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[i习作temp] issue83 V6 7.31 写的真伤心 :'( [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-2 22:03:49 |只看该作者
issue 83
Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
思路:1, 保护的必要性;2,保护的方式; 3, 保护需要资助,这也是政府的职责。

Ever since the human being's appearance, the exploration of the nature has never been stopped. However, more and more problems derived from over-exploration bring us the warning that if we humans do not take some actions to prevent(换换prohibit) the over-exploration or positively preserve the still existing wilderness, the tendency will bring us a rather bitter result. Government, as the organization to protect the people’s benefit, have the duty to support it.

destroy(好像只能做动词), they may contain a lot information about the original eThe first reason is because(that计较对) the natural state of existing wilderness areas means a lot to our world. With more and more changes people have done to the nature, the capacity of sustaining a balance of the nature is deteriorating day by day and therefore bring the earth too many tough problems such as the green-house effect, the expanding ozone hole, contaminated waters and air and so on. But the existing wilderness in nature still have a relatively stronger competence on balancing their own ecology thus the preservation of them may means(mean) a lot on protecting or even recovering the ecosystem's balance. For example, an undisturbed tropic forest may have conspicuous effect on regulating the temperature over the world and the protecting of biological diversity on earth. What's more, since these areas are not disturbed by human behavior's(你说man-made disaster怎样)
arth thus bring many scicences such as biology, geology new turning points. Even these areas are not so easy to access, the necessity still exists because problems nowadays are not restricted in certain areas but have global effects. Therefore, it will be necessary to preserve these wilderness areas in their natural state if we want to rescue the world we live in, even if they are not easily accessible.  

Now that it is necessary to do this, we must find out some effective way. There are two ways to choose, one is negatively preservations, that is, let them alone without disturbing them by any human behavior which is also equal to negatively waiting for harmness from global areas, another one is positive by which we can make some try to do some recoverings for other areas on condition that the natural states of these areas are not disturbed, the latter one seems to be more effective. In fact, some countries have already done this quite effectively. Take China for example, it made the Crested Ibis propagation programme in a wilderness area in Shan Xi province since 1993 when there were only 7 Creste Ibis over the world, by now, the total number of the Crested Ibis has already been over 300 with the natural state of the area not disturbed at all. Of course, the building of the workplace, the preservation of the natural state of it and the education of professionals cost a lot.嗯,这一段我拿不准,我只是想,既然有必要保护,就得有有效的方式,要保证有效的方式,就要有钱。算是body1&3的连接。但是不知道算不算偏题?个人觉得跑了虽然都是谈保护,问题的关键是国家该不该管, 第一段是说他重要该国家该保护(随便提一下第一段段首最好扣一下题提提国家), 那么第二段怎么管就该不该国家管没多大关系了

Since all preservation programmes must have the capital support, especially in unaccessible areas because the relating equipments, the guarantee of related professionals’s essential life, the working palce and the chronicity of the programme should all be considered, there should be certain organizations to support it. One professor in my college determined to devote his life on protecting the Tibetan Antelope while investigates their behavior in Qingzang Plateau which is quite unaccessible to humans. But he did not start until last year because of the capital supporting problem. Now that (换换since)it is a necessity for our humans to preserve the wilderness areas, since it is the duty of the government to protect its people's benefit, the government should positively take the burden.

To sum up, no matter from the necessity of preserving the wilderness or from the duty of the government, all goverments in the world should take actions(take action 好象是固定搭配) to preserve the wilderness areas even they are not quite accessible.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-2 22:05:36 |只看该作者
83.Goverment should preserve publicy owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.

Why do species of biology extinct so astonishingly in the modern society? In my observation, some short sight governments should assume indispensable responsibility of this adversity, for they overlook the necessity of protecting wilderness areas.

It is true that government have a great deal of pressing problems to deal with. Government must ensure the welfare of all the citizens to maintain the equilibrium of nation, must prevent various crimes to ensure the security of people, must endeavor to improve nation's economy to strengthen the nation, also must strike a balance on the intricate international relationship to gain optimum profit for the whole nation and so forth. There is no money, no energy, and no attention left for wilderness areas.

However, so crucial are wilderness areas, which are relative to our future, that government should take action to preserve them. It is for they are often extremely remote and accessible to only a few people that they especially preserve various species. Many species of great value in scientific researches, most of which are unique, only exist in the wilderness areas. Losing them in these areas indicates that we lose it forever. Moreover, nevertheless these areas are often remote from us, the relationships of nature are invariably mysterious, and then the extinction of one species in remote areas will result in unexpected effect for humans. “Butterfly effect” should not be forgotten by us. To some extent, nature has warned us by bird flu, food and mouth disease and pig flu recently found in China. Suppose all these diseases happen in one day, how further human beings can go. In sum, for human beings' own interests government should protect wilderness areas.

Moreover, wilderness areas are facing the severe threat of human-made disaster, and it is the duty of government to prohibit those ill actions immediately. If one kind of biology dies out naturally, it is none of our business for the sake of natural selection, and yet what a pity it is not the truth. Illegal people are intended to benefit from wilderness areas. Even if there are only a few people having this idea, their actions are sufficient to give rise to permanent destroying, which are beyond retrieval, to these areas. There is an astonishing statistic about Tibetan antelopes. This species only existing on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is suffering a brutal slaughter, diminishing by the speed of 20,000 a year and left less than 75,000. One day of five years later, when we open our eyes as usual, perhaps they have been lost from this earth forever, so do other species endangering. In a word, it is the fault of human beings, thus government should endeavor to protect them.

What is more, only government has ability to protect these areas effectively. Returning to the example of Tibetan Plateau, there are a group of people, the bravest volunteers, in Tibet fighting with hateful poachers, with tough weather, with thin air and with death, however compared with poachers their power seems to be so faint, for they are having little of fund, in need of guns, lack of everything expect the spirit of justice. Only government has a great many advantages to forbid illegal rampant hunting fundamentally, for they have money, the right to legislate and execute law, and ability of global co-operation. Given forbidding all the trades relevant to "Shahtoosh" the wool of Tibetan antelopes globally, extinct speed of antelopes will be slowed greatly. In sum, effective protection comes from government.

Busy as government seems to be, it is not a good excuse to say no to protection of wilderness areas. Wilderness areas are related to our long-term benefit, so government should place effort on wilderness areas as well as immediate problems.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-3 00:10:07 |只看该作者
bird flu好像不是nature的warning吧,是实验室跑出来的。sars是的

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-3 14:14:16 |只看该作者
However, so crucial are wilderness areas, which are relative to our future, that government should take action to preserve them. It is for they are often extremely remote and accessible to only a few people that they especially preserve various species. Many species of great value in scientific researches, most of which are unique, only exist in the wilderness areas. Losing them in these areas indicates that we lose it forever. Moreover, nevertheless these areas are remote from us, the relationships of nature are invariably mysterious, and then the extinction of one species in remote areas will result in unexpected effect for humans. “Butterfly effect” should not be forgotten by us. To some extent, nature has warned us by avian flu, food and mouth disease and pig flu recently found in China. Suppose some disaster happened in the wilderness area which indirectly leads to all these diseases happen in one day, how further human beings can go in the future. In sum, for human beings' own interests government should protect wilderness areas.好点吗?

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-3 14:19:06 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-3 14:28:36 |只看该作者
However, so crucial are wilderness areas, which are relative to our future, that government should take action to preserve them. It is for they are often extremely remote and accessible to only a few people that they especially preserve various species. Many species of great value in scientific researches, most of which are unique, only exist in the wilderness areas. Losing them in these areas indicates that we lose it forever. Moreover, nevertheless these areas are remote from us, the relationships of nature are invariably mysterious, and then the extinction of one species in remote areas will result in unexpected effect for humans. “Butterfly effect” should not be forgotten by us. To some extent, nature has warned us by avian flu, food and mouth disease and pig flu recently found in China. It is for human beings lack of the protection conscious that the nature gives us a negative response. Suppose some disaster happened in the wilderness area which indirectly leads to all these diseases happen in one day, how further human beings can go in the future. In sum, for human beings' own interests government should protect wilderness areas.好点吗?

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issue83 V6 7.31 写的真伤心 :'(
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