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[经验感悟] 非传统: Foolproof Guide To A 340 on GRE - 更新于2013.11.12   [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


备考先锋 AW小组活动奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 分享之阳 寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 美版守护者 荣誉版主

发表于 2013-3-9 16:49:57 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 crazyrobin 于 2013-11-12 16:11 编辑


写在前面的话:我并不是一个严格意义上的ETS taker,复习主要以LSAT为主,GRE为辅。但是LSAT帮到我很多。
感谢Gter的每一位朋友,感谢大家一起陪我走过这段路。秋水,小奇,小达,Alice,Pielang, 烈火, ECU, Soda 感谢3月组的成员。




Table of Contents

A little about me
1) What score did you get?
2) What books did you use?
3) How long did you study for, and under what conditions? (during school, during the summer, etc)
4) How many mock GRE Tests did you take?

My Test-Day Experience

The Importance of Getting and Staying Motivated

The Importance of Proper Nutrition, Warm-Up, and Sleep

Creating or Following a Specific Study Plan (二楼)

The Importance of Proper Timing (including the Importance of Having Time to Correct Mistakes)

Indicating Your Confidence in Your Answer

Logical Reasoning on GRE (二楼,GRE逻辑单题)

Reading Comprehensive and PEAR (三楼,阅读理解)

A little about me

国外四年经历,2年半读书,一年半工作。回国在某咨询公司做first year associate,一年后转为business analyst ,因无时间复习9月底辞职全职复习

What score did you get?

我在3月9日的考试中取得了GRE Verbal 170 + Quantitative 170的分数。在这里我很想感谢寄托我心飞翔备考小组的朋友,Soda, Alice, 烈火,ECU, Pielang 还有群里的几位版主,小达,小奇,宇宙婴儿,Cafe,企鹅,小Y

What books did you use?


Phase 1, GRE基础入门


Must have. 这本书被考G党成为红宝书,红宝书为了扫平GRE单词障碍打下了汗马功劳。我会在后面介绍怎么用这本书


Must have. 这是被戏称为再要你命3000的书籍。里面的词汇选词精准。另外全书用同反的方式把GRE庞大的词汇串起来成不同的意群。


Must have. 这本书被称为GRE长难句的开山鼻祖,思路权威,对于训练快速读懂GRE长难句是不可或缺的材料


Recommended. 这本书是乱序的,按照单词结尾排列,适合上班一族需要在地铁和公车上复习GRE. 如果你3000单词顺序已经背下来,推荐这本书,可以随身携带。

• 新东方•GRE词汇逆序记忆小词典

Recommended. 这本是红宝书的逆序版本,对于红宝书已经记住词汇位置的同学推荐购买这个逆序版本

• 17天搞定GRE单词

Must have. 真本书背单词的法则和记忆曲线非常科学。不管是背红宝书和3000,建议都遵循里面的法则。我是12天背完红宝书42个list. 我前三天每天背4个,接近1200单词,后来减为3个。建议严格遵循17天法则,新的红宝书每天3个list 14天可以背完,3000每天3个list 10天可以背完。事实证明,请坚持下去。
• Verbal Advantage

Must have. 这本是巩固和学习GRE词汇的宝典。Charles Harrington Elster用10个list将你的词汇水平上升到新的境界。推荐在背完红宝书和30003-4遍以后开始阅读。每天读一个list,隔一段时间就拿起来重新阅读。这本书我读了4遍。

• Barron 1100 Words You Need To Know

Recommended. 这本书用讲故事的方式讲一些高级词汇串讲起来。一共分为46周,推荐阅读,对于红宝书和3000已经记住词汇位置的同学不妨读读英文词汇书。

Phase 2, You are on your own


填空部分 Sentence Equivalent & Text Completion

陈圣元句子填空 part 1
• 陈圣元句子填空 part 2

Recommended.  书里题目全部是老G填空题,新G已经改革,这本书的作用更偏向于巩固单词和理清基本逻辑,做一遍即可。

• Verbal Workout for the New GRE

Recommended. 这是练习SE和TC入门级别的最好工具书。本书所有单词不出3000单词之右,推荐在把3000刷了3遍以后开始做这本书

• 1,014 GRE Practice Questions, 3rd Edition

Recommended. 这本书只做SE和TC就可以了。逻辑比较简单,适合巩固单词,本书所有单词不出3000单词之右,推荐在把3000刷了3遍以后开始做这本书


Must have. 这是所有OG和PP II题目的汇总。建议好好研究下题目

阅读部分&逻辑单题 Reading Comprehensive & Logical Reasoning

Manhattan GRE RC Guide (这本书推荐去Amazon购买,买过以后可以去Manhattan的论坛兑换6套题目,这些题目是你最需要的)

Must have, 这本书不光讲了RC策略,还有对于错误选项的分析。事实证明GRE考试排除错误选项要比得到正确选项简单。一个高分的选手能够准确的告诉你为什么每个选项是错的里面的题目不用做

• 决胜GRE机考阅读(吴中东阅读

Must have. 吴中东把所有的阅读理解分类成social science, natural science, Humanities & Biological Science. 这是No(North America也就是北美题)题+国内题的集合,一共196篇文章,推荐做1-2遍。吴中东的中文解释可以看看。后面会提到这本书的使用方法。

• 新GRE阅读理解36套

Must have. 陈虎平根据No题和国内题改编而成。题型与GRE机考完全吻合,这套题推荐做1-2遍,在开始做阅读和考前一个月适应阅读题型时候做。主要是练习自己的节奏和做题的时间,关于如何卡时间:
速度得以提高在于计时,我开始会把长文章卡在9:45, 然后统计正确率。也就是 3-4分钟读,5分钟做题。

然后慢慢15s, 15s往下卡,我最终长阅读基本是6分钟-7分钟,3-4分钟读,两分钟选。另外我基本不定位。除了个别排除不掉的选项会回去排除,都是直接选这个结果是用36套卡出来的

卡时间过程中分析每一篇文章用时,记录。并且blind review时候同样计时。

我最后的结果是长文章6分钟,短文章(2-3道题哪种)3分钟。 多选题 2分钟。逻辑题(任何逻辑题)1分钟以内。

• 陈虎平逻辑十套

Not Recommended. 一些题目比较有争议,建议使用LSAT题目训练。


Recommended. 只需要看这本书的第二章和第三章

Manhattan LSAT Reading Comprehensive Strategy Guide

Must have. 最佳的阅读方法指导,不用看第七章的comparative passage,里面的PEAR ( Pause Evaluate Anticipate Reassess )尤其非常适合GRE,这本书需要做最后一章的4道LSAT题目。

数学篇 Quantitative Reasoning

• 陈向东数学高分突破 Part 1

陈向东数学高分突破 Part 2

Not Recommended. 随着Quant变难,并且题目信息量加大,这本书已不再使用。

• GRE Official Guide - Math Review

Must Have. 这是 OG ( GRE official Guide )里面的的数学部分。列出了考点,并且每部分提供了练习题。建议仔细研读。

GMAT OG 数学部分

Recommended. 对于数学题推荐做GMAT OG上面的数学部分,难度适合。

• Magoosh - Quant

Must have. Magoosh的题目和ETS题目相似度和难度和ETS非常吻合。数学部分非常棒,强烈推荐。

作文篇 Analytical Writing



Recommended. 在背完GRE单词后推荐看一看北美范文,里面文章用词很好,语法也基本没有错无。对于作文刚刚起步毫无思路的同学推荐阅读。

• 新GRE 5.5

Recommended. 提供了所有Issue和Argument的提纲。但是Argument本身观点有时自相矛盾,Issue又过于偏。所以只适合参考。

• 拯救我的 GRE Issue

Must have. 小姜老师这本书里面有很多素材很不错,如果素材比较少的话建议读一读,可以brainstorm一下,也可以帮助打开思路

• 新AW计时练习

Must have. 这是一个计时软件,可以自由设定时间,建议一开始练习就使用这个软件,你对时间非常敏感。


• Princeton Cracking The GRE 2012

Not Recommended.  里面的填空题依然是按照老题思路来出的。数学部分又偏难。

• Barron's New GRE

Not Recommended. 里面的Verbal过于简单,而且词汇考察还是偏向于老G,数学部分偏难。可以做Verbal用来提高信心用。

•The Official Guide to The GRE 2nd Version

Must have. 这是ETS官方出品。里面介绍了Verbal Reasoning和Quantitative Reasoning的所有题型和考点,并在后面提供了相应的练习。建议认真做完每一道题目并清楚选择每个选项的原因

• Magoosh GRE Premium

Recommended. 这是我做过得所有题中最好的题。思路和GRE考试高度一致,可以分类筛选题目,适应性难度。里面的难题让我在面对真正的GRE考试时候轻松面对。大量的词汇巩固了我本来的词汇。这次考试我只有1-2个词不认识。Magoosh很贵 $99,但是对于我来说这$99美金花的很值

• The Economist
• The New Yorker

Recommended. New Yorker的文学和艺术类文章是我最喜欢看的。这也是为什么我从来不惧怕GRE文学作品评论类文章。

• Art and Letters Daily

Recommended. 这个网站收集了北美各种文学评论和科技评论类文章。我每天睡前都会去看1-2个小时的文章。巩固词汇并且拓展视野。

• The Browser

Recommended. 和Aldaily类似,这个网站收集了各种文学评论和科技类文章,强烈推荐每天读2-3篇文章。

• On Writing Well

Recommended. 非常好的写作书。里面详细介绍了很多写作误区,对于用词也有介绍。
• A Short History of Nearly Everything

Recommended. 如果GRE科技文章是你的软肋的话,那么推荐这本书给你。
1) it covers EVERY major scientific discovery/issue EVER. It is highly likely that the book covers whatever scientific issue your passage will be about.

2) It's dense and it's science-for-non-scientists, just like GRE passages.

3) It is very interesting and enjoyable.


How long did you study for, and under what conditions? (during school, during the summer, etc)

10月01日 - 11月15日 每天8-10小时 405小时
11月15日 - 01月15日 每天3-4 小时  340小时
01月15日 - 03月07日 每天2-3 小时  100小时
共计 845小时

How many mock GRE Tests did you take?
做过多少GRE模拟题包括 PP II

12套。Manhattan 6套, Magoosh 4套, PP II 2套
Verbal最低分 166 Q最低分 164 PP II 第一套为 170+168 第二套为 169+168

Test Day Experience

我今天很早就起了,6点。洗完澡吃完饭拿着前一天准备好的水和食物就坐车去考场了。到考场不到7:30,做了一篇阅读3道填空题,没有对答案直接扔掉了。脑子里的第一感觉竟然是 God I gotta take the real thing. 然后进考场反而一下放松了。我感觉这就是我做过12套模拟题中的其中一套。第一个V很简单,还剩10分钟我就做完了,每道题仔细检查了一遍。第一个Q上来有点难,好像有道shirt shoes的题。第二个V进入了Hard模式还剩5分钟做完了,重点检查了最爱出错的3空题,我感觉我其中一个空改错了。接下来QV都很轻松。

The Importance of Getting and Staying Motivated

1, Turn off your cell phone when you study.

2, Keep the motivation.

3, Never look back


The Importance of Proper Nutrition, Warm-Up, and Sleep


Rule No.1 远离咖啡因 (红牛,咖啡)

Rule No. 2 学习几个小时后就走动休息,让大脑可以充分供氧

Rule No. 3 制定一个运动健身计划

Rule No.4 有一个规律的生活和作息

附件: 你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?立即注册
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Pray, as if it all depends on the lord. But work, as if it all depends on us.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


备考先锋 AW小组活动奖 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance GRE梦想之帆 GRE斩浪之魂 GRE守护之星 分享之阳 寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 美版守护者 荣誉版主

发表于 2013-3-9 16:52:53 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 crazyrobin 于 2013-7-27 17:11 编辑

Creating or Following a Specific Study Plan


Phrase 1 Critical 45 Days
红宝书+3000+长难句+The Economist

每一天请保证6-8小时的复习时间。我因为过于自负,前三天每天4个红宝书list,每天接近1200的单词完全吃不消。先背3000还是先背红宝可以自由选择。严格遵循杨鹏14天原则 我知道很少有人能做到,但是走上这条路就注定你要走跟别人不一样的路。单词打通后你会发现世界很美好。The Economist可以看懂了,文学作品没有单词障碍了。

Day 1 - Day 14 红宝书 6遍

有时间开始阅读The Economist + Aldaily

Day 15 - Day 24 红宝书7遍+长难句一遍

有时间开始阅读The Economist + Aldaily

Day 25 - Day 35 红宝书8遍+长难句2遍+3000一遍
从第25天起每天把list加到6个开始复习,同时长难句继续进行,这时候开始3000,看3000方法同红宝书,一天3个只看中文意思。第32天你的红宝书背了8遍,3000基本收尾。33天起红宝书加到8 list 5天过完一遍记忆率保证70%-80%
有时间开始阅读The Economist + Aldaily

Day 36 - Day 45 红宝书10遍+长难句3遍+3000三遍
第36天到40天,每天8个list 红宝书第9遍。这一遍你会发现有很多单词记不住,这时候善用小本子把单词记下来。早期和睡前都复习看看。这一遍记忆率保证 80%左右;3000每一天6个list 只看中文意思 5天第二遍,保证和红宝重复的词汇没有障碍,重点记忆红宝中没有的词汇;长难句一直进行中

第41到45天,红宝书第10遍。依然重点突破不会的单词;3000继续6 list第三遍,长难句收尾。

到第45天,红宝书过了十遍正确率保证80%, 3000 80%
有时间开始阅读The Economist + Aldaily

Phrase 2 单词+填空+阅读+长难句+作文

Day 46 - Day 75 这一个月的重点都是单词+阅读,从今天起每天睡觉前看一篇北美范文和Issue 5.5上的提纲并自己思考。

Day 46 - Day 55

3000同反每天3个,进行完一遍。红宝书每天4个,(为阅读让时间)长难句第4遍。陈圣元句子填空,做一遍即可,每天4-5 section,主要巩固单词用。这个时候主要是巩固单词同时对句子之间逻辑结构有一定认识。
Day 46 看完花儿阅读第二张和第三章。不用做题
Day 47 看完 Manhattan GRE RC Guide的RC部分(跳过前言)
Day 48 看完 Manhattan LSAT RC Guide 并做完最后一章的4 RC阅读

Day 49 - Day 55 3000同反+红宝书+长难句+36套或者LSAT(推荐用LSAT,dense,逻辑性强,出题难,36套改编只能算尚可)

做36套 1-7套或者LSAT Preptest 19-26,不计时,计算正确率。单词+长难句继续

Day 56 - Day 70 阅读训练法



第一次训练时会比较费时间 2-4小时,训练久了就会逐渐习惯。
并且在训练过程中不断计时并最终达到长文章3分钟-4分钟读完,短文章 2分钟之内读完

第一步,打开word,写上要读的文章, 然后精读文章,用5分钟(以后逐渐减少,最终目标是3分钟到3分30s)


第三步,写出中心论点,比如 Though China is making efforts to clean its air, it will be a long time before benefits are seen and problems will continue to arise.

第四步,根据记忆写每一个段落的作用,比如 Background information, current problem, elucidating ways to read information given, return to problem and potential short-term solution, problems for that as well. Conclusion no clear cut solution but changes are being made.



1) Why is the right answer right?
2) Why is my wrong answer wrong?
3) What about the right answer made me think it was wrong?
4) What about the wrong answer made me think it was right?

The first two are the normal review questions, but the second two are arguably more important. Those ones are going to tell you which errors in reasoning you're committing, and they're going to tell you which tricks the test-writers are using that you fall for.


1. Out of Scope
• Introduces an unwarranted assertion supported nowhere in the passage.
• Might be “Real-World Plausible.” That is, the answer might be true or seem to be true in the real world. However, if the answer is not supported in the passage, it is out of scope.

2. Direct Contradiction
• States the exact opposite of something asserted in the passage.
• Paradoxically attractive, because it relates to the passage closely. If you miss one contrast or switchback in the trail, you can easily think a Direct Contradiction is the right answer.

3. Mix-Up
• Scrambles together disparate content from the passage.
• Tries to trap the student who simply matches language, not meaning.

4. One Word Wrong
• Just one word (or maybe 2) is incorrect. Includes extreme words.
• More prevalent in General questions.

5. True but Irrelevant

• True according to the passage, but does not answer the given question.
• May be too narrow or simply unrelated.

Day 71 - 75 根据训练成果开始计时做吴中东上面的No+国内题

Day 76 - Day 105 单词+长难句+阅读+填空+作文+逻辑题+模拟练习

单词一直继续。每天至少保证红宝书3 list 3000 3 list 长难句 20句,作文看提纲
阅读继续保证 每天4-8篇。
如果你之前购买了任何Manhattan GRE中的一本书,可以去他的网站兑换6套GRE题目,模拟题非常重要,考过GRE的朋友是懂得考 4个小时的痛苦的。你只有在不断地5个section加作文的练习中才能掌握好自己的节奏。

下面开始说填空 陈圣元句子填空+1014+Verbal Workout+Magoosh三空题
陈圣元句子填空这个时候应该已经做完了,练习自己的迅速破题能力,哪些词是关键词(比如 therefore, however, nonetheless这些标志性词语) ,哪些是入手点(比如强对比,程度递进,并注意总结这些用法)


Huh, Pretty hard. Give yourself about 2 minutes.

答案是 boorishness和sensitivity
For all his xxxx是一个固定句式,表转折 although, However, 因此这句话简化为 although he is_____, he betrayed_____ to women by showing  sympathy.
这里betrayed又考了另外一个意思, reveal, show, 3000里有收录。
于是简化为 Although he is ______ he showed _____ to women by showing sympathy.

可选的便只有 booriness和sensitivity 选完后再读一遍 Although he is boor, he showed sensitivity to women. Perfect下一题。

陈圣元里面有很多这样固定句式的自己,强弱转折如 No more than, no less than. 新旧观点对比如 Recent, traditional belief. 这一遍你要善于总结这些固定句式,转折,承让。



give yourself about three minutes on this one.

对于三空题第一件事情:找到core argument, 也就是这段话想表达什么。

Heinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully uphold the tenets of scientific rationalism, does not ____________ the Italian astronomer, but rather the very edifice of Western thought.
这句话的意思是 HF asserts that G is kinda wrong, not____ I but Westwern.

For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet (注意这个转折) is ____________, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases. (注意这里的对比, G is rational king, and yet____, scientists are not free of bias, 换句话说就是 Scientists 有 bias) Thus(注意这个因果句式的indicator), Feyermahn admonishes, in faithfully chronicling the sweep of science in the last 300 years, historiographers would be ____________ to not include the human foibles that were part of even the most ostensibly Apollonian endeavors.  (这句话的意思是 F认为 historiographers is ______ if they not to include bias in history.)

FH thinks G is wrong, scientists is not free of bias. Thus F thinks historian would be _____ if they do not include huamn foibles in history.

第一个空出现在Italian和Western之前,这是局部和整体关系,于是第一个空只能选exclusively implicate,does not partially repudiate, partially在这里的意思是偏袒的或者部分的。显然不合语境。 第二空, 排除法,2,3空都找不到论证,前面说了 G is rational king and yet is 这里的want考到了另外一个意思 也就是 lack,最后一个空比较简单只有remiss

于是选完带回,FH thinks G is wrong, he critisize not only about Italian A but also Western A. G is the king but still lacking so we can confirm that scientists is not free of bias. Therefore if historian did not include this, they are not carefully.


give yourself about 1 minute 30s

这题简化为相当简单 reckless behavior_____ company's____ image.


Phrase 3 Now you are ready

Day 106 - The day before Test Day 单词+阅读+填空+数学+作文+逻辑单题+模考
从今天开始你要开始看Math Review和陈向东高分突破了。根据基础一周到二周完成。
这是你冲刺的最后阶段。这个阶段如果你GRE No+国内题已经刷过1遍了建议第二遍,同时把36套拿出来,也可以持续的做LSAT Preptest(更推荐做LSAT Preptest)。开始计时做。统计正确率并分析。下面会有一部分专门用来讲解GRE阅读和逻辑单题。
模考建议在每周六早上10:00准时模考, 2个作文5个section 我一共做了12套模考题,考场上就感觉是做模拟题一样的轻松。


The Importance of Proper Timing (including the Importance of Having Time to Correct Mistakes)

GRE这个考试的难点有两处,1, 单词量巨大,句子晦涩; 2,时间紧迫。前者可以通过背单词做难句来锻炼。后者才是这个考试最大的挑战。

在一开始练习阅读和填空时候我们追求正确率但是一旦可以保证真确率在 60%-80%就要开始计时了。




这是很多人最容易忽视的环节。下面我介绍我学习工程中的一个方法 Blind Review
Blind Review的意思是
1, 100%确定为什么你选择了某个答案(原因)

2, 100%确定为什么你排除了某个答案(错误类型)
确定你为什么排除掉其他的选项 (这在阅读里就是错误选项类型,参加上文,在填空就是相反的逻辑,或者句意不通)

3, 当你的答案是错的时候,不要标出正确答案,重做一遍(尤其是对于阅读)
- What about the right answer made me think it was wrong?
- What about the wrong answer made me think it was right?

拿个记事本(电脑上word也可以)写下来自己当时选择这个选项的原因,在排除掉一个选项后第二遍看看你能不能做对。而这次选择新的选项的原因是什么?在原文找到依据. 对于填空便是便是找到依据,确定句子转折递进关系。阅读便是定位改写和全文理解。

4, 对于错误的题做标记并且第二天重做(针对阅读)对于填空一周后重做。


这道题我做错了两遍,原因是第一个空我一直把juvenile当做意译的developing,这个词的意思是yong or immature.
于是我写给这题的note是 不要为某些词编造意思。


Indicating Your Confidence in Your Answer

这和上一步的Blind Review是同一个意思。


Definitely go the extra mile on each question. You can study only a third of the questions that someone else studies and learn more, if you really dig into what makes a great "wrong" answer choice.

Great "wrong" answer choices are ones that play off an easily followed misunderstanding of the passage or argument. There are frequently several common misreads of an argument that lead us to very specific wrong answer choices. Try and categorize incorrect answers as well, as being wrong for specific but generic reasons - detail creep, issue of degree, reversed logic, etc.

The more you see that the wrong answers are wrong for consistently the same reasons, the easier time you will have in making some of those final eliminations you'll need to make under tons of pressure.

Rate your confident on a 1-5 scale, 5 means confident when you eliminate the answer choice.

对于不能100% sure的答案全部标出,重做。对答案。再重做。直到完全理解为止。


逻辑单题 - The forgotten one

1, Assumption类,包括strengthen/weaken/depends on

2, 根据题干选择某一句子

3, 一段文章中两段话用黑体bold标出,问其作用。

做这类你需要做的事情只有一件:找到Core Argument


一, Assumption类
这类包括二个小分类 strengthen/weaken和assumpiton

strengthen/weaken是一类,这种问题的问法无外乎 strengthen, provide the most support/ cast doubt on, weaken


In 1974 the speed limit on highways in the United
States was reduced to 55 miles per hour in order to
save fuel. In the first 12 months after the change, the
rate of highway fatalities dropped 15 percent, the
sharpest one-year drop in history. Over the next 10
years, the fatality rate declined by another 25 percent.
It follows that the 1974 reduction in the speed limit
saved many lives.

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens
the argument?

(A) The 1974 fuel shortage cut driving sharply for
more than a year.
(B) There was no decline in the rate of highway
fatalities during the twelfth year following the
reduction in the speed limit.
(C) Since 1974 automobile manufacturers have
been required by law to install lifesaving
equipment, such as seat belts, in all new cars.
(D) The fatality rate in highway accidents
involving motorists driving faster than 55
miles per hour is much higher than in
highway accidents that do not involve
motorists driving at such speeds.
(E) Motorists are more likely to avoid accidents by
matching their speed to that of the
surrounding highway traffic than by driving
at faster or slower speeds.


第一步 找core argument
In 1974 the speed limit on highways in the United States was reduced to 55 miles per hour in order to
save fuel. (background info,这里告诉我们在1974年美国将高速速度降到55)

In the first 12 months after the change, the
rate of highway fatalities dropped 15 percent, the
sharpest one-year drop in history. (这里告诉我们一个现象,高速公路严重事故降低了15%)
Over the next 10 years, the fatality rate declined by another 25 percent. (10年间继续降低了 25%)
It follows that the 1974 reduction in the speed limit saved many lives.

啊这句话明显是结论reduction in the speed limit saved many lives.
这句话尽管没有带有任何因果casual relationship的指示词( because, as, since, due to)但这明显是一个因果关系。

Core: reduction in the speed is the reason in saving lives.

如果strengthen你只要明确指出这个原因就是唯一因素(也就是排除其他因素) weaken便指出另有其他原因。


(A) The 1974 fuel shortage cut driving sharply for more than a year.

(B) There was no decline in the rate of highway fatalities during the twelfth year following the reduction in the speed limit.
注意到core 说的是减速拯救了生命,这里谈 第12年事故,完全 out of scope. 谁关心第12年,13年?我们关系的是减速能不能拯救生命。也许到了12年不减速了呢?排除

(C) Since 1974 automobile manufacturers have been required by law to install lifesaving equipment, such as seat belts, in all new cars.
注意看最后三个单词,in all new cars. What about old cars?另外这题也是possilbe weaken,说是救生设备拯救了生命。排除掉

(D) The fatality rate in highway accidents involving motorists driving faster than 55 miles per hour is much higher than in highway accidents that do not involve motorists driving at such speeds.
Huh, 这个选项说高于 55mph 会有车祸, 而低于 55的确很少, looks good keep it. 注意core,core说的是 减速拯救了生命,这个55mph在这里只是随便的一个意思。

(E) Motorists are more likely to avoid accidents by matching their speed to that of the surrounding highway traffic than by driving at faster or slower speeds.
这个Possibily weaken 这里说只要跟周边的人开一样速度就容易避开车祸。 Really? It's not your job to evaluate whether this statement is true or not. Evaluate the argument! 那么这个选项实际上削弱了argument就是指出其他原因(matching speed)可以减低事故。



Antarctic seals dive to great depths and stay submerged for hours. They do not rely solely on oxygen held in their lungs, but also store extra oxygen in their blood. Indeed, some researchers hypothesize that for long dives these seals also store oxygenated blood in their spleens.
Each of the following, if true, provides some support for the researchers’ hypothesis EXCEPT:
(A) Horses are known to store oxygenated blood in their spleens for use during exertion.
(B) Many species of seal can store oxygen directly in their muscle tissue.
(C) The oxygen contained in the seals’ lungs and bloodstream alone would be inadequate to support the seals
during their dives.
(D) The spleen is much larger in the Antarctic seal than in aquatic mammals that do not make long dives.
(E) The spleens of Antarctic seals contain greater concentrations of blood vessels than are contained in most of their other organs.


第一步 依然是找core,
Antarctic seals dive to great depths and stay submerged for hours. They do not rely solely on oxygen held in their lungs, but also store extra oxygen in their blood. Indeed, some researchers hypothesize that for long dives these seals also store oxygenated blood in their spleens.看起来这是唯一的结论了,hypothesize.

答案问的是strengthen EXCEPT

(A) Horses are known to store oxygenated blood in their spleens for use during exertion.
Not sure, 这根马有什么关系? Keep it here

(B) Many species of seal can store oxygen directly in their muscle tissue.
huh, not sure. 在 muscle储存跟seal能在spleens储存有什么关系 keep it here

(C) The oxygen contained in the seals’ lungs and bloodstream alone would be inadequate to support the seals
during their dives.

(D) The spleen is much larger in the Antarctic seal than in aquatic mammals that do not make long dives.
这个选项间接地指出seal的spleen之所以打的原因,并且其他的动物并不会long dives,那么这个的确可以证实科学家对于seal spleens储存氧的假设. Eliminate

(E) The spleens of Antarctic seals contain greater concentrations of blood vessels than are contained in most of their other organs.
E的原理同D, 排除掉

(A) Horses are known to store oxygenated blood in their spleens for use during exertion.

(B) Many species of seal can store oxygen directly in their muscle tissue.
再来看B, muscle tissue? (always ask yourself, so what) 在muscle tissue可以储存氧就可以证明spleens也可以吗?实际上是不可以的。

下面来看另外一个类型的题 assumption类
这个问题问的最多的是 depends on, requires something, presuppose something.

Advertisement: Attention pond owners!
Ninety-eight percent of mosquito larvae in a
pond die within minutes after the pond has
been treated with BTI. Yet BTI is not toxic to
fish, birds, animals, plants, or beneficial
insects. So by using BTI regularly to destroy
their larvae, you can greatly reduce
populations of pesky mosquitoes that hatch in
your pond, and you can do so without
diminishing the populations of fish, frogs, or
beneficial insects in and around the pond.

Which one of the following is an assumption on
which the argument depends?

(A) The most effective way to control the numbers
of mosquitoes in a given area is to destroy the
mosquito larvae in that area.
(B) Populations of mosquitoes are not dependent
on a single body of water within an area as a
place for their larvae to hatch and develop.
(C) There are no insect pests besides mosquitoes
that pond owners might want to eliminate
from in and around their ponds.
(D) The effectiveness of BTI in destroying
mosquito larvae in a pond does not require
the pond owner’s strict adherence to specific
application procedures.
(E) The fish, frogs, and beneficial insects in and
around a pond-owner’s pond do not depend
on mosquito larvae as an important source of


Advertisement: Attention pond owners! Ninety-eight percent of mosquito larvae in a pond die within minutes after the pond has been treated with BTI.

Yet BTI is not toxic to fish, birds, animals, plants, or beneficial insects.(转折说明BTI对生态环境中的动植物无害,huh 猜测下一句会说BTI的作用)

So by using BTI regularly to destroy their larvae, you can greatly reduce populations of pesky mosquitoes that hatch in your pond, and you can do so without diminishing the populations of fish, frogs, or beneficial insects in and around the pond. (啊果然,这就是结论,BTI可以杀蚊子幼虫又不会危害动植物)

Core BTI可以杀蚊子幼虫但是不会危害动植物

Premise: BTI可以用来针对蚊子幼虫,同时对动植物无害。




注意这里的 shift. BTI的作用从 杀死蚊子幼虫转移到了对动植物的作用


(A) The most effective way to control the numbers of mosquitoes in a given area is to destroy the mosquito larvae in that area.

看到这种most, primarily, almost, always的程度修饰词一定要高度注意。这里说最有效攻击蚊子的方法, 注意我们的core是BTI对动植物影响,无关, eliminate

(B) Populations of mosquitoes are not dependent on a single body of water within an area as a place for their larvae to hatch and develop.
Huh,这个选项的意思是每一处的蚊子幼虫有自己的发展和进化过程. 跟core毫无关系, eliminate

(C) There are no insect pests besides mosquitoes that pond owners might want to eliminate from in and around their ponds.

我们并不关系这里有么有其他的insect,我们关心的是BTI能不能对动植物造成伤害。注意Core! Eliminate

(D) The effectiveness of BTI in destroying mosquito larvae in a pond does not require the pond owner’s strict adherence to specific application procedures.

application precedures. 这个选项的意思是投放BTI并不需要完全遵守投放程序. Who cares? 我们关心的是BTI对动植物的影响。Eliminate

(E) The fish, frogs, and beneficial insects in and around a pond-owner’s pond do not depend on mosquito larvae as an important source of food.

Last man standing!!! 我们来看看,这里说蚊子幼虫并不是鱼和青蛙重要的食物来源
Bingo,这个刚好address 我们的gap,也就是动植物并不吃蚊子的幼虫。

IF we negate E, 我们得到的是 fish and frogs depend on mosquito as food. 这个negation直接毁掉了这个argument,也就是杀死蚊子幼虫可能导致其他动物(fish frogs)没有实物。




What is life? I am not going to answer this question. In fact, I doubt if it will ever be possible to give a full answer. We all know what it feels like to be alive, just as we know what redness or pain or effort are. But how can we describe life in terms of something else? We might try some such expression as “the influence of spirit on matter.” But even if you are sure that people, and even dogs, have spirits, it requires a lot of faith to find a spirit in an oyster or a potato. So we should have to define life in terms of matter.
In ordinary life we recognize living things partly by their shape and texture, but these do not change for some hours after death. In the case of mammals and birds we are sure they are dead if they are cold, but this test will not work on a frog or a snail. We know an animal like a cat or a bumblebee is alive if it moves when touched, but in the case of a plant the only test is whether it will grow, and this may take months to find out.
All these definitions agree in being physical tests. Given that they all prove wanting, I think we can learn a lot more about life from a chemical than from a physical approach.

Select the sentence in which the author identifies an aspect common to existing definitions of life.



这道题要求选择 common to existing definitions of life

What is life? I am not going to answer this question. In fact, I doubt if it will ever be possible to give a full answer. (看上去像是背景信息)We all know what it feels like to be alive, just as we know what redness or pain or effort are. But (注意转折) how can we describe life in terms of something else? We might try some such expression as “the influence of spirit on matter.” But even if you are sure that people, and even dogs, have spirits, it requires a lot of faith to find a spirit in an oyster or a potato. So we should have to define life in terms of matter.(这句话明显是结论,life is not a matter of spirit but matter)
In ordinary life we recognize living things partly by their shape and texture(看到这里下一居猜测一定会反驳), but these do not change for some hours after death. In the case of mammals and birds we are sure they are dead if they are cold, but this test will not work on a frog or a snail. We know an animal like a cat or a bumblebee is alive if it moves when touched, but in the case of a plant the only test is whether it will grow, and this may take months to find out. (这里在说如何定义Life, partially by shape and texture)
All these definitions agree in being physical tests. Given that they all prove wanting, I think we can learn a lot more about life from a chemical than from a physical approach. (这句话是作者的观点)

那么那句话是题目的要求 identify common to existing definitions of life 第三段的第一句话 All these definitions agree in being physical tests.

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Rule No. 1 定位越少越好

这里介绍Manhattan LSAT PEAR的方法 (强烈建议在开始阅读时候读完LSAT Strate Guide)

PEAR 也就是 Pause, 读完每个段落停下来, Evaluate, 总结大意,思考此段落的作用。 Anticipate, 预期下一段会讲什么。 Reassess, 读完下一段再对第二步的evaluate进行评估。 读下一段接着继续PEAR 直到全文读完 Reassess全文并清晰了解全文的行文方式和逻辑构思。


background info, one point of view, evidence for supporting this point of view, an experiment, explain a concept, contrast a concept, refute a concept/solution/opinion, argue for an opinion

Rule No. 2 略读跳读等于自杀


Rule No.3 注意到句子之间的结构变化
注意到一些表转折的词, yet, however, but, nonetheless.
表示递进的一些词, moreover, what's more, in addition
比如文章第一段或者第二段提到 " some critics argue that..... " 你知道两句话之内一定会对这个观点提出反驳。这就是GRE出题的节奏。

Rule No. 4 注意到修饰程度的词
注意some, many, most, primarily, none, not any, mostly等等这些词。很有可能infer题就会出在这些词里面
For example
Some A are B

那么我们可以infer什么, 那就是some A are not B right?


most people over 50 are obese. 那么我们能infer什么? some people under 50 are slim, most people over 60 (60是50以上的一个子集)


Rule No. 5 睁大眼睛注意到作者态度
文章中会用一些形容词表明作者态度。 随时注意到这些词汇 (花儿39+3阅读里面详细列出了这些词汇)

Rule No. 6 记住名字的位置,某个概念或者某个大写名词/解释的位置



       Many literary detectives have pored over a great
       puzzle concerning the writer Marcel Proust: what
       happened in 1909? How did Contre Saint-Beuve,
       an essay attacking the methods of the critic Saint-
(5)   Beuve, turn into the start of the novel Remembrance
       of Things past? A recently published letter form Proust
       to the editor Vallette confirms that Fallois, the editor of
       the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve, made an essentially
       correct guess about the relationship of the essay
(10) to the novel. Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to
       begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was to be
       a long demonstration of saint Beuve's blindness to the
       real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise
       to personal memories and fictional developments, and
(15) allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.

              Draft passages in Proust's 1909 notebooks indicate
       that the transition from essay to novel began in Contre
       Saint-Beuve, when Proust introduced several examples
       to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory
(20) exerts over the creative imagination. In effect, in trying
       to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound
       and less submissive to the intellect than Saint-Beuve
       assumed, Proust elicited vital memories of his own
       and, finding subtle connections between them, began
(25) to amass the material for Remembrance. By August,
       Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his
       intention to develop the material as a novel. Mauice
       Bardèche, in Marcel Proust, romancier has shown the
       importance in the drafts of Remembrance of sponta-
(30) neous and apparently random associations of Proust's
       subconscious. As incidents and reflections occurred to
       Proust, he continually inserted new passages altering
       and expanding his narrative. But he found it difficult
       to control the drift of his inspiration. The very richness
(35) and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept
       presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels, from
       abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made
       it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently. The
       beginning of control came when he saw how to
(40) connect the beginning and the end of his novel.

              Intrigued by Proust's claim that he had “begun and
       finished” Remembrance at the same time, Henri Bonnet
       discovered that parts of Remembrance's last book were
       actually started in 1909. Already in that year, Proust
(45) had drafted descriptions of his novel's characters in
       their old age that would appear in the final book of
       Remembrance, where the permanence of art is set against
       the ravages of time. The letter to Vallette, drafts of the
       essay and novel, and Bonnet's researches establish in
(50) broad outline the process by which Proust generated his
       novel out of the ruins of his essay. But those of us who
       hoped, with Kolb, that Kolb's newly published complete
       edition of Proust's correspondence for 1909 would document
       the process in greater detail are disappointed. For
(55) until Proust was confident that he was at last in sight of a
       viable structure for Remembrance, he told few correspondents
       that he was producing anything more ambitious
       than Contre Saint-Beuve.

21.The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) the role of involuntary memory in Proust's writing.
(B) evidence concerning the genesis of Proust's novel Remembrance of Things Past.
(C) conflicting scholarly opinions about the value of studying the drafts of R
emembrance of Things Past.
(D) Proust's correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of Things Past.
(E) the influence of Saint-Beuve's criticism on Proust's novel Remembrance of
Things Past.

22.It can be inferred from the passage that all of the
following are literary detectives who have tried, by
means of either scholarship or criticism, to help
solve the “great puzzle” mentioned in lines 1-2
(A) Bardeche
(B) Bonnet
(C) Fallois
(D) Kolb
(E) Vallette

23.According to the passage, in drafts of Contre Saint-
Beuve Proust set out to show that Sain-Beuve made
which of the following mistakes as a critic?
Ⅰ. Saint-Beuve made no effort to study the development of a novel thro
ugh its drafts and revisions.
Ⅱ. Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in the
creative process to a writer's conscious intellect.
Ⅲ. Saint-Beuve concentrated too much on
plots and not enough on imagery and other
elements of style.
(A) Ⅱ only
(B) Ⅲ only
(C) ⅠandⅡonly
(D) Ⅰand Ⅲ only
(E) Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ

24.Which of the following best states the author's attitude toward the i
nformation that scholars have gathered about Proust's writing 1909?
(A) The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light
since Fallois's speculations.
(B) The author is dissatisfied because there are too
many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts.
(C) The author is confident that Fallois's 1954 guess
has been proved largely correct, but regrets
that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust's transition from the e
ssay to the novel has not emerged.
(D) The author is satisfied that Fallois's judgment
was largely correct, but feels that Proust's early work in designing and writing
the novel was probably far more deliberate than Fallois's description of the
process would suggest.
(E) The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust's
life in 1909 have been thoroughly established,
but believes such documents as drafts and
correspondence are only of limited value in
a critical assessment of Proust's writing.

25.The author of the passage implies that which of the
following would be the LEAST useful source of
information about Proust's transition from working
on Contre Saint-Beuve to having a viable structure
for Remembrance of Things Past?
(A) Fallois's comments in the 1954 edition of
Contre Saint-Beuve.
(B) Proust's 1909 notebooks, including the drafts of
Remembrance of Things Past.
(C) Proust's 1909 correspondence, excluding the
letter to Vallette.
(D) Bardeche's Marcel Proust, romancier.
(E) Bonnet's researches concerning Proust's drafts
of the final book of Remembrance of Things Past.

26.The passage offers information to answer which of
the following questions?
(A) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to
abandon Contre Saint-Beuve?
(B) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to
connect the beginning and the end of
Remembrance of Things Past?
(C) What was the subject of the novel that Proust
attempted in 1908?
(D) What specific criticisms of Saint-Beuve appear,
in fictional form, in Remembrance of Things Past?
(E) What is a theme concerning art that appears in the final book of Remembran
ce of Things Past

27.Which of the following best describes the relation
ship between Contre Saint-Beuve and Remembrance
of Things Past as it is explained in passage?
(A) Immediately after abandoning Contre SaintBeuve,
at Vallette's suggestion, Proust started
Remembrance as a fictional demonstration
that Saint-Beuve was wrong about the imagination.
(B) Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve, at Vallette's suggesti
on, Proust turned his attention to Remembrance, starting with incidents that
had occurred to him while planning the essay.
(C) Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint-B
euve, an essay about the role of memory in fiction, Proust began inst
ead to write Remembrance, a novel devoted to important early memor
(D) While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve
, Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a
foundation for Remembrance.
(E) While developing his argument about memory and imagination in Contre Saint
-Beuve, Proust created fictional characters to embody the abstract themes in
his essay.

Give yourself about 9 minute on this passge.



         Many literary detectives have pored over a great      
       puzzle concerning the writer Marcel Proust: what
       happened in 1909?(注意开始处理这些信息,detectives are asking what happened in 1909)
       How did Contre Saint-Beuve,
       an essay attacking the methods of the critic Saint-
(5)   Beuve, turn into thestart of the novel Remembrance
       of Things past? (这里注意三个大写,CSB SB RoT三部作品,加工处理后变为CSB从攻击SB方法的作品变成了RoT的一部分)
       A recently published letter form Proust
       to the editor Vallette confirms that Fallois, theeditor of
       the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve, made an essentially
       correct guess about the relationship of the essay
(10) to the novel. (三个名字 P, V, F, P writes to V, andthe letter confirms F guesses it the about the relationship between CSB SB RoT)
       Fallois proposed that Proust had tried to
       begin a novel in 1908, abandoned it for what was tobe
       a long demonstration of saint Beuve's blindness tothe
       real nature of great writing, found the essay giving rise
       to personal memories and fictional developments, and
(15) allowed these to take over in a steadily developing novel.
       这是长难句的一句话,F thinks P started his novel in 1908, deserted a tradition of SB (这个tradition是 blindness to the true nature,这里有疑问,什么是 true nature,为什么SB会ignore这个nature) and included personal memories and fictional developments and make it a steadily traits.
到这里Pause 思考这段话讲了什么,首先提出现象,detectives好奇1909发生了什么, 作品关系放生了转变,注意到这几个名字的位置, P, V, F
Anticipiate下一段会讲上一段我们的疑问,也就是为什么SB ignore writing nature.


       Draft passages in Proust's 1909 notebooks indicate
       that the transition from essay to novel began inContre
       Saint-Beuve, when Proust introduced several examples
       to show the powerful influence that involuntary memory
(20) exerts over the creative imagination. (这句话很多抽象词,P 1909年开始这种转变,这时候P展示了involuntary memoey exert over-这个意思是影响 imagination)
       In effect, in trying
       to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound
       and less submissive to the intellect thanSaint-Beuve
       assumed, Proust elicited vital memories of his own
       and, finding subtle connections between them, began
(25) to amass the material for Remembrance. (读到这里会心一笑,有没有啊哈moment,回答了上文问题,因为SB submissive to intellect,所以P开始了转变,另外这种比较级多半是考题)
       By August,
       Proust was writing to Vallette, informing him of his
       intention to develop the material as a novel. Mauice
, in Marcel Proust, romancier has shown the
       importance in the drafts of Remembrance of sponta-
(30) neous and apparently random associations of Proust's
       subconscious. (这里通过P给V写信证实了这种转变)
       As incidents and reflections occurred to
       Proust, he continually inserted new passage saltering
       and expanding his narrative. But he found itdifficult
       to control the drift of his inspiration. (你这里知道下一句一定会解释这个问题,why?  Becaue it's GRE passage.)
       The very richness
(35) and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept
       presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from
       abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings,made
       it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently.(果然解释了这个问题,因为complexity relationship.)
       The beginning of control came when he saw how to
(40) connect the beginning and the end of his novel. (停,这里又为下一段开了一个喙头。How P controls this)




       Intrigued by Proust's claim that he had “begun and
       finished” Remembrance at the same time, Henri Bonnet (名字)
       discovered that parts of Remembrance's last book were
       actually started in 1909. (interesting,继续读)
       Already in that year, Proust
(45) had drafted descriptions of his novel's characters in
       their old age that would appear in the final book of
       Remembrance, where the permanence of art is set against
       the ravages of time. The letter to Vallette, drafts of the
       essay and novel, and Bonnet's research esestablish in
(50) broad outline the process by which Proust generated his
       novel out of the ruins of his essay. (到这里为止,我们没有猜中,这里讲了P RoT的写作时间)
       But (转折) those of us who
       hoped, with Kolb, that Kolb's newly published complete
       edition of Proust's correspondence for 1909 would  (看到这个词你知道下面一定会是一句转折的话)
       document the process in greater detail are disappointed.(bingo,转折的写出了“我们很失望”)
(55) until Proust was confident that he was at last in sight of a
       viable structure for Remembrance, he told few  (注意modifier)correspondents
       that he was producing anything more ambitious
       than Contre Saint-Beuve.

Pause & Reassess 全篇以SB到RoT关系为线索,引出 P转变的原因,同时指出P写作RoT的时间。 作者态度? Objective, 客观的。但是结尾处表达了 disappointed, 认为K的作品并未详细document这个过程。


21.The passage is primarilyconcerned with (主旨题)
(A) the role of involuntary memory in Proust's writing. 错误,这是第一段细节。
(B) evidence concerning the genesis of Proust's novel Remembrance of ThingsPast. (looks good, keep it)
(C) conflicting scholarly opinions about the value of studying the drafts of R
emembrance of Things Past. (conflicting?错误,原文没有体现)
(D) Proust's correspondence and what it reveals about Remembrance of ThingsPast. (错,第三段细节,另外Correspondence也没有reveal RoT)
(E) the influence of Saint-Beuve's criticism on Proust's novel Remembrance of
Things Past. 错误P是主动从开始这个转变过程,这个选项表达的意思是 critics对 SB的批评对于RoT有着影响。

让我们来看看B为什么是对的。第一段提出转变的,第二段回答转变原因,第三段指出转变时间。于是 evidence (众人的评价, P写的信,KB establish的内容) about genesis of P's RoT,本题选项当之无愧。

22.It can be inferred fromthe passage that all of the
following are literary detectives who have tried, by
means of either scholarship or criticism, to help
solve the “great puzzle” mentioned in lines 1-2 (如果之前你读了第一段便知道这个puzzle是P的转变)这题是infer题,另外出现了5个名字,Rule No. 6 记住名字的位置,某个概念或者某个大写名词/解释的位置
(A) Bardeche(排除第二段)
(B) Bonnet (排除第三段)
(C) Fallois(排除第一段)
(D) Kolb(not sure)
(E) Vallette (not sure)

       Kolb's newly publishedcomplete
       edition of Proust's correspondence for 1909 would document
       the process in greater detail are disappointed

这里K没有详细记录detail,但是K帮助了解决这个puzzle,也便是这个转变过程。排除,只剩 E 我们来验证E,根据记忆力V有两处,第一段,P给V写信确定F,第三段P给V的信,回原文



       A recently published letter form Proust
       to the editor Vallette confirms that Fallois, the editorof
       the 1954 edition of Contre Saint-Beuve


23.According to the passage, in drafts of Contre Saint-
Beuve Proust set out to show that Sain-Beuve made
which of the following mistakes as a critic? (这是第二段回答第一段的问题)细节题但是完全不用定位的细节题。
Ⅰ. Saint-Beuve made no effort to study thedevelopment of a novel thro
ugh its drafts and revisions. 看到一个很强烈的modifier No,没影响。文章无从考证。
Ⅱ. Saint-Beuve assigned too great a role in the
creative process to a writer's conscious intellect. 正确,这正回答了第一段提出的疑问(我们完全不需要定位)
Ⅲ. Saint-Beuve concentrated too much on
plots and not enough on imagery and other
elements of style. 错,文章没有提到plot和 imagery element,同时注意modifier too much
(A) Ⅱ only -正确选项
(B) Ⅲ only
(C) ⅠandⅡonly
(D) Ⅰand Ⅲ only
(E) Ⅰ,Ⅱ, and Ⅲ

24.Which of the following best statesthe author's attitude toward the i
nformation that scholars have gathered about Proust's writing 1909? 态度题,最后一段
(A) The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light
since Fallois's speculations. 无稽之谈,F之后很多人establish,证实了转变。F只是guess了而已。
(B) The author is dissatisfied because there are too
many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts. 无稽之谈,对P的gaps作者完全没评价。
(C) The author is confident that Fallois's 1954 guess
has been proved largely correct, but regrets
that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust's transition from thee
ssay to the novel has not emerged. 正确 P B K这三个人串起了这个答案。
(D) The author is satisfied that Fallois's judgment
was largely correct, but feels that Proust's early work in designing andwriting
the novel was probably far more deliberate than Fallois's description of the
process would suggest.无稽之谈,作者对P的作品并未评价。
(E) The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust's
life in 1909 have been thoroughly established,
but believes such documents as drafts and
correspondence are only of limited value in
a critical assessment of Proust's writing.完全错误 thoroughly establish无从论证。 后一句 correspondence是否是limited value我们也不得而知。

25.The author of the passage implies that which of the
following would be the LEAST useful source of
information about Proust's transition from working
on Contre Saint-Beuve to having a viable structure
for Remembrance of Things Past? 通篇infer题,这种题考察每个段落的evaluate能力,排除法
(A) Fallois's comments in the 1954 edition of
Contre Saint-Beuve. (looks good)
(B) Proust's 1909 notebooks, including the drafts of
Remembrance of Things Past. (looks good)
(C) Proust's 1909 correspondence, excluding the
letter to Vallette. 定位在最后一句话,回看遍知是错误的。P tells few 因此这个完全没有可靠性。正确答案。
(D) Bardeche's Marcel Proust, romancier. (looks good)
(E) Bonnet's researches concerning Proust's drafts
of the final book of Remembrance of Things Past. (looks good)

26.The passage offers informationto answer which of
the following questions? 比较难的问题,全篇定位题,依然是排除法。
(A) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to
abandon Contre Saint-Beuve? 第一段,precisely,不知道 排除 (注意如果我没写定位的就不用定位,这些都是短期记忆)
(B) Precisely when in 1909 did Proust decide to
connect the beginning and the end of
Remembrance of Things Past? 这个看起来不错。
(C) What was the subject of the novel that Proust
attempted in 1908? huh 1908?第一段讲P抛弃了SB,但是主题?不知道排除。
(D) What specific (modifier) criticisms of Saint-Beuve appear,
in fictional form, in Remembrance of Things Past? 我们只知道P抛弃了SB的写作手法,但是SB对RoT的影响我们完全不知道,排除。
(E) What is a theme concerning art that appears in the final book of Remembran
ce of Things Past 最后一段保留

B presisely不知道,排除。


       (45)had drafted descriptions of his novel's characters in
             their old age that would appear in the final book of
             Remembrance, where the permanence of art is set against
             the ravages of time

Theme便是 permannence against ravages 正确答案。

27.Which of the following bestdescribes the relationship between Contre Saint-Beuve and Remembrance
of Things Past as it is explained in passage? SB和RoTrelationship题,也是全篇的核心
(A) Immediately after abandoning Contre SaintBeuve,
at Vallette's suggestion, Proust started
Remembrance as a fictional demonstration
that Saint-Beuve was wrong about the imagination. 错误V没有作用
(B) Immediately after abandoning Contre Saint-Beuve, at Vallette's suggesti
, Proust turned his attention to Remembrance, starting with incidents that
had occurred to him while planning the essay. 明显错误。V没有任何作用。gone
(C) Despondent that he could not find a coherent structure for Contre Saint-B
euve, an essay about the role of memory in fiction, Proust began inst
ead to write Remembrance, a novel devoted to important early memor 第二段 looks good
(D) While developing his argument about the imagination in Contre Saint-Beuve
, Proust described and began to link together personal memories that became a
foundation for Remembrance. 保留 looks good.
(E) While developing his argument about memory and imagination in Contre Saint
-Beuve, Proust created fictional characters to embody the abstract themes in
his essay. abstract themes无法得知。上问我们知道themes是  permannence against ravages 但这是否abstract,排除。
剩下 CD
于是只剩 D


             Proust introduced several examples
             to show the powerfulinfluence that involuntary memory
     (20)  exerts over the creative imagination. In effect, in trying
             to demonstrate that the imagination is more profound
             and less submissive to the intellect than Saint-Beuve
             assumed, Proust elicitedvital memories of his own
             and, finding subtle connections between them, began
      (25) to amass the material for Remembrance

P elicite memories of his ownand find the connection.







第二遍建议在拿下阅读之后做。重点练迅速破题能力,哪些词是关键词(比如 therefore, however, nonetheless这些标志性词语) ,哪些是入手点(比如强对比,程度递进,并注意总结这些用法)






A: 上面一遍法则。

Q: 如何总结错题
A: 参见1楼 Indicating Your Confidence in Your Answer部分。






这次考试中出现了很多红宝书和3000中没有出现的单词,比如irenic, shorn, 这些我都是在平常aldaily中见到的。因此如果有时间一定要阅读。

这里推荐一本书给大家 The Joy Of Reading. 作者是Columbia University的教授。

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记得刚开始了解G的时候 看过一个上外的女生老G时代1600的报道和心得
你这是新G传奇 后续一切顺利~

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拜大神,顺便请教陈圣元填空的难度和新G考试的难度会相差多少?感觉陈圣元填空做到50以后没啥追求了,一个section 5分钟内完成 最多错一个,分析不出自己的瓶颈在哪里。而且前面的一些错题,除了粗心的或者词汇原因以外,不会的还是不会。

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寄托优秀版主 Aquarius水瓶座 枫华正茂 一帆枫顺   烤鸭大厨 在任资深版主

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GT都没考过的 仰视一下

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果然是 神!一般的存在!!

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她考的 如何嘛

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