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[未归类] issue4 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-15 09:13:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.

For centuries, with the rapid development of technology and amassment of knowledge, intercommunication between relevant fields makes a tremendous progress to every area. I agree with the speaker's to the extent that the way of assimilating knowledge and expericence of other fields brought in by outside experts could promote the study of one field, while, not the exclusive one. Before embracing other fields of knowledge, people in one field should investigate interior knowledge and accumlate enough experience.

On the one hand, through out the course of study lies the initial steps-- to perfect knowledge and summerize experiences within one field. Take the study of various fields of science as an example. From Newton to Einstein, from Galios to Cantor, then from Darwin to Mendel, they are all great scientists who begin their work from the fundamental fields of their disciplines and impel great progress in such fields. Additionally, Buck Pearl Sydenstricher, an Amercian female writer wining the 1938 Nobel Prize for literature could serve as another fitting example. Pearl, whose life experience as a missionary in china lent a vivid immediacy to her novels, including The Good Earth helped her gain the Nobel Prize. In other words, without the elementary knowledge, study is just a castle in the air, let alone the intercommunication within two fields. Thus, to get the knowledge and experience within one field is the principal work for our experts.

On the other hand, once we obtain adequate knowledge and experience, interdiscipline will become possible, and it is no need to passively await experts in other fields to assist us while our own experts could also study other fields’ knowledge actively. Two examples that becomingly illustrate this point involve the fields of astronomy and literature.

Recently, the news about NASA’s new space travel programme—the Shuttle Orbiter Discovery—has been a heated headline almost on every magzines or newspapers. We could easily discover that such a complex space travel is no more than a marvel created by our interdiscipline. Behind the great success here lies a variety of experts, such as astronomers, astronauts, statisticians, mechanical, computer and electrical engineers, and even politician and journalist. Crucial and precise observation by telescope technology and measurements of celestial distances, masses, volumes, and so forth, are the domain of astronomers. Next those data will be put through the calculation and analysis by the statisticians. Further, the plan of space shuttle will be designed by mechanical, electrical, computer enigeers. To fullfil such a plan requires fund arising from the government or business communities through advocation of the policians. In the finally step, the astronauts were lanched into space on mission with the day-by-day attention of mass media.

Moreover, in the ground of literature, the Iliad is a case in point. The Iliad, which is one of the Homer's epic poems, presents a historical and verifiable action, Troy’s Siege, a projection of new concerns onto past events. It requires the writer to prossess literary talents as well as historical acumen. Homer achieved the success on the basis of the combination of history and literature all by himself. As a result, inter-fields knowledge, which does not necessarily impose on outsiders, could help us aquires great advances.

To sum up, I concede that outside experts now brings more and more knowledge and experience that could bears us much broader way for long-term development. However, the outside knowledge, could they be useful, should be on the fundation of interior study of any fields.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-17 12:38:09 |只看该作者
//For centuries, with the rapid development of technology and amassment of knowledge, intercommunication between relevant fields makes a tremendous progress to every area. 这一段我觉得放在“I agree。。。”的后面作为原因比较好,这样你的观点就很突出了// I agree with the speaker's to the extent that the way of assimilating knowledge and expericence of other fields brought in by outside experts could promote the study of one field, while, not the exclusive one. Before embracing other fields of knowledge, people in one field should investigate interior knowledge and accumlate enough experience.

On the one hand, through out the course of study lies the initial steps-- to perfect knowledge and summerize //summarize//  experiences //experience在这里是经验还是经历,我觉得经验比较合适,应该用单数//  within one field. Take the study of various fields of science as an example. From Newton to Einstein, from Galios //Galois//  to Cantor, then from Darwin to Mendel, they are all great scientists who begin their work from the fundamental fields of their disciplines and impel great progress in such fields. Additionally, Buck Pearl Sydenstricher, an Amercian female writer wining the 1938 Nobel Prize for literature could serve as another fitting example. Pearl, whose life experience as a missionary in china lent a vivid immediacy to her novels, including The Good Earth helped her gain the Nobel Prize. In other words, without the elementary knowledge, study is just a castle in the air, let alone the intercommunication within two fields. Thus, to get the knowledge and experience within one field is the principal work for our experts. // 我觉得这一段你谈的“积累本学科知识队该学科的发展有重大作用”并没有太详细的论述,只是列举了许多科学家都有积累基础知识//

On the other hand, once we obtain adequate knowledge and experience, //你是否需要界定the so called ‘adequate knowledge and experience’呢?//
interdiscipline will become possible, and it is no need to passively await experts in other fields to assist us while our own experts could also study other fields’ knowledge actively. Two examples that becomingly illustrate this point involve the fields of astronomy and literature.

Recently, the news about NASA’s new space travel programme// program// —the Shuttle Orbiter Discovery—has been a heated headline almost on every magzines //magazines// or newspapers. We could easily discover that such a complex space travel is //no more than 为什么要用“no more than”呢?好像你对这件事的态度是negative 噢。。。//  a marvel created by our interdiscipline. Behind the great success here lies a variety of experts, such as astronomers, astronauts, statisticians, mechanical, computer and electrical engineers, and even politician and journalist. Crucial and precise observation by telescope technology and measurements of celestial distances, masses, volumes, and so forth, are the domain of astronomers. Next // why use ‘next’ here? Do you mean the ‘left data’?// those data will be put through the calculation and analysis by the statisticians. Further, the plan of space shuttle will be designed by mechanical, electrical, computer enigeers. To fullfil such a plan requires fund arising from the government or business communities through advocation of the policians. // politicians// In the finally step, the astronauts were lanched into space on mission with the day-by-day attention of mass media. // it seems that you read the model essay before writing, but mind you, you will be easily consider to be a plagiarist in that the essay is known to all judges.//

Moreover, in the ground of literature, the Iliad is a case in point. The Iliad, which is one of the Homer's epic poems, presents a historical and verifiable action, Troy’s Siege, a projection of new concerns onto past events. It requires the writer to prossess // possess//  literary talents as well as historical acumen. Homer achieved the success on the basis of the combination of history and literature all by himself. As a result, inter-fields knowledge, which does not necessarily impose on outsiders, could help us aquires //acquire// great advances.

To sum up, I concede that outside experts now brings more and more knowledge and experience that could bears us much broader way for long-term development. However, the outside knowledge, could they be useful, should be on the fundation // foundation// of interior study of any fields.

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