Weare going to start today talking about congressional ate(aides),that is, the people who work for our congressional representatives both inWashington and in the representative's (s')local districts. It's used to be the (that)members of congress had a relatively small stuff ofpeople working for them, and all (the role) of these people werethought to be (wasn't of ) primary important. Butnow there are thousands of congressional ates (aides),and they'veprofoundly affected the way the whole governmentworks. Congressionalates (aides)work in two different locations, one in the congressional representative's (s') localoffices, the districts from which they were related (elected),and two in the Washington. Staffin the local offices help members of congress stain (stay in) touch with citizens in their districts, these citizens can bring problemsin in person, or by mail or phone. Thispersonal connection between the ates (aides)and local people can be helpful when next election comes around. Peopleremember the help they get from the office of the (their) local congressionalrepresentative. Butas you shall know, members in congress haveto spend most of their time in Washington taking care of the (their) legislate (legislative)do this (duties),over six thousands new laws were (are)introduced in congress each section (session). Withouthelp, representatives would have trouble keeping up with the proposal (proposed)laws that directly affect the (their) districts. So, that's why the congressionalates (aides)play a major role in Washington. Theykeep the (their)[bus] (bosses)informed by [pengding] (pending)legislation, organize [heris] (hearings), and just keep the(their) local congressionalrepresentatives up-to-date, and informed them (on) what'sgoing on in other parts of congress. Nowanother thing congressional ates (aides) do to help to develop ideas for laws thatthe [bus] (bosses)can eventually propose to congress. Thiscan be called the steps (staff’s) [untroprnorio] (entrepreneurial) function,[have been] (a bit) like the businessmen activity (executive) tryingto find out what products is (are) mostpopular. Congressionalates (aides)promote or courage (encourage) lawsthey think will be popular with the public. You’ve also get (got)other employees work for the whole congress, not just for individual members. Wewill talk about these people next. Notes:
One:这次的主要问题分不清冠词the 和
Four:缺词现象严重了,很多小词都听不出来,还有就是缩写词(如’ve)听不出来 |