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[i习作temp] ISSUE144 艺术家 VS 评论家, 求互拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-5 16:06:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
144. It is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value. A person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.


In this assertion, the speaker claims that our artists contribute to social lasting values, and critics have nothing to do with them. I concede that, after all, it is artists who create countless great artworks which facilitate the dissemination and maintenance of social lasting values. At the same time, however, artists have their own unique function which cannot and should not be neglected.

Admittedly, artists are the creators of artworks, including novels, music, films, paintings, and so forth, all of which would contribute to lasting values. Novels and films provide us beautiful or solemn stories. In appreciating them, we search ourselves in the characters, experience their joys and their sorrows, and forecast ourselves’ behaviors when facing a similar dilemma. On the one hand, through imagining the involvement in the plot, it gives us a chance to confirm, refine or refute our previous values. On the other hand, the characters’ response poses great impression on us which forces us to think the true significance of life, humanity flaws and drawbacks, and ambitions deeply hidden in our nature. From the miserable life of victims of war, we could understand to cherish precious peace; from the support and influence that Lincoln gained from his stepmother, we could learn the time-honored theme of love; and even from those fantastic fictions, such as Harry Potter, we could also see honesty, courage and loyalty, which are considered as lasting values. Just through this kind of critical and thorough thinking rather than boring dictating, we would really understand lasting values. When novels and films' function seems to be comparative obvious, function of other forms of art is more indirect. Painting, a piece of paper, only illustrates us a static picture, but from which we can see painters' emotion and thought, and their comprehension about our society and values. Music, a piece of sound, even does not give us any visual impact, but its mysterious spiritual effect would calm our heart, inspire our enthusiasm which are also essential for the pursuit of true values.

Although from above discussion artists' contributions are obvious, we are also aware that they rarely directly tell us what we should do or what we should not. Artists rarely put forward their really thought in a clear means, but prefer to elaborately design some characters and plots, paint a picture which usually is abstract, or compose a graceful melody. They hide their thought deeply and require readers to explore it or experience it through their own thinking. But, unfortunately, the comprehension of art is a hard work which calls for certain background knowledge, critical thinking and the careful comparison between imaginary world and our mundane living. Most people do not want to do it or simply are incapable to do it. Under this circumstance, critics are persons we can rely on. While artists create artworks, critics reveal their values. From The Old Man and the Sea, while Hemingway only describe a wise and patient old fisherman and his once fishing experience, critics embody the theme of courage, endurance, the fighting against nature and the relationship between life and death; and from the symphony Hero, while Beethoven only provide exciting rhythm, critics reveal the fact that it was written to honor equality and liberty. Critics’ endeavor greatly enhances artworks’ influence and contributions on lasting values.

Moreover, with the increasing living pace, more and more, we depend on critics to select and filter artworks and therefore their influence and contribution are soaring. Which artworks is a great one, whether the film would give us a perfect spiritual experience or is replete with violence and sex, whether this long story deserves our precious time and many such questions become hard to be answered today, because of numerous artworks and decreasing leisure time. We cannot afford this onerous task and therefore shift it to critics. For a supporting example, we need look no further than Amazon, a famous online bookstore. Behind the description of every book, Amazon puts some criticism as suggestions, which come from booksellers, professional critics, and even common readers who have purchased this book. Generally speaking, we would trust them and rely on their criticism for guidance. What is a best seller? Firstly, it should be recommended wholeheartedly by critics. And then many people would read it just because they are suggested to purchase it. This phenomenon aptly illustrates nowadays critics’ importance. While artists create artworks, critics judge which is good or which is bad, at least to some extent.   

In sum, artists create artworks which in turn facilitate the dissemination of lasting values. However, critics help us comprehend these artworks and even select and filter them for us. Without artists, no artwork would exist. But without critics, we would be confused by vague literary expression or be immersed in the boundless ocean of artworks. So therein lies contributions of each.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-6 at 10:42 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-5 16:10:25 |只看该作者
字数太多了, 没必要 的.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-5 16:57:36 |只看该作者
In this assertion, the speaker claims that our artists contribute to social lasting values, and critics have nothing to do with them. I concede that, after all, it is artists who create countless great artworks which facilitate the dissemination and maintenance of social lasting values. At the same time, however, artists(critics?) have their own unique function which cannot and should not be neglected.

Admittedly, artists are the creators of artworks, including novels, music, films, paintings, and so forth, all of which would contribute to lasting values. Novels and films provide us beautiful or solemn stories. In appreciating them, we search ourselves in the characters, experience their joys and their sorrows, and forecast ourselves’ behaviors when facing a similar dilemma. On the one hand, through imagining the involvement in the plot, it gives us a chance to confirm, refine or refute our previous values. On the other hand, the characters’ response poses great impression on us which forces us to think the true significance of life, humanity flaws and drawbacks, and ambitions deeply hidden in our nature. From the miserable life of victims of war, we could understand to cherish precious peace; from the support and influence that Lincoln gained from his stepmother, we could learn the time-honored theme of love; and even from those fantastic fictions, such as Harry Potter, we could also see honesty, courage and loyalty, which are considered as lasting values. Just through this kind of critical and thorough thinking rather than boring dictating, we would really understand lasting values. When novels and films' function seems to be comparative obvious, function of other forms of art is more indirect. Painting, a piece of paper, only illustrates us a static picture, but from which we can see painters' emotion and thought, and their comprehension about our society and values. Music, a piece of sound, even does not give us any visual impact, but its mysterious spiritual effect would calm our heart, inspire our enthusiasm which are also essential for the pursuit of true values. (novel和film的例子举得很流畅,但是太多了,似乎没有这个必要.而后面的art和music甚至有点否定的意味了,因为他们的传达不够明显,是不是干脆就不要提及,反而更好一些?)

Although from above discussion artists' contributions are obvious, we are also aware that they rarely directly tell us what we should do or what we should not. Artists rarely put forward their really thought in a clear means, but prefer to elaborately design some characters and plots, paint a picture which usually is abstract, or compose a graceful melody. They hide their thought deeply and require readers to explore it or experience it through their own thinking. But, unfortunately, the comprehension of art is a hard work which calls for certain background knowledge, critical thinking and the careful comparison between imaginary world and our mundane living. Most people do not want to do it or simply are incapable to do it. Under this circumstance, critics are persons we can rely on. While artists create artworks, critics reveal their values. From The Old Man and the Sea, while Hemingway only describe a wise and patient old fisherman and his once fishing experience, critics embody the theme of courage, endurance, the fighting against nature and the relationship between life and death; and from the symphony Hero, while Beethoven only provide exciting rhythm, critics reveal the fact that it was written to honor equality and liberty. Critics’ endeavor greatly enhances artworks’ influence and contributions on lasting values. (这一段后面的例子举得很不错,要向你学习啊:P 不过前面绕了很大的一个圈子引出critics的作用,用的笔墨太多了一些似乎,精简一些可能更好吧?)

Moreover, with the increasing living pace, more and more, we depend on critics to select and filter artworks and therefore their influence and contribution are soaring. Which artworks is a great one, whether the film would give us a perfect spiritual experience or is replete with violence and sex, whether this long story deserves our precious time and many such questions become hard to be answered today, because of numerous artworks and decreasing leisure time. We cannot afford this onerous task and therefore shift it to critics. For a supporting example, we need look no further than Amazon, a famous online bookstore. Behind the description of every book, Amazon puts some criticism as suggestions, which come from booksellers, professional critics, and even common readers who have purchased this book. Generally speaking, we would trust them and rely on their criticism for guidance. What is a best seller?感觉有点突兀 呵呵 Firstly, it should be recommended wholeheartedly by critics. And then many people would read it just because they are suggested to purchase it. This phenomenon aptly illustrates nowadays critics’ importance. While artists create artworks, critics judge which is good or which is bad, at least to some extent.   

In sum, artists create artworks which in turn facilitate the dissemination of lasting values. However, critics help us comprehend these artworks and even select and filter them for us. Without artists, no artwork would exist. But without critics, we would be confused by vague literary expression or be immersed in the boundless ocean of artworks. So therein lies contributions of each.




使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-5 18:18:11 |只看该作者
For cityriverson
best seller的例子我也觉得比较突然,但是没想到太好的方法将它比较自然的引出。还有就是TS的问题,有时感觉在每段前面加上一个TS,很是影响全文的连贯性。比如说我写第三段是,就不知道怎么不提前面的话,直接将观点放在前面,又不会显得突然。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-5 18:38:10 |只看该作者
In this assertion, the speaker claims that our artists contribute to social lasting values, and critics have nothing to do with them. I concede that, after all, it is artists who create countless great artworks which facilitate the dissemination and maintenance of social lasting values. At the same time, however, artists have their own unique function which cannot and should not be neglected.

Admittedly, artists are the creators of artworks, including novels, music, films, paintings, and so forth, all of which would contribute to lasting values. Novels and films provide us beautiful or solemn stories. In appreciating them, we search ourselves in the characters, experience their joys and their sorrows, and forecast ourselves’ behaviors when facing a similar dilemma. On the one hand, through imagining the involvement in the plot, it gives us a chance to confirm, refine or refute our previous values. On the other hand, the characters’ response poses great impression on us which forces us to think the true significance of life, humanity flaws and drawbacks, and ambitions deeply hidden in our nature. From the miserable life of victims of war, we could understand to cherish precious peace; from the support and influence that Lincoln gained from his stepmother, we could learn the time-honored theme of love; and even from those fantastic fictions, such as Harry Potter, we could also see honesty, courage and loyalty, which are considered as lasting values. Just through this kind of critical and thorough thinking rather than boring dictating, we would really understand lasting values. When novels and films' function seems to be comparative obvious, function of other forms of art is more indirect. Painting, a piece of paper, only illustrates us a static picture, but from which we can see painters' emotion and thought, and their comprehension about our society and values. Music, a piece of sound, even does not give us any visual impact, but its mysterious spiritual effect would calm our heart, inspire our enthusiasm which are also essential for the pursuit of true values.

Although from above discussion artists' contributions are obvious, we are also aware that they rarely directly tell us what we should do or what we should not. Artists rarely put forward their really thought in a clear means, but prefer to elaborately design some characters and plots, paint a picture which usually is abstract, or compose a graceful melody. They hide their thought deeply and require readers to explore it or experience it through their own thinking. But, unfortunately, the comprehension of art is a hard work which calls for certain background knowledge, critical thinking and the careful comparison between imaginary world and our mundane living. Most people do not want to do it or simply are incapable to do it. Under this circumstance, critics are persons we can rely on. While artists create artworks, critics reveal their values. From The Old Man and the Sea, while Hemingway only describe a wise and patient old fisherman and his once fishing experience, critics embody the theme of courage, endurance, the fighting against nature and the relationship between life and death; and from the symphony Hero, while Beethoven only provide exciting rhythm, critics reveal the fact that it was written to honor equality and liberty. Critics’ endeavor greatly enhances artworks’ influence and contributions on lasting values.

Moreover, with the increasing living pace, more and more, we depend on critics to select and filter artworks and therefore their influence and contribution are soaring. Which artworks is a great one, whether the film would give us a perfect spiritual experience or is replete with violence and sex, whether this long story deserves our precious time and many such questions become hard to be answered today, because of numerous artworks and decreasing leisure time. We cannot afford this onerous task and therefore shift it to critics. 比如这里,叙述了这么多才轻描淡写一句,we need look no further than therefore shift it to critics.是不是有点少呢?如果来点artistic create..., but....Without critics, 我们就会迷失在...,不是更好么?(你的文字很好我就不献丑了)For a supporting example, we need look no further than Amazon, a famous online bookstore. Behind the description of every book, Amazon puts some criticism as suggestions, which come from booksellers, professional critics, and even common readers who have purchased this book. Generally speaking, we would trust them and rely on their criticism for guidance. What is a best seller? Firstly, it should be recommended wholeheartedly by critics. And then many people would read it just because they are suggested to purchase it. This phenomenon aptly illustrates nowadays critics’ importance. While artists create artworks, critics judge which is good or which is bad, at least to some extent.   

In sum, artists create artworks which in turn facilitate the dissemination of lasting values. However, critics help us comprehend these artworks and even select and filter them for us. Without artists, no artwork would exist. But without critics, we would be confused by vague literary expression or be immersed in the boundless ocean of artworks. So therein lies contributions of each.


https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... type%26typeid%3D101

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-6 13:18:42 |只看该作者
b1关于绘画和音乐的例子可以考虑放到b2中证明artist的东西隐晦不易理解。主题句Although from above discussion artists' contributions are obvious, we are also aware that they rarely directly tell us what we should do or what we should not.的后面可以加上“这时我们就需要评论家”一类的句子加强你的观点
2005 Aug 25 北京

使用道具 举报

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ISSUE144 艺术家 VS 评论家, 求互拍!
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