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[i习作temp] Issue167 大家来拍拍吧,第一篇政治 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-30 00:53:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Although there does exist some effective leaders who can not tell the truth all the time, I can hardly agree with the arguer's first claim. Since there are two kinds of effective political leaders in the world: the statesmen and politicians. We can not get a conclusion without differentiation.
In our history, there were many great statesmen who insisted on the beliefs they hold and dedicated to the enterprise they ever took. For instance, the great Chinese statesman Sun Yat-sen, all he did during his life time was to lead China jumping the trace of feudalism and to establish a new ordered democratic society. For those who like him, it is completely possible to tell the truth all the time, because the differences between a statesman and a politician is that while a politician's political conducts are motivated by self-interests, a statesman always take the whole society into his consideration. Thus, great statesmen will not lie on their own account, they can be honest all the time.
Admittedly, there are some effective leaders who can not always tell the truth, some of the politicians. They regard politics as a pathway to a higher social status or wealth. So they have been involved in a mire that everyone tries to cheat and outwit the others in order to gain whatever that maybe important for his/her position, reelection ect. After all, not every highly effective political leaders have highly moral standards, we should concede that.
As to the second claim, in my opinion, even if politicians can not be honest all the time, honesty is still a very useful virtue, whether it is for their political career or daily lives. Let us take a look at that notorious Watergate, I suppose no one will deny that Nixon was a highly effective political leader and an outstanding president of America. Yet just because his dishonesty, he became the first president who resigned from his office. By contrast, the Zip-gate, Bill Clinton escaped from being impeached due to his timely honesty. In fact, everybody can not avoid making mistakes, but the differences are lay on whether you have the courage to face them. Furthermore, admitted that politicians are not be able to be honest because of the competition between the others, but what about their daily lives? Can they still say anything also in that diplomatic way even to be dishonest? One can argue that honesty is not important for politicians in their working process, but can someone dare to assume that honesty is totally useless for every facet of a politician's life? Probably not. Politicians are just like ordinary people, in some sense, they need to communicate with various of persons, they need to get along with their family members and friends. Without honesty, how could other people trust him/her? If everyone alienates him/her, he/she will gradually lose his/her social identity, at last, he/she will be abandoned by the society.
In sum, honesty is always a good virtue for politicians, even they may probably lie sometimes, and the real statesman will never be dishonest at all.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-30 at 12:17 ]
Be aggressive!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-30 13:37:04 |只看该作者
Although there does exist some effective leaders who can not tell the truth all the time, I can hardly agree with the arguer's first claim(first claim that~解释一下). Since there are two kinds of effective political leaders in the world: the statesmen and politicians. We can not get a conclusion without differentiation.
In our history, there were many great statesmen who insisted on the beliefs they hold and dedicated to the enterprise they ever took. For instance, the great Chinese statesman Sun Yat-sen, all he did during his life time was to lead China jumping the trace of feudalism and to establish a new ordered democratic society. For those who like him, it is completely possible to tell the truth all the time, because the differences between a statesman and a politician is that while a politician's political conducts are(may be) motivated by self-interests, a statesman always take the whole society into his consideration. Thus, great statesmen will not lie on their own account, they can be honest all the time.

Admittedly, there are some effective leaders who can not always tell the truth, some of the politicians(这句话有点别扭). They regard politics as a pathway to a higher social status or wealth. So they have been involved in a mire that everyone tries to cheat and outwit the others in order to gain whatever that maybe important for his/her position, reelection ect. After all, not every highly effective political leaders have highly moral standards, we should concede that.

As to the second claim, in my opinion, even if politicians can not be honest all the time, honesty is still a very useful virtue, whether it is for their political career or daily lives. Let us take a look at that notorious Watergate, I suppose no one will deny that Nixon was a highly effective political leader and an outstanding president of America. Yet just because his dishonesty, he became the first president who resigned from his office. By contrast, the Zip-gate, Bill Clinton escaped from being impeached due to his timely honesty.(这个例子好) In fact, everybody can not avoid making mistakes, but the differences are lay on whether you have the courage to face them. Furthermore, admitted that politicians are not be able to be honest because of the competition between the others(这个观点太绝对了sometimes), but what about their daily lives? Can they still say anything also in that diplomatic way even to be dishonest? One can argue that honesty is not important for politicians in their working process, but can someone dare to assume that honesty is totally useless for every facet of a politician's life?(这几句话像是在绕圈子) Probably not. Politicians are just like ordinary people, in some sense, they need to communicate with various of(of去掉) persons, they need to get along with their family members and friends. Without honesty, how could other people trust him/her? If everyone alienates him/her, he/she will gradually lose his/her social identity, at last, he/she will be abandoned by the society.(
In sum, honesty is always a good virtue for politicians, even they may probably lie sometimes, and the real statesman will never be dishonest at all.
观点很新颖阿,觉得还写得不错,只是最后一段说到daily life的时候,论证不太有力。其实我个人觉得career和daily life 是可以分开写的,还有保留段放在中间有点罕见,思路上稍微调整一下

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Issue167 大家来拍拍吧,第一篇政治
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