1. 为什么选择NTU(含新加坡)?为什么要读PhD(搞研究)?
1)why NTU:
NTU is very reputed in the world and the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering also enjoys a high reputation for its graduate education. I have done some researches on graduate students’ career after they graduate from your school. Most of them find desirable jobs in company or become successful faculties in colleges. This can partly reflect the high level of education and research in your graduate program.
2)why Singapore:
Summer is my favorite season and summer stays in Singapore all the year. Besides, Singapore is one of the world electrical industry centers and I think I can have a promising prospective studying electrical engineering in Singapore.
3)why PhD ( research)
Becoming a scientist who can make contribution to our society is my dream ever since I was a child. Pursuing PhD degree allows me to dig into the electrical engineering field deeply and will put me in a better position in my future researcher career. Additionally, I really enjoy research work. I like the feeling of thinking and discovering, using what I’ve learnt to design or invent something new.
2. 是怎么知道新加坡和NTU的?(how do you know?)&有没有同学在新加坡?
There are several exchange programs between Nanjing University and NTU. Some of my friends and classmates took part in these programs and they said Singapore and NTU are excellent for living and studying.
3. 你对NTU和新加坡的了解?
NTU is very reputed in the world and the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering also enjoys a high reputation for its graduate programs. I have done some researches on graduate students’ career after they graduate from your school. Most of them find desirable jobs in companies or become successful faculties in colleges. This can partly reflect the high level of education and research in your graduate programs.
Singapore has a warm climate. Summer is my favorite season and summer stays in Singapore all the year. Besides, Singapore is one of the world electrical industry centers and I think I can have a promising prospective studying electrical engineering in Singapore.
4. 你有哪些缺点?有哪些优点?
One of my weaknesses is that sometimes I am a little unconfident about myself. For example, when I speak in front of a group of people or with strangers, I tend to be a little nervous. Another weakness is my poor memory. It seems to be very easy for me to forget things. So I have a note book to write down things I plan to do.
One of my advantages is that I have passion and enthusiasm for my work. In my course work, I am urged to acquire knowledge of physics and microelectronics not only from textbooks but also from latest research papers and reference books from our library. Furthermore, I am an easygoing person with a good sense of humor. I also have a strong sense of cooperation and team spirit which may help me perform well in a research team if I am admitted to your graduate program.
5. 你还有没有申请其他的学校?
I have applied for NUS and some Master programs in the US. However, NTU is my first choice. The reason is that, for NUS, the professor who shares the same research interest with me doesn’t take new student this year. As for Master program in the US, it really costs a lot. If I can study in Singapore, I will save much money for my family.
6. 你的职业规划是怎么样的?(Career plan) (高校 or 公司;留新or 回国or 出国)
When I graduate from NTU provided that I can be admitted, I will probably continue my researcher career research institutes in some companies or in colleges. And I prefer to stay in Singapore after completing my PhD program. (I like its weather and its beautiful and clean environment. And I think living and working in this kind of environment is an enjoyment.)
7. 介绍一下做过的研究
8. 以后想做的方向,为什么,有什么基础?
9. 有什么兴趣爱好?
10. 你有和什么老师联系过?
11. 还有什么问题?
When will the final decision of my application be revealed?
How much money will your scholarship provide?
12. 你的英语水平怎么样?
I think my English Proficiency is not bad. Although there might still be some improvements to be made in my spoken English, I have no problem reading and writing English. My score of TOFEL and GRE test can illustrate that.
13. 介绍你自己