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[i习作temp] Issue55 [Jet小组] 第十五次作业 随机 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-3-1 14:05:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE55 - "Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education."
字数:538          用时:0:40:00          日期:2008/3/1

Will competition for high grades limit the quality of learning at all levels of education as the speaker contends? As competition has existed in every respect of our lives, it does have both positive and negative affects. When it comes to education, especially for high grades, it varies in different levels.

Competition for high grades usually starts at a level of elementary school, where young children learn basic skills such as reading, alphabet, and mathematics. Such as human nature, young children will compete to earn praise or awards from teachers and parents in order to prove that they are the best. This situation is especially true in China where primary education has been significantly emphasized. Children start learning to recite poems of the ancient times and also counting numbers as early as they first learned to speak. Parents are pride of their children for they perform much better than the others at the same age and this is the root of competition which will turn serious later in the children's elementary schools.

When competition happens in high school, it often becomes a notorious factor responsible for the high mental diseases rate among teenagers. They were told that all 'A's are good and the others are bad. They were forced by invisible powers from society values, parents’ instructions, and teachers' implication. This will easily make students exhausted in study and thus reduce the quality of learning. When students want to get a high grade to please his or her parents, or catch the attention of the teacher, or simply show off among fellows, while he or she lacks the energy to learn in front of the average, what the student will choose to do may be to cheat on exams or talk at one's back to make the others seem less compatible. High emphasis on competition at low levels of education will easily lead to such situations which are worst for a child.

Notwithstanding the many negative affects that competition makes in low levels of education, it will benefit at level of high education among university education. This is because university students are much mature and rational than younger groups. Years of study at elementary school and high school give them time to think about the rule of contemporary society and consequently lead those who survive from the harmless competition at low levels of education to high level of university education. A university student must have the ability of adjustability to environment and endurance of pressure from competition. The experience of learning from competition makes one stronger. For example, when a university student want to pursue high grades in his or her study, the only thing he or she can do is to put more efforts on the subjects, rather than cheating or do harm to others because he or she know what is the optional choice.

To sum up, competition for high grades will limit the quality of learning at low level such as elementary and high school education while in high level of university education, competition plays as an instructor, helps student find the best way to be well-educated. In this case, competition usually benefits the quality of learning for it is a form of learning.
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Issue55 [Jet小组] 第十五次作业 随机


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