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[i习作temp] Issue147 [Jet小组}第九次作业 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-2-20 18:09:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE147 - "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."
time:大约90分钟(中途程序出问题了) 字数:500.

The speaker asserts that tradition and modernization are incompatible, and people must choose one and give up another. I disagree this assertion. In the era of rapid social and technological changes, practicality help us the inappropriateness of addressing the relationship of tradition and modernization with so simple choice, the best solution to this problem is to abandon the sediments and absorb the essence both in them,

Admittedly, I concede that the speaker is on the correct philosophical side of this issue to some extent. After all ,the contradiction between tradition and modernization has led to a serious condition that no one can neglect the existence or it maybe destroy ,even threat the fruit of human civilization .For instance, the tradition moral has no enough preparation for the rocket-sky speed of science and technology in the modernization, as the clone of human organ and human body .If a person appear through a clone technology ,how can a society accept his identity ?With which manner can he understand himself and interact with other normal members of this society ?This impact is extremely destructible than a nuclear war  .From this point ,tradition and modernization are impossible to be incompatible .Fortunately , the lawmakers has enact laws to prohibit the experiment and research of clone human.

However, considering the benefits of human society, abandoning or completely embracing tradition is unwise. Undoubtly, the essences of tradition are the basis and the promoting resource of modern civilization, without them even people live a normal and happy life. For instance, modern English is derived from a variety of linguistic traditions---ultimately from the ancient Greek and Latin languages. Were we to insist on rejecting tradition in favor of purely modern language, we would have essentially nothing to say. The same holds true for other modern languages. On the other hand, the sediments of tradition also hinder the progress of society .Although there is an obvious promotion of woman rights in daily life, the oppression of female gender by advertising, law, job market and social custom exists in each fields of social life.

In addition, at the time of enjoying happy and convenient life in modernization, we should notice its harmful effects and take effective measure to avoid these harm .The modern lifestyle is a vivid illustration to this problem. As a recent survey, the number of people abnormal fat is rapid increasing in last three years. Especially, in some regions in the U.S., two thirds of people are too fat. The experts point the facts if we do not change the modern lifestyle ,this problem seems to be getting worse .In Asian ,the problem  of over-weight people is better than America, for their lifestyle is more traditional. However, the same trend has been occurring with the popularity of the western modern life. For our health, taking more traditional life is a better choice.

As an old saying said, a cat that has the ability to catch the mouse is a good cat, whether it is a yellow cat or a black cat. It is the benefits of the human society, not tradition nor modernization, which determine our choice.

[ 本帖最后由 mix99 于 2008-2-20 19:42 编辑 ]
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Issue147 [Jet小组}第九次作业


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