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[a习作temp] argumenht72 fantasy 7日作业,确实写得很辛苦 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-9-7 14:44:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ARGUMENT 72 - In measuring electrical activity in different parts of the brain, researchers found that people who describe themselves as generally happy have more activity in the left prefrontal lobe of their brains than do other people. Therefore, a medication for stimulating the left prefrontal lobe of the brain would be an effective treatment for clinical depression.
字数:432          用时:0:30:00          日期:2005-9-7

In this argument, the arguer suggests a medical treatment that stimulating the left prefrontal lobe of brain would be effective for clinical depression. To substantiate the recommendation, the arguer provides a research to show that people who describe themselves happy have more activity in the left prefrontal lobe. It sound plausible at first glance, but through scrutiny the argument suggest unwarranted.

Most important of all, the arguer gives a vague result of a research. First, how to choose people to be researched is unknown. Does the sample content plenty people enough, or is those ones are chosen randomly as that the sample is representative. It is quite possible that the research just select twenty people from a wealth city where people lead a happy and comfortable life. Their happiness and their activity in the left prefrontal lobe have no co-relation. Second, does describing themselves happy really means they are truly happier than others is also open to doubt. The arguer never offers a concrete definition and measurement for happiness. It is such a emotional feeling that the standard to estimate it may not correct. Since there are two problems unsolved in the research, the result can not be persuasive.

Second, even take for granted that the result of research is a reliable one, the treatment for clinical depression would also be doubtful. It is the happiness that leads to more activity in the left prefrontal lobe, rather than more active of left prefrontal lobe contribute to happiness. The arguer commits a fallacy of confusing the cause and result. So a medication for stimulating the left prefrontal lobe of brain can not guarantee its effectiveness when utilizing it to clinical depression.

What is more, the arguer neglect other more common and more widely used method to cute the depress patient. As is known to all, depression is usually caused by great pressure or something sad. To treat this kind of mental disease, just solely reply on medical treatment would be prove little use. It may be more helpful to find some psychologist to talk with patients, find the exact factors that make them unhappy. Or let them relax from so rapid pace of work and take holiday to enjoy themselves and at the same time use some medicine to coordinate treatment. May be it would be more effective them the recommendation which the arguer proposes.

In conclusion, the ambiguous research and the advert causal relationship can not make this argument convincible. To strengthen it, the arguer should provide detail information about the research and consider other possible ways to treat the depress patients.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-9-7 at 18:23 ]

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