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[i习作temp] 【kaleidoscope】第五次作业 ISSUE120 by wdassfm [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-10 15:50:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
120. "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."







When we mention about the word "past", pictures of contrast between contemporary life and the ancient time may form in our mind: the clothes we dress, the house we live, the means of communication we use and even the notions we hold. While everything in the past seems so different and irrelevant to that of today, does this mean we can just putting the past behind?

That was the question which used to linger in my mind, yet it perfectly answered by one accident I had, when my memory was wept out for quiet a few days. I remember during that hard time, I was keeping questioning other about me, totally in an atmosphere of fear and confusion, until the moment I restored my concerns. It was the very experience that reveals to me what past means to a individual: the very resource of self-awareness and the groundwork for everything one does.

This notion is particularly significant in this age, when the world people facing becoming increasingly complex and changing constantly. When confronting opportunities of choice-making, we should remain conscious, either though constantly turning to our own experience and memories or the more powerful resource---history. Reviewing the tales of people in distant ages is like they are accompanying and guiding us: their choices when facing moral issue help build up our own value and outlook of the world and life; their struggling though adversities added our strength; and their everlasting believe in a better life always inspires us.

Admittedly, contemporary society differentiates from the past in several aspects and even seems more complicated, yet it is the same situation with the people in time far from now, because everyday impending, though it has been the past from our angle of view, is complex and unpredictable for them. The ways and measures they approach to a problem may shed light on problems nowadays. The October Revolution of Russia, for instance, not only opened a new epoch in world history, but also pointed out the way for Chinese people's struggle for freedom and democracy. Still, by analyzing the historical trends of some social phenomena, people will be more rational and equipped to their reappearance. Were not for the economists' analysis of the former economic crisis and summarization of solutions, our government may not possibly promulgate policies and take actions timely when facing this one.

Knowing the past can also stimulate certain kinds of individual's emotion. Looking back on how it was in years gone by, we have a tendency to see the beautiful and happy, which has been and will always be the placebo for pains and sorrow, as well as promotion for quest for a better life. Further more, it has been said by a sage and I paraphrased, "Every person that stumbles across a piece of their past will be helped to regain a piece of their identity ", which is no exception for a country. Decades have past since the end of American Civil War, yet Americans can still remember the unprecedented casualties they had inflicted. The solemn voice of president Lincoln, announcing the Gettysburg Address, thunders in their ears, reminds them to treasure the cohesion, and warns them never shall the tragedy of split replay in this nation longing for unity and harmony.

Without the past, an individual tends to lost his/her identity and rational power to make the right choice; without the past, a nation is apt to disintegrate and slip to the odyssey of dilapidation. However, rather than dwelling on the past, we shall keep on moving for a better life.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-10 17:38:07 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 atticuswang 于 2009-8-10 17:39 编辑

When we mention about the word "past", pictures of contrast between contemporary life and the ancient time may form in our mind: the clothes we dress, the house we live in, the means of communication we use(use the means??) and even the notions we hold. While everything in the past seems so different and irrelevant to that of today, does this mean we can just putting the past behind?

That was the question which used to linger in my mind, yet it perfectly answered by one accident I had, when my memory was wept out for quiet a few days. I remember during that hard time, I was keeping questioning others about me, totally in an atmosphere of fear and confusion, until the moment I restored my concerns. It was the very experience that reveals to me what past means to an individual: the very resource of self-awareness and the groundwork for everything one does.

This notion is particularly significant in this age, when the world people facing becoming increasingly complex and changing constantly. When confronting opportunities of choice-making, we should remain conscious, either though constantly turning to our own experience and memories or the more powerful resource---history. Reviewing the tales of people in distant ages is like they are accompanying and guiding us: their choices when facing moral issues help build up our own value and outlook of the world and life; their struggling though adversities added(
这里的时态,是不是要跟上一行help保持一致?) our strength; and their everlasting believe(belief) in a better life always inspires us.

Admittedly, contemporary society differentiates from the past in several aspects and even seems more complicated, yet it is the same situation with the people in time far from now, because everyday impending, though it has been the past from our angle of view, is complex and unpredictable for them.(
这一句的理由没怎么看懂~~) The ways and measures they approach to a problem may shed light on problems nowadays. The October Revolution of Russia, for instance, not only opened a new epoch in world history, but also pointed out the way for Chinese people's struggle for freedom and democracy. Still, by analyzing the historical trends of some social phenomena, people will be more rational and equipped to their reappearance. Were not for the economists' analysis of the former economic crisis and summarization of solutions, our government may not possibly promulgate policies and take actions timely when facing this one.

Knowing the past can also stimulate certain kinds of individual's emotion. Looking back on how it was in years gone by, we have a tendency to see the beautiful and happy, which has been and will always be the placebo for pains and sorrow(s), as well as promotion for quest for a better life. Further more, it has been said by a sage and I paraphrased, "Every person that stumbles across a piece of their past will be helped to regain a piece of their identity ", which is no exception for a country. Decades have past(passed)
since the end of American Civil War, yet Americans can still remember the unprecedented casualties they had inflicted. The solemn voice of
president Lincoln, announcing the Gettysburg Address, thunders in their ears, reminds them to treasure the cohesion, and warns them never shall the tragedy of split replay in this nation longing for unity and harmony.

Without the past, an individual tends to lost his/her identity and rational power to make the right choice; without the past, a nation is apt to disintegrate and slip to the odyssey of dilapidation. However, rather than dwelling on the past, we shall keep on moving for a better life.

A pretty good essay!

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