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[活动] 独立作文by arlenezxy [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-30 20:06:26 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 arlenezxy 于 2010-2-2 23:20 编辑

1.30Do you agree or disagree: people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another country.

     Through the whole of life, people may face such kind of "should or not" choices for thousands of times. Actually, all most every time when people want to find themselves quite enough reasons to do the choices, they have already made their decision. So I never agree with such "should do" conclusion as people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another country.

     Firstly, I believe that in this world there never exist things with "should", especially in the self governing areas of people's living style. Taking living in the city or country all life for example, if people find a place perfectly suitable for living, they can choose to live in there as long as they want, even until the end of their life. Actually, in the fairy tales that I read in my childhood as many children do, princess and prince always live in a certain place like a castle or some place of mystery happily ever after.

     Secondly, both choices can make people living a wonderful life depending on the decision maker's character and inclination. I can justify each choice, living in one place or moving between different places, with equivalently reasonable defense and even I myself cannot let one side beat the other. As mentioned before, living in one place is quite amazing if there an ideal company live together, not mention to the mutual loved couple live in a rare disturbed place all life, such an envy of most people. On the other hand, moving to some other places after a long living in a fixed one also sounds bravo, especially for those people who would be excited by flesh things. What's more, from the whole picture of culture interaction, moving between cities or countries is quite helpful.

   With all reasons I mentioned above, my point of view is clear enough to oppose the exclusively drawn "should" conclusion that people can choose to live in one place all life or move to another country as they like.

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发表于 2010-1-31 11:32:51 |只看该作者
o% ~/ o6 l+ K1 ~- M* n$ d
&Through the whole of life, people may face such kind of "should or not" choices for thousands of times. Actually, all most every time when people want to find themselves quite enough reasons to do the choices, they have already made their decision. So I never agree with such "should do" conclusion as people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another country.
(this composition's main topic is "should people move or stay", in your first paragraph, you have amplified it to the very philosophical "should or not", this would make your paper doesn't catch the topic well, as you would spend more time on talking about philosophical things. Actually, you just need to answer "agree or not agree", insted of saying sth. else) |9 O

Firstly, I believe that in this world there never exist things with "should", especially in the self governing areas of people's living style. Taking living in the city or country all life for example, if people find a place perfectly suitable for living, they can choose to live in there as long as they want, even until the end of their life. Actually, in the fairy tales that I read in my childhood as many children do, princess and prince always live in a certain place like a castle or some place of mystery happily ever after.
(This para is sort of weak, your opinion didn't get enough proofs, and didn't be developed well.Is the things from a fairly tale that strong?)

Secondly, both choices can make people living a wonderful life depending on the decision maker's character and inclination. (good opening) I can justify each choice, living in one place or moving between different places, with equivalently reasonable defense and even I myself cannot let one side beat the other. As mentioned before, living in one place is quite amazing if there an ideal company live together, not mention to the mutual loved couple live in a rare disturbed place all life, such an envy of most people. On the other hand, moving to some other places after a long living in a fixed one also sounds bravo, especially for those people who would be excited by flesh things. What's more, from the whole picture of culture interaction, moving between cities or countries is quite helpful.(this point needs expansion)

With all reasons I mentioned above, my point of view is clear enough to oppose the exclusively drawn "should" conclusion that people can choose to live in one place all life or move to another country as they like.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-1 23:50:02 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lanyouno2 于 2010-2-1 23:51 编辑

Through the whole of life, people may face such kind of "should or not" choices for thousands of times. Actually, all most every time when people want to find themselves quite enough reasons to do the choices, they have already made their decision. So I never agree with such "should do" conclusion as people should live in the city or country all life instead of moving to another country. (这样万能的开头对分数有点危险)

Firstly, I believe that in this world there never exist things with "should", especially in the self governing areas of people's living style.
(主题句不清晰) Taking living in the city or country all life for example, if people find a place perfectly suitable for living, they can choose to live in there as long as they want, even until the end of their life. Actually, in the fairy tales that I read in my childhood as many children do, princess and prince always live in a certain place like a castle or some place of mystery happily ever after. ! O9 }$ u: U1 \5 b

Secondly, both choices can make people living a wonderful life depending on the decision maker's character and inclination
(同段一. I can justify each choice, living in one place or moving between different places, with equivalently reasonable defense and even I myself cannot let one side beat the other. As mentioned before, living in one place is quite amazing if there an ideal company live together, not mention to the mutual loved couple live in a rare disturbed place all life, such an envy of most people. On the other hand, moving to some other places after a long living in a fixed one also sounds bravo, especially for those people who would be excited by flesh things. What's more, from the whole picture of culture interaction, moving between cities or countries is quite helpful.# W* u' z7 f8 J! }: Z
7 y9 F' ^6 f( G- @/ I
   With all reasons I mentioned above, my point of view is clear enough to oppose the exclusively drawn "should" conclusion that people can choose to live in one place all life or move to another country as they like.


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发表于 2010-2-2 23:20:06 |只看该作者

2.2 独立作文by arlenezxy

printed book have had greater effectson society than television has ?
In the course of social development, printed book and television areboth playing an obviously profound role of transmitting the information aboutculture and technology. Television, featured by media combining of sound,animation and character, has greatly increased the speed of informationspreading and directly formed the mass culture. However, the inventing oftelevision was generations behind the printed book which had already impartedthe human intelligence from generation to generation for several circles. So, basically,I disagree with the conclusion drawn by the topic and will elucidate my reasonsas follow.

To begin with,I want to emphasize the television as the symbol of the pop culture. As Imentioned before, the variety forms, that is sound, animation and character,make the information spread by television much easier to be grasped by theaudience. On the other hand, with the help of video-camera and wireless-transmittechnology, information can be transmitted live through the television, inanother word, much closely approach the "truth", which is in accordancewith the psychology of the audience. The example of broadcast for World cup andOlympic game will well illustrate the audience's psychology. The date showsthat the world cup live is broadcasted to more than fifty countries, and peoplewho watch the Bejing Olympic games in front of TV amounts to 45 hundredmillions.

On the otherhand, before the invention of television, the printed book has dominantly spreadhuman's culture from one generation to another for thousands of years. Aslanguage and character are the most important way to express people's thoughts,printed book take the responsibility to record them as a reservation of ourculture, and then the technology of print accelerate the copy of various bookswhich may facilitate the widely spread of thoughts, technologies and culturesamong the people. Thus, social culture is formed by conjunction of thoughts andsocial industry is promoted by various technologies eventually.

As all I havementioned above, we can conclude that the prosperity of our society should becontributed to both of the printed book and television without the need of discriminatingtheir importance, and as information carrier, they have irreplaceably impactedour society from different respect and by different means which also vary withthe time.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-4 19:07:46 |只看该作者
Printed book have had greater effect society than television has ?+ G

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-2-4 19:09:36 |只看该作者
Printed book have had greater effect society than television has ?+
G% m; _4 U" L, ]. Z
In the course of social development, printed book and television are both playing an obviously profound role of transmitting the information about culture and technology. Television, featured by media combining of sound, animation and character, has greatly increased the speed(accelerate) of information spreading and directly formed the mass culture. However, the inventing(invention) of television was generations behind the printed book which had already imparted the human intelligence from generation to generation for several circles(
个人建议删掉). So, basically, I disagree with the conclusion drawn by the topic and will elucidate my reasons as follow.

To begin with, I want to emphasize the television as the symbol of the pop culture. As I mentioned before, the variety forms, that is sound, animation and character, make the information spread by television much easier to be grasped by the audience. On the other hand, with the help of video-camera and wireless-transmit technology, information can be transmitted live
ly through the television, in another word, much closely approach the "truth"(
作为插入语是使句子有点混乱), which (指代?)is in accordance with the psychology of the audience. The example of broadcast for World cup and
Olympic game will well illustrate the audience's psychology. The date shows that the world cup live is broadcasted to more than fifty countries, and people who watch the Beijing Olympic games in front of TV amounts to 45 hundred millions(论据支持论点effect society不是很紧凑).

On the other hand, before the invention of television, the printed book has dominantly spread human's culture from one generation to another for thousands of years. As language and character are the most important way to express people's thoughts, printed book take the responsibility(
形容书不是很贴切) to record them as(be) a reservation of our culture, and then the technology of print(ing) accelerate the copy of various books which may facilitate the widely spread of thoughts, technologies and cultures among the people. Thus, social culture is formed by conjunction of thoughts and social industry is promoted by various technologies eventually.6
' m- R! a, n$ i0 c& t8 [As all I have mentioned above, we can conclude that the prosperity of our society should be contributed to both of the printed book and television without the need of discriminating their importance,(前面你说到I disagree with the conclusion drawn by the topic, 那我可不可以这样认为呢?你就是I agree with that printed book has NOT had greater effect society than television has? 读到这里我才发现你对两者都各有偏重。所以建议开头还是把自己的观点亮出来) and as information carrier, they have irreplaceably impacted our society from different respect and by different means which also vary with the time.

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发表于 2010-2-25 10:33:06 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 arlenezxy 于 2010-2-25 10:42 编辑

[2月24号 (09.2.14)
To be well-informed people should get information from many different information sources."

As nowadays our society's development has become more and more rely on information, many people are chasing to be well-informed person, thus variety information sources are booming up as long as the heated discussion on whether it is good to get information from different information sources. In my perspective, to be well-informed people should get information from many different information sources, and I will illustrate my opinion as follows.

First, being well-informed people means people who get information both variety and authentic, thus different information sources will at least guarantee the larger possibility to get more various and authentic information which is taught by probability. Taking getting information from newspaper as an example, our intensive experiences shows when we get a piece of news from more kinds of newspapers, our information about this news will be more solid.

What's more, different kinds of newspapers also can provide the readers with different perspectives to observe a same thing, which means getting information from many different sources will make people not only well-informed but also critical thinking. Since the information society require people being well-informed and the ability to analyze the diversity information, it's crucial for people training the ability of critical thinking toward various information.

Last but not the least, being immersed in this information booming society, receiving information from different sources sometimes is passive to many people, as there are all kinds of information around us that we seem nowhere to elude, such as ads could appear to you anywhere and anytime. More importantly, for most people who have no idea about those information getting passively, it's necessary to get different information actively from other sources which seems more reliable.

All in all, people should get information from many different information sources in order to be well-informed people, which is both the requirement of our information society and necessity for people to survive in this society.
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发表于 2010-2-26 01:48:31 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 arlenezxy 于 2010-2-26 01:50 编辑

Some people think one's working is more important than being with one's family

As individual live in this intensive society, all kinds of relationships make us who we are, such as son or dad in the family, supervisor or subordinate worker in the office, however, which one should be put at a more important position seems to be a issue to many people in the reality. Some people think one's working is more important than being with one's family, while others put the family much important than the work. In my perspective, work and family are both important to a person in most situations, although sometimes one may superior to another according to different circumstances.

First and foremost, the most important connection for an individual to his family and work are same, that is responsibility. One has commitment to his work since the moment his signing the working contract, and not mention to one's commitment to his family begins with his birth or marriage. Thus, as to responsibility, there is no difference of big or small, but only the matter of to do the right job at the right time within responsibility, which means during the office hour work should always be most important while other time family should be put superior.

What's more, people always valuate family and work from different aspect according to human's need. As a popular saying goes that family is the warm bay for the rest of our heart and work is the financial pool for the eat of our mouths, which can also reflect the importance of both work and family since one is our source of material need, meanwhile the other is our source of spirit and soul, and nobody can darely declare his living depend on only one of them.  

All in all, I can safely draw the conclusion that work and family are both important because they fulfill human's need from different aspects and both are undeniable responsibility to an individual. However, the two sides of balance may sway a bit according to the concrete situation, such as when family member being sick, it's properly to spare more time for being with family and which works on the premise that one guarantee his time for work.

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发表于 2010-2-26 14:21:55 |只看该作者


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发表于 2010-2-26 21:25:39 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 love_angell 于 2010-2-26 21:39 编辑

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发表于 2010-2-28 02:39:38 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 arlenezxy 于 2010-2-28 02:51 编辑

It better to use own knowledge and experience to solve question, or ask other people for advice.

As a person's whole life can be defined as a course of seeking solutions to all kinds of problems, the ability of approaching to answers seems to be one's way of living as well as an indicator to weigh one's success. How to be an excellent problem solver? While someone claims it's better to ask other people for advice, in terms of facing problem, I prefer to use my own knowledge and experience to solve question.

Initially, I concede that render questions to other people may sometime get sound feedback as people always say two is better than one. Yet, those people who claim that usually overlook an important condition that people who giving advice may not thoroughly understand the question you meet since the complex and obscure background of the concrete problem in reality, even if they can well comprehend the problem through your description, other situations needed to be taken into account, like your personal ability, interest and region of expertise, may still easily be omitted. Otherwise, oneself can take all the familiar situations into integrated consideration and end up with best suitable solution.

What's more, asking other people for advice is usually time consuming as well as a curved way to attack question. As situation mentioned above that other people may not well understand the specific situation, the answer-seeker may resort to more people for advice in order to make sure the problem can be well attacked, which is time-consuming. As my experience, more people add into discussion for an answer, which would be more difficult to find. Once the problem of choosing college disturb me a lot, however, when I render the question to my big family the situation became even more complicated since everyone held a different opinion and finally school-choosing conference end up as familial quarrel.  

Admittedly, not all the questions are personal referred problems and someone may point out that as to pure question, it's better to take others' advice. Yet, the way to solve a certain problem is virtually not only a matter of good or bad, but also reflecting one's custom or pattern of thinking and behaving. People who used to asking advices from other people may gradually custom to rely on other's help, thus constantly dependence could degenerate one's ability of independent thinking and problem solving, and not to mention the worst result.

In the final analysis, it's better to use one's own knowledge and experience to solve question, which can not only help to cultivate one's ability of independent thinking, aboud one's knowledge and accumulate one's experience, but also save time to accurately attack question.
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发表于 2010-3-1 21:16:41 |只看该作者

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