learn it. In this sense, one language, as an indispensable part of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture. Thus, as the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them, the culture in that region is in the danger of disappearing. After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely be fallen apart. Consequently, the residents in these countries will lose their cultural identity, which would definitely ruin the soical cohension in that region and destory their sense of self-worth.

But who should take this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spoken should be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation to preserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote the well-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it is obvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy. 这一点有点味道不对吧So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages from extinction for preserving their culture. Secondly, the local governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be applied to protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their local languages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their own languages. For example, they can strictly require their schools and universities to add the literature in their own languages to students' compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreign students who study their languages by the local governments.

However, these countries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments to protect their languages, and they must utilize the efforts of the whole communities to fight in the war against the extinction. Today's world is heavily dominated by the force of globalization. Due to the benefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of the world. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the participation in the global trade is so necessary, English, as an international language, will surely become more and more dominant. Hence the local governments' efforts along can only play a comparatively less and less role in preserving their languages. So it is up to the whole communities in these countries to take action to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides,  governments, as the authority institutions, have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures and policies may take effect. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting to safeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies with social responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.

To sum up, because of the important functions of languages to preserve culture, the governments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewer spoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and many resources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference. Facing with the powerful globalization process, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the whole communities in the nations should be united with their governments for preserving their gradually vanishing but precious native languages.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2009-6-10 09:32:07 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 zmjxf2008 于 2009-6-11 20:08 编辑

As what the economists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, free trade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, the earth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade, free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the most dominant one, is gradually becoming an universal language. At the same time, in contrast(词典上用的是by contrast), many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the table of the governors of countries where these languages are spoken : should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? Definitely yes.(开头挺不错,不知道definitely yes 用在这恰不恰当,因为ETS要求是客观公正。。。三思一下啊)

Why?It is because the local language actually plays a vital role in preserving the local residents' cultural identity, which has intrinsic value for social cohension in that region and gives its citizens a sense of self-worth.(thesis statement写的不错) Every infant comes to this world without an identity. And it is largely their mother culture that gives them certain identity.(重复出现了,替代一下) For example, we can easily tell whether a person is an Amercian or Chinese through their different cultural symbols such as: their languages, their clothings, their behaviors and even their values etc.. According to the sociologists, such cultural identity is very significant in forging the social cohension among its holders and giving them a sense of self-worth. Anyone who has even belonged to a group with certain culture knows this. But how do we learn culture? Our language plays a dominant role in it. When we were too young to read, our parents and teachers mainly used the spoken language to teach us our culture; after we were equipped with the reading capacity, we ususally use the written language to learn it. In this sense, one language, as an indispensable part of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture. Thus, as the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them, the culture in that region is in the danger of disappearing. After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely be fallen apart. Consequently, the residents in these countries will lose their cultural identity, which would definitely ruin the soical cohension in that region and destory their sense of self-worth.(这一段论述的不错,从个人的成长来写,思路比较开阔)

But who should take this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spoken should be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation to preserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote the well-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it is obvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy. So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages from extinction for preserving their culture. Secondly, the local governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be applied to protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their local languages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their own languages. For example, they can strictly require their schools and universities to add the literature in their own languages to students' compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreign students who study their languages by the local governments.

However, these countries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments to protect their languages, and they must utilize the efforts of the whole communities to fight in the war(whole communities 是怎么理解的,貌似有些词不达意) against the extinction. Today's world is heavily dominated by the force of globalization. Due to the benefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of the world. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the participation in the global trade is so necessary, English, as an international language, will surely become more and more dominant. Hence the local governments' efforts along can only play a comparatively less and less role in preserving their languages. (这点原因是不是有些扯远了)So it is up to the whole communities in these countries to take action to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides,  governments, as the authority institutions, have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures and policies may take effect. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting to safeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies with social responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.
To sum up, because of the important functions of languages to preserve culture, the governments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewer spoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and many resources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference.(感觉有些矛盾) Facing with the powerful globalization process, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the whole communities in the nations should be united with their governments for preserving their gradually vanishing but precious native languages.

语法上基本没有什么问题,可能是大家一起bs的缘故,我大致明白你想说啥,但感觉总是说得不清楚,像倒数第二段,要说各个国家合作就不要用“whole communities”有点confused哦~关键词要用准确,并且我建议用的更直白更好。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-11 20:36:47 |只看该作者
As what the economists tell us, due to the comparative advantages between nations, free trade would boost the prosperity of the world as a whole. As a result, the earth, as a huge village, has been marked with the unprecedented free trade, free communication and free exchanges. During the process, English, as the most dominant one, is gradually becoming an(a) universal language. At the same time, in contrast, many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. Thus, a very urgent question has been put on the table of the governors of countries where these languages are spoken : should they act to prevent their languages from becoming extinct? Definitely yes.

Why?It is because the local language actually plays a vital role in preserving the local residents' cultural identity, which has intrinsic value for social cohension in that region and gives its citizens a sense of self-worth. Every infant comes to this world without an identity. And it is largely their mother culture that gives them certain identity. For example, we can easily tell whether a person is an Amercian or Chinese through their different cultural symbols such as: their languages, their clothings, their behaviors and even their values etc.. According to the sociologists, such cultural identity is very significant in forging the social cohension among its holders and giving them a sense of self-worth. Anyone who has even belonged to a group with certain culture knows this. But how do we learn culture? Our language plays a dominant role in it. When we were too young to read, our parents and teachers mainly used the spoken language to teach us our culture; after we were equipped with the reading capacity, we ususally use the written language to learn it. In this sense, one language, as an indispensable part of its culture, is virtually a vehicle of transmitting and recording that culture.
从个人成长过程来谈语言的重要性,挺有意思 Thus, as the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them, the culture in that region is in the danger of disappearing. After all, if the vehicle is broken, the goods in it will surely be fallen apart. Consequently, the residents in these countries will lose their cultural identity, which would definitely ruin the soical cohension in that region and destory their sense of self-worth.

But who should take this responsibility? The governments in which these languages are spoken should be on the front line. Firstly, these governments have the obligation to preserve their culture, since their purpose as an institution is to promote the well-being of their citizens. And according to the analysis above, it is obvious that people losing their own culture will be upset, let alone be happy. So these governments should take steps to prevent their languages from extinction for preserving their culture. Secondly, the local governments have a variety of manageable resources which can be applied to protect their languages. They may enact relevant laws to safeguard their local languages. Or they may issue protective policies favoring the use of their own languages. For example, they can strictly require their schools and universities to add the literature in their own languages to students' compulsory courses. Plus, some scholarships can be provided to the foreign students who study their languages by the local governments.

However, these countries can not completely depend on the endeavors of their governments to protect their languages, and they must utilize the efforts of the whole communities to fight in the war against the extinction. Today's world is heavily dominated by the force of globalization. Due to the benefits coming from the comparative advantages, a responsible country can not isolate itself from the rest of the world. Since the drives for globalization are so powerful and the participation in the global trade is so necessary, English, as an international language, will surely become more and more dominant. Hence the local governments' efforts along can only play a comparatively less and less role in preserving their languages. So it is up to the whole communities in these countries to take action to protect their languages from becoming extinct. Besides,  governments, as the authority institutions, have the bad reputation for the inefficiency, even though their measures and policies may take effect. Hence it is imperative for the governments acting to safeguard their languages to cooperate with the rest of the whole communities, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, companies with social responsibilities and etc, to work for the protection of their languages.

To sum up, because of the important functions of languages to preserve culture, the governments of the countries in which their languages are fewer and fewer spoken should take urgent steps to protect against their extinction. Although the governments have the obligation and many resources to fight in the war for the protection of their languages, they alone can not make a big difference.
这句如果能改动一下,变为虽然政府怎么怎么样,但是如果能加上社会各界的力量可以更好的保护语言 Facing with the powerful globalization process, and also due to the governments' inefficiency, the rest of the whole communities in the nations should be united with their governments for preserving their gradually vanishing but precious native languages.

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