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[i习作temp] issue147 现代VS传统,欢迎大家来拍,必回拍,谢谢 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-2-1 05:51:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE 总频率32
147"Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."
1.        现代从某些方面讲是对传统的继承和发扬,
2.        很多传统在当今仍然具有重要意义,对现代发展起着推动发展
3.        即使有些情况貌似冲突,也有可能找到解决方案

With the rapid development of modern society, more and more people addict themselves in the convenience from modernization. It should not be castigated for enjoying the life, however, it is unreasonable if they neglect the crucial role of fine tradition or regard that tradition and modernization are mutually exclusive. As a matter of fact, fine tradition and modernization are compatible and coexisting harmoniously in most cases. Consequently, it is unnecessary to place people into the dilemma that one must choose between tradition and modernization.

In some sense, modernization is the inheritance and development of tradition in order to adapt the current society. Seen from history of human being, it is obvious that tradition and moderation are not distinctively different phases but interrelated phases. The relationship between tradition and modernization is like the preceding and following. The modernization in yesterday has become the tradition in today, while the modernization in today will become the tradition of tomorrow. And in turn, modernization is not incompatible but complementary with tradition. For instance, previously it was hard for some people to keep the tradition --- conveying their wishes to their families or friends in festival for the long distance. Nowadays, people have divers chooses, such as phone, email, or message via mobile phone or internet, to do that instead of the former unique method that people must meet each other in person. Even if people still insist on communicating face to face in special days, the convenient and speedy vehicles, planes, cars, subways, boats and so forth, could provide them more advantages than ever. That is to say, moderation helps people maintain the tradition customs to some extent. Tradition and moderation have been combined harmoniously; therefore people need not make a choice between them.

Moreover, a vast of tradition still plays a pivotal role in modern society and promotes the development of modernization healthily. The beliefs and customs past from one generation to the next are the invaluable treasures for us, no matter in ancient, current or future. On the one hand, the characteristic tradition is one of symbols which distinguish one nation from others. Simultaneously, such tradition could bring people not only the belongingness, but also spiritual power, such as self-pride, self-confidence and self-striving, which redounds to individual’s success. If citizens have made great progress, the society should get ahead step by step. On the other hand, people and whole society could benefit from a mass of fine tradition. For example, top leaders with perseverance and integrity will lead people to construct the stable and solidified democracy country; the businessman without cheat or deceit will boom the market and economy in deed; the diligent scholars will contribute to the advancement of scientific research. Both indirect and direct way, tradition has shed some light on the development of modernization. If people abandon fine tradition absolutely, modernization will be impaired more or less.

In most cases, the incompatibility between tradition and modernization is ostensible, and people could have the best of both worlds if they are willing and try to do that. Giving an example in city planning, an ancient relic which records our significant rituals is on the way of subway line. Destroying relic, people will lose precious wealth forever. Giving up the subway, it will affect the step of modernization. How to deal with it seems to be an intractable problem. Perhaps, people could transform the relic into a museum in subway station, which will not influence on the operating of subway.

In balance, fine tradition is the substantial and essential element of modernization. Combined with fine tradition concordantly, modernization will advance greatly and our society will be more prosperous gradually.

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