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[i习作temp] issue33 唉。。互拍~先谢过~ [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-26 23:48:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.

It is a world filled with appealing images today. An attractive appearance has become so important that few can deny his/her attention paying to getting dressed or distraction by a good-looking woman. However, even in the rapid contemporary society, where a person’s capacity is sometimes judged by the first impression, image can hardly win anyone lasting fame. What can do so are always the achievements one made and the loveable personalities one has – those things hide behind that image.

It is undeniable that in many aspects, to succeed in today’s society, an attractive image is extremely helpful. The rapidness of life urges us to make a choice from too many options within too little time. Therefore an eye-catching appearance becomes a timesaving straw pulling us out of the pool of choices just in time. We are more likely to pick up the best-looking cup from shelves of household products, and the most handsome man from numerous photos of applicants. All advertisers nowadays know that their only chance is to catch the customers’ attention in one unintended glance. And the easiest way to make it is utilizing the brunt of an appealing image – a face of an angel, a beach likes heaven, a racecar rushing as a leopard – an arousing (这个词没想好 我的意思是“能唤起情绪的”你有什么建议吗 谢谢^_^) image can always catch our attention. This is the power of image.

However, image seems to be over-popular nowadays. There are so many seraphic women and muscular men in the pictures that the audience are not as much excited to see a new face as before. There are so many heavenly places in the photos that to-be-tourists are not that easily amused any more. The audience becomes kind of tired and forgetful. Do you still remember the name of that belle you saw on the TV commercial last month? Will you recall her someday in next month? Will you bother to memorize her name at all? No. A next girl with a pair of deep blue eyes would probably have taken her place in your mind, and she would be taken by someone else soon. An attractive image can probably not arouse lasting interest anymore in contemporary society. Then what can?

It is the achievements a person gains that bring him/her eternal fame. As in entertaining industry, an actor or actress doesn't necessarily need an extraordinary face to win the applause, though having one would be of great help. That crazy nun didn't look very charming, neither did the lesbian monster. But they are super popular. There are numerous actors and actress who are remembered not by their name, but by the fascinating characters they’ve made. Let alone in academic world. No one cares how strange Einstein dressed, how sick Hawking is, we admire them, adore them, because of their unforgettable and valuable achievements to the whole human world.
这一段的例证我不知道有没有说服力 大家给个反馈我好不~

Moreover, it is one's respectable personalities – uncompromising, benignancy, courage, and so on, which win him/her permanent admiration. We don’t need to fully understand what radium is to give Mrs. Curie our respect. We don’ need to read A Brief History of Time to admire Hawking. Their worshipful characteristics have win everyone’s admire.

Thus, while appealing image becomes increasingly important nowadays, it is still the great achievements and respectable characteristics that win one the eternal fame and admiration from the world.

8.16 BJ
we fight

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-28 10:37:46 |只看该作者
Originally posted by dr_green at 2005-7-26 23:48
Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary society than is the reality or truth behind that image.

It is a world filled with appealing images toda ...


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-28 12:29:19 |只看该作者
It is a world filled with appealing images today. An attractive appearance has become so important that few can deny his/her attention paying to getting dressed or distraction by a good-looking woman. However, even in the rapid contemporary society, where a person’s capacity is sometimes judged by the first impression, image can hardly win anyone lasting fame. What can do so are always the achievements one made and the loveable personalities one has – those things hide behind that image恩,背景式介绍+观点表明,很不错。.

It is undeniable that in many aspects, to succeed in today’s society, an attractive image is extremely helpful. The rapidness of life urges us to make a choice from too many options within too little time. 这句话真好,精悍!Therefore an eye-catching appearance becomes a timesaving straw pulling us out of the pool of choices just in time. We are more likely to pick up the best-looking cup from shelves of household products, and the most handsome man from numerous photos of applicants. All advertisers nowadays know that their only chance is to catch the customers’ attention in one unintended glance. And the easiest way to make it is utilizing the brunt of an appealing image – a face of an angel, a beach likes heaven, a racecar rushing as a leopard – an arousing (这个词没想好 我的意思是“能唤起情绪的”你有什么建议吗 谢谢^_^) image can always catch our attention.这句话是不是该改顺序“?我觉得用一个限制性定语从句好像更通顺一些。which can always tantalize(这个词我也不确定)our curiosity This is the power of image.

However, image seems to be over-popular nowadays. There are so many seraphic women and muscular men in the pictures that the audience are not as much excited to see a new face as before. There are so many heavenly places in the photos that to-be-tourists are not that easily amused? any more. The audience becomes kind of tired and forgetful. Do you still remember the name of that belle you saw on the TV commercial last month? Will you recall her someday in next month? Will you bother to memorize her name at all? No. A next girl with a pair of deep blue eyes would probably have taken her place in your mind, 我觉得最好不要用第二人称来发问and she would be taken by someone else soon. An attractive image can probably not arouse lasting interest anymore in contemporary society. Then what can?

It is the achievements a person gains that bring him/her eternal fame. As in entertaining industry, an actor or actress doesn't necessarily need an extraordinary face to win the applause, though having one would be of great help. That crazy nun这些属于专有名词么?是否该大写? didn't 是不是组好不要用缩写look very charming, neither did the lesbian monster. But they are super popular. There are numerous actors and actress who are remembered not by their name, but by the fascinating characters they’ve made. Let alone in academic world. No one cares how strange Einstein dressed, how sick Hawking is, we admire them, adore them, because of their unforgettable and valuable achievements to the whole human world.这一段的段内论证还可以,不过那两个乐队后面还是表明一下他们的成功原因,像后面一样。其实我有一个疑惑,lasting fame 是最值得人们关注的东西么?你采用的是一时的吸引和长久的声名对应,认为带来长久声名的成就才是最重要的,是么?不过,观点无所谓,只要论证好就可以了。这一段的例证我不知道有没有说服力 大家给个反馈我好不~

Moreover, it is one's respectable personalities – uncompromising, benignancy, courage, and so on, which win him/her permanent admiration. We don’t need to fully understand what radium is to give Mrs. Curie our respect. We don’ need to read A Brief History of Time to admire Hawking. Their worshipful characteristics have win everyone’s admire.

Thus, while appealing image becomes increasingly important nowadays, it is still the great achievements and respectable characteristics that win one the eternal fame and admiration from the world.

总体看来是很不错的。没有什么错误,论证也很对应,只是如果能把那些fame, admiration之类别人给的东西换成什么才是社会最需要的,什么才是有持久价值的,我想会更好一点。

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issue33 唉。。互拍~先谢过~
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