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发表于 2011-9-5 13:56:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
never give up, do go for your dream.

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发表于 2011-9-5 14:00:29 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-5 15:03 编辑

9月5日 20100619NA Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? If you need to discuss upsetting orcontroversial problems with others, Using e-mail/text messaging is better thanusing telephone/voice-messaging

Nowdays, people can communicate with each other in so many ways that sometimes we even don't know if in some particular situation, one special way of communicating is much more better than another? Just as author suggested, maybe it is much better using email or text instead of telephone or voice-messaging to talk about some upsettng issues. However, in my opioion, it depends on the situations we encountered and how we uesed it, otherwiest, it would be so arbituary to get the conclusion.

When we don't wanna intrigue or get any embarrassment from both sides about the issues we are talking about, it would be much more better for us leaving it in the letter or silent communication. In this way, it directly avoids the awkward and uncomfit situation. Besides, it allows us to think it over before we send our letters, in other words, it gives us more time than talking in person. People can easily get irated by the gesture or tones from the opposers even thought they didn't mean it. To prevent this kind of misleading, e-mail or text messaging will gain much more advantages from other communication ways such as telephone or voice-messaging, which also bring the tone or image to the receivers. On the other hand, if we do talked some these issues in meeting, sometimes it just broke the relationship of the two sides. People will stick to their opinion even they knew they may be not totally right. Ego works. however, in order to avoid that, we can use the text msg to avoid that to give both sides the leeway to turn around. We don't need to compensate our relationship with us by just discussing some upsetting controversial problems.

Although i would like to see all the annoying problems can be solved in this way, however, in some circumstance, we have to take with each other in face. Avoiding to embarrassed each other doesn't mean we are coward to confront with people who have different opinions with ours. Sometimes we need to tell them our opinions in face, let them know we mean it and we respect what they siad. Letter can never fulfil this as well as a real person. right? In addition, we can easily know someone ture opinion from their appearances instead of guessing what is the real purpose between line. When you don't know your opposers exactly, it just can confuse you as well.

So how to use different way in different situation to communicate is really what we should care about. Because it is not important of the method we use but how we want to express.
never give up, do go for your dream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2011-9-5 15:04:53 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-6 12:54 编辑

The lecture talks about reasearch conducted by a firm that used the group system to handle their work. he says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and somewhat inaccurate when compared to what happened for real.

First, some members got free rides. That is, some didn't work hard but got recognition for the success nontheless. This also indicates that people who worked hard was not given recognition they should have got. In other words, tehy weren't given the opportunity to shine. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

Second, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involoved and their aggregated resources. However, the speaker talks about how the firm found out that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. This is another part where experience contracdict theory.

Third, influential people might emerge, and lead the group towards glory or failure. If the influential people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the wrong direction, there is nobody that has enough influence to counter the decision made. In other words, the group might turn into a dictatorship, with the influential party as the leader, and might be less flexible in thinking. They might become one-sided, and thus fail to succeed.
never give up, do go for your dream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-6 10:44:22 |只看该作者
Nowdays, people can communicate with each other in so many ways that sometimes we even don't know if in some particular situation, one(which) special way of communicating is much more better than another? Just as author suggested, maybe it is much better using email or text instead of telephone or voice-messaging to talk about some upsettng issues. However, in my opioion, it depends on the situations we encountered and how we uesed it, otherwiest(otherwise), it would be so arbituary(arbitrary) to get the conclusion.
' P$ ?$ L( d) l, I  T/ `5 @( z
When we don't wanna(want to,wanna不够正式) intrigue or get any embarrassment from both sides about the issues we are talking about, it would be much more better(better) for us leaving(to leave?这个改得不是很确定) it in the letter or silent communication. In this way, it directly avoids the awkward and uncomfit(unconfort) situation. Besides, it allows us to think it over before we send our letters, in other words, it gives us more time than talking in person. People can easily get irated by the gesture or tones from the opposers even thought they didn't mean it. To prevent this kind of misleading, e-mail or text messaging will gain much more advantages from other communication ways such as telephone or voice-messaging, which also bring the tone or image to the receivers.

(新开一段)On the other hand, if we do talked some these(删掉或者改成 controversial) issues in meeting, sometimes it just broke the relationship of the two sides. People will stick to their opinion even they knew they may be not totally right. Ego works(对前一句做个详细解释). however, in order to avoid that, we can use the text msg(message) to avoid(两个avoid重复) that to(, and can) give both sides the leeway(用的很赞!) to turn around. We don't need to compensate our relationship with us by just discussing some upsetting or controversial problems. (这句没太搞明白,是不是逻辑反了?); O2 I$ ^4 G8 P% ~% |, W/ q9 d1 t1 y6 N
1 X8 r5 J, N$ _) m: i& e, ?

Although i(I) would like to see all the annoying problems can be solved in this way(详细说明一下), however, in some circumstance, we have to take with each other in face. Avoiding to embarrassed(embarrass) each other doesn't mean we are coward to confront with people who have different opinions with ours. Sometimes we need to tell them our opinions in face(in face 重复,建议改成directly), let them know we mean it and we respect what they siad. Letter can never fulfil this as well as a real person.(,) right? In addition, we can easily know someone‘s ture opinion from their appearances instead of guessing what is the real purpose between line. When you don't know your opposers exactly, it just can confuse you as well. / }4 j. G1 d+ P2 T3 K
& |1 m4 V* o! Y1 v- N

So how to use different ways in different situation to communicate is really what we should care about. Because it is not important of the(with which) method we use but how we want to express.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2011-9-6 12:25:14 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-11 15:19 编辑

95 20100619NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail/text messaging is better than using telephone/voice-messaging.

Nowadays, people can communicate with each other in so many ways that sometimes we even don't know if in some particular situation(注意单复一致), one special way of communicating is much more better than another? Just as author suggested, maybe it is much better using email or text instead of telephone or voice-messaging to talk about some upsetting issues. However, in my opinion, it depends on the situations we encountered and how we used it, otherwise, it would be so arbitrary to get the conclusion.(这句实际意义不大,认为可以删掉。)

When we don't wanna口语词汇,正式文体不用,改want to intrigue你是想用trigger or get any embarrassment from both sides about the issues we are talking about, it would be much more better for us leaving it in the letter or silent communication. In this way, it directly avoids the awkward and uncomfituncomfortable situation. Besides, it allows us to think it over before we send our letters, in other words, it gives us more time than talking in person. People can easily get iratedirritated by the删除 gestures or tones from the opposersopponents,不要生造词汇哦。 even thought they didn't mean it. To prevent this kind of misleading, e-mail or text messaging will gain much more advantages from这里用介词的话over比较好,或者改后置定语comparing to other communication ways such as telephone or voice-messaging, which also bring the tone or image 电话和音频通讯并不是面对面的,怎么会带来image呢?如果是说接受者通过想象力得到image,那信件和短信也同样能促使接受者产生联想的 to the receivers. On the other hand, if we do talkeddid talksome these issues in meeting, sometimes it just broke the relationship of the two sides. People will stick to their opinion even wheneven单独是不可做连词的) they knew they may be not totally right. EgoEgotism works. However, in order to avoid that, we can use the text msg message,正式文体不要简写。 to avoid that(删。和前面重复) to give both sides the leeway to turn around. We don't need to compensate补偿,赔偿?意思讲不通。你是否想说sacrifice our relationship with us byfor just discussing some upsetting controversial problems.

Although I would like to see all the annoying problems can be solved in this way, however, in some circumstance, we have to take with each other in facein face=in fact,你是说face to face吧。. Avoiding to embarrassedembarrass each other doesn't mean we are coward to confront with people who have different opinions with ours. Sometimes we need to tell them our opinions in face, let them know we mean it and we respect what they said. Letter can never fulfill this as well as a real person. right?论证中不要用这种口语化的、互动性的、不确定性的表达,要尽量使论证看起来坚定有力。 In addition, we can easily know someone true opinion from their appearances从外表看?用表情expression会不会更好? instead of guessing what is the real purpose between line这是什么意思?有个短语是read between the lines,但不是你这样的用法。. When you don't know your opposers exactly, it just can confuse you as well.

So how to use different way in different situation to communicate is really what we should care about. Because it is not important of the method we use but how we want to express(句子有问题。可改because the important thing is not the method we use but the way we express..

论证上,两个问题比较明显。一个是论证逻辑性不强,不能想到一句说一句,要注意每段论证的统一性,以及每一句和每一句在逻辑上的推理和递进关系。比如第三段,段首分论点是面对面交流有时不可避免。这段其实是你总论点中it depends的另一种情况(按照你的depends,就是要两分法,一段将适用文本交流的情况,另一段讲适用语音交流的情况),你应该分析语音交流的好处,但事实上你并没有充分论证这一点;而且每个句子的衔接找不到逻辑的演进,非常跳跃,感觉是想到一句写一句的。另一个问题是缺乏例证和细节,这样全文的论述会显得比较空洞。
never give up, do go for your dream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2011-9-6 12:56:49 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-6 13:42 编辑

9月6日 20090403NA Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the quality ofeducation is to increase teacher’s salaries

I don't think increasing teacher's salaries is the best way to improve our quality of education. The issue is so comprehensive and complicated that any way that want to solve it by one single side would destine to fail. Education involves so many aspects and everyone of them can affect and determin the success of our education. Taking into all of them into account can truly help us to find out the real method to solve the problem of our education qulity advancement.

No one can deny the importance of our teacher in our education. However, there are also so many factors we need to remember, such as students, parents, school, authority. Indeed good teachers can directly make effects on what they are teaching to their students and help students to cope with difficulties in study. However most times our teacher can not do it alone, especially when they encountered difficulties not only from the learning abilities of students but also from the careless and insouciance of parents of the children or the inept of the school facilites. It means to get the quanlity of our education good we need more others to participate in. Parents should pay more attention to their children, accompany their children doing their homework, while our school can spend moeny on ameliorating our facilities to meet the teachers' need, give the teachers more space and methods to help their students. Governers should also take part in to invoke our society to make a better ambience for out children learning. The task can not be handled by either single side, otherwise it won't work.

To say the least, hypothesize teacher play a very important part in education quality, can we really be so sure that raising the salary of teachers will turn out to be a success of our effort. Should we only focus on the teacher's salary to be the only incentive to make them work hard? There are also so many alternative ways here. We can give them promotion, let our teacher can decide the school he want to stay, the students they want to teach and so on. Besides, I don't think a really good teacher really count their success on the money they earned, otherwise they can choose to be a lawyer or surgeon.
In addtion, we also can not deny we still have black sheep among teachers. It is hard to for us to discriminate them in one way and then raise the salary for the good teachers. That means they occupy the fruit of hard-working teahcers. It is not fair and reasonable. So even if we should raise the salary of teacher, I would rather base it on their performance in order to prevent someone get a free ride.

Considering all the fators we have mentioned, I think we both know the best way to improve the quanlity of our education should be made from all the people involved not only the teachers or the salary of them. We should get our school, teacher, parents, goovernment and society fulfill their responsibiltiy for our children , for their education.
never give up, do go for your dream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-6 17:22:47 |只看该作者
The lecture talks about reasearch conducted by a firm that used the group system to handle their work. he says that the theory stated in the passage was very different and somewhat inaccurate when compared to(with, compare with是比较,两个想象事物辨别差别或相同处;compare to 是比作,即描述不同事物相似性) what happened for real.
! C3 i6 F3 q9 I4 m& v, U! w
First, some members got free rides. That is, someone didn't work hard but got recognition for the success nontheless. This also indicates that people who worked hard was not given recognition they should have got. In other words, tehy(they) weren't given the opportunity to shine. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

# O7 F; D) T0 @& |1 T1 G) A5 {
Second, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involoved and their aggregated resources. However, the speaker talks about how the firm found out that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. This is another part where experience contracdict(contradict) theory.   I$ ~' z1 a- t  n' }& L( \, y4 C
4 N" m7 x) b7 t! i4 T4 k" x$ a

Third, influential people might emerge, and lead the group towards glory or failure. If the influential people are going in the right direction there would be no problem. But in cases where they go in the wrong direction, there is nobody that has enough influence to counter the decision made(这句话是说没人能和leader抗衡么?这个made有点多余). In other words, the group might turn into a dictatorship, with the influential party as the leader, and might be less flexible in thinking. They might become one-sided, and thus fail to succeed.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2011-9-7 14:08:04 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-7 16:22 编辑

20100813NA Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people spendtoo much money on their pet (dogs, cats and others), although there are betteruses for these money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

It is really nice to see more and more people become to care about their loyal companies-pets and like to spend money to take care of the pets. However, sometimes it is far beyond what it should be. Especially when we are considering the situation around certain group or people, the money spent on their pets seems not so reasonable, at least appropriate.

When people defend that it is no way to disfranchise the equal right to their pets, should we still think about we are still in the society where so many people and children are desperately in need of our help? People in East Africa are starving to death even including millions of children, while people in the Middle East suffered wars for decades are hopeless to reconstruct their families. It is no bad that we spend time and money to take care of pets, however once beyond reasonable line, I think there is so many better ways to spend your money in doing something more meaningful.

Furthermore, too much attention paid to our pets also hinders the communication between people. As we gradually like to spend more for our pets, we inevitably sacrifice our time and money to do something else. Communication or dealing with people also can be included in the stuff that would be compensated. Nowadays, we can easily see the old walking with their pets on the street in the sunset without accompanied by their filial. They treat their pets like they children in some way, however, that can not deny the truth which our relationship somehow has been insulated by gap between generations. And both sides are tired of trying to fix it, instead, they find something to replace the vocancy. It is sad, but true. This is not the fault of pets, while they indeed became the catalyst of the whole procession. Avoiding people from getting along with each other, we should let them have time to spend with each other, not with their pets which only goal is to satisfy their masters. Pets could be human friends, but never can be a human being.

We should raise our pets in a reasonable way to prevent another kind of extravagance. Because whenever we waste our time or money we shouldn’t on pets, we need to remember there are still lots of people waiting there to hope someone that can save them.

never give up, do go for your dream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-9-8 12:35:21 |只看该作者
It is really nice to see more and more people become to care about their loyal companies-pets and like to spend money to take care of the pets. However, sometimes it is far beyond what it should be. Especially when we are considering the situation around certain group or people, the money spent on their pets seems not so reasonable, at least appropriate.

When people defend that it is no way to disfranchise the equal right to their pets, should we still think about we are still in the society where so many people and children are desperately in need of our help? People in East Africa are starving to death even including millions of children, while people in the Middle East suffered wars for decades are hopeless to reconstruct their families. It is no bad that we spend time and money to take care of pets, however once beyond reasonable line(这前半句是什么意思,表达不清楚,line缺冠词), I think there is so many better ways to spend your money in doing something more meaningful.

Furthermore, too much attention paid to our pets also hinders the communication between people. As we gradually like to spend more for our pets, we inevitably sacrifice our time and money(前一段已经讲过money,这里可否改成efforts/energy to do something else. Communication or dealing with people also can be included in the stuff that would be compensated. Nowadays, we can easily see the old walking with their pets on the street in the sunset without accompanied by their filial(filiality). They treat their pets likeas theytheir children in some way, however, that can not deny the truth which our relationship somehow has been insulated by gap between generations(generation gaps). And both sides are tired of trying to fix it, instead, they find something to replace the vocancy(vacancy). It is sad, but true. This is not the fault of pets, while they indeed became the catalyst of the whole procession. Avoiding people from getting along with each other, we should let them have time to spend with each other(句子有歧义,按照句意,你前半句的意思是we avoid people from getting along with each other.鄙人认为可改we should make those who avoiding getting along with others have time to spend with each other,), not with their pets which only goal is to satisfy their masters. Pets could be human friends(friends to human), but never can be a (real)
human being.

We should raise our pets in a reasonable way to prevent another kind of extravagance. Because whenever we waste our time or money we shouldn’t(that don’t deserve) on pets, we need to remember there are still lots of people waiting there to hope someone that can save them(鄙人觉得这短语啰嗦,for help).

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-8 21:20:10 |只看该作者
9.7 修改完毕
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-8 22:56:13 |只看该作者
20100813NA Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people spendtoo much money on their pet (dogs, cats and others), although there are betteruses for these money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.' L$ R: b/ h; w' U x! |
H# I) u4 ~- w( R; ?! M$ _& d
! @5 H z2 q8 B9 G2 D
It is really nice to see more and more people become to care about their loyal companies-pets and like to spend money to(on doing; spend.. on..) take care of the pets. However, sometimes it is far beyond what it should be(这个什么意思?). Especially when we are considering the situation around certain group or people, the money spent on their pets seems not so reasonable, at least appropriate.

people defend that it is no way to disfranchise the equal right to their pets, (+and) should we still think about we are still in the society where so many people and children are desperately in need of our help? People in East Africa are starving to death even including millions of children, while people in the Middle East suffered wars for decades are hopeless to reconstruct their families. It is no bad that we spend time and money to take care of pets, however once beyond reasonable line, I think there is so many better ways to spend your money in doing something more meaningful.
Furthermore, too much attention paid to our pets also hinders the communication between people. As we gradually like to spend more for our pets, we inevitably sacrifice our time and money to do something else. Communication or dealing with people also can be included in the stuff that would be compensated. Nowadays, we can easily see the old walking with their pets on the street in the sunset without accompanied(without doing sth) by their filial. They treat their pets like they children in some way, however, that can not deny the truth which our relationship somehow has been insulated by gap between generations. And both sides are tired of trying to fix it, instead, they find something to replace the vocancy. It is sad, but true. This is not the fault of pets, while they indeed became the catalyst of the whole procession. Avoiding people from getting along with each other, we should let them have time to spend with each other, not with their pets which only goal is to satisfy their masters. Pets could be human friends, but never can be a human being.
|5 Z- e
We should raise our pets in a reasonable way to prevent another kind of extravagance. Because whenever we waste our time or money we shouldn’t on pets, we need to remember there are still lots of people waiting there to hope someone that can save them.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2011-9-10 13:21:53 |只看该作者

9月10日 20090911NA

本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-10 15:14 编辑

9月10日 20090911NA Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching..gree or disagree.

Since the advent of movie, it has been a major stream for us to experience or appreciating a totally different world on the screen. And it already has an enormous effect on our real life which broaden people's insight into the world.  Nevertheless, I think it is too arbitrary to say that movies are the only way for us to learn for the real life, which obviously omits so many other ways that play a commensurate important roles as movies.

Indeed some movies which has affects theirs coevals continue their effect on the youth and kids, such as Forrest Gump or Wind. I think we both can never forget when mother told Forrest Gump that" Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get." It always reminds me to accept the life with a generous heart and confront it no matter how hard it is for me. That is my incentive whenever I feel tired or want to give up what I am striving for. Thanks to the movie, I have gain a lot of strength to face some difficulties in my life, and it will always be my beacon whenever I am lost.

However, I doubt people treat movie as the only way to teach us about real life, because except that, we still can get real life from books, TV shows, talking with the old and so on. Most of them are equal important for us to get the knowledge of the changing world. When I first saw the movie Forrest Gump,  I am so fancied by the whole plot that invokes me to dig into more background and references in the movie which it can not explicit clearly in such only two hours time or so. For the first time Vietnam War came into my mind which is bloody and catastraphic for both sides. The more I delve into the movie, the more I need to rely on the history books to give me a panoramic idea about what I am looking for. Then I get the idea of 3k, Elvis Presley, Little Rock, John Kennedy and so forth. All the history events and people can be attained if I didn't look up into specific history books. So they both give me a help acknowledging history and life. So TV does the same things. We adjust ourselves through the tv also. When we saw some political shows, we gradually get to know what we want and how we want to do it. So TV shows also help us in another way.

Apart from what we talked above, let us focus on movie itself. We all know moive is a kind form of art, which mean it comes from real life and beyond it. For example, moive can elicit a whole life in two hours, it inevitably will need some artificial revision and redesign. We can not expect the movie is the exactly same as the real life, which to some extents, real life is much more complicated and sophisticated and less dramatic, comparing with life in movie. We can not expect a real Forrest Gump in reality, however, we can see some persons are just kind of parts of shadows of Forrest Gump.

So I would rather say movie is like a window that enable us to see a total new world which intrigues us to look for what we want from the books, TV, our predecessors. Moive is a reflection and compression of our life or part of, it enlightens us to pursue what it really matters to us in reality.
never give up, do go for your dream.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-10 21:09:05 |只看该作者
tequilawine   venusbloom  ellishu(浅仓)


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-9-11 11:20:57 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 samuelandcarol 于 2011-9-11 12:15 编辑

Since the advent of movie, it has been a major stream for us to experience or appreciating a totally different world on the screen. And it already has an enormous effect on our real life which broaden(s) people's insight into the world.  Nevertheless, I think it is too arbitrary to say that movies are the only way for us to learn for the real life, which obviously omits so many other ways that play a commensurate important roles(as只能选一个) as movies.
Indeed some movies which has
have affects去掉) theirs coevals continue their effect on the youth and kids, such as Forrest Gump or Wind. I think we both can (去掉,both只能代表两者)(will
never forget when mother told Forrest Gump that" Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get." It always reminds me to accept the life with a generous heart and confront it no matter how hard it is for me(去掉). That is my incentive(It stimulates me) whenever I feel tired or want to give up what I am striving for. Thanks to the movie, I have gain a lot of strength to face some difficulties in my life, and it will always be my beacon whenever I am lost.(让步建议放在支持段的后面
  M; T, K* {& d  `3 b- R
However, I
really doubt that people treat movie as the only way to teach us about real life, because except thatbesides that, we still can get real life from books, TV shows, talking with the old and so on. Most of them are equal important for us to get the knowledge of the changing world. When I first saw the movie Forrest Gump,  I am so fancied by the whole plot that invokes me to dig into more background and references inabout the movie which it can not cannotexplicit clearlyclear in suchshort time only two hours time or so(去掉). For the first time Vietnam War came into my mind which is bloody and catastraphiccatastrophe
for both sides. The more I delve into the movie, the more I need to rely on the history books to give me a panoramic idea about what I am looking forthe more 后头的句式要跟前后的一致。建议换个说法). Then I get the idea of 3k (?), Elvis Presley, Little Rock, John Kennedy and so forth. All the history events and people can be attained if I didn't look up into specific history books. SoHowever they both give me a help toacknowledgingknow history and life. So TV does the same thingsTV shows have same function 但是你举得这个例子不是特别贴切,电影和电视都是影像类的,区分不大
. We adjust ourselves through the tv also. When we saw some political shows, we gradually get to(去掉) know that what we want and how we want to do itget it. So TV shows also help us in another way

Apart from what we talked above, let us focus on movie itself. We all know moive
movie is a kind form of art, which mean it comes from real life and beyond it. For example, moivemovie
can elicit a whole life in two hours, it inevitably will need some artificial revision and redesign. We can notcannot expect the movie is the exactly same as the real life, which (去掉)to some extents, real life is much more complicated and(去掉用,) sophisticated and less dramatic, comparing with life in movie. We can notcannot
expect a real Forrest Gump in reality, however, we can see some person are just kind of parts of shadows of Forrest Gump。(GumpsK. g
6 g' [! s$ h* d! l) w2 D
So I would rather say movie is like a window that enable us to see a total
new world which intrigues us to look for what we want from the books, TV, our predecessors. Moivemovie

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is a reflection and compression of our life or part of, it enlightens us to pursue what it really matters meansto us in reality.

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发表于 2011-9-11 15:04:41 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 tequilawine 于 2011-9-11 15:15 编辑

The lecturer talks that difficulties of hydrogen- based fuel-cell could be more potential to be the main replacement of petrolium in automible energy. Professor talks it from the several ways to retort the opinions that withhold the idea in the passage.     

First, hydrogen fuel is not as available as the passage suggested. Frankly, petrolium is finite resource that will end up one day, however, hydrogen exists in everywhere that is much harder to get. It can not be as easy used as petrolium. And more importantly, if we want to use it as energy, we need much more high technology to make it into the form of liquid. It requires much more complicated artificial procession, which seems not very practical and prevailing right now.

Secondly, the passages claim the second reason seems implausible under the professor's point. The hydrogen fuel can not be environmental friendly as they thought. because As we need so much human involving transforming the hydrogen from nature into useful form, the pollution from the procession are much more than that emitted from automobiles'.  

Then came the last one, all the process to make hydrogen available will cost much more than refining petrolium, which the technology has been very mature and therefore costs less. So it would be impossible for people to use the new energy without paying more money for it. As professor mentioned, there still are some difficulties to make the price down.
never give up, do go for your dream.

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