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[i习作temp] issue192 fantasy [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-9-12 18:58:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE 192 - "Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning."
字数:554          用时:0:45:00          日期:2005-9-12

Which is more important factor leading to success. Some claim that success usually comes from taking chances and meet with opportunity, while others insist that without careful and detail planning, the success is like a bird without wind. To make a balance, I believe that success is made up of beforehand preparation, and of course opportunity serves as a additional factor.

No one can deny the importance of chances when someone wins success. Some discoveries usually result from lucky chances. Take Columbus' example for instance. He originally planned to find Hindu, a far-east Asian country, and with the belief that the earth is round, he travelled to west, hoping to find another access to the Hindu. Everybody is definitely familiar with the result of his voyage. Instead of finding this far-east country, he discovered the North American Continent and mistake is as the place where he want to get. His "mistaking" finding is always viewed as a success, however, it is largely contributed to the lucky opportunity rather than cautious planning.

However, not always does the success come into being by this way. There is an old saying that:" chances are always prepared for those who have planned." When individual take pains to winning success, there are always someone surrounding appreciating as well as someone who are envy his or success and owing it to chances without realizing his or her effort behind the chances. There are also someone declares that chances play the crucial role in the success, say that:" You see, the reason why Newton find gravity is that occasionally an apple fell from the tree and hit his head." The same phenomenon happen again an again to other one, however, it dose not stimulate their interest to find why. Maybe they just view it as a bad luck or just pick up the red apple to eat and say:" How delicious." It is only Newton who pursuit the truth under this common thing, making every effort to discover the reason, taking myriad of experiment and at last come to the great conclusion. After taking into account of these, can you still insist that his finding is mostly due to lucky but not his tough effort?

It is true that although lots of people spend large amount of time and energy to realize their dreams, yet only little of them have really get what they want. Does they are not industrious enough and their counterparts are much powerful than themselves, or dose they do not have a good chance. Both of them may be true to some extent. But what I want to say is that their formal efforts which may be regarded as failure do not meaning nothing. Each of those failures can serve as a rung add to the ladder leading to the final success. Why their are fall lies in that they have not accumulated enough experience and their ladders are not high enough to reach the plateau of success. As long as they continue to make effort to gain their objective, they would see the bright future in the end.

So stop complaining bad luck, stop using lack of opportunity to excuse their lazy attitude toward work, try to insist, try to optimism when facing failure, try to make full preparation waiting for the luky chances to come.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-9-12 at 19:29 ]

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