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0910AW SPECTACULAR之【同主题写作】第六期ISSUE120 ROW04 蘅芜雪 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-26 11:10:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
【题目】"So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."

The blossom of technology development decides the blossom of change in society today. Such change overshadows the history experience which may provide guidance for living in the present. As a result, the speaker then claims that looking back for an understanding of the past offers little help for current issues. I maintain the different idea that though we shouldn’t totally rely on history for guidance, understanding of the past still has its value on providing suggestions for today.

History tells the past especially on the domain of culture, which helps people get better understanding of the essence of current culture and thus take appropriate actions to take care of it. Looking for a better understanding of the past, from that aspect, functions a lot for bringing out guidance for the present. Some ancient art confront with a dangerous situation of existing because today’s audience doesn’t welcome them so much for so much is new and complex today. Under that circumstance, artists should search more into the essence of beauty of such art and thus come up with the similarity with today’s culture, which would spur the development of such art. Continuity of Peking Opera, for example, illustrates the rules well. Nowadays, artists in such domain throw themselves into research of the cultural background, philosophy and development process of Peking Opera for better understanding to finally find the guidance for its current development. Only after understanding its basic aesthetic could the artists ensure it a better expression for which audience can receive more easily. Better understanding of history works much in the creation and research from the cultural aspect.

For sociologists, looking back for an understanding of the past ensure them give out a better measurement of current social problems. Social issues are often cumulative results from the development from political, economical and cultural aspects. Thus studying for better understanding of the past provides a clearer illustration of the cause and the effect of such problems. One of the greatest issues of current society in China is the living condition of peasants. The issue, though was affected by new change, remains its essence somewhat constant because it’s cumulated for thousands of years through China’s history. As a result, officials, when trying to take care of such issue, looking back in history to find a better understanding to come up with a more appropriate guidance. After all, history mirrors the essence of current problems better.

However, history experience is not panacea for every issue for today and one need to solve current problems with creative minds since the world is going advanced every second with things getting more complex. Totally reliance on history is inappropriate. “One country, two systems” is a great example which illustrates the importance of creative solutions to current problems. Such measurement finds the best way of compromise and thus brings out a win-win situation no matter in politic, economy or culture, for both regions. What’s more, it also offers a successful example for similar issues that exist currently or one that may occur in the future. In fact, when looking back in the past, it’s obvious that so-called history experience or examples are just creations of our ancestors.

To sum up, the importance of looking for a better understanding of the past for guidance cannot be overlooked however the society develops because it’s where the truth often lies in. However, confronting with highly variable society like today, we also need creative minds to find a better solution instead of clinging to history experience. In all, good solutions of current issues are often based on deep understanding of its essence, which comes from the study of the past.
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Rank: 4



发表于 2009-6-29 02:18:29 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Neptune2010 于 2009-6-29 02:20 编辑

The blossom of technology development decides the blossom of change in society today. Such change overshadows the history experience which may provide guidance for living in the present. As a result, the speaker then claims that looking back for an understanding of the past offers little help for current issues. I maintain the different idea that though we shouldn’t totally rely on history for guidance, understanding of the past still has its value on providing suggestions for today.

History tells the past especially on the domain of culture, which helps people get better understanding of the essence of current culture and thus take appropriate actions to take care of it. Looking for a better understanding of the past, from that aspect, functions a lot for bringing out guidance for the present. Some ancient art confront with
a dangerous situation of existing(extinction) because today’s audience doesn’t welcome them so much for so much is new and complex today. Under that circumstance, artists should research more into the essence of beauty of such art and thus come up with the similarity with today’s culture(
没看明白?come up with是想出提出的意思,为什么要想出similarity呢?), which would spur the development of such art. Continuity of Peking Opera, for example, illustrates the rules well. Nowadays, artists in such domain throw themselves into research of the cultural background, philosophy and development process of Peking Opera for better understanding to finally find the guidance for its current development. Only after understanding its basic aesthetic could the artists ensure it a better expression for which audience can receive more easily. Better understanding of history works much in the creation and research from the cultural aspect. (看明白了,你MS是在说: the study history helps to preserve cultural heritages in the modern age and spur their developments. 可以最后加一个衔接说 cultural heritage is curicially relevant to our present living. 这样就完整了)

For sociologists, looking back for an understanding of the past ensure them give out a better measurement of current social problems. Social issues are often cumulative results from the development from political, economical and cultural aspects. Thus studying for better understanding of the past provides a clearer illustration of the cause and the effect of such problems. One of the greatest issues of current society in China is the living condition of peasants. The issue, though was affected by new change, remains its essence somewhat constant because it’s cumulated for thousands of years through China’s history. As a result, officials, when trying to take care of such issue, looking back in history to find a better understanding to come up with a more appropriate guidance. After all, history mirrors the essence of current problems better
(这里没比较级). 农民这个例子好!!

However, history experience is not panacea for every issue for today and one need to solve current problems with creative minds since the world is going advanced
advancing every second with things getting more complex. Total reliance on history is inappropriate. “One country, two systems” is a great example which illustrates the importance of creative solutions to current problems. Such measurement finds the best way of compromise and thus brings out a win-win situation no matter in politic, economy or culture, for both regions. What’s more, it also offers a successful example for similar issues that exist currently or one that may occur in the future( like Taiwan). In fact, when looking back in the past, it’s obvious that so-called history experience or examples are just creations of our ancestors.(我一般是不敢用中国的政治的,the best way of compromise and thus brings out a win-win situation有点绝对,可以考虑换个说法)

To sum up, the importance of looking for a better understanding of the past for guidance cannot be overlooked however the society develops because it’s where the truth often lies in.
(可以不要这个从句,因为这个summarize和你上面写的points不一致,不过我也不知道怎么summarize你的points However, confronting with highly variable (“kinetic”) society like today, we also need creative minds to find a better solution instead of clinging to history experience. In all(Nevertheless,On balance好些,最后一句明显有折中的意思), good solutions of current issues are often based on deep understanding of its essence, which comes from the study of the past.


Rank: 4

发表于 2009-7-1 20:51:29 |只看该作者
Theblossom of technology development decides the blossom of change insociety today. Such change overshadows the history experience which mayprovide guidance for living in the present. As a result, the speakerthen claims that looking back for an understanding of the past offerslittle help for current issues. I maintain the different idea thatthough we shouldn’t totally rely on history for guidance, understandingof the past still has its value on providing suggestions for today.

Historytells the past especially on the domain of culture, which helps peopleget better understanding of the essence of current culture and thustake appropriate actions to take care of it. Looking for a betterunderstanding of the past, from that aspect, functions a lot forbringing out guidance for the present. Some ancient art confront with adangerous situation of (existing 改成life or death) because today’s audience doesn’twelcome them so much for so much is new and complex today. Under thatcircumstance, artists should search more into the essence of beauty ofsuch art and thus come up with the similarity with today’s culture,which would spur the development of such art. Continuity of PekingOpera, for example, illustrates the rules well. Nowadays, artists insuch domain throw themselves into research of the cultural background,philosophy and development process of Peking Opera for betterunderstanding (to 改成and ) finally find the guidance for its current development.Only after understanding its basic aesthetic could the artists ensureit a better expression for which audience can receive more easily.Better understanding of history works much in the creation and researchfrom the cultural aspect.(京剧这个例子有新颖性,而且也有代表性,不容易撞车,赞~)

Forsociologists, looking back for an understanding of the past ensure them(give out不是‘给出’的意思哦,换一个词吧) a better measurement of current social problems. Social issuesare often cumulative results from the development from political,economical and cultural aspects. Thus studying for better understandingof the past provides a clearer illustration of the cause and the effectof such problems. One of the greatest issues of current society inChina is the living condition of peasants. The issue, though wasaffected by new change, remains its essence somewhat constant becauseit’s cumulated for thousands of years through China’s history. As aresult, officials, when trying to take care of such issue, looking backin history (to find a better understanding ,这句话删了吧,感觉跟之前的looking back in history有些语义上的重复)to come up with a moreappropriate guidance. After all, history mirrors the essence of currentproblems (better去掉这个,因为没比较).

However,history experience is not panacea for every issue for(of) today and oneneed to solve current problems with creative minds since the world isgoing advanced every second with things getting more complex. Totallyreliance on history is inappropriate. “One country, two systems” is agreat example which illustrates the importance of creative solutions tocurrent problems. Such measurement finds the best way of compromise andthus brings out a win-win situation no matter in politic, economy orculture, for both regions. What’s more, it also offers a successfulexample for similar issues that exist currently or one that may occurin the future. In fact, when looking back in the past, it’s obviousthat so-called history experience or examples are just creations of ourancestors.

To sum up,the importance of looking for a better understanding of the past forguidance cannot be overlooked however the society develops because it’swhere the truth often lies in. However, confronting with highlyvariable society like today, we also need creative minds to find abetter solution instead of clinging to history experience. In all, goodsolutions of current issues are often based on deep understanding ofits essence, which comes from the study of the past.

SUNNY点评:其实这篇ISSUE里头,我最喜欢的是那些鲜活的有中国特色的例子。平衡论点的使用增加了文章的严谨性。+U ~


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0910AW SPECTACULAR之【同主题写作】第六期ISSUE120 ROW04 蘅芜雪
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