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- 声望
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- 2009-3-29
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- 10
本帖最后由 Jeremie 于 2009-8-3 16:28 编辑
1# conniewang
The manuscript introduces the generating process of the water in Earth by describing how Earth was formed, how atmosphere came into being, how comets brought ice to Earth and how these ice evaporated, fell on Earth and originated oceans. The theory seems scientific and reasonable at first glance, however, after careful scrutinies, it exposes several inexplicit fallacies. (开头简介概括,意思清楚)
First of all, according to scientific general knowledge, we know that more than seventy percent of the Earth surface is covered by oceans. Does such a large amount of water in the oceans all come from comets? Then how many comets have stricken Earth to generate enough water to fill the oceans? How much water did each comet bring to Earth? Unfortunately, the manuscript has totally ignored these questions which are extraordinarily crucial to reveal the secret of the water source of Earth, as a result, its conclusion is less persuasive and warranted.(连续的问句很严密)
Moreover, there are still some vague points existed in the description of what happens after comet shave collided Earth. The manuscript speculates boldly(用词准确) that a comet striking Earth would have vaporized, the resulting water vapor would have been retained in the atmosphere and eventually fallen on the cooled and solidified surface of Earth. This speculation leaves some confusions. According to the manuscript, the molten planet Earth seems to have changed into a cool one in a very short time. As we know, only when temperature rises to higher than 100 degrees centigrade can water evaporate into gas, and vice versa. The manuscript, however, fails to explain clearly the temperature change of the surface of Earth -- how and when did(去掉) the surface of Earth become cooled and solidified, thus fails to illuminate when the frozen water held in comets vaporized and when the vapor fell on the earth. Therefore the speculation seems too hasty and immature. (篇幅长,但论证有条理)
The author’s conclusion that “the water in Earth’s oceans must have originated from comets” is too absolute to be convincing(absolute用词准确), for there are other possible explanations. For instance, the water may come from chemical reactions of different gases in the atmosphere under certain circumstances. What’s more, because no fact could tell us how Earth generated and where the water in oceans came from, every theory that tries to explain these questions is only human’s imagination and speculation. We cannot tell which theory is right, which is wrong.(这几句说的有点无可奈何的感觉,可以加上unless提供足够的证据) What we can say is only “it sounds reasonable”, or “it’s a possible explanation”. That’s why we indicate that the author makes a mistake on his conclusion.
In all, the manuscript needs to give more sufficient and precise evidence to support the theory and amend its fallacies to become qualified as a textbook.(结尾相当简洁,倒是很实用^^我觉得可以具体说一两个,避免仓促收尾之嫌)
总体来说写得很专业,很符合ets风格. 逻辑清楚,语言简练达意,基本没什么问题.
不足的地方是,倒数第二段给人有凑字数的感觉,虽然实际上可能不是. 我想可以把前面的分论点单提出来, 这一段少写一点, 这样既保持一贯的简洁之风, 又保证形式上的充实.
都说这篇难写, 你这篇可供大家学习了J
总评分: 声望 + 1