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[i习作temp] issue121必回拍,请打分 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-26 12:28:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue121  第2篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分7秒     483 words
At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species.
The speaker claims that there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts to save endangered species. His opinion has some merit but to solve a vast and complex problem like this one a general and universal solution is not enough. We should take into account all the factors and possible result under different conditions so that we will not make unredeemable mistakes. It is my belief that when come to problems concerning endangered species a balance between the interests of human and the survival of those species should be attained.

With the development of human society people are paying more attention to the task of saving endangered species. It is because this task has more merits than the superficial meaning of securing the existence of the species. First, the function of nature is so subtle and mysterious that we human with the current advanced science and technology achievements still could not understand it completely. The disappearing of one species might undermine the fragile balance of nature and bring disaster to a myriad of other species, and even we humans might not be able to avoid the possible consequences. Second, any kind of species is the product of the almighty nature and would provide useful and precious treasures such as meat, fur or genetic resource. The lost of one endangered species amount to a huge loss of the resource that human might potentially utilize in the future. Finally, people still might protect a certain species for their emotional reasons. For example, the panda, which is very rare now and can only be found naturally in China, has become the symbol of China  and is liked by Chinese people as well as friends all over the world. The distinction of panda, if happened, would bring great grief to those people.

Though the protection of endangered animals is very important, it is still to early to conclude that this problem should be solved at all costs. Actually we are suffering from many social and economical problems which are as serious as what the endangered animals are facing. There is still many people struggling on the edge of starving to death. The situation of education, sanitation and unemployment still pose great pressure to the society in some parts of the world. Under such circumstances, making extraordinary efforts to save endangered animals while the money and effort spent on this issue might stop thousands of people suffering from hungry, disease and poverty seems cruel and unacceptable.

To sum up, whether we should save endangered species is a choice that should not be made hastily. We should consider the costs and benefits of all the option and decide which is the best according to the specific condition. The earth is the home of all the living creatures in this world including us and we should be especially cautious when making choice concerning the joint future of all the members in the big family of earth.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-27 01:09:15 |只看该作者
The speaker claims that there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts to save endangered species. His opinion has some merit but to solve a vast and complex problem like this one(逗号) a general and universal solution is not enough. (感觉这句有点别扭,but前分开两句或者打个逗号) We should take into account all the factors and possible result under different conditions so that we will not make unredeemable mistakes. It is my belief that when come to problems concerning endangered species a balance between the interests of human and the survival of those species should be attained.(平衡观点)

With the development of human society people are paying more attention to the task of saving endangered species. It is because this task has more merits than the superficial meaning of securing the existence of the species. First, the function of nature is so subtle and mysterious that we human with the current advanced science and technology achievements still could not understand it completely. The disappearing of one species might undermine the fragile balance of nature and bring disaster to a myriad of other species, and even we humans might not be able to avoid the possible consequences. Second, any kind of species is the product of the almighty nature and would provide useful and precious treasures such as meat, fur or genetic resource. The lost of one endangered species amount to a huge loss of the resource that human might potentially utilize in the future. Finally, people still might protect a certain species for their emotional reasons. For example, the panda, which is very rare now and can only be found naturally in China, has become the symbol of China and is liked by Chinese people as well as friends all over the world. The distinction(错字了吧extinction) of panda, if happened, would bring great grief to those people.(感觉你的论证方式很理性,很透)

Though the protection of endangered animals is very important, it is still to (too) early to conclude that this problem should be solved at all costs. Actually we are suffering from many social and economical problems which are as serious as what the endangered animals are facing. There is (are) still many people struggling on the edge of starving to death. The situation of education, sanitation and unemployment still pose great pressure to the society in some parts of the world. Under such circumstances, making extraordinary efforts to save endangered animals while the money and effort spent on this issue might stop thousands of people suffering from hungry (改成starving) , disease and poverty seems cruel and unacceptable.

To sum up, whether we should save endangered species is a choice that should not be made hastily. We should consider the costs and benefits of all the option and decide which is the best according to the specific condition. The earth is the home of all the living creatures in this world including us and we should be especially cautious when making choice concerning the joint future of all the members in the big family of earth.
感觉挺流畅的,看得出很强的逻辑能力,向你学习了! 加油~!不过照我来看 可能还是会用有保留的反对观点,毕竟自己觉得写动物需要保护的可写得要多些,自然而然我就多了些感情色彩~~~

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-27 01:12:56 |只看该作者
有空再帮批批我的吧 谢谢

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