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Issue123 通过外表看政治观点 欢迎来拍啊,热爱互拍~~~ [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-3-8 00:22:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1.        我们可以在外表和生活习惯中看出很多东西,然而我们看不出他们的政治观点
2.        我们可以在很短的时间里认识一个人,但我们没办法在很短的时间里了解他的政治观点
3.        在某些情况下,尽管你已经和那个人成为好朋友,你也永远无法知道他的真实的政治观点。

TOPIC: ISSUE123 - "It is possible to identify a person's politics within a very short time of meeting him or her. Everything about people-their clothes, their friends, the way they talk, what they eat-reflects their political beliefs."
WORDS: 447          TIME: 0:44:26          DATE: 2006-3-5

Can we identify a person's politics through a short time meeting? The speaker claims so. I concede that we can recognize and judge a person by his clothing, his friends, his way of talking and even his dietetics. However, to know well with a person is not a short time process in most cases but a long time process, let alone to identify one’s politics. What is more, we can not identify a person's politics just through those superficial aspects.

First of all, I concede that we can know a lot of things, for example, which one's home country is, just through clothing, friends, who to talk or what to eat, but not politics beliefs. Cites as an example, almost all in the world know that a person growing up in China is used to eating Chinese dumplings, especially on China Spring Festival. However, even if you know the person is a Chinese, you can not identify whether he supports the Unification of both sides on the Taiwan Strait or not and hence you can not get his politics beliefs at all. In short, those superficial aspects could help knowing a person's culture or other general characters, but not the politics beliefs.

In addition, proverbially, it is difficult to know one person in no time, while it is almost an impossible task to identify his politic beliefs in a short time. Some people perhaps consider the politics beliefs as personal affairs and they would not like to talk it with others. In this case, how could you identify his politics within a several-minute talk or a cooperation in several days? Besides, in some countries, such as Switzerland, people are unconcern on politics and they also do not care about others' politic beliefs. It then stands to reason that you can not know others' politic beliefs until polling a president.

Further, it is possible that you can not identify some persons' politics forever, although you have been good friends with them in some particular circumstance. Some people in the countries with unstable governments possibly dare not disclose their politic beliefs because they oppose to the existing government. If so, they would try them best to keep their politic belief as a secret and they do not want anyone out of their organization to know it. It is much more difficult to identify a person's politic beliefs in this case. And there is another extreme example, the spies, with a profession and responsibility to hold out on their real politics all the time. Hereby, even if you can recognize a person and make friends with him in a short time, you can not make sure to identify his politic beliefs.

All in all, indeed we can get more or less information about a person from his external clothing and behaviors in a short time. However, it is too difficult to identify a person's politics beliefs accurately, even though in a long time.

(490 words)

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Issue123 通过外表看政治观点 欢迎来拍啊,热爱互拍~~~
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