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Nowadays, technologies are changing(感觉用developing更好一点) rapidly. At the sametime, the old fields of studies are advanced at a dramatic speed while the newfields of studies are discovered and exploited more and morefrequently. In this circumstance, I strongly admire the speaker'sconclusion that only by taking advantage of other fields of studies, can astudy advance significantly. (感觉完全支持挺难写好的)
First of all, in order to accelerate the speed(建议省略) of the development of many branches of science, the scientistsalways choose to use the conclusions that other fields studies have alreadypublished. Since many sciences are related to each other, even a scientist isan expert in many closing related sciences, making use of the researchachievements of other subjects can significantly reduce the cost of thestudies.(有些直译的感觉) For example, physics is a sciencethat needs a great of counts(a lot of calculation???) whichmay be the most difficult work a physics scientist has to face. Some countsinvolve many mathematics theories on whose proving the scientists ofmathematics spent great efforts(这句有些怪). If the physicsscientists abandon(don’t choose)to use the former’s conclusions, it will take them considerable time to proveit. Moreover, consider the physicist may not receive an exact training ofmathematics, the proving may beyond their abilities. Therefore, it is a wisechoice for the scientists to using the results of other fields of science.
Secondly, the methods of researches in other fields also provide fresh views tothe study that only apply their own fields' achievements can hardly go(主语是哪个???). In the history(In history),there are many examples that can be(serve as) the evidences of the above assertion. Inthe period of Napoleon, the aluminum is an expensive mental only can be used inroyal palace for its difficult refining. However, as the electrolysis'sapplying in dry cell invented by volt in 1800, a Denmark chemist-Auster foundthat the electrolysis can also be used in deoxygenating aluminum from ores.Since the discovery, the output of aluminum increased sharply so that commonpeople can also use the plates made by aluminum. Admittedly, the currentperspectives and methods may lead the scientists a new way to go.(例子挺好的)
Finally, when it comes to the subjects developed from other subjects, theexperience and knowledge of latter seem to be more important than what we havetalked above. For example, the biochemistry studies the chemistry in creaturesfor the purpose of acquire the rules and constitutions of the cells. In orderto lubricate the study of this subject, the scientists must have a good comprehensionin both biology and chemistry, only by standing on the fundamental of which,can the scientists get the results.
In sum, take the references of the fruits from outsiders is an inevitable thingduring research today for the associations among (relations between???)differentfields are more and more close. The experts from other study fields can notonly introduce more fresh approaches, solutions, and even create newinterdisciplinary fields of study but also will help human beings to extendtheir research fields into wider range and get better recognition of our life.
就文章内容来说,分成“现有成果”、“新想法”和“衍生学科”,能够清晰全面地支持论点,使得分论点很清晰,每个分论点也阐述地比较充分。有一些遣词造句不太合适。 |