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[i习作temp] Issue36 [persistence小组] 第二次全文作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2008-3-2 00:57:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue36 [persistence 小组] 第二次作业
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

Generally agree

1 The people live after them can see these great people more clearly and sometimes the people at that time may misunderstand them.
2 But still many people are still admitted by their contemporaries

I agree with the speaker that sometimes the greatness of individuals can be decided by those who live after them. However, when we retrospect the past or focus our attention on the modern times, numerous examples still exist to provide evidence that the greatness of individuals can be also decided by their contemporaries.

I agree with the first point of speaker. Many great achievements have withstood the trial of times and practice over the span of human history, and at last be fully recognized and comprehended by those who live after them. A case in point lies in the great scientist Copernicus. He overthrew the widespread belief that the Earth is the centre of the Universe and then made an audacious prediction that the Earth revolves around the Sun. This proposal was far beyond the recognition about the universe at that time, and eventually was condemned as heresy as his discover offended the authority of religion. Vincent Van Gogh, regarded as one of the most prolific and talented impressionism, died in destitution and predicament, because his bold application of abstract construction in his paintings was not accepted by his contemporaries totally. During his short lifetime, only one painting was sold out. However, after his death, his unique art style is widely appreciated by the people after him and a series of his paintings continuously broke records of auction in art realm.

When turning next to my point of contention with the statement, although some great discoveries and contributions need to go through an incubation period which may go with misunderstanding and lampoon before they get acknowledged, still lots of illustrations demonstrate that the greatness of individuals can also be recognized by their contemporaries. Take Bill Gates for example, the richest man in the world, dropped out from the Harvard University and established the famous software company--Microsoft, which published a series famous product like Windows and Office, and led the world into a new era of personal computer. His greatness not only created countless wealth, but also brought him a large amount of appreciation and applause from his contemporaries throughout the world. In the realm of science, Albert Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize for his efforts to the discovery of photoelectric effect and was considered as the greatest scientist in the twentieth century. These are all examples that the many great people are admitted by their contemporaries.

In sum, not all achievements of individuals can be decided only by those live after them. In fact, many individual contributions were generally accepted by their contemporaries.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-3-2 08:12:51 |只看该作者
Issue36 [persistence 小组] 第二次作业
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

Generally agree

1 The people live after them can see these great people more clearly and sometimes the people at that time may misunderstand them.
2 But still many people are still admitted by their contemporaries

I agree with the speaker that sometimes the greatness of individuals can be decided by those who live after them. However, when we  retrospect the past or focus our attention on the modern times, numerous examples still exist to provide evidence that the greatness of individuals can be also decided by their contemporaries.

I agree with the first point of speaker. Many great achievements have withstood the trial of times and practice over the span of human history, and at last be fully recognized and comprehended by those who live after them. A case in point lies in the great scientist
Copernicus. He overthrew the widespread belief that the Earth is the centre of the Universe and then made an audacious prediction that the Earth revolves around the Sun. This proposal [建议?理论比较好一点吧]was far beyond the recognition about the universe at that time, and eventually was condemned as heresy as his discover offended the authority of religion.[这几个例子都很赞,句子写的也很好,羡慕啊!:mad ] Vincent Van Gogh, regarded as one of the most prolific and talented impressionism, died in destitution and predicament, because his bold application of abstract construction in his paintings was not accepted by his contemporaries totally. During his short lifetime, only one painting was sold out. However, after his death, his unique art style is widely appreciated by the people after him and a series of his paintings continuously broke records of auction in art realm. [前面的例子论证很完美啊,但是最后应该再总结一句会更好吧]

When turning next to my point of contention with the statement, although some great discoveries and contributions need to go through an incubation period which may go with misunderstanding and lampoon before they get acknowledged, still lots of illustrations demonstrate that the greatness of individuals can also be recognized by their contemporaries. Take Bill Gates for example, the richest man in the world, dropped out from the Harvard University and established the famous software company--Microsoft, which published[出版?难道有这个意思?:) ] a series famous product like Windows and Office, and led the world into a new era of personal computer. His greatness not only created countless wealth, but also brought him a large amount of appreciation and applause from his contemporaries throughout the world. In the realm of science, Albert Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize for his efforts to the discovery of photoelectric effect and was considered as the greatest scientist in the twentieth century. These are all examples that the many great people are admitted by their contemporaries.

In sum, not all achievements of individuals can be decided only by those live after them. In fact, many individual contributions were generally accepted by their contemporaries.[总的来讲,文章结构比较简洁,虽然只有两个论点,但是论证的都很充分。纵观全文,错误很少,其中很多语言很值得我学习啊:) ,但是建议再多一些陈述性的语言,例子相对来讲显得有点多,个人觉得要么减少点例子,或者多点对例子的解释或总结]

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