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[活动] 12.8独立作文 明日萌 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-9 02:33:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
printed book have had greater effects on society than television
From my point of view, I don’t agree with greater influence from the printed book than television on society.
First of all, as far as we are concerned, with the infusion of the television into our daily life, the convenience it brings are penetrating to every aspects of our life. Take advertisements for example, it is the television that change the pathway to inform the public of new products or service through the old forms such as paper. The increasing amount of people are able to get acquainted with some of its features like color or function as long as they own televisions, which obviously prompts the sale throughout the nation, limted to the location pastly.
Since the TV series and other kinds programe come out , the common obtain an easier way to accept a variety of knowledge, no matter on literature or on scientific advances for they are more accessible, vivid and animated compared with dull letters in book pages. Especially children love this type of being educated, not only teaching themselves to tell what is right from what is wrong , but also improve ability to understand and discriminate colors, shape etc. That in part releases mothers from overloaded household business and earns more free time for housewives.
Lastly do not neglect the critical importance of television as a medium tool during the nationwide political campaign. It is an effective method to collect more supports from the voters and also a platform to clarify your opinions and concepts towards a series of policies for candidates, saving considerable time and energy for them to hang arounda to distribute printed matter and to persuade.
Undoubtedly ,as a necessity of modern society, televisons are playing a more crucial part with their close relation to our life. To some extent, the place they ocuppy surpass the one of books.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-9 12:30:39 |只看该作者
printed book have had greater effects on society than television
# Q6 A) \# k; FFrom my point of view, I don’t agree with greater influence from the printed book than television on society.(这句话总觉得有点别扭,萌是想用更简单的名词形式避免赘述,但是在这句话上似乎有点不合适,一己之见,open 2 discuss)  T% k7 `* X- W% L* t3 I+ {
First of all, as far as we are concerned, with the infusion(好词儿) of the television into our daily life, the convenience it brings are penetrating(!进行时用的很到位) to every aspects of our life. Take advertisements for example, it is the television that change the pathway to inform the public of new products or service through the old forms such as paper. The increasing amount of people are able to get acquainted with some of its features like color or function as long as they own televisions, which obviously prompts the sale throughout the nation, limted to the location pastly.(那么给人类带来的影响体现在哪呢?)
4 r) o: x6 g  ]8 I: ISince the TV series and other kinds programe come out , the common obtain an easier way to accept a variety of knowledge, no matter on literature or on scientific advances for they are more accessible, vivid and animated compared with dull letters in book pages.(这句话写的真好 我得好好学习下) Especially children love this type of being educated, not only teaching themselves to tell what is right from what is wrong , but also improve ability to understand and discriminate colors, shape etc. That in part releases mothers from overloaded household business and earns more free time for housewives.( ^7 |* J0 R# P1 D3 u0 [0 d
Lastly do not neglect the critical importance of television as a medium tool during the nationwide political campaign. It is an effective method to collect more supports from the voters and also a platform to clarify your opinions and concepts towards a series of policies for candidates, saving considerable time and energy for them to hang arounda to distribute printed matter and to persuade.' p- ?2 @, k/ S1 d# F- g(最好再加一句宏观上对分论点的总结)
Undoubtedly ,as a necessity of modern society, televisons are playing a more crucial part with their close relation to our life. To some extent, the place they ocuppy surpass the one of books.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-10 01:46:37 |只看该作者
From my point of view, I don’t agree with greater influence from the printed book than television on society.: ?" }3 ]8 J  S) o9 N+ i4 U
First of all, as far as we are concerned, with the infusion of the television into our daily life, the convenience it brings are(is) penetrating to every aspects of our life. Take advertisements for example, it is the television that change the pathway to inform the public of new products or service through the old forms such as paper. The increasing amount of people are able to get acquainted with some of its features like color or function as long as they own televisions, which obviously prompts the sale throughout the nation, limted to the location pastly(单词有误).

Since the TV series and other kinds programe come out , the common obtain an easier way to accept a variety of knowledge, no matter on literature or on scientific advances for they are more accessible, vivid and animated compared with dull letters in book pages. Especially children love this type of being educated, not only teaching themselves to tell what is right from what is wrong , but also improve ability to understand and discriminate colors, shape etc. That in part releases mothers from overloaded household business and earns more free time for housewives.

Lastly do not neglect the critical importance of television as a medium tool during the nationwide political campaign. It is an effective method to collect more supports from the voters and also a platform to clarify your opinions and concepts towards a series of policies for candidates, saving considerable time and energy for them to hang arounda to distribute printed matter and to persuade.4 c) O4 H/ K% I) D& O

Undoubtedly ,as a necessity of modern society, televisons are playing a more crucial part with their close relation to our life. To some extent, the place they ocuppy surpass the one of books.(可以对你上述所讲的三个观点做小结)


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