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[i习作temp] 熊熊小组作业之一休152~ 用台式机感觉还是不一样啊!超时! [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-15 11:54:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
152"The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies."
3考虑其他(道德规范等,例如法律地不完善on-line commerce, 对环境地保护,对职员地爱护)

In this issue, the speaker claims that the sole responsibility of corporate executives is to make the maximization of the profit within the law. While, to some extent, I agree with the speaker’s assertion, yet the speaker neglects some other responsibilities he or she makes for.

To begin with, I admit that as an executive of a company, the most important thing is to make the profit as possible as the leader can. If the executive pays much attention on other problem not the profit of the corporation, such as focusing much on the environment, the pollution, or the more comfortable working conditions for employees, then too much money would be spent on those kinds work. Consequently, the expense of the company will increase sharply, the profits will decline, which is harmful to the company. Thus this circumstance might cause the company go bankrupt, then lots of employees lay-off. All the result is coming from excessively obeying the law, so for the sake of the employees and the profit of the company, the executive of the corporation should just stay within the law not be undue with it.

Another explanation for staying with the law is that as the development of the economic market, more and more private companies and individuals join in the economic market. Maybe their join is not good news for those stated-owned companies, because they can carve up the profit of the national corporation. But in reality, this worry is not the case, for the reason that even though more and more companies join the competition in the economic market, the economical law is the regulation for all of them, each company must obey the law, then the competition is beneficial to the companies ,consumers the same as the society. Because, this kind of meaningful competition will lead to the lower price and higher quality of the product. At the same time it is also the impetus of the economy.

But only staying within the law can solve all the problems in the market? Such as the internet economy. In this information booming ear, the on-line commerce is becoming more and more important in our daily life, but the correlated law is still in born. So the laws in this realm might be a blank. Then what is the standard of the on-line economy? In my opinion, the moral, the ethic will play a vital role. There is entirely possible that the complete law about the internet will be formed in the future, but now what the executive of the corporation do is just follow their moral and ethic.

Not the on-line commercial needs the moral and ethic, but the common economy is also in need of the moral and ethics. Just as I have mentioned above, the undue attention on the environment and employees is harmful to the company, but this can not be applied to ignore the environment and the employees. In the long run of the development, every company should protect the environment from polluting, and care about their employees, then the company will be strong and acquire more and more profit.

To sum up, the executives of the corporation should obey the law to do the business, and they also stand on the moral and ethic to develop the economical market.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-15 14:57:38 |只看该作者
In this issue, the speaker claims that the sole responsibility of corporate executives is to make the maximization of the profit maximum the profit within the law. While, to some extent, I 最好加个程度副词修饰一下agree with the speaker’s assertion, yet the speaker neglects some other responsibilities he or she makes for.

To begin with, I admit that as an executive of a company, the most important thing is to make the profit as possible as the leader can. If the executive pays much attention on other problem not the profit of the corporation, such as focusing much on the environment, the pollution, or the more comfortable working conditions for employees, then too much money would be spent on those kinds work activities. Consequently, the expense of the company will increase sharply, 连词the profits will decline, which is harmful to the company. Thus this circumstance might cause the company go bankrupt, then lots of employees 被动lay-off. All the result复数 is coming from excessively obeying the law, 上面这些大部分是遵守社会道德..而不是law吧so for the sake of the employees and the profit of the company, the executive of the corporation should just stay within the law not be undue with it.

Another explanation for staying with the law is that as the development of the economic market, more and more private companies and individuals join in the economic market. Maybe their join is not good news for those stated-owned companies,同是company为啥还要分成好几类呢 because they can carve up the profit of the national corporation. But in reality, this worry is not the case, for the reason that even though more and more companies join in the competition in the economic market, the economical law is the regulation for all of them, each company must obey the law, then the competition is beneficial to the companies ,consumers the same as the society. Because, this kind of meaningful competition will lead to the lower price and higher quality of the product. At the same time it is also the impetus of the economy. 这段比较失败,首先说公司为啥不一视同仁,而且这段感觉离题比较远了!!

But only staying within the law can solve all the problems in the market? Such as the internet economy. 已经说过好几遍了...这玩意不是个句子...再发现就不提了啊In this information booming ear, the on-line commerce is becoming more and more important in our daily life, but the correlated law is still in born. So the laws in this realm might be a blank. Then what is the standard of the on-line economy? In my opinion, the moral, the ethic will play a vital role. There is entirely possible that the complete law about the internet will be formed in the future, but now what the executive of the corporation do is just follow their moral and ethic.

Not the on-line commercial needs the moral and ethic, but the common economy is also in need of the moral and ethics. Just as I have mentioned above, the undue attention on the environment and employees is harmful to the company, but this can not be applied to ignore the environment and the employees. In the long run of the development, every company should protect the environment from polluting, and care about their employees, then the company will be strong and acquire more and more profit.

To sum up, the executives of the corporation should obey the law to do the business, and they also stand on the moral and ethic to develop the economical market.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-15 17:35:15 |只看该作者
In this issue, the speaker claims that the sole responsibility of corporate executives is to make the maximization of the profit  maxmize the profitwithin the law. While 和后面不搭配, to some extent, I agree with the speaker’s assertion, yet the speaker neglects some other responsibilities he or she makes for 用词要准确,有make for responsibility 这种说法么?.

To begin with, I admit that as an executive of a company, the most important thing is to make the profit as possible much as the leader can. If the executive pays too much attention on to other problem  but not the profit of the corporation, such as focusing much on the environment, the pollution, or the more comfortable working conditions for employees, then too much money would be spent on those kinds of work. Consequently, the expense of the company will increase sharply, the profits will decline, which is harmful to the company. Thus this circumstance might cause the company go bankrupt, then lots of employees lay-off 名词. All the result is results are coming from excessively obeying the law, so for the sake of the employees and the profit of the company, the executive of the corporation should just stay within the law not be undue with it. 最后一句啥么意思呀,怎么感觉很混乱

Another explanation for staying with the law is that as the development of the economic market, more and more private companies and individuals join in the economic market. Maybe their join participation is not good news for those stated-owned companies, because they can carve up the profit of the national corporation. But in reality, this worry is not the case, for the reason that even though more and more companies join inthe competition in the economic market, the economical law is the regulation for all of them, each company must obey the law, then the competition is beneficial to the companies ,consumers the same well as the society. Because, this kind of meaningful competition will lead to the lower price and higher quality of the product. At the same time it is also the impetus of the economy.

But only staying within the law can solve all the problems in the market? Such as the internet electronic economy. In this information booming ear era, the on-line commerce is becoming more and more important in our daily life, but the correlated law is still in born 汗,不要自己造词呀. So the laws in this realm might be a blank. Then what is the standard of the on-line economy? In my opinion, the moral, the ethic will play a vital role. There is entirely possible that the complete law about the internet will be formed in the future, but now what the executive of the corporation do is just follow their moral and ethic.怎么转到道德上了

Not the on-line commercial needs the moral and ethic, but the common economy is also in need of the moral and ethics. Just as I have mentioned above, the undue attention on the environment and employees is harmful to the company, but this can not be applied to ignore the environment and the employees. In the long run of the development, every company should protect the environment from polluting, and care about their employees, then the company will be strong and acquire more and more profit.

To sum up, the executives of the corporation should obey the law to do the business, and they also stand on the moral and ethic to develop the economical market.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-15 18:57:20 |只看该作者
V:510 62%
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AW:4.5 51%
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-16 11:01:02 |只看该作者
In this issue,觉得这么说有点奇怪 the speaker claims that the sole responsibility of corporate executives is to make the maximization of the profit within the law. While, to some extent, I agree with the speaker’s assertion, yet用but吧~这个似乎不是连词 the speaker neglects some other responsibilities he or she makes for.

To begin with, I admit that as an executive of a company, the most important thing is to make the profit as possible as the leader改称a leader can. If the executive pays much attention on other problem 复数not the profit of the corporation, such as focusing much on the environment, the pollution, or the more comfortable working conditions for employees, then too much money would be spent on those kinds work. Consequently, the expense of the company will increase sharply去掉不是要强调sharply, the profits will decline, which is harmful to the company. Thus this circumstance might cause the company go bankrupt, then lots of employees lay-off.不好的表达lose their job更简单 All the result单数复数? is coming from excessively obeying the law, so for the sake of the employees and the profit of the company, the executive of the corporation should just stay within the law not be用rather than undue with it.

Another explanation for staying with the law is that as the development of the economic market, more and more private companies and individuals join in the economic market. Maybe their join is not good news for those stated-owned companies, because they can carve up the profit of the national corporation. But in reality, this worry is not the case, for the reason that even though more and more companies join the competition in the economic market, the economical law is the regulation for all of them, each company must obey the law, then the competition is beneficial to the companies ,consumers the same as the society. 这段话可以再简练点~觉得很空Because, this kind of meaningful competition will lead to the lower price and higher quality of the product. At the same time it is also the impetus of the economy.

But only staying within the law can solve all the problems in the market用疑问句的语序? Such as the internet economy. In this information booming ear, the on-line commerce is becoming more and more important in our daily life, but the correlated law is still in born. So the laws in this realm might be a blank. Then what is the standard of the on-line economy? In my opinion, the moral, the ethic will play a vital role. There is entirely possible that the complete law about the internet will be formed in the future, but now what the executive of the corporation do is just follow their moral and ethic.这句话的意思表达离中心远了,说说将来网络的法律会建立起来,但是最重要的blabla...

Not the on-line commercial needs the moral and ethic, but the common economy is also in need of the moral and ethics. Just as I have mentioned above, the undue attention on the environment and employees is harmful to the company, but this can not be applied to ignore the environment and the employees. In the long run of the development, every company should protect the environment from polluting, and care about their employees, then这个也不是连词 the company will be strong and acquire more and more profit.展开不够

To sum up, the executives of the corporation should obey the law to do the business, and they also stand on the moral and ethic to develop the economical market.结尾真实草率阿~稍微多写点比较好
V:510 62%
Q:800 92%
AW:4.5 51%
Go on.
61 6? 63
TWE 5.0
go on 5T

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熊熊小组作业之一休152~ 用台式机感觉还是不一样啊!超时!
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