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[未归类] 进军美利坚作文 第四次作业 8.18 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-18 21:10:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 arimidy 于 2009-8-18 21:12 编辑

Recently, more and more people suggest that teachers'payment should be related to their students' performance directly. As in China, schools are getting crowded with numerous students, teachers are always teaching in classrooms included students beyond fifty. It certainly decreases their quality of education which has an obvious effect on the result of tests. When parents see the relatively low score on their children's paper, no wonder they would point out the suggestion. But, can this doing really satisfied parents'  requirement and improve the quality of education effectively? It is not a question of yes or no. Based on my abundant experience, teacher's payment should not be base on students' performance only.

For one thing, the involvement of performance will surely arouse teachers’ initiatives on teaching. They would prepare better for lessons and expect to help every student understand certain materials. Teacher would also try hardly to make students listen to him or to start a discussion. While in the past, teacher may continue his lesson with an ignorance of students’ chit chats. As we can imagine, to handle a class with more than fifty people is a big task, without teacher’s attempt the situation won’t be improved. With these helps, students’ improvement on grade is a sure thing. What’s more, despite of the benefit students gained from it, teachers themselves take the advantage of it at the same time. As they fully committed to classes, they could discover their shortcomings both on teaching technique and the ability to handle the class. On the basis of mutual benefit, we definitely should include students’ performance in.

However, the suggestion does have some negative effects we cannot neglect. Firstly, it would put too much pressure both on teachers and students. On one hand, teachers would feel nervous before the day for the score list as their salaries are based on it. When the day comes, teacher whose class falls behind would be stressful to improve grades. What would s/he do? To bring more pressure to bear on the students. Students may be kept by their teacher to have an evening class till almost nine pm, and the teacher may assign mountains of work to them which they couldn’t finish until early morning. Tiredly go to school, students also cannot concentrate on classes. All I have mentioned above would lead to a vicious circle that does harm to not only the teachers but also the students.

To sum up, based on both the advantages and disadvantages of the suggestion, it is necessary to involve various factors in the judgment, not students’ performance alone. As we all know, teaching is not the only responsibility teachers have, they also need to do some scientific researches to improve themselves. So as far as I am concerned, teacher’s payment should not be base on students’ performance only.
9.12 上帝保佑~~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-19 10:52:33 |只看该作者
Recently, more and more people suggest that teachers'payment should be related to their students' performance directly. As in China, schools are getting crowded with numerous students, teachers are always teaching in classrooms included students beyond fifty. It certainly decreases their(the) quality of education which has an obvious effect on the result of tests. When parents see the relatively low score on their children's paper, no wonder they would point out the suggestion(这个和开头的suggestion离的有些远,我反应了一下才明白过来,可能是parents和people对应不太好). But, can this doing really satisfied parents'  requirement and improve the quality of education effectively? It is not a question of yes or no. Based on my abundant experience, teacher's payment should not be base on students' performance only.

For one thing, the involvement of performance will surely arouse teachers’ initiatives on teaching. They would prepare better for lessons and expect to help every student understand certain materials. Teacher would also try hardly(hard, for example work hard) to make students listen to him or to start a discussion. While in the past, teacher may continue his lesson with an ignorance of students’ chit chats(用动名词是不是更好点). As we can imagine, to handle a class with more than fifty people is a big task, without teacher’s attempt ,the situation won’t be improved. With these helps, students’ improvement on grade is a sure thing. What’s more, despite of the benefit students gained from it, teachers themselves take the advantage of it at the same time. As they fully committed to classes, they could discover their shortcomings both on teaching technique (technique 好词啊)and the ability to handle the class. On the basis of mutual benefit, we definitely should include students’ performance in(in what).

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However, the suggestion does have some negative effects we cannot neglect. Firstly, it would put too much pressure both on teachers and students. On one hand, teachers would feel nervous before the day for the score list comes out as their salaries are based on it. When the day comes, teacher whose class falls behind would be stressful to improve grades(很忧虑的去提高成绩吗). What would s/he do? To bring more pressure to bear on (读起来很别扭,可能跟前面重复了,而且又都是动词)the students. Students may be kept by their teacher to have an evening class till almost nine pm, and the teacher may assign mountains of work to them which they couldn’t finish until early in the morning. Tiredly go to school, students also cannot concentrate on classes. All I have mentioned above would lead to a vicious circle (good word choice )that does harm to not only the teachers but also the students.
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To sum up, based on both the advantages and disadvantages of the suggestion, it is necessary to involve various factors in the judgment, not students’ performance alone. As we all know, teaching is not the only responsibility teachers have, they also need to do some scientific researches to improve themselves. So as far as I am concerned, teacher’s payment should not be based on students’ performance only.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-19 13:24:31 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 rachel1102 于 2009-8-19 13:28 编辑

Recently, more and more people suggest that teachers'payment should be related to their students' performance directly. As in China, schools are getting crowded with numerous students, teachers are always teaching in classrooms included students beyond fifty. It certainly decreases their quality of education which has an obvious effect on the result of tests. When parents see the relatively low score on their children's paper, no wonder they would point out the suggestion. But, can this doing really satisfied parents'  requirement and improve the quality of education effectively? (这几句话感觉稍微有点偏题,放在开头段感觉有点多余,可以放在下面段落说。)It is not a question of yes or no. Based on my abundant experience, teacher's payment should not be base on students' performance only.
For one thing, the involvement of performance will surely arouse teachers’ initiatives on teaching. They(感觉用they不太好,只带不是很清楚,而且下一句用了teacher)would prepare better for lessons and expect to help every student understand certain materials. Teacher前面用复数了,这里怎么用单数了? would also try hardly to make students listen to him or to start a discussion. While in the past, teacher may continue his lesson with an ignorance of students’ chit chats. As we can imagine, to handle a class with more than fifty people is a big task, without teacher’s attempt the situation won’t be improved. With these helps, students’ improvement on grade is a sure thing. What’s more, despite of the benefit students gained from it, 指代什么?teachers themselves take the advantage of it at the same time. As they fully committed to classes, they could discover their shortcomings both on teaching technique and the ability to handle the class. On the basis of mutual benefit, we definitely should include students’ performance in.
However, the suggestion does have some negative effects we cannot neglect. Firstly, it would put too much pressure both on teachers and students. On one hand, teachers would feel nervous before the day for the score list as their salaries are based on it. When the day comes, teacher whose class falls behind would be stressful to improve grades. What would s/he do? To bring more pressure to bear on the students. Students may be kept by their teacher to have an evening class till almost nine pm, and the teacher may assign mountains of work to them which they couldn’t finish until early morning. Tiredly go to school, students also cannot concentrate on classes. All I have mentioned above would lead to a vicious circle that does harm to not only the teachers but also the students.
To sum up, based on both the advantages and disadvantages of the suggestion, it is necessary to involve various factors in the judgment, not students’ performance alone. As we all know, teaching is not the only responsibility teachers have, they (这里前面一句的主语是teaching,后面主语换成老师了,注意要统一)also need to do some scientific researches to improve themselves. So as far as I am concerned, teacher’s payment should not be base on students’ performance only.

PS 谢谢的你点评,我会继续努力的~

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进军美利坚作文 第四次作业 8.18
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