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[未归类] siss的作文本 (二战中。。。) [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-7-28 04:59:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
7月27日交 – xqsissy的作业本

(09.01.17 NA )Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits

In our daily life, so many problems need to be considered carefully. As what has been arose, there is a public debate today that whether advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits. What’s your choice and what’s your opinion? Some people hold their views that advertising isn’t the main cause of unhealthy eating habits because they believe there exist other facts that really influence the unhealthy eating habits; while the others insist that due to the advertising, a lot of people don’t follow the healthy eating habits they had before, thus they argue that the advertising give audition a bad example of eating habits. However, after carefully considering all the aspects, I believe that it is undeniable that the wrong information from some advertisements are causing people to change their eating habits, but we still couldn’t consider the advertising as the most significant cause of unhealthy eating habits. There are two factors as following for supporting my views.

Undoubtedly, some advertisings of food gave children the negative examples for their eating habits, however we still couldn’t be blinded for the other reasons which are the original sins for unhealthy eating habits. As the pace of life become faster when compared to ten years before, people don’t have enough time for eating during their rapid daily life. Therefore, I believe the rapid change of our modern life is the main cause that is leading to the unhealthy eating habits.

Ten years before, all the industries were less developed than they are right now; therefore, the workers had more time for their entertainments, their activities and their own life for enjoying the meals. However, nowadays, people wake up early for go to office on time as the traffic is very though in the morning time; therefore, people either eat nothing for breakfast or eat when they are driving to work. For instance, according to the Japanese census’s statistic, 70% Japanese don’t take breakfast because of the quick society.  As they need to arrive office around 8:00am and most of them live very far from the city for the economy, they couldn’t eat breakfast at home as they don’t want to waste the time for train or bus. Some of them often took their breakfast just with a cup of coffee and little biscuit on the transportation or at their office. Thus, this statistic shows the mainly cause of unhealthy eating habits in Japan is their quick lifestyle.
Furthermore, for lunch, some people will just have a sandwich for that they could finish more quickly, because they might have a meeting after lunch; while the others will just eat the foods which they prepared one night before, as they prefer to economy their expenses for adapt this rapid society. Thus, for most people, the only rich meal in a day will be the dinner, but sometimes, as the business’ needs, the dinner isn’t really healthy. However, as we know, it is not good for our stomach if we always eat a lot in the night. To sum up, we could safely find that the rapid change of society is the truly main cause that leads to the unhealthy eating habits.

On the contrary, we can’t ignore the positive effects from some advertising related to healthy eating habits. First of all, in many developed countries, the rules of advertisements are becoming very strictly, especially for the advertisings of food. For example, in France, all the food advertisements on TV must a phrase to inform people on how to keep healthy eating habits, such as “you should eat at least 7 vegetables and fruits in our daily gourmand.   In addition, some advertisements encourage citizens to pay attention to their healthy eating habits. Such as some special advertisements of quick food restaurant in Canada and US, they claim clearly the importance of healthy eating habits for people’ entire life.  On the other hand, some advertisements also use the negative examples of bad eating habits for warranting people. For example, there’s a famous children advertisement in USA assume that eating a lot of sugars will leading bad tooth. This advertisement suddenly becomes well known among the children and their parents; because it seems like a lesson for teaching the children to have a correct eating habits from they were young. Thus, we could undeniable see the effects which advertising has done on the improvement of healthy eating habits in the whole society.

Finally, nevertheless the advertisings made some bad influences on unhealthy eating behaviors in their developing histories; however, as a old Chinese saying “One swallow does not make a summer”, we couldn’t simply consider that advertising is the most important reason of unhealthy eating habits.

(785 words – 一共用了45分钟,超时15分钟,下次要注意!)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-7-29 00:23:08 |只看该作者

5 @' f  f, y( pIn our daily life, so many problems need to be considered carefully. As what has been arose, there is a public debate today that
whether advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits. What’s your choice and what’s your opinion?
(感觉是没用的套话) Some people hold their views that advertising isn’t the main cause of unhealthy eating habits because they believe thatthere exist other facts(factors) that really influence the unhealthy eating habits; while the others insist that due to the advertising, a lot of people don’t follow the healthy eating habits they had before, thus they argue that the advertising give audition a bad example of eating habits. However, after carefully considering all the aspects, I believe that it is undeniable that the wrong information from some advertisements are causing people to change their eating habits, but we still couldn’t consider the advertising as the most significant cause of unhealthy eating habits. There are two factors as following for supporting my views.(There are two following factors to support my views.)
6 s& k) n/ t7 [2 ?. L1 u2 {
1 F! b, Z2 M, L: N7 x; bUndoubtedly, some advertisings of food gave children the negative examples for their eating habits, however we
still couldn’t be blinded for the other reasons which are the original sins for unhealthy eating habits. As the pace of life become faster when compared to ten years before, people don’t have enough time for eating during their rapid daily life. Therefore, I believe the rapid change of our modern life is the main cause that is leading to the unhealthy eating habits.
  |5 |- b3 q1 V: ?  M
$ E# \9 p: b! |( Q. V& v! G7 j
Ten years before, all the industries were less developed than
thatthey are right now; therefore, the workers had more time for their entertainments, their activities and their own life for enjoying the meals. However, nowadays, people wake up early for going to office on time as the traffic is very though(?) in the morning time; therefore, people either eat nothing for breakfast or eat when they are driving to work. For instance, according to the Japanese census’s statistic, 70% Japanese don’t take breakfast because of the quick society.  As they need to arrive office around 8:00am and most of them live very far from the city for the economy, they couldn’t eat breakfast at home as they don’t want to waste the time for train or bus. Some of them often took their breakfast just with a cup of coffee and little biscuit on the transportation or at their office. Thus, this statistic shows the mainly cause of unhealthy eating habits in Japan is their quick lifestyle.
1 d  X- @- s$ @Furthermore, for lunch, some people will just have a sandwich for that they could finish more quickly, because they might have a meeting after lunch; while the others will just eat the foods which they prepared one night before, as they prefer to economy their expenses for adapt this rapid society. Thus, for most people, the only rich meal in a day will be the dinner, but sometimes, as the business’ needs, the dinner isn’t really healthy. However, as we know, it is not good for our stomach if we always eat a lot in the night. To sum up, we could safely(?)
find that the rapid change of society is the truly main cause that leads to the unhealthy eating habits.
, K- ]5 }4 ?. F; n( w
1 {7 N" K& I7 r# g9 q( A$ n" Z
9 U: N. h3 R  G1 @9 {! m
On the contrary, we can’t ignore the positive effects from some advertising related to healthy eating habits. First of all, in many developed countries, the rules of advertisements are becoming very strictly, especially for the advertisings of food. For example, in France, all the food advertisements on TV must a phrase to inform people on how to keep healthy eating habits, such as “you should eat at least 7 (kinds of ?)vegetables and fruits in our daily gourmand.   In addition, some advertisements encourage citizens to pay attention to their healthy eating habits. Such as some special advertisements of quick food restaurant in Canada and US, they claim clearly the importance of healthy eating habits for people’ entire life.  On the other hand, some advertisements also use the negative examples of bad eating habits for(to) warranting people. For example, there’s a famous children advertisement in USA assume that eating a lot of sugars will leading (to) bad tooth. This advertisement suddenly becomes well known among the children and their parents; because it seems like a lesson for teaching the children to have a correct eating habits from they were young. Thus, we could undeniable see the effects which advertising has done on the improvement of healthy eating habits in the whole society.
" W- V6 X. q3 c+ d% I  J. w
& x, l% [: s, {9 R5 n+ B5 X
Finally, nevertheless the advertisings made some bad influences on unhealthy eating behaviors in their developing histories; however, as a old Chinese saying “One swallow does not make a summer”, we couldn’t simply consider that advertising is the most important reason of unhealthy eating habits.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-7-29 14:48:36 |只看该作者
(09.01.17 NA )Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits
In our daily life, so many problems need to be considered carefully. As what has been arose, there is a public debate today that whether advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits. What’s your choice and what’s your opinion? Some people hold their views that advertising isn’t the main cause of unhealthy eating habits because they believe there exist other facts that really influence the unhealthy eating habits; while the others insist that due to the advertising, a lot of people don’t follow the healthy eating habits they had before, thus they argue that the advertising give audition a bad example of eating habits. However, after carefully considering all the aspects, I believe that it is undeniable that the wrong information from some advertisements are causing people to change their eating habits, but we still couldn’t consider the advertising as the most significant cause of unhealthy eating habits. There are two factors as following for supporting my views.

q3 N" H. O- L1 z: R
Undoubtedly, some advertisings of food gave children the negative examples for their eating habits, however we still couldn’t be blinded for the other reasons which are the original sins for unhealthy eating habits. As the pace of life become faster when compared to ten years before, people don’t have enough time for eating during their rapid daily life. Therefore, I believe the rapid change of our modern life is the main cause that is leading to the unhealthy eating habits. , A+ M0 D; k# ^0 A5 |

Ten years before, all the industries were less developed than they are right now; therefore, the workers had more time for their entertainments, their activities and their own life for enjoying the meals. However, nowadays, people wake up early for go(going) to office on time as the traffic is very though(crowd( in the morning time; therefore, people either eat nothing for breakfast or eat when they are driving to work. For instance, according to the Japanese census’s statistic, 70% Japanese don’t take breakfast because of the quick society.  As they need to arrive(in) office around 8:00am and most of them live very far from the city for the economy, they couldn’t eat breakfast at home as they don’t want to waste the time for train or bus. Some of them often took(take) their breakfast just with a cup of coffee and little biscuit on the transportation or at their office. Thus, this statistic shows the mainly cause of unhealthy eating habits in Japan is their quick lifestyle.7 Q, \% x0 G/ V4 I& H3 l1 J/ S1 I
Furthermore, for lunch, some people will just have a sandwich for that they could finish more quickly, because they might have a meeting after lunch; while the others will just eat the foods which they prepared one night before, as they prefer to economy their expenses for adapt this rapid society. Thus, for most people, the only rich meal in a day will be the dinner, but sometimes, as the business’ needs(作者是想说being occupied with business吗), the dinner isn’t really healthy. However, as we know, it is not good for our stomach if we always eat a lot in the night. To sum up, we could safely find that the rapid change of society is the truly main cause that leads to the unhealthy eating habits.5 F& p2 L6 k! Y  G
6 v, c1 d3 w$ J3 L+ K  x+ U' Q& }# ?
; A1 u5 w: t" Y/ B+ m
On the contrary, we can’t ignore the positive effects from(of) some advertising(ads) related to healthy eating habits. First of all, in many developed countries, the rules of advertisements are becoming very strictly, especially for the advertisings of food. For example, in France, all the food advertisements on TV must a phrase to inform people on how to keep healthy eating habits, such as “you should eat at least 7 vegetables and fruits in our daily gourmand.   In addition, some advertisements encourage citizens to pay attention to their healthy eating habits. Such as some special advertisements of quick food restaurant in Canada and US, they claim clearly the importance of healthy eating habits for people’ entire life.  On the other hand, some advertisements also use the negative examples of bad eating habits for warranting(是想用warning吗) people. For example, there’s a famous children advertisement in USA assume(assuming) that eating a lot of sugars will leading bad tooth(make teeth bad). This advertisement suddenly becomes(became,已经发生过的事情了) well known among the children and their parents; because it seems like a lesson for teaching the children to have a correct eating habits(habit) from(since) they were young. Thus, we could undeniable(是想用inevitably吗) see the effects which advertising has done on the improvement of healthy eating habits in the whole society.  s7 C# [3 E1 j6 }! J! D: Z, ^
$ L% {: _+ r- u' u+ I6 u! ]0 C
Finally, nevertheless the advertisings made some bad influences on unhealthy eating behaviors in their developing histories; however(nevertheless和however任选一个), as a old Chinese saying “One swallow does not make a summer”,(这个谚语不妥当) we couldn’t simply consider that advertising is the most important reason of unhealthy eating habits.& |! B2 k, {2 V; c0 C) ^+ v1 O

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发表于 2010-7-29 18:33:11 |只看该作者
https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;extra=&page=1

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发表于 2010-7-30 13:27:29 |只看该作者

sissy 7/29作文本 @

本帖最后由 xqsissy 于 2010-7-30 13:31 编辑

7/29 作业 : Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career.   多谢指导!@

The period of graduation arrives again in this summer. Beforeentering in the society, a lot of young people face a same question that theyusually confused whether they should try several different jobs before theytake a long tem career or not? According to the experiences of their parents, immediately having astable and long-term job after their graduations is the most safe andcorrect step for entering the society. However, as the pace of society changed more quickly as it wasbefore, I believe trying several different jobs before choosing a long-termcareer will be more wisdom to adaptour recent environment.

Above all, there isa common thought that people believe changing different jobs illustrate thedisadvantages of one person, because it seems like this person don’t have thesprit of insistent on one thing. However, as all the coins have two faces, weshould dialectically analyze this phenomenon. Having different jobs cannot onlyimprove the working experiences of young people on vary positions, and it willalso broaden their horizons of the whole career market.

In addition, as Imentioned before, the pace of our society changed more and more quickly than itwas in the periods of our old generations; thus the career situation of young generation is totally changed. For instance, the modern job marketing needsmore and more the experts who have multi-knowledges in different areas; theglobal-companies are looking for the employees who have abundantprecious experiences in different fields; and the abilities, such as bilingualslanguages, skills of computer, and double certificates are becoming the most important factors forthe recruiters to choose a candidate, and those abilities could never be trained in one job.Therefore, for adapting our society and for never been fired in our futurelong-term careers, we should try several different jobs before to supplement our knowledges and experiences.

The last but notthe least is,a official statistic demonstrate that lots of young people don’t know what they really would like to doin their future.  For them, this question confused them from their first day of freshmen till their graduation. That’s the reason why lots of universities require junior students having internships during their last year; and those internships are varyto choose so that students could well understand different functions ofeach position. Thus, after having a general idea on each different positions, choosing a appropriate careerwill not longer be a difficult problem for the young graduats.

All in all, afterwell considered all the aspects as above, we could safely to sum up that youngpeople should try several different jobs before they take a long-term career.

(446 words)

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发表于 2010-7-30 20:07:38 |只看该作者
呵呵 改好了~~~~~~~~查收
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荣誉版主 Scorpio天蝎座 律政先锋 枫华正茂 德意志之心

发表于 2010-7-30 20:23:19 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-8-22 12:49:45 |只看该作者
独立:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:(见附件)
The best way to improve education is to raise teachers’ salaries.  (Money)
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发表于 2010-8-22 21:22:08 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-8-22 23:40:53 |只看该作者
个人意见,仅供参考。 cslee修改
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发表于 2010-9-3 12:50:32 |只看该作者
9。11 作文Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should pay more attention to health-care issues than environmental issues.----------------开始----------Perhaps no issue in this world is significant as government decisions to citizens. However, as the budget limited, the politicians always debate on which issue should the government pay more attention on between Health care issues and Environmental issues? Some politicians believe the health care issues are more efficient for solving the demands of citizens, while the others consider the environmental issues are more urgent to face on. I, given the chance,     my views that the government should pay more attention on environmental issues. There are three reasons as below to support my opinion.First of all, the environmental issues are related to the quality of citizens’ life. The more severe environment problems arrive, the more charges will pay by the governments; the more expenses paid by the governments in solving those problems, the more tax people will give to their governments; the more money the citizens are been taken, the worst quality of their life will be exposed.  According to a famous movement last month in Paris, the Parisians disagreed the new extra-tax announced by government for solving the environment problems. They indicated that the French government should pay more attention on environment problems earlier by using the government foundations rather than right now exploit them by increasing the tax. Thus, this new tax decision from French government really made the citizens unsatisfied, because this new decision by French government will totally change their life quality into bad situation. Moreover, the quick pace of society development is often interrupted by the environmental problems. No one could deny, for keeping the quick pace of society development, we should firstly make sure the stable of education and the economy of industry. Nevertheless, the environmental problems not only threaten the stable of education, and also have the risks to shake the economy of industry. For instance, the noisy pollution make citizens hard to sleep at night, therefore, they couldn’t well study and work on their daytime with full enthusiasm and energy. That obviously leads to the shaking of the education quality and the production of industry. According to the statistics from a US anti-noisy pollution association, 80% students who finally got decreased scores have the problems of sleeping because of the noisy at night. What is more, another report from a US industry association shows that the errors made by bad sleep workers did are 100% higher than those made by the others. Thus, those incidents above give me a full understanding of the fact that how important the environmental issues should be resolved for avoiding the risks of our quick society. The last but not the least is the environmental issues result in the problems of health, which not only on humans and also on plants and animals. For example, the arid rain in 2001 in India made 30% skin diseases’ rate increased in that area, 85% plants failed to growth immediately, and 40% animals dead in the natural forests. Those horrible facts indicate that the environmental issues are the initial puzzles we should take care for protecting the health of all the life on earth.To conclusion, considering all the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that even though the health-care issues mean a lot to citizens, the important of environmental issues to citizens can never be exaggerated; due to solving environmental problems will not only making sure the quality of citizen’s life, keeping quick pace of our modern society, and also eliminating some risks for healthy problems. Hence, the environmental issues should be the primary issues that the governments consider.(558 words)不好意思上传完了,传不上去,唉~~ 我就自己先改了一遍,力求尽量不用重复意义的词汇。请猛拍~

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发表于 2010-9-3 12:51:14 |只看该作者

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should pay more attention to health-care issues than environmental issues.

Perhaps no issue in this world is significant as government decisions to citizens. However, as the budget limited, the politicians always debate on which issue should the government pay more attention on between Health care issues and Environmental issues? Some politicians believe the health care issues are more efficient for solving the demands of citizens, while the others consider the environmental issues are more urgent to face on. I, given the chance,     my views that the government should pay more attention on environmental issues. There are three reasons as below to support my opinion.

First of all, the environmental issues are related to the quality of citizens’ life. The more severe environment problems arrive, the more charges will pay by the governments; the more expenses paid by the governments in solving those problems, the more tax people will give to their governments; the more money the citizens are been taken, the worst quality of their life will be exposed.  According to a famous movement last month in Paris, the Parisians disagreed the new extra-tax announced by government for solving the environment problems. They indicated that the French government should pay more attention on environment problems earlier by using the government foundations rather than right now exploit them by increasing the tax. Thus, this new tax decision from French government really made the citizens unsatisfied, because this new decision by French government will totally change their life quality into bad situation.

Moreover, the quick pace of society development is often interrupted by the environmental problems. No one could deny, for keeping the quick pace of society development, we should firstly make sure the stable of education and the economy of industry. Nevertheless, the environmental problems not only threaten the stable of education, and also have the risks to shake the economy of industry. For instance, the noisy pollution make citizens hard to sleep at night, therefore, they couldn’t well study and work on their daytime with full enthusiasm and energy. That obviously leads to the shaking of the education quality and the production of industry. According to the statistics from a US anti-noisy pollution association, 80% students who finally got decreased scores have the problems of sleeping because of the noisy at night. What is more, another report from a US industry association shows that the errors made by bad sleep workers did are 100% higher than those made by the others. Thus, those incidents above give me a full understanding of the fact that how important the environmental issues should be resolved for avoiding the risks of our quick society.

The last but not the least is the environmental issues result in the problems of health, which not only on humans and also on plants and animals. For example, the arid rain in 2001 in India made 30% skin diseases’ rate increased in that area, 85% plants failed to growth immediately, and 40% animals dead in the natural forests. Those horrible facts indicate that the environmental issues are the initial puzzles we should take care for protecting the health of all the life on earth.

To conclusion, considering all the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that even though the health-care issues mean a lot to citizens, the important of environmental issues to citizens can never be exaggerated; due to solving environmental problems will not only making sure the quality of citizen’s life, keeping quick pace of our modern society, and also eliminating some risks for healthy problems. Hence, the environmental issues should be the primary issues that the governments consider.

(558 words)



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发表于 2010-9-3 19:23:43 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-9-8 21:47:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 xqsissy 于 2010-9-9 01:23 编辑

2010年9月8日 周三:

It's better to use own knowledge and experience to solve question, or ask other people for advice?

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发表于 2010-9-9 14:15:48 |只看该作者
9.8independent  改好了!
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siss的作文本 (二战中。。。)
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