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[未归类] ISSUE185 勇往直前小组nbta03 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-8 11:27:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."
WORDS: 515          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-8 11:08:06

In different areas, scandals always draw our attentions on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. But are these scandals useful as the speaker asserts? While conceding that scandals take positive effect to some extent, I disagree with the speaker's view since that more often than not, scandals will bring potential harms both to individuals and the society.

Admittedlly, sometimes, scandals are necessary to draw people's attention to certain events. For itself, scandal's funtion is revealing dark sides to society. As a result, people can be warn of certain happenings and take certain actions toward it. Take the Watergate, one of the most famous scandals in political realm in USA. It is that scandal that make the US people realize that their democracy which handed down  from generation to generation is threatened and they should struggle against such activity. If the whole event had not been revealed, it is hardly to imagine whether the motto of the USA-freedom, democracy, equty-will proceed. Sometimes, if scandals have not been revealed or no action are taken against it, people may view such events as hidden rules, which would harm the society continually in further way. Due to scandals, the society could recognize the problems in its runing and take immediate actions towards them.

However, too much scandals will rather bring potential harms to a society. Firstly, scandal bring negative side of the society which people do not expect to see rather than positive one. Therefore, if the society is full of scandals, people may lose their confidence in society or certain areas. They would believe that every news is trustless and act negatively or even extremely. For examplem, the scandals in football in Europe once result the decrease of interests in audiences in that people thinks that teams are playing just for money rather than the sports spirits. What's more, over attention on scandals may consume a huge cost in society, which coulde be better used devoted into more imperative affairs, such as starvation in poverty areas, education, rebuilding after war. From these we can see that what a serious consequence scandals would place on society.

Moreover, scandals can also affect, or even destroy the person in it. More often than not, scandal is about privacy which the person in it is not willing to make known. If a person's scandal is still be reported or rendered excessively after his penitence and reform, as a result, his life, which could be happy, may be destroyed and he may doubt himself; to an even worse extent, he maybe follows the same old disastrous road, which would bring a further harm to the society. This is sufficient to illustrate that over attentions on scandals also cause  a deep harm on individuals which could be prevented initially.

To sum up, while certain attention should be paid to scandals, overemphasis on it will bring harm which far outweigh the benefit for both individuals and society. We should take moderate actions towards scandal and take the posivite effects on it, which could contribute to the society harmony and personal improvement.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-9 16:12:32 |只看该作者
Indifferent areas, scandals always draw our attentions on problems in ways thatno speaker or reformer ever could. But are these scandals useful as the speakerasserts? While conceding that scandals take positive effect to some extent, Idisagree with the speaker's view since that more often than not, scandals willbring potential harms both to individuals and the society.

Admittedly,sometimes, scandals are necessary to draw people's attention to certain events.For itself, scandal's funtion is revealing dark sides to society. As a result,people can be warn of certain happenings and take certain actions toward it.Take the Watergate, one of the most famous scandals in political realm in USA. It is thatscandal that make the USpeople realize that their democracy which handed down  fromgeneration to generation is threatened and they should struggle against suchactivity. If the whole event had not been revealed, it is hardly to imaginewhether the motto of the USA-freedom, democracy, equty-will proceed. Sometimes,if scandals have not been revealed or no action are taken against it, peoplemay view such events as hidden rules, which would harm the society continuallyin further way. Due to scandals, the society could recognize the problems inits runing and take immediate actions towards them.水门应该很多人都会用,为保证让改卷的人有些许新鲜感,建议换个例子吧

However,too many scandals will rather bring potentialharms to a society. Firstly, scandal brings negativeside of the society which people do not expect to see ratherthan positive one(删掉rather than positive one. Therefore, if thesociety is full of scandals, people may lose their confidence in society orcertain areas. They would believe that every news is trustless and actnegatively or even extremely. For example, thescandals in football in Europe once resultresultedinthe decrease of interests in audiences in that people thinks that teams areplaying just for money rather than the sports spirits. (具体什么丑闻要说清楚,不要含糊)What'smore, over attention on scandals may consume a huge cost(具体是什么?) in society,which could be better used devoted into more imperative affairs, such asstarvation in poverty areas, education, rebuilding after war(这一小点太泛了,缺乏说服力,要给予说明).From these we can see that what a serious consequence scandals would place onsociety.

Moreover,scandals can also affect, or even destroy the person in it. More often thannot, scandal is about privacy which the person in it is not willing to makeknown. If a person's scandal is still be reported or rendered excessively afterhis penitence and reform, as a result, his life, which could be happy, may bedestroyed and he may doubt himself; to an even worse extent, he maybe followsthe same old disastrous road, which would bring a further harm to the society.(要有例子,否则没有说服力) This is sufficientto illustrate that over attentions on scandals also cause  a deepharm on individuals which could be prevented initially.
To sumup, while certain attention should be paid to scandals, overemphasis on it willbring harm which far outweigh the benefit for both individuals and society. Weshould take moderate actions towards scandal and take the posivite effects onit, which could contribute to the society harmony and personal improvement.(具体一点,稍微提一下怎么去做。否则,没有升华)

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