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[i习作temp] issue38 [Jet小组]第十二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-27 21:34:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
In a very long history , since the invention of the cheap and convinient paper , the book has been the primary carrier of  recordation, knowledge and education. However , in the last century ,as  Television was devised and widely accepted of the world , some ones announce that  it could be a competetive method of education to replace to position of  books. It seems reasonable in some degree ,but  still some others ,basing on the analysis  on  both the content and method of education  , insist that  in the redicatable future, the maintream of the education would belongs to paper-based ways rather than graphic ways ,just like the electrnic engine enabling to totally replace the steamy one  in the last century.

On one hand ,  in the aspect of content and the ability , television is unable to defeat the book to gain ascendent. Actually ,the most knowledge and imformation in the past were recorded by writing  in books , so as to need  nowadays human beings to decode these ciphers by reading .So , for instance , the people in this age could  undertand the ualues of effection ,friendship,wealth and rights  in the 19th century by reading Jane Astine's novels such as "Pride and Prejudice "or the spirit of the laws and democracy in acient Greece in the way of comprehending the documentaries about Scorate .And meanwhile,compared to books as fist-handed  , television programs  have inherent disadvantaged. Even though it has to admitted that there have been some wonderful videos adapted from some classic books  ,since mixing too much nowadays ideas by editors , directers ,producers and acters ,their objectivity and  authenticity ,which have been strongly emphasised in education, are greatly reduced . A good example in point is the film named "The passion of the Christ". The director and the editors of it declared that all their works root in the history and the Holy Bible ,but more religious individuals or groups still though that was a blasphemy .This debate may still keep on but only we can confim that there would be no these confilcts if reading Bible directly .

On the other hand ,  as a techique  of  educating students and spread knowledge to the mass , the television has not exhibited more advangtages in convinience and cost yet. As all known, recieving imformations by television  needs the TV set , stations and  antenna or some other receivers . So if withou electircity supply or in some mountainous areas where the signals are unable to receive well , the awkward would be nothing of usage.Further more , in nowadays the cost of equipments , maintanance and intelectual property right are unaffordable in some developing countries where the people's daily cost of living is under one US dollar. So the popularization  of Television education in the undeveloped countries accounting for 70% in the world  is unpractical.

Admittedly, being a new invention , the television also has some advangtanges compared to traditional books, because the programs of it could visualize the knowledge and curcumstances .So some documentaries including "Discovery" or "National Geography" has acquired  acceptance widely.Also this method is very beneficial and attractive to the growing infants and youth .Therefore the creation and writing of books has been stimulated by this competitive new devise .

In sum , although  television may be the most ambitious competitor  in the area of education, book has never slacked the pace of amelioation and the truth proves that the ascendency of book in education is consolidated rather than reduced.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-2-29 18:09:28 |只看该作者
In a very long history , since the invention of the cheap and convinient paper , the book has been the primary carrier of  recordation, knowledge and education. However , in the last century ,as  Television was devised and widely accepted of(by) the world , some ones announce that  it could be a competetive method of education to replace to(the) position of  books. It seems reasonable in some degree ,but  still some others ,basing on the analysis  on  both the content and method of education  , insist that  in the redicatable future, the maintream of the(删去) education would belongs to paper-based ways rather than graphic ways ,just like the electrnic engine enabling to totally replace the steamy one  in the last century.

On one hand ,  in the aspect of content and the ability , television is (televisions are)unable to defeat the book to gain ascendent. Actually ,the most knowledge and imformation in the past were recorded by writing  in books , so as to need  nowadays human beings to decode these ciphers by reading .So , for instance , the(删去) people in this age could  undertand the ualues of effection ,friendship,wealth and rights  in the 19th century by reading Jane Astine's novels such as "Pride and Prejudice "or the spirit of the laws and democracy in acient Greece in the way of comprehending the documentaries about Scorate .And meanwhile(Meanwhile就行了),compared to books as fist-handed  , television programs  have inherent disadvantaged. Even though it has to be admitted that there have been some wonderful videos adapted from some classic books  ,since mixing too much nowadays(nowadays') ideas by editors , directers ,producers and acters ,their objectivity and  authenticity ,which have been strongly emphasised in education, are greatly reduced . A good example in point is the film named "The passion of the Christ". The director and the editors of it(删去) declared that all their works root in the history and the Holy Bible ,but more religious individuals or groups still though that was a blasphemy .This debate may still keep on but only we can confim that there would be no these confilcts if reading Bible directly .

On the other hand ,  as a techique  of  educating students and spread(spreading) knowledge to the mass , the television has not exhibited more advangtages in convinience and cost yet. As all known, recieving imformations by television  needs the TV set , stations and  antenna or some other receivers . So if withou electircity supply or in some mountainous areas where the signals are unable to receive well , the awkward(awkwardness|) would be nothing of usage.Further more , in nowadays the cost of equipments , maintanance and intelectual property right are unaffordable in some developing countries where the people's daily cost of living is under one US dollar. So the popularization  of Television education in the undeveloped countries accounting for 70% in the world  is unpractical.

Admittedly, being a new invention , the television also has some advangtanges compared to traditional books, because the programs of it could visualize the knowledge and curcumstances .So some documentaries including "Discovery" or(你前面用的是include,这里用and比较好,如果非要用or,那前面就用such as) "National Geography" has acquired  acceptance widely.Also this method is very beneficial and attractive to the growing infants and youth .Therefore the creation and writing of books has been stimulated by this competitive new devise .

In sum , although  television may be the most ambitious competitor  in the area of education, book has(books have) never slacked the pace of amelioation and the truth proves that the ascendency of book in education is consolidated rather than reduced.


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issue38 [Jet小组]第十二次作业


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