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[i习作temp] Issue144[Jet小组]第六次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-2-13 23:05:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 144 "It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value." a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

WORDS:571 TIME:1 hour DATE:13/02/2008

Artist, a person who judges art works, indeed gives society something of lasting value. However, critics also contribute to the development of the whole society for they indicates and even correct the mistakes and errors, which sometimes may damage society seriously. Therefore, my attitude toward this topic is that though I emphasize the function of artists, I still treasure the roles critics plays.

Admittedly, artists affect the society in many areas, especially in the aspect of culture, or called tradition. To illustrate, I will take the palace artist in Tang Dynasty of China as an example. The palace artist, also named geisha, performed poems to kings and nobles in the form of songs. Generally speaking, before Tang Dynasty, verses and poems were always seen as noble literature or high-lever literature, which prevent common 0people from taking part in the creations and appreciations of the poems. Nevertheless, since songs were more widely accepted by husbandmen, they were much easier to diffuse from palace to markets, towns and even countries. It was followed that poems were studied and created all among China. As a result, judging from this typical illustration, artists play concernful and lasting roles in affecting the society.

However, no one can deny the status and effects of critics, for they point out and even put right wrong things. For an example, Mark Twin always attacked the contemporary government by innuendo in his novels. Though rather disliked by the officials, he won the support of common people, for not only he indicated what they just wanted to but not dared to say, but also his novels were always humorous. That critics have impacts on society happens more than just in US, actually it takes place all around the world. Lu Xun, a pen soldiery never showing mercies in pointing out corruptions and evils of the society and highly estimated by the public nowadays, was attacked by the government in his times, when China was invaded by several western countries and Japan. At that crucial moment, China was called an deeply sleeping lion. Therefore, what the society really required was warnings and directories, rather than leisure dances and music. In fact, most people who changes the society or the world could more or less be called critics, such as Copernicus, Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, Marx and so on. Hence, there are general-adapted evidence to prove that critics can and should give the society lasting values.

Moreover, artists are usually critics and critics can be artists. In the examples mentioned above, whether Mark Twin or Lu Xun, they are both writers, a typical kind of artists. Actually, Rousseau, Kant, and Marx all wrote many works. Regardless of novels, films, music and paintings can all be tools of criticism. A movie named Fahrenheit 9/11 has shocked the world, for it uncover the inside facts and indirectly criticize the governments; U2, a famous music band, is widely known for it uses songs to criticize the society; Picasso, the most famous Spain pianter, drew many paintings to anti wars. Since artist and critic are not opposite concept, it is dogmatic to refuse to admit the effects of critics, while the declarant values artists without hesitation.

In conclusion, artists indeed affect the society in many areas, but critics also play significant roles in pointing out and putting right errors. What's more, one can be both a artist and a critic at the same time. Therefore, I can only partially agree with the acclaim.

[ 本帖最后由 iq28 于 2008-2-14 18:27 编辑 ]
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-14 22:21:41 |只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 michaelxuyw 于 2008-2-14 22:23 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-15 21:21:47 |只看该作者

Artist(critic), a person who judges art works, indeed gives society something oflasting value. However, critics also contribute to the development of the wholesociety for they indicate and even correct the mistakes and errors, whichsometimes may damage society seriously. Therefore, my attitude toward thistopic is that though I emphasizethe function ofartists, I stilltreasure the roles criticsplays(论点鲜明!)

Admittedly, artists affect the society in many areas, especially in the aspectof culture, or called tradition. To illustrate, I will take the
palace artist in Tang Dynasty of China as an example. The palace artistalso named geisha, performed poems to kings(放在句末) andnobles in the form of songs. Generally speaking, before Tang Dynasty, versesand poems were always seen as noble literature or high-lever literature, whichprevent common people from taking part in the creations and appreciations ofthe poems. Nevertheless, since songs were more widely accepted by husbandmen,they were much easier to diffuse from palace to markets, towns and evencountries. It was followed that poems were studied and created all among China. As aresult, judging from this typical illustration, artists play concernful andlasting roles in affecting the society.赞!However, no one candeny the status and effects of critics, for they point out and even put rightwrong things. Foran example, Mark Twin always attacked the contemporary government by innuendoin his novels. Though rather disliked by the officials, he won the support ofcommon people, for not only he indicated what they just wanted to but not daredto say, but also his novels were always humorous. That critics have impacts on society happensmore than just in US, actually it takes place all around the world. Lu Xun, a pen soldiery never showingmercies in pointing out corruptions and evils of the society and highlyestimated by the public nowadays, was attacked by the government in his times,when China was invaded byseveral western countries and Japan.At that crucial moment, Chinawas called an deeply sleeping lion. Therefore,what the society really required was warnings and directories, rather thanleisure dances and music. In fact, most people who changes the society or the world could more orless be called critics, such as Copernicus, Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, Marx andso on. Hence, there are general-adapted evidence to prove that critics can andshould give the society lasting values.

Moreover, artists are usually critics and critics can be artists. In theexamples mentioned above, whether Mark Twin or Lu Xun, they are both writers, atypical kind of artists. Actually, Rousseau, Kant, and Marx all wrote manyworks. Regardless of novels, films, music and paintings can all be tools ofcriticism. A movie named Fahrenheit 9/11 has shocked the world, for it uncoverthe inside facts and indirectly criticize the governments; U2, a famous musicband, is widely known for it uses songs to criticize the society; Picasso, themost famous Spainpainter, drew many paintings to anti wars. Since artist and critic are notopposite concept, it is dogmatic to refuse to admit the effects of critics,while the declarant values artists without hesitation.

In conclusion, artists indeed affect the society in many areas, but critics
also play significant roles in pointing out and putting right errors.What's more, one can be both a artist and a critic at the same time. Therefore,I can only partially agree with the acclaim.


[ 本帖最后由 yimengshan 于 2008-2-15 21:23 编辑 ]

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