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[i习作temp] issue208 persitence小组 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-3-3 22:02:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."

Can we get information from people' appearance such as their look, dress and act as the speaker claims? In a sense, I tend to agree that sometimes clothes are symbols of a culture and action can reveal their feelings. However, the author begs the phenomena on general possibility while ignores reality cases. In my point of view, even sometimes the way of people looks, dress, and act do function in this way, other circumstances are still need to call into scrutiny.
Admittedly, the way people act can express their interesting, and such cases can never be numbered. The name printed on their T-shirts tells us their favorite basketball team. While stroll over the football field, kids imitating popular' movement can be founded. Different clothes can be founded in America while only in a country people wear the same type of clothes which may indicate their culture, the religion belief or their tradition. Nevertheless, the same phenomena can be false decoded. A compelling reason that people dress in that way is due to the regulations of their company. As we know, the army and the other public service institute staffs are required to wear uniform and the reason may be diversity.  Consequently, clothes can express people' feelings especially the decision of how to show themselves are on their own but not all the time this judgment function well.
When this statement comes to the value of a society, the conclusion renders it to more suspicions. Can people' appearance tell the main stream culture of the society? Take America for example. In America, people are originally from or deriving from all over the world. It is quite common to find a style of African dance showed in a community. Can this stands for the culture of America? Of course not. It belongs to the culture of America while the true American culture is mixed with lots of different elements or in different people' mind. It is premature to get the conclusion when we merely find a corner of an iceberg. In a traditional country, the claims seem plausible while in an open society, such judgment can never right. Thirdly, whether the act of people can reveal people' opinion depends on two respects. The first one has to do with the character of the government. Under the rule of an autocracy government, people have to obey the unreasonable rule carried by them in order to survive. During the World War Two, millions of young people are forced to engage in the War in German. Can we get the conclusion that the reason of their action result from their wild ambition of ruling the World? Ruled by Hitler, they might have no choice. While in an open society, the second one depends, we can read people' will from their action. The reformers like Martin Luther King cited people to engage into to civil movement is true while the real motivation was people' will.
Withstand the inequality a long time, people can no longer bear it and then they walker out their house and called for equality. Even by the action we still could possible misunderstand the other people not to mention their real will.
To the sum, the author' opinion is right in generous. However, the appearance can also play tricks on us. Taking all the cases in consideration, we can find different conclusions depend on different circumstances.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-3-7 12:39:34 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE208 - "The way people look, dress, and act reveals theirattitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas andvalues by observing the appearance and behavior of its people."


Can we get information from people's appearance such as their look,dress and act as the speaker claims? In a sense, I tend to agree thatsometimes clothes are the symbols of a culture and action can reveal theirfeelings. However, the author begs the phenomena on general possibilitywhile ignores reality cases. In my point of view, even sometimes theway of people looks, dress, and act does function(语法错误) in this way, othercircumstances are still need to call into scrutiny.

Admittedly, the way people act can express their interesting(interests), and suchcases can never be numbered. The name printed on their T-shirts tellsus their favorite basketball team. While stroll(-ing形式) over the footballfield, kids imitating popular' movement(这个搭配有点奇怪,movement的“运动”和sport所指的“运动”好像是不一样的) can be founded. Differentclothes can be founded in America while only in a country people wearthe same type of clothes which may indicate their culture, the religionbelief or their tradition. Nevertheless, the same phenomena can befalse decoded. A compelling reason that people dress in that way is dueto the regulations of their company. As we know, the army and the otherpublic service institute staffs are required to wear uniform and thereason may be diversity.  Consequently, clothes can express people'feelings especially the decision of how to show themselves are on theirown but not all the time this judgment function well.
这一段完全在说people's dress怎样传递社会信息。和上一段的论点似乎矛盾。

When this statement comes to the value of a society, the conclusionrenders it to more suspicions. Can people' appearance tell the mainstream culture of the society? Take America for example. In America,people are originally from or deriving from(派生形式?这个词组是这个意思吗?) all over the world. It isquite common to find a style of African dance showed in a community.Can this stands for the culture of America? Of course not. It belongsto the culture of America while the true American culture is mixed withlots of different elements or in different people' mind. It ispremature to get the conclusion when we merely find a corner of aniceberg. In a traditional country, the claims seem plausible while inan open society, such judgment can never be right. Thirdly, whether theact of people can reveal people' opinion depends on two respects. Thefirst one has to do with the character of the government. Under therule of an autocracy government, people have to obey the unreasonablerule carried by them in order to survive. During the World War Two,millions of young people are forced to engage in the War in German. Canwe get the conclusion that the reason of their action result from theirwild ambition of ruling the World? Ruled by Hitler, they might have nochoice. While in an open society, the second one depends, we can readpeople' will from their action. The reformers like Martin Luther Kingcited people to engage into to civil movement is true while the realmotivation was people' will.Withstand the inequality a long time, people can no longer bear it andthen they walker out their house and called for equality. Even by theaction we still could possible misunderstand the other people not tomention their real will.

To the sum, the author' opinion is right in generous. However, theappearance can also play tricks on us.(这是一个完全矛盾的论点,中立观点不是这样表达的。) Taking all the cases inconsideration, we can find different conclusions depend on differentcircumstances.

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