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[i习作temp] 【kaleidoscope】第五次作业issue120 by vina1114 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-10 08:30:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present.

1 现在生活日新月异的变化 人们逐渐忽略过去 只注重眼前的发展 这恰恰是不对的 对过去的学习和理解可以帮助我们有更好的发展 比如科学研究不断的深入
2 我们应该借鉴过去的经验教训 从而获得质的收获
3 对每一个人来说 过去都是宝贵的记忆 过去是每个人成长的记录 点点滴滴承载着幸福与汗水 因此回顾过去可以让我们更好的明白生活的意义 对今后选择的人生路有积极的作用 同时也怀有感恩的心去感恩所有过去获得的帮助
4 过去 和现在紧密相连 我们不可忽略过去也可沉迷于 要批判的接受吸收

Along with the rapid development of the modern society, the computer and machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life is full of new and complex things. The speakers maintain that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present. However, I believe that making a deeply understanding of the past could benefit us rather than useless for living in the present.

So much is new and complex today; people spend more and more time on learning and accepting the new things. People devote themselves to working, only focusing on the immediate needs and developments, as a result of which is that people gradually ignore the past. Unfortunately, overlooking the past could have a negative effect on our development. On the contrary, learning and understanding of the past will give a hand to us. There is so much fortune in the past waiting you to find out. You get great encouragement and courage from the past that promote you to learn and help you grow up. For example, a student may get the passion from a great man to pursuit his/her career when he/she study the history. Then he /she may become a great agronomist, artist or a scientist and do many researches in their fields to improve our life and make life better.

The past not only can stimulate us to make progress but also leave many historical experience which can help us avoid making the same mistakes and going the same wrong way. Through understanding the past, we will be taught a valuable lesson and profit many useful experience. After the world war, the German regret for their guilty made in the war every year by different forms and take positive measures to make up their errors. During the development of German, the German do not forget drawing the lessons from the brutal history. That is why German recovers so quickly from the suffering of the war and is becoming a strong country now. So it is necessary for us to pay more attention to our past.

We should admit that the past ,for everyone, is valuable memory that records the procedure of our growing with happiness and bitter. Looking back to the past is a best way to help us acquire the meaning of the life, which may influence our life great. Meanwhile, we also should show our gratitude to those who have helped us when we are in the hard time. If you have learnt how to say thank you, you may find the life is more beautiful.

In conclusion, thepast, now and future is connected closely. Though the past can not be ignored , we also cannot addict ourselves to the achievement we have made in the past. In a word we should take a right attitude toward the past .
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