perception 发表于 2009-8-29 17:21:36

谢谢 jiang08

Does the telephone have more effect on people's lives than the television?

Telephone and television are both crucial inventions of the 20th century. Television now plays a central role in the leisure time of millions of people. It makes our lives more colorful. However, I regard telephone as a more significant thing for our lives. It brings about a revolutionary change to the society nowadays.

        The first critical impact telephone has on us is that it makes simultaneous communication possible and at low cost, so people could collaborate better and achieve more. Before the advent of telephone, such a communication could only be real-ized by two persons talking face to face, which is inconvenient and usually impractical. But with the help of telephone, today it is common and easy for two people, no matter how far one is from the other, to discuss things via telephone and work out a better solution together. As long as we have a telephone at hand, we could try to reach our friends who live in the other cities, other countries or even other continents. Telephone conference also becomes a customary practice in the business and aca-demic circles. Efficiency is thus improved to a great extent, and the operation of big organization like multinational corpora-tions becomes feasible, since long distance and swift communication is possible now.

        Equally significant is that the availability of telephone sharply reduces the possibility of misunderstanding which may be built up between two distant entities. The history books tell us too many stories of severe conflicts or even wars between two countries because of the negligence or ill willed deliberation of the messengers. But now, thanks to telephone, leaders of dif-ferent countries could talk to their counterparts on special hotlines soon after a major event, such as an unintended conflict on the border, takes place. Such a timely and direct exchange of ideas could prevent the aggregation of avoidable hostility or re-duce it to a minimal degree quickly.

        Finally, telephone guarantees new ways of running business, which saves money for the enterprises and makes the con-sumers live more convenient as well. By a telephone, you could order a meal, book a ticket and even manage your bank ac-count. You could do a great deal of things without stepping out of your home. This not only saves us a lot of energy, but also helps many enterprises change their ways of operation and cut down the cost. They could locate the business in a cheap place without the fear of losing customers. For instance, my bother is working in a big company whose only business activities is serving fast food lunch and supper for the employees of numerous companies, and all those orders are made by a phone call!  

        To sum up, TV makes our lives less boring, but telephone exerts a more profound influence on our lives, it guarantees us more communication and less misunderstanding, it enables us to live with more convenience and less cost.

MVT 发表于 2009-8-29 18:41:42


fancyww 发表于 2009-8-31 11:00:13

文章地址:  (希望这位同学不要介意哈:) )
    题目是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.



    但通常托福题目前面有个agree or disagree,很显然阅读者比较希望看到作者明确的观点——同意还是不同意,然后用理由支持。
    不过,托福题目中有不少比较绝对性的论述,如“聪明朋友比幽默朋友重要”,“让朋友犯错比指出朋友的错误并有可能破坏友谊好”,以及这一个。我们拿到题目第一反应时比较反感,肯定是case by case,或是“具体问题具体分析”。但像这么写就有可能回避掉题目,像这篇文章似乎只有第二段在针对着题目写。
    以前我有曾看到过,这样比较直面题目的开头:(这个是针对“聪明朋友比幽默朋友重要”的开头,引自作文小组成员littlesai):I disagree with the proposition that a humorous friend is more important than an intelligent friend, which is too narrow and ridiculous. An intelligent friend can give you wiser suggestion, while a humorous friend make you optimistic and joyful as well. Overemphasizing either kind of friends will falls into an extreme, because the definition of friends and importance of friends is various for different people.
       或者我们还是硬着头皮选择agree 或disagree,然后找理由,即使有些不合理,但尽量自圆其说?但是这么写很不爽。。。

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project and then start another than to finish two projects at the same time.
像我就很喜欢分情况了,to some people, to other people, 或者视project的内容而定。那么怎么回应题目的agree or disagree 呢?


jiang08 发表于 2009-8-31 12:10:28

女朋友正为托福写作头疼呢,呵呵,麻烦帮忙改一下吧,谢谢了!!People attend college or unicersity for many different reasons(forexample,new experiences,career preparation,increased knowledge). Why doyou think people attend college or university?

Various as it may be, I(注意两个主语:it和I,前后不协调) consider the purposes for people to go to university as follows.

Generallyspeaking,higher education usually leads to  better paid jobs that(where)specific knowledge is required. By studying an advanced subject, it iseasier for employees to get satisfactory salary and comfortable workingenvironment. For that reason,  subjects that provide easy access towell-paid jobs are extremely popular among students while subjects likearcheaology play a less welcomed role in university , which is goodevidence to the job-hunting purpose.

Along withthe purpose of finding a good job, another purpose is to gain betterlearning skills.  As far as I am concerned, learning is no longer atemporary activity accomplished is(in) school. Instead, life-time studybecome neccessary in this news-booming(这个搭配想表达?) era. What the  university canteach us is not only knowledge, but the ability to gain knowledgeindependently.  Designing experiements and put them into practiceaccording to a friend of mine,effectively build up the ability ofsorting information and researching on problems.

However,university is not just a place to study. It can provide a chance tocommunicate as well. Activities such as community service and sportscontest help students to understand the meaning of teamworking(teamwork). Takebasketball match (game) as an example. In a basketball match, what a goodplays acquired is not only strong body and plenty of energy, but alsoteamworking spirit. Only by working together can a team win the game. 这个例子说的是体育运动,不是大学生活。可以侧重于更专属于大学的活动,比如社团啊什么的

These are the reasons I think that(why) people go to university.
unbroken 发表于 2009-8-29 05:28

MVT 发表于 2009-8-31 21:08:22

回复: 333# MVT


8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.

Which research should be built in my country, a center for business or for agriculture? For my part, I firmly stand on the establishment of an agriculture research center in my country.

To begin with, agriculture proves to be the major work of Chinese people.  Nearly 1 billion of Chinese people, which accounts for four fifth of the overall national population, are engaged in agriculture and more than 30 percent of Chinese land is arable. Take my hometown, Anhui province for example. People there almost spend most of their time and land on cultivating, crops, fruits, and cottons. Farming is the main source to earn money to support their lives. In this case, an agriculture research center certainly helps the farmers to improve their living standards at the help of valuable research achievements.

In addition, farming plays a pivotal role in national revenue. It is estimated that 60 percent of our national finance derived from the contribution of agricultural products and byproducts. Even though the great contribution to state treasure, farming in my country is original and rude, and the cultivation primarily depends on hand work. This shows to be inefficient and it also displays an enormous potential if advanced technologies could be harnessed in farming processing. Therefore, a farming research center surely fuels a sharp development and progress in agricultural technology which lead to the increase on agricultural revenue.

Finally, a business center may bring more troubles than benefits. Admittedly, people's concentration on business will bring a prosperous phenomenon in cities economy. Yet, the overdue development of business will result in high pressure to citizen's life and increasing pollution to environment because of more restaurants and supermarkets emergence.

To conclude it, from the role of most numbers of people's job and the great potential, agriculture is more promising and practical than business in my country. With the help of farming research center, people's lives could be improved, and at the same time, the national funds will be apparently increased.

uskevin 发表于 2009-8-31 22:20:14

题目:If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I have a friend who set up a company recently, it is said that a company at the beginning is very hard to run, one day, my friend invited me to visit his company, much to my surprise, his company runs so well and has already enjoyed profits. I asked him how he managed to do so? He said that it was the experienced workers he hired that help him although at a higher cost. It’s make sense. So if I am an employer, I will also hire experienced workers like my friends did though at a higher pay. Some people may argue that hiring inexperienced workers at a lower salary may save a great amount of money for the company and they are easy to manage as well. Considerable though the advantages that hiring inexperienced workers at lower salary enjoys are, they can not compete with the benefits that hiring experienced workers at higher salary brings about when efficiency and quality are taken into consideration.

First, experienced workers can greatly improve the work efficiency and higher efficiency means more benefit. The experienced employee can work the moment I hire him, so I need not spend other money and time on educating them of what to do in my company which usually takes a long time for them to learn well. With the saved time, the experienced workers perhaps have already given birth to thousands of high quality goods which will bring me with much more money than the money I pay on their salary. Also the experienced workers can, definitely, provide with more products than the inexperienced persons per hour, so the working efficiency of hiring experienced workers is much greater than not, and high efficiency means earning money at a high speed, compared with the money paid to the experienced workers, the payment is really too little to mention at all.

Second, experienced workers ensure the quality of the products. In the world now full of competition, good quality of a product is of great importance. Experienced workers are skilled and familiar with the flow chart of the production, they know the key technology to guarantee the graceful looks, persistence, durability of the products. The higher quality the product possesses, the larger number of products will be sold, and the more profit will be available.

Frankly speaking, there are some minor benefits that hiring an inexperienced worker at lower salary, the most apparent aspect is it can save money for the company since workers are paid at lower level; also inexperienced workers are easy to control and manage.

In conclusion, from what has discussed above, I admit there are some minor advantages of hiring inexperienced workers at lower salary, but I will never do that, since the merits of hiring experienced workers at higher salary are more obvious with respect to the high efficiency and good product quality.

uskevin 发表于 2009-8-31 22:23:41

题目:It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer。

Nowadays, living standards in my country and my community have, undeniably, improved a lot, people no longer content with eating at home all the time, with spare time and money they often go  to restaurants for food. But in our neighborhood, there is only one decent one. In our community, a plan to build a new restaurant is proposed, and the plan enjoys both appreciation and objection. People who oppose the project hold the opinion that the new restaurant may brings about pollution and causes traffic jam. Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agreement with the idea that a new restaurant should be built in our community when convenience and economy development are taken into consideration.

First, building a new restaurant in our neighborhood can help develop the local economy. For example, when the restaurant is build up, it creates many job opportunities such as waiter, waitress, casher for people, especially for people in my community, by doing so, the unemployment rate in our community may reduce greatly, and therefore contribute to the economy development. Also, the new restaurant is taxed by the government, and thus increasing the government's income, with more money to control, the government can do more things to improve the conditions of my community, such as rebuilding roads, planting more trees and flowers.

Second, I maintain the idea that a new restaurant can give us conveniences in many aspects. For the first aspect, it is more convenient for people to have food, since the restaurant is just near people's home, and people need not to drive hours to the downtown to have meals, especially when people are tired after a whole day's work. For the second aspect, with the build of the restaurant, many other shops like retail stores, pharmacies are stimulated to build by wise investors, which also make the daily life in the community more convenient.

Admittedly, there are several minor disadvantages of establishing the restaurant, pollution and traffic jams are mainly concerned. The restaurant may produce many waste water, the kitchen may omit exhaust gas, the customers may release loud noise; aslo, with too many people come to the restaurant for food, the traffic condition in our community may turn bad.

From what discussed above, although there are some minor drawbacks like pollutions and traffic problems may be brought about, as far as i am concerned, the merits are more obvious, the new restaurant contributes to the local economy development and convenience. It will be perfect if the restaurant designer aslo takes the problems of pollution and traffic jam into account.

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 00:50:20

fancyww 发表于 2009-8-29 08:37
嗯 这么具体的内容下次还是文中写出来为好

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 00:53:28

325# jiang08 谢谢楼主啦,想问一下我这钟正正负的论证结构是不是说服力不太强啊?我主要是说reliability 的, 第一点是说他能带来loyalty
joyceliu 发表于 2009-8-29 15:31

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 01:00:13

62 what do you appreciate most in a friend?

In resent 拼写 years, there is a general controversy over the issue (that 多余) what characteristic of friend is most important to you. 指出选择多样性Due to the different individual background, the candidate qualities are ranging from intelligent, humorous to reliable. 点明个人观点Personally, I believe that reliability is as essential as, if not more essential than, other traits. And I will provide concrete evidences to demonstrate my point of view.

First and foremost, there is no denying that a reliable friend means be loyalty to you all the time, which is the basic rule in keeping a friendship. As is known to all, only when the person can always tell the truth, can he become dependable to you. To be a true friend, one should firstly meet this standard. 假设举例Suppose that your friend is the owner of a computer store. When you wanna to purchase one laptop from him, the intelligent friend perhaps would advise you the one which he can get the most profit, while a loyal friend would absolutely suggest you to buy a PC which can best meet your work requirement. Accordingly, it is obvious that choosing a reliable friend is a wise and reasonable decision.

In the second place, the friend who is dependable can also become very helpful to us. Since this kind of friend will surely stand beside you whenever difficulty attacks. Take me as an illustration, I have such a reliable friend Joyce, who have单数 been holding a close friendship with me for almost ten years. When I did not have enough confidence to take part in the oral English competition, it is her who never gave up encouraging me, bring me strength as well as hopes, and ultimately make me stand out from so many competitors. This is just as one old saying goes: a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Last but not least, without reliability, even if your friend is both intelligent and humor, he can not become a real friend for you. When you are wealthy or powerful, he will certainly accompanied with(accompany) you, while once you get into trouble, this so called friend will keep away from you as soon as possible. Some will even betray you for their own profit. Actually, there are numerous such examples in our real lives.  这段改过论点之后有力很多了

To sum up, it is true that good friend should be intelligent and with a sense of humor. However,  taking into account of the discussion above, we may safely reach the conclusion that the most indispensable trait is absolutely reliability.
还是那篇, 自己又改了一遍, 再帮忙看一下吧
joyceliu 发表于 2009-8-29 16:25

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 01:20:11

谢谢 jiang08

Does the telephone have more effect on people's lives than the television?

Telephone and television are both crucial inventions of the 20th century. Television now plays a central  ...
perception 发表于 2009-8-29 17:21

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 01:38:48

文章地址:  (希望这位同学不要介意哈:) )
    题目是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.



    但通常托福题目前面有个agree or disagree,很显然阅读者比较希望看到作者明确的观点——同意还是不同意,然后用理由支持。我很同意你这个说法,这篇关于音乐教育的题目是应当明确指出是不是要强制学习的。你对GT作文差异的理解很正确。
    不过,托福题目中有不少比较绝对性的论述,如“聪明朋友比幽默朋友重要”,“让朋友犯错比指出朋友的错误并有可能破坏友谊好”,以及这一个。我们拿到题目第一反应时比较反感,肯定是case by case,或是“具体问题具体分析”。但像这么写就有可能回避掉题目,像这篇文章似乎只有第二段在针对着题目写。不一定大家都会觉得要case by case哦。
    以前我有曾看到过,这样比较直面题目的开头:(这个是针对“聪明朋友比幽默朋友重要”的开头,引自作文小组成员littlesai):I disagree with the proposition that a humorous friend is more important than an intelligent friend, which is too narrow and ridiculous. An intelligent friend can give you wiser suggestion, while a humorous friend make you optimistic and joyful as well. Overemphasizing either kind of friends will falls into an extreme, because the definition of friends and importance of friends is various for different people.
       这会不会就在直接说这题目很ridiculous吗?呵呵~ (不会,虽然ridiculous这个词本身太narrow,但是题目要的是你对这个观点的看法,你说这个观点太狭隘并无不妥)
       或者我们还是硬着头皮选择agree 或disagree,然后找理由,即使有些不合理,但尽量自圆其说?但是这么写很不爽。。。 (不太明白为什么要硬者头皮选择同意或不同意呢?举例说聪明还是幽默朋友吧。你可能会说要按情况讨论,这没什么不妥的,但是如果要选择一个观点的话,也很简单:把你分情况讨论里面倾向某一方的都拿出来就可以了。IBT作文的逻辑讨论不强调“全面”inclusive,自圆其说就可以)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project and then start another than to finish two projects at the same time.
像我就很喜欢分情况了,to some people, to other people, 或者视project的内容而定。那么怎么回应题目的agree or disagree 呢? 这题分情况讨论并无回避题目,不过如果你是要分人讨论的话,还不如就说你自己的情况,看是同意还是否定。要仔细讨论这题和音乐教育的区别的话,这题分情况讨论是抓住了题目里project的具体内容,而音乐教育那题里没有此类可以具体讨论的关键词,所以2个题的对待不一样。

补充一段我在其他帖子里的内容:“首先是关于论证思路。常见的作文题目类型:2选1,是否支持某观点,为什么。2选1的情况下,如果两者不是绝对对立,可以写中立观点,用我个人考试经验来说,中立观点是可以写,可以写的好的,但是不太常见。举例“不是所有的东西能从书本中学来。 比较经验知识和书本知识。 哪个更重要。”就可以写两个都重要。而是否支持的情况下,就不适合用中立观点,比如“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.”不能一段写提高,一段写破坏,这样等于没有立场。为什么类型的题目(如:你认为游客为什么喜欢去博物馆)不存在这个问题。”

fancyww 发表于 2009-8-31 11:00

fancyww 发表于 2009-9-1 08:32:29

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 01:38


jiang08 发表于 2009-9-1 09:50:28

回复: 333# MVT

我现在的状况是,自己能看出作文有问题(语句不精炼、不地道;论证思路混乱;例子说服力和相关性不好……),但是在有限的作文时间内又不能把这些问题解决,当然即使多给时间去修改,恐怕也不会有什么改观。很烦人,很惘然,恳请不吝宝贵时间给我指点一下,万分感激!Obeisance! 这个情况应该就只有多练了,不仅是连手,也练脑。

8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.

Which research should be built in my country, a center for business or for agriculture? For my part, I firmly stand on the establishment of an agriculture research center in my country.

To begin with, agriculture proves to be the major work of Chinese people.  Nearly 1 billion of Chinese people, which accounts for four fifth of the overall national population, are engaged in agriculture and more than 30 percent of Chinese land is arable. Take my hometown, Anhui province for example. People there almost spend most of their time and land on cultivating, crops, fruits, and cottons. Farming is the main source to earn money to support their lives. In this case, an agriculture(agricultural) research center certainly helps (can help更好) the farmers to improve their living standards at(with) the help of valuable research achievements.

In addition, farming plays a pivotal role in national revenue. It is estimated that 60 percent of our national finance 缺is) derived from the contribution of agricultural products and byproducts. Even though the great contribution to state treasure(?) (even though后面跟句子,如果要名词的话用even with), farming in my country is original(primitive?) and rude(crude?), and the cultivation primarily depends on hand work. This shows to be inefficient and it also displays(reveals) an enormous potential if advanced technologies could be harnessed in (缺the)farming processing. Therefore, a farming research center surely fuels a sharp development(搭配不当,significant development) and progress in agricultural technology which lead to the increase on(in)  agricultural revenue.

Finally, a business center may bring more troubles than benefits.(注意讨论的是research center in business) Admittedly, people's concentration on business will bring a prosperous phenomenon in cities economy. Yet, the overdue development of business will result in high pressure to citizen's life and increasing pollution to environment because of more restaurants and supermarkets emergence (the emergence of more restaurants and supermarkets).这段比较牵强了点,比较的不是商业和农业研究中心,而是再说商业可能带来的负面影响,难道农业就没有负面影响?可以从商业研究中心目前不适合我们国家来写

To conclude it, from the role of most numbers of people's job(能知道你想表达什么,但是这里太乱了:With its being the majority's job) and the great potential, agriculture is more promising and practical than business in my country. With the help of farming research center, people's lives could be improved, and at the same time, the national funds will be apparently increased.
MVT 发表于 2009-8-31 21:08

11yuexue116 发表于 2009-9-1 10:57:21

本帖最后由 11yuexue116 于 2009-9-3 10:29 编辑


Q: Agree or disagree, in today’s world, working fast and risking making mistakes is more important than working slowly and making sure everything is correct.

Currently there has a controversial issue that has drawn attention from the public. Working fast and risking making mistakes or working slowly and making sure everything is correct , which one is more Important? Some people assert that result is the key, we should make everything correct despite working slowly. While other people believe that efficiency is more important. Personally, I agree with the latter one.

One reason for my point of view lies in the fact that in the competitive world, we can get more opportunities if we can do more tasks in a limited time. There is not enough time let us do everything over carefully and slowly, we must adapt and follow modern society’s pace. For example, boss always assign a project and just leave a few days for answer. If we could not hand in it, then face to be fire; but if we work fast and finish it in time, despite it is not perfect, at least we have chance to revise.

In addition, I remember an adage: practicing makes perfect. During working, we can learn new skill, accumulate experience and improve ability. Working fast so we can do more work than others in a equal time. Especially, as a new employee, working fast is not only for learn more knowledge, but also demonstrate his or her attitude, he or she is passion and positive.

Moreover, working slowly could not guarantee every conclusion is correct. So even working fast maybe accompany with risking making mistakes, it is still worthy. For instance, if you work faster than your colleagues, then you have much more time and energy to find out diverse methods check out, in order to make sure your work is correct. By this way, it is more convinced than just work slowly.

In conclusion, different people with diverse experience hold unlike ideas, it is difficult to say which opinion is right arbitrarily. As far as I am considered, nowadays, working fast and risking making mistakes is more important.
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