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[i习作temp] issue180 Cappuccino☆作业(Coffee小组) [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-23 10:32:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue180 Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.

partly agree
1. disagree: law is necessary to solve many problems
2. agree: law is not perfect
3. agree: law is substantial and could not solve complex spiritual problems

Mordern society, which would be depicted to conclude the great development of industry, science and economy, also exists a large amount of problems, some of which could be solved through the criteria of social morality of humans. Although ethics is a necessary eliment affecting the mordern society, we should never ignore the role laws and legal systems played and their contribution to solve many problems of mordern society.

The legislation maintaining social stability and keeping the political system and institution to run in a proper way is significant for the modern society as well as benefits regulating the moral behavior of humans. When it refers to laws and legal system, one would obtain their character to be powerful or force and no one should violate. Thus, the strictily complying with laws would avoid many bad habits which exists potencially among the humans, such as lazyness, indulgement and selfishness. The incidents would be perceived one after another: from imposting a fine for spittong phlegma anywhere to requring employees to start work in a fixed time, from strongly attacting criminals such as murderar, steal and bribe to maintaining to maintaining traffic order from a seris of institutions. Without the restriction of laws, that is every person indulge to what he or she likes to do, the society would be a mass that little regulation is like to occur, because the legislation is able to, in some extent, limit the moral behavior of humans.

However, as there is no perfect person, the law which is legislated by the people would also have many flaws that generate a lot of problems of the modern society. Firstly, the problems of the society are so widely spreaded that the legislation system may not conclude all of which while making laws. That is, when the (law makers) were concentrated on making a law to limit the housing taking up too much farmland in A section, for a simple instance, some industries in B section were boldly discharging waste gas which annoy ricidents nearby. Thus, a law man not have included all the problmes at the same period. Secondly, some people would be insterested in finding holes of the laws to gain as much profits as possible. For example, a famous football team in Germany, FC Bayern Munchen club secretly sign a "covered contract", which refered to extrodinary income with Kirch group. But this incident would escape from the punishment of the law, according to a lawer "Bayern does not have any fault from the percpective of law". In this case, the laws may have little effect to penalize the very persons that they want. Therefore, if a person lacks moral behavior, legal system would do nothing at all for some time.

Furthermore, the legislation, which is too material and substancial comparing to the spiritual and abstract morality, would not likely to solve some complex problems of the society whose paradox exists in themselves. Take the worldwide war for example, we could never find that any law has clearly regulate every country must comply the world peace, which would not likely to come without the morality of the government. We may find that although these laws are legislated, some countries which are extremely powerful would overlook them, and break which as they wishing. Another example, the inequility of the richness and poverty should not be solved unless the rich peole are willing to donate property to the poors, which also could not be find in any laws in the world. As our society are made of people, who are sentimental as well as sensitive, not machine, most moral behaviors could not be regulated by the laws. Thus, the ways to solve many complex problems of modern society rely on boosting the the general morality of the people.

In sum, laws are necessary to benefit modern society in pleny aspects, anyway every country has its own laws to maintain the social stablity. However, as the inperfect of the legislation and the materialization of the laws, moral behavior could not be limited only by the laws, which causing a lot of problems fo modern society still existing.
我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-12-23 23:22:09 |只看该作者
issue180 Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.

partly agree
1. disagree: law is necessary to solve many problems
2. agree: law is not perfect
3. agree: law is substantial and could not solve complex spiritual problems

Mordern society, which would be depicted to conclude the great development of industry, science and economy, also exists a large amount of problems, some of which could be solved through the criteria of social morality of humans[taking "of human" out seems to be more concise ,or just replace with common sense,just a  notion of me]. Although ethics is a necessary eliment affecting the mordern society, we should never ignore the role laws and legal systems played and their contribution to solve many problems of mordern society.[ their function of solving flaws in modern society ?]

The legislation maintaining social stability and keeping the political system and institution to run in a proper way is significant for the modern society as well as benefits regulating the moral behavior of humans. When it refers to laws and legal system, one would obtain their character to be powerful or force and no one should violate. Thus, the strictily complying with laws would avoid many bad habits which exists potencially among the humans, such as lazyness, indulgement and selfishness. The incidents would be perceived one after another: from imposting a fine for spittong phlegma anywhere to requring employees to start work in a fixed time, from strongly attacting criminals such as murderar, steal and bribe to maintaining to maintaining traffic order from a seris of institutions. Without the restriction of laws, that is every person indulge to what he or she likes to do, the society would be a mass that little regulation is like[ly] to occur, because the legislation is able to, in some extent, limit the moral behavior of humans.
[ Talks between the moral behavior of humans and rein that legislation acts on by law,C with her insightful viewpoints stick out that,only law that reins could regulates the distorted humanity. Here i have to murmur something about the concise and the clause length  and variety in which it acts. Yesterday a gre and gmat double shaker told me that only concise and easy words can transfer it's meaning as it stand. I deeply agree with it ,but i not easy to me as rookie.what i do is to inquire the dictionary to pick out recondite words so as to fufill my head ,what a  depression in deed. where is the salvable way i can trace .In a word, concise, in two words, meaing as it concise.  If i again rely on dictionary to write,so cut off my hand. Here C do her well, i appreaciates enough]
However, as there is no perfect person, the law which is legislated by the people would also have many flaws that generate a lot of problems of the modern society.[man by nature is in form of evil] Firstly, the problems of the society are so widely spreaded that the legislation system may not conclude all of which while making laws. [sorry,i can't catch your meaning]That is, when the (law makers) were concentrated on making a law to limit the housing taking up too much farmland in A section, for a simple instance, some industries in B section were boldly discharging waste gas which annoy ricidents nearby. Thus, a law man [replacing by "stipulator" may be better,or just law maker ,concise and meaning,Rule me in this] not have included all the problmes at the same period. Secondly, some people would be insterested in finding holes [steals may be more visual or vivid ] of the laws to gain as much profits as possible. For example, a famous football team in Germany, FC Bayern Munchen club secretly sign a "covered contract", which refered to extrodinary income with Kirch group. But this incident would escape from the punishment of the law, according to a lawer "Bayern does not have any fault from the percpective of law". [Tell me how to find out the example,such as you writes above , but i would also want to search from you about the how-to of taking baffled Names in head,sincerely,C,hey,don't evades,just talk to our team,even talktive is agreeable!]In this case, the laws may have little effect to penalize the very persons that they want. Therefore, if a person lacks moral behavior, legal system would do nothing at all for some time.
[ the main line of above paragraph is clear ,and example is suitable to sustain her points]
Furthermore, the legislation, which is too material and substancial comparing to the spiritual and abstract morality, would not likely to solve some complex problems of the society whose paradox exists in themselves. Take the worldwide war for example, we could never find that any law has clearly regulate every country must comply the world peace, which would not likely to come without the morality of the government. We may find that although these laws are legislated, some countries which are extremely powerful would overlook["trample" may be better,God, another gre word,kill me or plug me with cork.Hi, C, overlook above words,"overlook" may be good enough for my alternative ] them, and break which as they wishing[and break freely by will?]. Another example, the inequility of the richness and poverty should not be solved unless the rich peole [the rich only may be enough] are willing to donate property to the poors, which also could not be find in any laws in the world. As our society are made of people[individual may be better], who are sentimental as well as sensitive, [good clause]not machine, most moral behaviors could not be regulated by the laws. Thus, the ways to solve many complex problems of modern society rely on boosting the the general morality of the people.
[no words to say, the segment above talks about limmitation of the law it confines in]
In sum, laws are necessary to benefit modern society in pleny aspects, anyway every country has its own laws to maintain the social stablity. However, as the inperfect of the legislation and the materialization of the laws, moral behavior could not be limited only by the laws, which causing a lot of problems fo modern society still existing.
[ due to  the syllabus, there exists 2 agree and 1 that goes to the converse,and
mainly the primary attitude of the syllabus is agree, If this issue puts the steps of evolving disagree to the reciprocal segment before sum-up,and takes it as a concession with distinct indicator ,thus Maybe it could be more round enough to deserve the score]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-24 12:24:12 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-24 13:51:36 |只看该作者
issue180 Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.

partly agree
1. disagree: law is necessary to solve many problems
2. agree: law is not perfect
3. agree: law is substantial and could not solve complex spiritual problems

Mordern society, which would be depicted to(确信是这个介词吗?) conclude the great development of industry, science and economy, also exists a large amount of problems, some of which could be solved through the criteria of social morality of humans. Although ethics is a necessary eliment affecting the mordern society, we should never ignore the role laws and legal systems played and their contribution to solve many problems of mordern society.(这一句不通,开头的立场好像不很明确!)

The legislation maintaining social stability and keeping the political system and institution to run in a proper way(始终弄不懂这是独立主格结构作主语吗?) is significant for the modern society as well as benefits regulating the moral behavior of humans.(呵呵,上次印象最深的就是你的TS,这次没能保持) When it refers to laws and legal systems, one would obtain their character to be powerful or force and no one should violate. Thus, the strictily complying with laws would avoid many bad habits which exists potencially among the humans, such as lazyness, indulgement and selfishness. (这一句不同意,法律不会改变我们的character 和habits )The incidents would be perceived one after another: from imposting a fine for spittong phlegma anywhere to requring employees to start work in a fixed time, from strongly attacting criminals such as murderar, steal and bribe to maintaining to maintaining traffic order from a seris of institutions. Without the restriction of laws, that is every person indulge to what he or she likes to do, the society would be a mass that little regulation is like to occur, because the legislation is able to, in some extent, limit the moral behavior of humans.----这一段如果这样写,我们得首先了解什么是道德!

However, as there is no perfect person, the law which is legislated by the people would also have many flaws that generate a lot of problems of the modern society. Firstly, the problems of the society are so widely spreaded that the legislation systems may not conclude all of which while making laws. That is, when the (law makers) were concentrated on making a law to limit the housing taking up too much farmland in A section, for a simple instance, some industries in B section were boldly discharging waste gas which annoy ricidents nearby. Thus, a law man not have included all the problmes at the same period. Secondly, some people would be insterested in finding holes of the laws to gain as much profits as possible. For example, a famous football team in Germany, FC Bayern Munchen club secretly sign a "covered contract", which refered to extrodinary income with Kirch group. But this incident would escape from the punishment of the law, according to a lawer "Bayern does not have any fault from the percpective of law". In this case, the laws may have little effect to penalize the very persons that they want. Therefore, if a person lacks moral behavior, legal system would do nothing at all for some time.-----结尾这句有点不懂!

Furthermore, the legislation, which is too material and substancial comparing to the spiritual and abstract morality, would not likely to solve some complex problems of the society whose paradox exists in themselves. Take the worldwide war for example, we could never find that any law has clearly regulate every country must comply the world peace, which would not likely to come without the morality of the government. We may find that although these laws are legislated, some countries which are extremely powerful would overlook them, and break which as they wishing. Another example, the inequility of the richness and poverty should not be solved unless the rich peole are willing to donate property to the poors, which also could not be find in any laws in the world. As our society are made of people, who are sentimental as well as sensitive(?), not machine, most moral behaviors could not be regulated by the laws. Thus, the ways to solve many complex problems of modern society rely on boosting the the general morality of the people.

In sum, laws are necessary to benefit modern society in pleny aspects, anyway every country has its own laws to maintain the social stablity. However, as the inperfect of the legislation and the materialization of the laws, moral behavior could not be limited only by the laws, which causing a lot of problems fo modern society still existing.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-24 13:53:11 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-12-24 21:53:08 |只看该作者

我的BLOG:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/moonsetbeach

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Libra天秤座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-12-24 22:55:06 |只看该作者


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-12-25 15:28:30 |只看该作者
一 法律能解决社会生活中的大多数问题(立法范围内的),而这些规范保证了社会秩序的正常运行.
二 道德行为不可能立法,这是由社会普遍的社会风气,文化经济水平,道德水平决定.
三 因为法律的局限性,道德可对法律补充.
四 同时,法律规范的制定可提高道德水平.但这已属法律范围.(所以强调法律能起主导作用)

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