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本帖最后由 mpromanus 于 2010-2-24 03:46 编辑
The point (A more formal word would be 'statement'.) -“people should not pay to the public transportation” (I'm kind of wondering whether this is the original phrasing of the question, because people don't usually pay 'to' transportation but pay 'for' or pay 'to use' public transportation.) is an ideal condition. That is, people living in all standards (I understand what you're trying to express but you can't live 'in' a standard. 'standard of living' is more or less a fixed expression and generally we don't break it up. A rephrase like 'people with different standards of living' would be more natural.), both the people who are on low-income and the people who are wealthy (This is repetitive of what you just said at the beginning of this sentence. Unless you mean to express special concern on such details, I'd suggest to cut this kind of repetitions.), hope the public? transportation fee are is free (If something is free, then it comes at no fee. There's no such thing as a 'free fee' just as there's no such thing as a 免费的费用). But it (WHAT? public transportation? Be specific and precise in expression. It would only take a few extra words like 'such an ideal condition' to make this sentence much clearer.) would not work in the real world, both in developed countries and in developing countries (This pretty much means 'all countries'. Again, when you add details to descriptions, think about how much meaningful weight such details would add to the discussion. This selection process is especially important in the opening paragraph because things you say in this paragraph will be used to construct an overall mental model of your essay. If details are randomly mentioned, your reader can be distracted, confused or even misled. In this case, specifically mentioning both developed and developing countries would signal to your reader that this division might be of importance in your essay, and if you never come back to address this part, your reader would likely feel unsatisfied.). As a matter of fact, it (Again, what?) is a complicated problem. Why is it complicated? Because it must be concerned not only the background of the nation’s policies, economics and culture, but also the benefits of to people form? (It's very easy to spell 'from' as 'form', but this kind of errors could kill the meaning of a sentence, so I'd suggest you pay special attention to avoid it.) different levels of income. Here are my points in detail from both sides: (I'm not sure what kind of 'sides' you're referring to here, but from the next few words, you seem to mean 'perspectives'.), both from the countries (I understand that the Chinese expression 从国家的角度考虑 is a very powerful one, but it simply doesn't translate to English, because 'country' is largely a geographical concept, and normally refers to the populace rather than the governance of a nation. Simply put, a 'country' is not a political concept, while 国家 in Chinese happens to be both geographical and policital. A 'country' usually has no perspectives in terms of policies; it's the 'nation' that has this administrative power. This topic itself is a lot larger than this, of course, but for the purpose of this essay, let me just say that it's probably better to use 'nation' instead of 'country' when talking about policies and politics.) and from the individual. (You've written a lot but you still never answer the question. The question is asking whether you AGREE with the given statement. You need to answer whether you agree or disagree, then explain why.)
From the government of country aspects of the government, firstly (You have an interesting habit of using broken attributive clauses, which is a sign of non-native usage. 'Firstly' would almost certainly be the first word in this kind of sentences.), we must consider the costs of the previous period? in public transportation, for example, the expenditure of buses and trains (What exactly do you mean by 'expenditure on buses and trains' anyway? The cost of buying buses and trains? The cost of maintaining them? The cost of riding them?), and the expenditure of road building. etc. And the costs during the period in which public transport have been is in used, for example, the drivers' wages, fuel costs, vehicle maintenance fees, worn-out parts replacement fees and so on. (I now start to see that your 'previous period' probably means something like 'intial set-up period'..) All the costs mentioned above are indispensable for mass transit. If it is all paid from by the government, it is impossible (You need to prove this. There are wealthy governments in this world who are indeed able to pay for public transport. Whether they want to do it is another matter.). In fact, government allocates funds for the construction of education and medical security. (I see where you're trying to get with this, but you're not expressing what you're trying to express - that governments are not able to spend all their money on public transportation alone because they have other priorities and projects.) (You're making an obvious but unspoken assumption in this paragraph - that free public transportation, if it exists at all, must be provided entirely through government funding. Is this assumption even valid? Why do you have this assumption in the first place? Think about it.)
Secondly, nothing is free (Yeah, not even air and sunshine..although you might have indeed predicted the future.). We must pay for what we consume. If we break the normal economic regulations, such as interferingnce in with the natural free market of transportation (This is still ambiguous because 'intefereing...' is an example of 'break', not 'regulations', but it follows 'regulations' immediately rather than 'break'.), we will distort incentives? and take away the power of consumers to direct the meet their needs? (I hate to be harsh, but sometimes I do think that probably you aren't even quite aware as to what exactly you're talking about in Chinese..). Furthermore, it (WHAT?) is a moral which we must obey. Everyone has the obligation to the society (And what might that be? Pay taxes on time and don't lie about your incomes?). And it is also our responsibility to our society. We can’t live as a parasites on society. (This seems to imply that if anything is free in a society, it means people are ripping off 'the society' and not working hard enough for what they enjoy. Still you talk about free markets and the power of consumers. Talk about when capitalism meets Chinese communism..but of course I don't mean to get all political here. My point is that you don't seem to have any solid understanding of what you're talking about in this paragraph.)
While, in for the personal factor, there is also exist some tough problems also exist. For instance, according to the statistics from ifeng.com, the largest portal website in China, the fee of public transport is pretty expensive in some metropolises of China, like Shanghai and Chongqing. People who live in these cities have been complaining all the time for the unaffordable fee, so it may be a large burden for people, especially who are on a low incomes. Thus I claim that this fee must be paid by the nation’s people? (By ALL people of the nation?), but it must be affordable to people from of every living standard. In other words, the price should be nominal-just enough to pay for the service provided, and not a for-profit venture. (The question is whether people should or should not pay, not how much the price should be. You're basically arguing the wrong point without any good reason for changing the topic.)
The reality in China is that public transportation is acing as a crucial role between the government and the public (And what about other countries? See my comment about how to select details to present in the opening paragraph. To put such specific details in the conclusion is an immediate sign that you don't have a well-rounded overall concept of the topic.). Therefore, for my part, we should solve the problems (What problems?) from both sides. Only in this way, can we make a all-around method (to do what?).
那么这样的文字我觉得没法代表你真实水平。。托福的作文不需要想得跟人民日报社论一样复杂,简单直接现实甚或是所谓的白痴一点反而比较容易,最重要的是你要明白自己在写些什么,为什么要写这些,为什么要这么写,而不是只顾着埋头写。。=.= |
总评分: 声望 + 1