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[i习作temp] 0910AW 同主题写作第三期 ISSUE157 by galloper A31小培 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-6-22 11:33:33 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
There is no consensus of opinion as to the issue that whether all observations are subjective. Some believe that some observations are purely objective, while some others hold the opinion that all of them are subjective because of people’s desires or expectations. In my perspective, the whole process of observation consists of two parts, the first one is objective, another one is subjective.

Admittedly, the initial process of observation is absolutely objective, for the reason that people can not deny the things that they see. Maybe some people would like to argue that people always try to change or revise the matters that they observe. But, if one alters the thing that he or she sees, he or she will be a participant rather than an observer.
When people observing something, the objective facts come into the eyes by the light and convey to the brain, then people remember them in the memory or write them on the paper. This process is totally objective and not disturbed by people’s attitudes and emotions. For example, scientists observe what has happened, then record data which may be indispensable to later experiments, they add no subjective elements into the observation. Thus, purely objective observations are possible and are significant to the development of scientific research.

However, the process after the previous one is really subjective, which makes human beings distinctive from the normal animals, is just the thought. People always do some intellectual work after they observe the objective facts. For example, after the scientist gets the record of the data and the phenomenon during the experiment, they would analyze such record to give some explanation which will be exhibited in the report of the experiment. In this process, they add some
their own understandings and perspectives to the report, so the observations are subjective. Some people may contend that all the data that scientist adopt is objective, and the observations are still objective. But, they may ignore that scientist usually only adopt a small portion of data that they think is useful, and different parts may lead to different discovers. Therefore, the process of dealing with information is totally subjective.

Common experience informs us that different people have different opinions when they observe the same thing. To the same thing, some people may find the advantages, others may discover the disadvantages. According to their various backgrounds and perspectives, there will have many distinctive observations. For example, Hong qi company, a car manufacture located in my city, contribute to local government's taxes. Some people agree the opinion that it is beneficial to our city, for the reason that it provides many job opportunities to local citizens, but a small number of people dislike the factory in that it pollutes environment. The supporters are those want to find a job in this new factory, while the opposers are mainly the white-collar persons who pay more attention on the quality of living. Because their perspectives are totally different, their observations about the same manufactory are not same.

Without emotion, we can not understand something completely. But too much emotion will lead us to get subjective observations rather than objective observations. Thus, it is high time that we should try to control our emotion when making an observation.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-3 22:48:05 |只看该作者
1# xiang427


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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-7-4 21:04:56 |只看该作者

修改 ISSUE157

There is no consensus of opinion as to the issue that whether all observations are subjective. Some believe that some observations are purely objective, while some(去掉) others hold the opinion that all of them are subjective because of people’s desires or expectations. In my perspective, the whole process of observation consists of two parts, the first one is objective, another one is subjective.

Admittedly, the initial process of observation is absolutely objective, for the reason that people can not deny the things that they see. Maybe some people would like to argue that people always try to change or revise the matters that they observe. But, if one alters the thing that he or she sees, he or she will be a participant rather than an observer.

When people observing something, the objective facts come into the eyes by the light and convey to the brain, then people remember them in the memory or write them on the paper. This process is totally objective and not disturbed by people’s attitudes and emotions. For example, scientists observe what has happened, then record data which may be indispensable to later experiments, they add no subjective elements into the observation. Thus, purely objective observations are possible and are significant to the development of scientific research.

However, the process after the previous one is really subjective, which makes human beings distinctive from the normal animals, is just the thought. People always do some intellectual work after they observe the objective facts. For example, after the scientist gets the record of the data and the phenomenon during the experiment, they would analyze such record to give some explanation which will be exhibited in the report of the experiment. In this process, they add some their own understandings and perspectives to the report, so the observations are subjective. Some people may contend that all the data that scientist adopt is objective, and the observations are still objective. But, they may ignore that scientist usually only adopt a small portion of data that they think is useful, and different parts may lead to different discovers. Therefore, the process of dealing with information is totally subjective.(这两段写的很清晰,论证有力度,很好!)

Common experience informs us that different people have different opinions when they observe the same thing. To the same thing, some people may find(改成spot会不会比较好呢) the advantages, others may discover the disadvantages. According to their various backgrounds and perspectives, there will have many distinctive observations. For example, Hong qi company, a car manufacture located in my city, contribute to local government's taxes. Some people agree on the opinion that it is beneficial to our city, for the reason that(去掉,累赘了) it provides many job opportunities to local citizens, but(用on the contrary会不会更好) a small number of people dislike the factory in that it pollutes environment. The supporters are those want to find a job in this new factory, while the opposers are mainly the white-collar persons who pay more attention on the quality of living (life 或 living standard). Because their perspectives are totally different, their observations about the same manufactory are not same.

Without emotion, we can not understand something completely. But too much emotion will lead us to get subjective observations rather than objective observations. Thus, it is high time that we should try to control our emotion when making an observation.(结论有点和上面内容不太相符,尤其是上一段,你强调的是仁者见仁智者见智,似乎这个论点是强调要可观的看待事实)

                                                                                                                                 by   天平

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RE: 0910AW 同主题写作第三期 ISSUE157 by galloper A31小培 [修改]
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0910AW 同主题写作第三期 ISSUE157 by galloper A31小培
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