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[未归类] 7 8 作文帖 EDUCATION mollymollymoll [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-8 10:40:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
For a effective education, it is important for students to study for 11 months in school.
The issue of education schedule has long been in heated discussion. Perspective towards it varies from person to person . as for me , I hold the opinion that in order to study effectively ,students should stay in school for 11 months. the reasons are given in the following passage.
To start up, a long-time education make sure that students spend long time on study. the reason is simple. When students are in class, they concentrate in learning . however if they are at home or someplace else,they are not likely to spend any more time in learning. So this kind of time table drive students to spend more time on learning. what’s more, if students spend more time in obtaining knowledge, they
could learn thing more deeply .for example,
I could figure out how to solve a math problem in an hour, then if I spend 2 more hours , I can make out that the principles and
behind this kind of problem. hence ,we can learn more effectively if we spend more time in learning. With
those reasons , long- time education is beneficial to students’ effective learning .

Secondly, continuous education can help students have a better understanding . common sense tell us , if we keep doing a thing, no matter how hard it is , we can solve it at last. This is analogious to learning. Students could learn everything better if they keep learning successively without interruption . if their study pace were interrupted, they will spend more time to pick it up again . take me for example again, once I met a principle that I found it hard to understand , then I spend a little time to review the theory, after a week , I understood that principle. Conversely, when I was in primary school, I asked for a week’s leave to travel , when I was back to school, I felt it hard to catch up with other students. So in these cases , I
think lasting education that can be guaranteed by the 11-months schedule does good to students’ study efficiency.

but not least, having so much time in school, student have more chances to consult their teachers and classmates. As we all know, when learning by oneself
, students are likely to meet with problems. if they are at school , they can ask for help as soon as they encounter the problem. If they are at home , in one case that they could go to school the next day , they could mark those questions and go to school the second day to solve them. But when they are not required to attend school, what will happen. They may forget these difficulties
and leave these knowledge unsolved. Hence ,
if they are not required to school frequently, they may accumulate a lot of questions, then forget them. Conversely , if they spend much time in school, students are able to resolve those puzzles as soon as possible, so their learning efficiency can be enhanced. These facts can give sound support for my view that 11-month time table is imperative for a effective education.

All in all, long- time education, continuous learning and chances to consult other are merits of this kind of time-arrangement. Considering those advantages , I am confident to say that for learning efficiency , school should arrange this kind of time table.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-8 10:40:43 |只看该作者
For a effective education, it is important for students to study for 11 months in school.
The issue of education schedule has long been in heated discussion. Perspective towards it varies from person to person . as for me , I hold the opinion that in order to study effectively ,students should stay in school for 11 months. the reasons are given in the following passage.
To start up, a long-time education make sure that students spend long time on study. the reason is simple. When students are in class, they concentrate in learning . however if they are at home or someplace else,they are not likely to spend any more time in learning. So this kind of time table drive students to spend more time on learning. what’s more, if students spend more time in obtaining knowledge, they
could learn thing more deeply .for example,
I could figure out how to solve a math problem in an hour, then if I spend 2 more hours , I can make out that the principles and
behind this kind of problem. hence ,we can learn more effectively if we spend more time in learning. With
those reasons , long- time education is beneficial to students’ effective learning .

Secondly, continuous education can help students have a better understanding . common sense tell us , if we keep doing a thing, no matter how hard it is , we can solve it at last. This is analogious to learning. Students could learn everything better if they keep learning successively without interruption . if their study pace were interrupted, they will spend more time to pick it up again . take me for example again, once I met a principle that I found it hard to understand , then I spend a little time to review the theory, after a week , I understood that principle. Conversely, when I was in primary school, I asked for a week’s leave to travel , when I was back to school, I felt it hard to catch up with other students. So in these cases , I
think lasting education that can be guaranteed by the 11-months schedule does good to students’ study efficiency.

but not least, having so much time in school, student have more chances to consult their teachers and classmates. As we all know, when learning by oneself
, students are likely to meet with problems. if they are at school , they can ask for help as soon as they encounter the problem. If they are at home , in one case that they could go to school the next day , they could mark those questions and go to school the second day to solve them. But when they are not required to attend school, what will happen. They may forget these difficulties
and leave these knowledge unsolved. Hence ,
if they are not required to school frequently, they may accumulate a lot of questions, then forget them. Conversely , if they spend much time in school, students are able to resolve those puzzles as soon as possible, so their learning efficiency can be enhanced. These facts can give sound support for my view that 11-month time table is imperative for a effective education.

All in all, long- time education, continuous learning and chances to consult other are merits of this kind of time-arrangement. Considering those advantages , I am confident to say that for learning efficiency , school should arrange this kind of time table.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-8 11:49:50 |只看该作者
For a effective education, it is important for students to study for 11 months in school.: _6 y8 J3 Q" V) w- w/ ]
The issue of education schedule has long been in(应该是under) heated discussion. Perspectives (可数名词不光秃秃的使用,至少要加个冠词?)towards it vary from person to person . as for me , I hold the opinion that(和as for me 重复了,可以去掉) in order to study effectively ,students should stay in school for 11 months. the reasons are given in the following passage.
To start up(是to start with,表用错了,我也有个模板,个人建议就是最好保证模板里不会出错), a long-time education makes sure that students spend long time on study. the reason is simple. When students are in class, they concentrate in(注意介词的固定搭配on) learning . however if they are at home or someplace else,they are not likely to spend any more time in learning. So this kind of time table drives(个人建议,每次写完一篇文章之后,你可以自己先通篇读一下,注意一些细节,比如谓语和名词的单复数) students to spend more time on learning. what’s more, if students spend more time in obtaining knowledge, they
could learn thing more deeply .for example,8 n* t8 y5 `2 X+ L# Z
I could figure out how to solve a math problem in an hour, then if I spend 2 more hours , I can make out that the principles and. o$ ^4 k  H  v. f- Y3 s# N/ a! y
behind this kind of problem. hence ,we can learn more effectively if we spend more time in learning. With5 L) c  \  y  Y; S
those reasons , long- time education is beneficial to students’ effective learning .(这个例子放在下面是不是更加合适呢?)
Secondly, continuous education can help students have a better understanding . common sense tell us , if we keep doing a thing, no matter how hard it is , we can solve it at last. This is analogious(貌似没有这个词,你是想用analogical吧) to learning. Students could learn everything better if they keep learning successively without interruption . if their study’s pace were interrupted, they will(must) spend more time to pick it up again . take me for example again, once I met a principle that I found it hard to understand , then I spend a little time to review the theory, after a week , I understood that principle. Conversely, when I was in primary school, I asked for a week’s leave to travel , when I was back to school, I felt it hard to catch up with other students. So in these cases , I# ^" o% O! f  l; \
think lasting education that can be guaranteed by the 11-months schedule does good to students’ study efficiency., N  [- {( d- }  k, _3 j
Last, S3 J9 Q0 h+ V# S/ u! z  _
but not least, having so much time in school, student have more chances to consult their teachers and classmates. As we all know, when learning by oneself% J6 @2 F+ _+ c& a$ `3 X
, students are likely to meet with problems. if they are at school , they can ask for help as soon as they encounter the problem. If they are at home , in one case that they could go to school the next day , they could mark those questions and go to school the second day to solve them. But when they are not required to attend school, what will happen. They may forget these difficulties
and leave these knowledge unsolved. Hence ,* r6 K( F5 D- B9 K9 n! t
if they are not required to school frequently, they may accumulate a lot of questions, then forget them. Conversely , if they spend much time in school, students are able to resolve those puzzles as soon as possible, so their learning efficiency can be enhanced. These facts can give sound support for my view that 11-month time table is imperative for a effective education.; j' M- f* P9 H+ a! d
All in all, long- time education, continuous learning and chances to consult other are merits of this kind of time-arrangement. Considering those advantages , I am confident to say that for sake of (最好不单独用for 吧)learning efficiency , school should arrange this kind of time table.
请赐教For a effective education, it is important for students to study for 11 months in school.: _6 y8 J3 Q" V) w- w/ ]
The issue of education schedule has long been in(应该是under) heated discussion. Perspectives (可数名词不光秃秃的使用,至少要加个冠词?)towards it vary from person to person . as for me , I hold the opinion that(和as for me 重复了,可以去掉) in order to study effectively ,students should stay in school for 11 months. the reasons are given in the following passage.
To start up(是to start with,表用错了,我也有个模板,个人建议就是最好保证模板里不会出错), a long-time education makes sure that students spend long time on study. the reason is simple. When students are in class, they concentrate in(注意介词的固定搭配on) learning . however if they are at home or someplace else,they are not likely to spend any more time in learning. So this kind of time table drives(个人建议,每次写完一篇文章之后,你可以自己先通篇读一下,注意一些细节,比如谓语和名词的单复数) students to spend more time on learning. what’s more, if students spend more time in obtaining knowledge, they
could learn thing more deeply .for example,8 n* t8 y5 `2 X+ L# Z
I could figure out how to solve a math problem in an hour, then if I spend 2 more hours , I can make out that the principles and. o$ ^4 k  H  v. f- Y3 s# N/ a! y
behind this kind of problem. hence ,we can learn more effectively if we spend more time in learning. With5 L) c  \  y  Y; S
those reasons , long- time education is beneficial to students’ effective learning .(这个例子放在下面是不是更加合适呢?)
Secondly, continuous education can help students have a better understanding . common sense tell us , if we keep doing a thing, no matter how hard it is , we can solve it at last. This is analogious(貌似没有这个词,你是想用analogical吧) to learning. Students could learn everything better if they keep learning successively without interruption . if their study’s pace were interrupted, they will(must) spend more time to pick it up again . take me for example again, once I met a principle that I found it hard to understand , then I spend a little time to review the theory, after a week , I understood that principle. Conversely, when I was in primary school, I asked for a week’s leave to travel , when I was back to school, I felt it hard to catch up with other students. So in these cases , I# ^" o% O! f  l; \
think lasting education that can be guaranteed by the 11-months schedule does good to students’ study efficiency., N  [- {( d- }  k, _3 j
Last, S3 J9 Q0 h+ V# S/ u! z  _
but not least, having so much time in school, student have more chances to consult their teachers and classmates. As we all know, when learning by oneself% J6 @2 F+ _+ c& a$ `3 X
, students are likely to meet with problems. if they are at school , they can ask for help as soon as they encounter the problem. If they are at home , in one case that they could go to school the next day , they could mark those questions and go to school the second day to solve them. But when they are not required to attend school, what will happen. They may forget these difficulties
and leave these knowledge unsolved. Hence ,* r6 K( F5 D- B9 K9 n! t
if they are not required to school frequently, they may accumulate a lot of questions, then forget them. Conversely , if they spend much time in school, students are able to resolve those puzzles as soon as possible, so their learning efficiency can be enhanced. These facts can give sound support for my view that 11-month time table is imperative for a effective education.; j' M- f* P9 H+ a! d
All in all, long- time education, continuous learning and chances to consult other are merits of this kind of time-arrangement. Considering those advantages , I am confident to say that for sake of (最好不单独用for 吧)learning efficiency , school should arrange this kind of time table.

For a effective education, it is important for students to study for 11 months in school.: _6 y8 J3 Q" V) w- w/ ]
The issue of education schedule has long been in(应该是under) heated discussion. Perspectives (可数名词不光秃秃的使用,至少要加个冠词?)towards it vary from person to person . as for me , I hold the opinion that(和as for me 重复了,可以去掉) in order to study effectively ,students should stay in school for 11 months. the reasons are given in the following passage.
To start up(是to start with,表用错了,我也有个模板,个人建议就是最好保证模板里不会出错), a long-time education makes sure that students spend long time on study. the reason is simple. When students are in class, they concentrate in(注意介词的固定搭配on) learning . however if they are at home or someplace else,they are not likely to spend any more time in learning. So this kind of time table drives(个人建议,每次写完一篇文章之后,你可以自己先通篇读一下,注意一些细节,比如谓语和名词的单复数) students to spend more time on learning. what’s more, if students spend more time in obtaining knowledge, they
could learn thing more deeply .for example,8 n* t8 y5 `2 X+ L# Z
I could figure out how to solve a math problem in an hour, then if I spend 2 more hours , I can make out that the principles and. o$ ^4 k  H  v. f- Y3 s# N/ a! y
behind this kind of problem. hence ,we can learn more effectively if we spend more time in learning. With5 L) c  \  y  Y; S
those reasons , long- time education is beneficial to students’ effective learning .(这个例子放在下面是不是更加合适呢?)
Secondly, continuous education can help students have a better understanding . common sense tell us , if we keep doing a thing, no matter how hard it is , we can solve it at last. This is analogious(貌似没有这个词,你是想用analogical吧) to learning. Students could learn everything better if they keep learning successively without interruption . if their study’s pace were interrupted, they will(must) spend more time to pick it up again . take me for example again, once I met a principle that I found it hard to understand , then I spend a little time to review the theory, after a week , I understood that principle. Conversely, when I was in primary school, I asked for a week’s leave to travel , when I was back to school, I felt it hard to catch up with other students. So in these cases , I# ^" o% O! f  l; \
think lasting education that can be guaranteed by the 11-months schedule does good to students’ study efficiency., N  [- {( d- }  k, _3 j
Last, S3 J9 Q0 h+ V# S/ u! z  _
but not least, having so much time in school, student have more chances to consult their teachers and classmates. As we all know, when learning by oneself% J6 @2 F+ _+ c& a$ `3 X
, students are likely to meet with problems. if they are at school , they can ask for help as soon as they encounter the problem. If they are at home , in one case that they could go to school the next day , they could mark those questions and go to school the second day to solve them. But when they are not required to attend school, what will happen. They may forget these difficulties
and leave these knowledge unsolved. Hence ,* r6 K( F5 D- B9 K9 n! t
if they are not required to school frequently, they may accumulate a lot of questions, then forget them. Conversely , if they spend much time in school, students are able to resolve those puzzles as soon as possible, so their learning efficiency can be enhanced. These facts can give sound support for my view that 11-month time table is imperative for a effective education.; j' M- f* P9 H+ a! d
All in all, long- time education, continuous learning and chances to consult other are merits of this kind of time-arrangement. Considering those advantages , I am confident to say that for sake of (最好不单独用for 吧)learning efficiency , school should arrange this kind of time table.
请赐教https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;extra=&page=2

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-8 11:50:38 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3



发表于 2010-7-9 19:19:55 |只看该作者
For a (an)effective education, it is important for students to study for 11 months in school.
(….说说个人见解吧,我以为既然作者选择了像这样简洁的开头直抒自己的观点,那么就把题目抄一遍就可以了。因为其实严格说来,题目中的attend classes并不等于作者所转述的study for 11 months in school。呵呵也许是我挑刺儿了,Molly自己权衡吧~~~O(_)O~)
The issue of education schedule has long been in heated discussion. Perspective towards it varies from person to person . as for me , I hold the opinion that in order to study effectively ,students should stay in school for 11 months. the reasons are given in the following passage.
(额为什么又有一个开头??- -…难道说前面那个是题目??额….囧)
To start up, a long-time education makemakes sure that students spend long time on study. the reason is simple. When students are in class, they concentrate in learning . however if they are at home or someplace else,they are not likely to spend any more(any more语气上感觉有点强烈了,Molly觉得用as much time as in school 怎么样?) time in learning. So this kind of time table drivedrives students to spend more time on learning. what’s more, if students spend more time in obtaining knowledge, they3 [could learn thingthings more deeply .for example,I could figure out how to solve a math problem in an hour, then if I spend 2 more hours , I can make out that (这里的make out并未引导一宾语重句,故that多余)the principles and behind this kind of problem(额。。。这句没读懂,是不是and也多余了?). hence ,we can learn more effectively if we spend more time in learning. With& Q1 rthose reasons , long- time education is beneficial to students’ effective learning .
(恩。。。再说说个人观点吧,此段主要论述了more time=learn more,但是learn more 貌似并不等于learn more effectively,即此处的effectively体现的不是很强烈。不过,托福作文也没有GRE那么逻辑严谨,所以这也是个人简洁,Molly也还是自己权衡吧~~~
Secondly, continuous education can help students have a better understanding . common sense telltells
us , if we keep doing a thing, no matter how hard it is , we can solve it at last. This is analogiousanalogous to learning. Students could learn everything better if they keep learning successively without interruption . if their study pace were interrupted, they will spend more time to pick it up again . take me for example again, once I met a principle that I found it hard to understand , then I spend a little time to reviewreviewing the theory, after a week , I understood that principle.(感觉这句在时态上Molly可以再斟酌斟酌) Conversely, when I was in primary school, I asked for a week’s leave to travel , when I was back to school, I felt it hard to catch up with other students. So in these cases , I% |2 S- K+ B! C2 c( h/ F  Q1 ]  O

think lasting education that can be guaranteed by the 11-months schedule does good to students’ study efficiency.
# U- `2 Z7 B8 J1 n' `" ]* w

Last& but not least, having so much time in school, student have more chances to consult their teachers and classmates. As we all know, when learning by oneself students (这里注意与前面的oneself要单复数一致)are likely to meet with problems. if they are at school , they can ask for help as soon as they encounter the problem. If they are at home , in one case that they could go to school the next day , they could mark those questions and go to school the second day to solve them. But when they are not required to attend school, what will happen. They may forget these difficulties and leave these knowledge unsolved. Hence ,& _*if they are not required to school frequently, they may accumulate a lot of questions, then forget them. Conversely , if they spend much time in school, students are able to resolve those puzzles as soon as possible, so their learning efficiency can be enhanced. These facts can give sound support for my view that 11-month time table is imperative for a effective education.* F7 j% ~' K( d' E( ~& G7
j; ^
All in all, long- time education, continuous learning and chances to consult other are merits of this kind of time-arrangement. Considering those advantages , I am confident to say that for learning efficiency , school should arrange this kind of time table.(很好的结尾,赞一个!)
today is the first day of the rest of my life...

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-10 12:24:28 |只看该作者
Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.) F1 _
The issue of students’ homework has long been in the heated discussion . the perspective towards it varies from person to person ,.As for me , I think students should do assignments everyday in order to achieve a better development. Time spent on those homework assigned by teacher can help the students avoid negative activities , learn more deeply and find insufficiency in learning .The reasons are explained in the following passage.
To start with ,  to  take time to accomplish assignments can prevent children from engaging  in other unhealthy entertainment. Kids are those who don’t develop mature inner quality, hence they can  not resist the temptation to do some harmful things such as PC games , violence activities  ,porn magazines and so on . all of such things do harm to the growth of students. Then if children have assignments to finish , they won’t have the time and be in the mood to perform that sort of activities. For example, when I was in summer holiday that I graduate from primary school , I didn’ t have any home work at all. As a result, I was addicted to the computer games .Even when I enter the high school , I can’t totally concentrate on my study for I was too fascinated with games. In this case , I think homework is imperative to avoid potential risk that students would be attracted by the ill-natured hobbies.
Secondly , homework is a tool that help students learn more deeply about their text. The reason is quite straightforward. As we all know , if we learn a thing twice ,  we can learn it more exclusively in mind even one can not understand a principle at first , then through repeat acknowledging  when doing assignments, one will definitely at least have a further comprehension about the problem. Conversely, if  there is no need to finish homework, it is entirely possible that the students forget all that learned in class after a night sleep. Take me for example again, once I was invited to attend a party at night , therefore  I could not afford the time to do my homework. As a result , I found it hard to catch up with my classmate in the second day  because I leave what I heard in class before the day. In sum, assignments benefit students’ understanding of the class.
Last but not least, by the process of  dealing with tasks , students get the opportunity to find out their inadequacy of learning . when doing home work , learners have to do all follow requirements . in the procedure , they are likely to meet with some problems . As a result, they are able to search those points they don’t command quit well .  then they could make up for those knowledge deficits. In other word, the people find fault with their former learning and perfect their comprehension. My teachers always gave us carefully chosen tasks in order to let us know what we are lack of and learn by ourselves, through the process, we all felt that we made great progress in both knowledge and leaning abilities. In a word, accomplishing assignments is a process that perfects the understanding and enhaces  the capability to study..
All in all, assignments impede the possibility that kids are devoted to the bad stuff, deepen the comprehension of the books and enable students develop their ability to learn and also have a more throughout learning . considering those points , I am confident to say that  assignments are necessary for developments of students.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-13 11:33:04 |只看该作者
There is a increasing concern on material that people should be exposed to . This issue has long been in the heated discussion. Some may argue that people can have a better understanding through those serious things. Those movies will make people sad , while entertaining stories will relax viewers and provide a positive attitude to audience. As far as I am concerned , movies that are humourous are better for the development as a whole . The reasoning is in the following passage.
The first point can be lent to support my opinion is that  serious movie always lead people to be sad and frustrated. Common sense tell us , when we watch a movie depict the reality or the dark side of the life, this kind of movie is defined as serious one. Then  we will feel upset and disopinting about the world. For example,I spent hours watching   a movie . In the movie , there is old granny who collects the rabbish in order to own a living . I think the director aims to show nowadays how emotionless people are ,then motivated to whole community to response. After I view that story , I just felt upset and want to stop everything just to cry. In this sense, serious movie sometimes may bring people into a bad state. Even it will impede the working and studing efficiency of the people.
The second argument can be made to validate my view is that current people demand a funny movie to relax. The pressure  from work and study people today assume is increasing with the high developments in society. People definitely need to express and to reduce the pressure. Other wise , if they suppress the stress. Someday there will be “explosion”. After work and study. Sitting in the sofa,  eating some snakes and watching a relaxing and meaningless movie can help us get rid of the boring things such as tremendous work tasks , competitions and future advancement. Then after this recreation. We begin to  work again. We will feel more motivated and efficiently. In this case, watching a amusing movie indeed benefit us mentally and our efficiency.
Last but not least, we develop our optimistic angel toward things. The reason is quite straightforward. The plots in this sort of movie tell us how to cope with unfortunate things with open mind and humor. In one movie , the main role in it gets sick, and then he is happy, because he thinks he finally gets to chance to be taken cared of and get a few day’s rest .It tells me that superficially bad things are not really bad, it may have merits as well. So in this sense, we can became more positive when facing difficulties in daily life. What’ s more, this quality enable us to attract more friends and futher deepen friendship. Since people around the world are attempting to be more happy. Consequently, all of these improve our life attitudes and state. In sum ,we can learn to make our days more happier by these movies.
All in all, educational movies is upsetting and boring , while  funny movie relive pressure and enhace performance in  careers and study  as well as cultivate our positive view to ourselves , thus perfect our lives. Considering these facts , I am confident to say that people should choose a movie with plenty of funny plots and roles rather than one with mere educational goals.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-14 11:49:15 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 longxue26 于 2010-7-14 11:55 编辑

亲爱的molly 改好了
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God Bless me!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-15 12:59:50 |只看该作者
people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another place.

There is an increasing concern over whether people should move to another place lifelong  as the development of communication and transportation. Perspectives towards the issue varies from person to person. Some people value cozy life may support the point that people had better live in a place. While as for me , I hold distinct opinion. Since people could learn to live independently and make more friends ,therefore promote personal achievements, person will benefit from living in a new environment.The reasoning is in the following passage.
The first point can be made to support my position is that people enhance their ability to live on their own  if they try to own a living in a different place. The reason is quite simple. After we have been  born. Our parents brought us up.Then  we rely on our father ,mother ,relatives and friends surround us. We  are too dependent on them to be able to achieve  a easy thing by ourselves.For example, my cousin who is an adult, live  in the  same city  for 24 years. Nowadays, he  went back home to eat dinner everyday simply because he didn’t learn how to cook. His parents went to his house to do house work for him. Contrary to my consin.I leave my parents to another city to study, I learned how to take care of myself. I can do some basic living stuffs such as cooking, washing and so on . This kind of skills in important for one day in the future, we have to make a living on our own. So , in this sense, living in an another palce do good to a person in the long run.
The second argument can be lent to validate my point was that  more friends can be made when a person move to another place. The notion behind this is quite straightforward. If we changed the environment we are living ,then the people around us changed too. We get the opportunity to know more people, to develop friendship with them. As for me, when I move to the new city , I soon gained a lot from my new friendships .They taught me about the culture there, they helped me adopt to the new city  and also they bring more fun to me . What’s more,These friends may help me in the future more or less. In summery. We can meet new people and  develop new friendships ,which is a imperative part of life.
Last but not least, Moving to a new place, we can get a new start, then  are easier to get success. Common sense tell us. New  managers , new coworkers and new surbodinates won’t know your history in the new city. Hardly have they chance to obtain past information about you. If you make a big mistake in your company. Then you manager won’t trust you anymore, and give the chance of advancement to another people. When you moved to another place. You could not worry about the fault will affect  judgment toward you. You can gain more motivation and  start to work hard again without unjustified treatment .Then acivements in career is a  lot easier. In a word. A new enviroment  may be a lot of help to one’s development.
All in all, experience in a new place  tell person to live on their own and enable people make more friends, in  some occation ,a new place give the people more chances to make progress. Considering these merit , I am confident to say that  I would rather to move to a new place to start new life than live a cozy life in a same place.

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发表于 2010-7-16 00:59:44 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-7-16 10:57:12 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-17 11:02:31 |只看该作者
All students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not this major。
People are paying increasing concern over the issue of education as the development in contemporary world. The topic of whether should students be required to learn subsidize subjects other than the major course. The perspective torwards it varies from person to person. Some people take for granted that those basic classes won’t  make sense when it comes to students’ advancements. Whereas  I think that student should learn  those seemingly unimportant requirements because those courses will help students in daily lifes and in the learning in other subject,  and  provide  better job  oppurturnities.I will give my resoning in the following passage.
First of  all. Basic science  can be  help students in every day. The reason is quite simple.  As we all know. The knowledge about basic science such as math , science, literature, music  and so on can be applied to daily life. For example. When making a time schedule. We should know how to calculate and how many hours there are in a day. Also , When planning budget , students should be good at math too. What’s more , having a knowledge about music and literature can be helpful when  finding topics with strangers. Once , I went to a new school I did not know any one there. I began to talk with my classmates about famous music stars   their styles . Sharing the common language,We soon became good friends. I adapted to the new environment quickly.In this sense, students should take some courses of this kind.
What’s , more an good understanding of  fundamental principles and appearance   will be beneficial to  the learning of other major courses. Common sense tell us , all the complex stuffs and based on basic knowledge. Such as  Business are developed from math, humanity and technology.  Doctors demands the learning of biology , science and chemistry . In my university , As students majors in business, we are required to take credit of math, society and science. Then we find it a lot easier to learn how to make a best use of the time and money , how to develop a strategy in a group and the list will go on. In sum , such a requirement can assume a crucial role in the education of a certain major.
Last but not least, A good common of of comprehensive information do good to the career achievements. The reason is quite straight forward. Employees are graciously putting emphasis on those graduates who have a all-around understanding  with the world are driven to be more and more complex. Take my cousin as a example. He is a university student have a lot of credits on a lot of subject  including both fundamental science subjects and specific courses. He faced a competition with a graduate student merely took  disciplines that are relevant to business. Finnally, my cousin gain the favor of the manager. This requirement will function as advantage when  students applying for jobs.
All in all, without  the requirements on basic science classes, hardly can students cope with difficulties in everyday , tackle complex major subjects  and assume a advantageoue edge when employing . Considering these facts , I am confident to say that school should enact regulations to ask their students to learn those fundamental but imperative subjects.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-7-18 12:44:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 frlender 于 2010-7-18 12:52 编辑

12# mollymollymolly
All students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not this major。People are paying increasing concern over the issue of education as the development in contemporary world. The topic of whether should students be required to learn subsidize(应该是subsidiary吧) subjects other than the major course. The perspective torwards it varies from person to person. Some people take for granted that those basic classes won’t  make sense when it comes to students’ advancements. Whereas(这是联词,不能这么用)  I think that student(s)should learn  those seemingly unimportant requirements because those courses will help students in daily lifes and in the learning in other subject,  and  provide  better job  oppurturnities.I  will give my resoning in the following passage(s).

First of  all. Basic science  can be  help students in every day. The reason is quite simple.  As we all know. The knowledge about basic science such as math , science, literature, music  and so on can be applied to daily life. For example. When making a time schedule. We should know how to calculate and how many hours there are in a day. Also , When planning budget , students should be good at math too. What’s more , having a knowledge about music and literature can be helpful when  finding topics with strangers. Once , I went to a new school I did not know any one there. I began to talk with my classmates about famous music stars  (and) their styles . Sharing the common language, We soon became good friends. I adapted to the new environment quickly.In this sense, students should take some courses of this kind.

What’s , more an good understanding of  fundamental principles and appearance   will be beneficial to  the learning of other major courses. Common sense tell us , all the complex stuffs (uncountable) (is) based on basic knowledge. Such as  Business are developed from math, humanity and technology.  Doctors demands the learning of biology , science and chemistry . In my university , As students majors in business, we are required to take credit of math, society and science. Then we find it a lot easier to learn how to make a best use of the time and money , how to develop a strategy in a group and the list will go on(list will go on 和前面什么成分并列?). In sum , such a requirement can assume a crucial role in the education of a certain major.

Last but not least, A good common of of comprehensive information do good to the career achievements. The reason is quite straight forward. Employees(employers) are graciously putting emphasis on those graduates who have a(an) all-around understanding  with the world are driven to be more and more complex. Take my cousin as a example. He is a university student who have a lot of credits on a lot of subject(s)  including both fundamental science subjects and specific courses. He faced a competition with a graduate student (who) merely took  disciplines that are relevant to business. Finnally, my cousin gain the favor of the manager. This requirement will function as advantage when  students (are) applying for jobs.

All in all, without  the requirements on basic science classes, hardly can students cope with difficulties in everyday , tackle complex major subjects  and assume a advantageoue edge when employing(employ动作不是学生发出的,用applying) . Considering these facts , I am confident to say that school should enact regulations to ask their students to learn those fundamental but imperative subjects.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-18 23:19:48 |只看该作者


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-7-19 11:24:42 |只看该作者
People are paying increasing concern over the issue of education as the development in contemporary world. (The topic of whether should students be required to learn subsidize(这里如果是用subsidize应该subsidiary吧?我查了一下Webster’s,好像没明白subsidized subjects 是什么意思,可不可以这样用?求牛人见解) subjects other than the major course.)句子结构不完成。 The perspective towards it varies from person to person. Some people take for granted that those basic classes won’t  make sense when it comes to students’ advancements. Whereas  I think that student(s) should learn  those seemingly unimportant requirements because those courses will help students in daily lives and in the learning in other subject,  and  provide  better job  opportunities. I will give my resoning(reasons) in the following passage.
First of  all, Basic science  can ()  help students in every day(应该是daily lives ). The reason is quite simple.  As we all know. The knowledge about basic science such as math , (science, literature, music )这2个也算么…… and so on can be applied to daily life. For example. When making a time schedule.,we should know how to calculate and how many hours there are in a day. Also , when planning a budget , students should be good at math too. What’s more , having a knowledge about music and literature can be helpful when  find topics with strangers. Once , I went to a new school I did not know any one there. I began to talk with my classmates about famous music stars   their styles . Sharing the common language(-ing已变成状语)We soon became good friends. I adapted to the new environment quickly.In this sense, students should take some courses of this kind.
What’s  more a good understanding of  fundamental principles and appearance   will be beneficial to  the learning of other major courses. Common sense tell us , all the complex stuffs and based on basic knowledge. Such as  Business are developed from math, humanity and technology.  Doctors (are demanded这里想表达的是医生被要求吧?) to learn biology , science and chemistry . In my university , As students majors in business, we are required to take credit of math, society and science. Then we find it a lot easier to learn how to make a best use of the time and money , how to develop a strategy in a group and the list will go on. In sum , such a requirement can assume a crucial role in the education of a certain major. * |$ t2 s' U4 [: E2 l' L
Last but not least一般这句是末段了, A good common of of comprehensive information do good to the career achievements. The reason is quite straight forward. Employees are graciously putting emphasis on those graduates who have a all-around understanding  with the world are driven to be more and more complex. Take my cousin as a example. He is a university student have a lot of credits on a lot of subject  including both fundamental science subjects and specific courses. He faced a competition with a graduate student merely took  disciplines that are relevant to business. Finnally, my cousin gain the favor of the manager. This requirement will function as advantage when  students applying for jobs.- O/ c; o4 }; a: E( `8 h- ~/ ]
All in all, without  the requirements on basic science classes, hardly can students cope with difficulties in everyday , tackle complex major subjects  and assume a advantageous edge when employing . Considering these facts , I am confident to say that school should enact regulations to ask their students to learn those fundamental but imperative subjects.

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