wjlc1992 发表于 2014-2-23 21:55:05


宜静要去美国 发表于 2015-5-17 21:03:55

In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending?
1. Education 2. Health Care 3.support for the unemployed.

In recent years, economic crisis happen more frequently as a result of the close relationship between nations, bringing the debate that on which area the government should reduce its spending to a vogue. In my point of view, if the country is faced with an economic crisis, the expenditure on health care rather than education and employment, should be cut down for it will produce less negative effect on the whole society compared to the other two options.

Admittedly, budget for health care is indispensable in a society as it can guarantee the fitness of the labor so that the society could be productive, in an economic crisis, however, things would be different. Under this circumstance, only by cutting the cost on public health care can we safely survive the crisis because compared to public health care. On the contrary, cutting the cost of education and employment could instantly lead to a disaster.

In the first place, there is a universal awareness that education is the core of the development of a country, and it represents the bright future of a nation, if we cut down the budget for education, countless children will have to drop out of school as it is impossible for them to afford the tuition without adequate financial aid from the government. This, in the long run, will definitely bring about a decline in the number of high quality employees in the recent future, leading to a collapse of the country's economy. Therefore, money should go to the field of education even in hard times like a economic crisis.

In addition, the financial aid from the government to stimulate employment is crucial when an economic crisis happen. A high rate of unemployment can result in a greater crisis with starving people begging on the street, stores and markets out of business, everything in the country coming into chaos. All this will consequently increase the burden of the government. Nonetheless, if the country goes to great lengths to lead a helping hand to its citizens, offering them more opportunities to get a satisfying job, the economy will soon recover from a crisis with every citizen in th country having his/her own work to do. Therefore, money spend for employment, can't be reduced for the reasons above.

Last but not least, reducing the cost on health care will not have an immediate effect on the society in that if more children are in school and more people have a job, they can rely on their school or company to obtain health care rather than the government. And the economic crisis will disappear before the problem resulting from cutting expenditure of health care surfaces.

To sum up, I advocate that in a economic crisis, we ought to reduce expenditure on health care rather than education and employment, for this will have the least detrimental effect.

laahaa 发表于 2015-5-25 20:28:51

范文二号感觉每段主题句不突出啊。。。。一段写一个优点会不会更好?最后一段说科技的缺点有没有多余?因为题目是说给一个better life
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