吃草莓的芒果喵 发表于 2015-11-10 06:33:44


lenilegno 发表于 2015-11-10 21:45:33

tesolchina 发表于 2014-11-29 18:40 static/image/common/back.gif
6) A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they ente ...


tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-11 04:37:13

lenilegno 发表于 2015-11-10 21:45 static/image/common/back.gif
老师,请教一个问题:这个问题的要求是讨论不同的情况下建议是够可取,可是感觉老师的示范没有按照这个具 ...

是的 这篇需要修改一下

奥菲欧 发表于 2015-11-11 16:06:32


奥菲欧 发表于 2015-11-11 19:04:50

我是hrc啊 发表于 2015-11-3 11:23 static/image/common/back.gif
argument 2
The following appeared as part of a letter to the editor of a scientific journal.
"A re ...

1)如你所说,猴子样本数太少,可能刚好选的是hormone cortisol水平高的猴子。另外,后面两个例证用的是relatively high level和higher level这样的描述,可能这样的波动属于正常扰动范围,并不能达到能够支持birth order的阈值。
2)hormone cortisol分泌水平可能和脑部发育程度有关,firstborn的monkey or human经过较长时间的摄取营养促进身体发育,在刺激下可能一次就分泌出大量的hormone cortisol,而这与birth order无关,例如同时出生的secondborn,thirdborn的monkey or human,他们的分泌水平可能相差不多。
3)题目中描述测定hormone cortisol是在特定stimulating situations下的,有可能是这种环境促进了这些样本的某种特定情绪反应(反射?),这种情绪造成的hormone cortisol分泌增多,也和birth order无关。


奥菲欧 发表于 2015-11-12 13:48:07


10. Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.
Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.


Introduction: Before discussing whether governments should legislate to prevent extant wilderness areas from commercial developments, it is important to evaluate different types of wilderness areas and then take measures according to conditions of nations. As far as I am concerned, the proposed preservations are not suitable for nations that are still struggle to meet basic demands. While even for developed countries, a sustainable development of wilderness is more feasible than simply preservation.

TS1: It is inappropriate or even cruel to implement such a preservation policy when people’s basic need are not being met. Economic development is the top priority for them. (对于发展中国家来说,发展是第一要务,不能解决民众温饱问题的政策得不到支持。)

TS2: However, it does not mean that nations should be on a slippery slope towards sacrificing all wilderness areas for developments. Especially, when it comes to natural reserves, a complete and scientific evaluation is needed to avoid an imprudent decision.(但不能陷入用环境换开发的极端,有选择的对荒地进行立法保护,其长远效益更大,能为民众带来更多福祉)

TS3: In addition, even for countries that get rid of poverty and famine, governments should properly consider a sustainable way to utilize wilderness areas rather than an unrealistic preservation policy.(发达国家更倾向于采取保护性的开发,能得到民众更多地认同。)

After nations carefully consider their own condition and analyze the overall benefits of specific areas, they could provide a more popular and political feasible solution than the proposed preservation.


r01941003 发表于 2015-11-14 20:50:51


亚佳娜 发表于 2015-11-14 22:34:14

tesolchina 发表于 2015-5-23 06:19 static/image/common/back.gif
argument写作中作者和读者之间的某种互动往往通过对作者自己和读者及原论证提出者的称谓和指代来完成。比如 ...


tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:54:27

South China Morning Post Letters to the editor

SCMP是香港一份影响力较大的英文报纸,我偶尔会在上面发一两封Letter to the editor,算是门槛较低的发表意见的渠道。这学期差不多每个月发一封,也算是一种练笔吧。我的这三封信主题都是香港的科技发展。读过我的博客的同学也知道我对科技类的问题有自己的见解。关于这三封信,有机会我会仔细谈一下写作的过程。但总的来说,我觉得要写出好的文章,不仅英语要达到一定的水平,最重要的其实是要有一定的思想,也就是在内容上达到某种insight。或许我这三篇里多多少少也有一点吧。


**Allow online application for Primary One**


South China Morning Post (http://www.scmp.com/comment/letters/article/1859433/letters-editor-september-21-2015) Sept 21st

As a parent of a five-year-old boy, I recently received a package from the Education Bureau, including a DVD video, about the Primary One admission system and booklet about schools in my district.

In addition to filling out a paper form and submitting it to the primary school of my choice, I also need to provide copies of my Hong Kong identity card, my son's birth certificate along with proof of address (for example, a letter from another government agency).

I do not understand why the bureau provided the DVDs and the printed versions when all the information could be made available online. Granted that Hong Kong is also facing the problem of digital divide, but the bureau should at least allow parents to opt out from receiving the hard copies so we can show our children we do care about the environment.

Likewise, all parents should be given the option to fill out the form online, thereby saving the school staff the trouble of re-entering the data manually into the computer system.

In fact, the bureau already has the information of most students and parents who participated in pre-primary education voucher scheme.

Transferring data from the voucher scheme to the admission system would significantly simplify the application form and save a lot of time that we the parents could have spent with our children. The proof of address is also unnecessary if data across different government departments could be shared - for example, the bureau can confirm my address with the Rating and Valuation Department.

Resources are always scarce and especially so for education. The bureau should optimise the Primary One admission system so that less resources are spent on paperwork and more on educating our children.

*Simon Wang, Kowloon Tong *

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:55:42

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:54 static/image/common/back.gif
SCMP是香港一份影响力较大的英文报纸,我偶尔会在上面发一两封Letter to the editor,算是门槛较低的发表意 ...

**It is time to embrace new technology**


South China Morning Post (http://www.scmp.com/comment/letters/article/1868372/letters-editor-october-17-2015)

I refer to the report ("Didi Kuaidi grabs China's first internet car-booking licence from Shanghai while rival Uber sets up local company in city's FTZ", October 8).

In contrast to Shanghai's more open-minded policy, Hong Kong police recently cracked down on car-hailing app Uber. This deprives local residents of a viable alternative to taxis.

At the core of the online car booking system is the innovative technology that makes it much easier for drivers and passengers to find one another at the right time and place. This new business model is clearly superior to the old taxi system in which passengers often need a lot of luck to find a car, especially during rush hours.

What causes concern here is not just the fate of Uber in Hong Kong, but the fact that the city has lagged behind in adopting new technologies.

Almost 10 years ago when I was studying in the UK, the local bus company had already been broadcasting the estimated arrival time of buses on the web (Oxontime), a feature that only became available from Kowloon Motor Bus a few months ago.

In many kindergartens on the mainland, parents receive notices and circulars via WeChat, whereas in Hong Kong we still rely on a paper-based system.

Despite its efficiency, the Octopus card may become a major obstacle for the city to adopt more sophisticated smartphone-based e-payment systems that can create more business opportunities.

To increase the competitiveness of our economy, the government and the public need to step out of the comfort zone and embrace the endless possibilities of new technologies.

*Simon Wang, Kowloon Tong*

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:58:41

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:55 static/image/common/back.gif

**It is time to embrace new technology**

**Electric buses are far from 'zero emission'**

South China Morning Post (http://www.scmp.com.ezproxy.cityu.edu.hk/comment/letters/article/1876280/letters-editor-november-09-2015)

**I refer to the article, "First Hong Kong-designed electric bus rolls out for a month of test-drives on city's roads" (October 26). While the development team in Hong Kong should be congratulated for its accomplishments, it is misleading and naive to label the electric buses as "zero-emission", as an earlier report did ("Five more electric buses will be on Hong Kong's roads by end of year as city tries to reduce pollution", July 31).  **

**It is well known that manufacturing electric vehicles involves the use of materials such as lithium, copper and refined silicon, the processing of which consumes more energy than building traditional vehicles powered by fossil fuel.**

**While the electric buses are manufactured in mainland China, their impact on the global environment should not be overlooked.**

**In addition, electric vehicles can be considered clean only when the electricity consumed by them is clean. In Hong Kong, however, over 53 per cent of electricity comes from burning coal, a cheap but dirty energy source, and 22 per cent from natural gas, which also generates a large amount of greenhouse gases, according to a recent report of the Environment Bureau.**

**To solve the problems of traffic congestion and air pollution, the city needs to invest in and accommodate self-driving vehicles, a technology that can address the two leading causes of traffic congestion in Hong Kong: the excessive number of vehicles and competing use of road space. By removing human drivers, the most error-prone factor, from the vehicles, fewer accidents would occur on the road and the average speed of vehicles would increase dramatically. **

**As self-driving vehicles can operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the number of vehicles that the city needs will also decrease significantly.**

**In contrast to electric vehicles that create a false impression of environmental friendliness, self-driving technology is the real game changer that may offer the ultimate solution to the city's problems of traffic congestion and air pollution. The government and the people of Hong Kong should think ahead and get ready for this disruptive but exciting, new technology.**

*Simon Wang, Kowloon Tong  *

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:59:04

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 20:58 static/image/common/back.gif

**Electric buses are far from 'zero emission'**

昨天某个电动巴士公司的CTO憋不住写了回复 也登在SCMP   

Clean electricity generation key to pollution-free traffic

I wish to follow up on the letter by Simon Wang ("Electric buses are far from 'zero emission'", November 9), where I feel there has either been a degree of either misunderstanding or misinformation.

Firstly, it is correct to say that electric buses are the cause of emissions during their manufacture and through their use of electricity generated in less than an environmentally clean fashion.

As a vehicle manufacturer, I can assure Mr Wang that the emissions generated during the production of vehicles is an insignificant fraction of the potential emissions (from either diesel engines or electricity generation) throughout a bus's 18-year lifespan.

Also when compared with cars (driverless or otherwise) the production of 34-plus cars to carry the same number of passengers as a modern bus makes the manufacturing emissions of the bus insignificant.

Secondly, as a vehicle manufacturer, while we provide the conduit for clean cities with zero tailpipe emissions I would advise that environmental attention may be well spent by also looking at ways of clean electricity generation.

All of today's global electricity requirements could be met by solar farms taking up no more than 0.1 per cent of the earth's surface area and this is where efforts would be better focused ensuring that the zero emissions buses are truly so from "well-to-wheel".

Finally, while I do not disagree with the development of autonomous vehicles, in cars it would not reduce traffic congestion by any significant amount as the same number of individual vehicles would be clogging the roads at any one time.

Such a reduction is only possible through the widespread adoption of public transport such as double-deck buses carrying 138 passengers that occupy only 12 metres of road space versus the same space with two cars carrying eight passengers at best. As with most densely-populated world cities, Hong Kong has a limited amount of road space for the number of users requiring it so it must be used as intelligently and efficiently as possible. Cars, public or private, are not the solution.

I join with Mr Wang in supporting the development of autonomous vehicle technologies but for it to be sensibly used in a public transport model powered by solar-generated electricity.

*Paul Bromley, chief technical officer, Green Dynamic Electric Vehicle*

tesolchina 发表于 2015-11-15 21:14:01





其实老师作为一个职业和很多其他职业一样都是社会分工的结果。分工的好处当然是术业有专攻之后通过在某个领域大量重复的劳动和 钻研而成为专家或者熟练工,这样工作的成本可以下降。另外,职业选择的过程也是让适合做这件事(在这件事上有兴趣、有天分)的人加入这个行业。这些节约成本的好处使得很多人都会在职业发展的过程中走向专业化的道路,老师也不例外。






对于学生来说,在学校里遇到优秀、负责的老师是值得庆幸的,但是即使遇到平庸的老师也不必太沮丧,因为肯学习的人总会遇到好的老师。 顺便打个广告-GRE作文6分教学博客

dafuyuan 发表于 2015-11-16 13:02:58

11.7的作文出分了了 4分
考前也只练习过一篇issue两篇argument而已 所以这个分数还是挺说明问题的
issue刚好遇到了博客里看到的题目question authority那道
虽然verbal考得稀巴烂,但是AW这部分 王老师的思路指导非常有用 感谢!

FCHMOTO 发表于 2015-11-17 16:37:31

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