lxriris 发表于 2009-9-1 15:09:31


TOPIC : Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage student to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

It is a perennial concern that whether grades encourage student to learn or not. Some people who hold a posotive attitude argue that grades are the impetus of the progress on study, while others point out that grades hinders students’ study since low grades always weaken their self-confidence. As far as I am concern, I endorse the former viewpoint, for I believe grades are benefitial to students’ study.

To begin with, grades help students find out where their falls short, giving them a goal to strive for. Take me as an example, analyze the grades is an indespensable task after the exam for me. By comparing the grades of different sections of my test paper, I can easily figure out which part of my knowledge has not done well this time and which skill I have to improve in the future study. Thanks to the grades, I get a comprehensive view of my strong point and weak point. In this case, not only grades help to shape our current learning level, but also lead to great motivation to achieve the goal in a proper way. .

In addition, grades serves as an indespensable factor in creating studious and competitive atmosphere in the class. Despite that some people claim that competition exert a lot of pressures on students, I believe the proper competition is good for the growth as well as the study of students as no one can escape from the fierce competition in a modern society. According to a recent survey in the local newpaper, more than half of the sutdents addmit that although grades did pile on pressure, they also make great contribution to the progress of the study. Therefore, grades help to shape the good environment for students to compete and make progress together.

In the final analysis, it is true that grades have certain drawback, considering the great benefits it can brings to us. I firmly believe that grades offer the strong motivation and the studuious atmophere of our study.

eboocff 发表于 2009-9-1 16:39:05

本帖最后由 eboocff 于 2009-9-1 19:39 编辑


17. Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

Whether we need a teacher or not depends on what stages we are learning in. In general, I would like to divide learning process into three stages--primary stage, intermediate stage and advanced stage---in which teachers will play different roles. In primary stage, it is undeniable that teachers are very important. Not only they give us many basic concepts of certain area, but also teach us where do the keystones lie. Just think the functions of a guide when taking your first visit to a unknown city, guides will show you where are the most fascinating places to go, what are the most deliscious food, who are the famous people in history and what are the customs of local people.Work of teachers are alike with guides in this stage, they help us to comprhense some foundational thoeries, definitions and laws of certain field. In a word, with their help, we can learn more easily and efficiently. Then, we come to the intermediate stage, in which teacher are not so important as the former one, however, we still need teachers to help us solve some difficult problems. After learning some essential knowledge on certain area, now we have the ability to learn more on ourselves. A good case in point is that students in universities spend more time learn by themselves than these in high schools or kids in primary schools, but we still need teachers in this stage just like colleage students need teachers. By the way, by spending more time studying by themselves, people can learn a skill that are even more important than all knowledge, that is, the ability to learn by oneself and to find methods to solve difficult problems.
Finally, we will attend an advanced stage that teachers may have no or little effect. All students will finally become teachers or experts though in different area, that to say, it might be hard to find a suitable teacher after someoneself have become expert of certain field.
After living in a city for more than ten years, people will no longer needs a guide; another example is that after focusing on certain area for a long term, students now become professors. Further more, the problems we may face in advanced stage probably have never been solved, there might be no teachers, so we have to figure it out with our ability to solve difficult problems by ourselves. In short, teachers are very important in primary stage and necessary in intermediate stage
in which people have to depend on theirselves more, while in an advanced stages,
people may have to rely on themself totally.

无心竹 发表于 2009-9-1 20:46:55


What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor? Even though this discussion have been existed for hundred years, people still have different answers now, from my personal experiences and observations, honesty, capability, and sense of humor are of
great significance for the following reasons. Though some people think that it is impossible to be honest all the time, I still put it on the top of the list, for me, honesty is the most important quality that people should hold. Actually, I believe that honesty are the foundation of all relationships, between friends, parents and children, spouses, and the list still goes on. people wouldn't trust an individual who are not honest, and it is always hard to deal with a unhonest gay no matter who are they. While a unhonest supervisor will make things worse, such as leading you feel unsafe and hard to cooperate with each other in workplace. Secondly, capability is the quality that can ensure their ability to finish their job well. Can you imagine what would happen if a supervisor are not capable for his job? Will you still follow his command? Do you think that group under his or her direction will be under good condition? Do you still have enough confidence to fininsh projects in time? Obiviouly, the answers are "NO". As a supervisor, his or her capability for job are crutial not only to his own efficience, but also to the success of the entire group. From what have been discussed, it is clear that a uncapable supervisor will be toxical to your career and income. It may looks a little strange to say that a supervisor or a boss should be humorous, while for an individual who laugh a lot, just like me, this quality becomes particularly significant. If such person come to a very serious boss, the potential of conficts are extremely high. Moreover, It was true that a serious boss will keep employees feel fearsome, and may also made them work harder compared to a always smiling boss in the past. However, times are always under change.What employees need nowadays are an pleasing circumstance to work in,
which will also drive them to work harder and more efficiently. Besides, a humorous supervisor or boss can laugh togther which are beneficial to their relationships. In short, there are many standards to evaluate whether a boss or supervisor are good or not, but on my list of standards, honesty, capability and sense of humor are on the top.

joyceliu 发表于 2009-9-1 20:50:22

341# jiang08 非常感谢,楼主真的好热心啊!!:)

sue866 发表于 2009-9-1 21:23:51

辛苦楼主了,这是第一篇呢,感觉论点事实跑题了啊~ 麻烦看看吧
07.10.17  University should require their students to take at least one course teaches them the culture of a country other than their own.

Last month, I got an opportunity to be a volunteer as school’ s program of international exchange. During the conversation with those students from France, it is embarrassed for me to realize that I really know little about their culture and we have few to chat about. In my point of view, it is indeed necessary for all students in university to choose at least one compulsory course about culture of a country except our own because we will benefit a lot from such courses.

First of all, learning about other countries’ s culture not only contributes us to expand range of knowledge but also to broaden our horizon and point of view, which help students to develop a well- rounded knowledge system. Supposing that I took this kind of course before, I could know the history of France, some interest places there, or what French always do in their festivals and so on. If so, it is likely that we could have had a great time together.

In addition, it can help us to reduce problem that is result of cultural differences so that people from various countries can better communicate with each other. For instance, if you are a girl and go to Arab country for traveling, it will be a great trouble for you in wearing short skirts. According to their custom, the majority of Arab women have to dress conservatively. They should wear a long black garment called “ Abayah” that covesr their body from the shoulders down to feet. In some places, women also need to wear a face and head cover. Therefore, such problem can not happen if you have a good understanding of their culture.

Finally, we can select the essence of other countries in order to make up for the deficiencies in our own culture. To tell the truth, our country are still at development stage and need to learn a lot of advanced technology, new ideas, rich experience and efficient managements from developed countries, such as America and Germany. What’ s more, it is a good chance to understand and learn the spirit of culture in various countries. As it is known to all, bull game is very famous in Spanish. So what we can learn from such activity? Personally, it is the challenging spirit that every student should have, which is significant for both our study and life.

To sum up, there is no deny that every students should be required to take part in at least one curriculum on culture of other countries. In fact, it is not only good for our individual, but also is conductive to the whole society.

daney68 发表于 2009-9-1 22:31:22


What is the main factor in bringing about people's success? this problem is much more complicated than it appears. Simply attributing success to either studying hard or relating well with others is simplistic. From my point of view, people may need both professional knowledge and interpersonal skill to guarantee success, but the latter is much more indispensable.

Relating well to others play a crucial role in anyone's success, no matter what their profession is. One important reason for this is that a good communication skill can remove some unnecessary trouble, and make your work more efficiently. For example, when a new recruit just join in a project but have no idea how to set out his work. At this time he may work in his own style and is likely to make mistakes though he is proficient in this field. If the person can get along well with other teammate, he can turn the table.Because a favorable communication allow group members get better understanding of each other, thus his mates will offer effective guides and tips to help him work more smoothly. Besides, the good relations to others can achieve a more harmonious atmosphere, in turn would enhance the efficiency and also show his talents as well, which achieve double-wins.   

Another reason to prefer relating well to others is that it can bring us inspiration to our work, contributing to one’s success. When you get well on with different people, you will gain different perspectives and even creat some new idea. A good case in point is my advertisement manager, who is sociable and get well on with different kinds of people. At a time a client from cellphone company ask us to advertise his new products. Through contacting with different people, my manager decide to carry out target marketing to satisfy different need of customers. If the prospective customer are students, advertisement emphasize the feature of entertainment, while the product tagrget are businessmen, advertisement pay attention to the product’s efficiency. Finally the products sell well and my manager achieve his career success.         

However, we should not ignore the value of studying hard. Undoubtly, without hard working, people can hardly excel in their field or attain success. Abraham Lincoln is conspicuous example of diligence contributing to success. he read incessantly and spent spare time poring over books in the library. The result of endeavor is the intellectual power revealed in his speeches, which later contribute him to be the greatest American President.

In a long run, relating well to others indeed contirbutes more to people’s success, while studing hard is also helpful. Skillfully combining two factors makes success more likely.

joyceliu 发表于 2009-9-1 22:34:22

本帖最后由 joyceliu 于 2009-9-2 08:20 编辑

辛苦楼主了,这是第二篇, 不太好写, 帮看一下吧
28 Do you agree or disagree: mass media paytoo much attention to the personal lives of famous people.

In the recent years,there is a general controversy over the issue weathermass media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people. Those opponents simply claim that the privacy ofcelebrities deserves the attention. On the other hand,the proponents to this topic believe that this phenomenon is morecomplicated, it should attribute to three groups: public, mass media andcelebrities themselves. Personally, I agree with thelatter and I will provide concrete evidences to demonstrate my point of view.

First and foremost, thereis no denying that due to people's increasinglycuriosity, the personal lives of public figures have already become the mainpart of our entertainment topics.We talk every day about what they wear, howthey behave or even some more personal questions such as who is hisex-girlfriend, has she got married, what about their children and so on. Whatis more, some teenagers even copy them, imaging to become famous, standing infront of the flashlight one day. Then, how can we get all of these information?Yes, from the mass media including the television, the magazine, the radio orthe newspaper. Accordingly, it is obvious thatin this way, the personal lives of famous come into our visual world.

In the second place, in order to pursue the maximum profit, mass media expose extremelythe privacy of celebrities. As is known to all, media is such an industry whoseoriginal purpose is to make profit as much as possible. To fulfill this object,they have no alternative but to cater to the taste of public .When they findout what people are really interested in, they will crazily report or evencreate the news. In fact, as long as the piece of information can attract theeyes of people, it is very possible to appear in the media, no matter if it isguaranteed to be true.

Last but of least, we can not ignore the role celebrities played in this phenomenon. On the one hand, some of them are urgent to beseriously considered. Therefore, they voluntarily exposed their privacy to themedia. Sometimes, even if make up the events by themselves. On the other hand, there are a growing number ofpublic figures nowadays whose personal lives are so problematic that theyshould be supervised by our media. A good case in point is the sex scandal of PresidentClinton and his intern happened in White House. Only when it is reported by TV,can public really know the truth.

To sum up, admittedly, privacy of celebrities worth people’s concern .Nevertheless,
taking into accountof the discussion mentioned above, we may safely reach the conclusion thatno matter who is blamed for it, personal lives of famous actually draw too manyconsiderations.

xiwarts 发表于 2009-9-1 23:20:53

辛苦楼主了~ 这是第一篇在计时的情况下写的... 结尾仓促...
157. In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.

If the future technology permits study at home by computers or televisions, I will still prefer traditional study at school. It provides an easier access for students' interaction with the teachers and discussion with classmates, strict control of students, and developing the ability to get along with others..

Admittedly, study at home does not require students get up early wearing formally to commute to school. However, as the teachers and students do not have the class face to face, when a student have difficulties understanding a certain point,  he/she cannot ask the teacher  or discuss it with classmates immediately to solve that problem.  On the contrary, the interaction between teachers and students in traditional classroom is more efficient. That will certainly provide students clear understanding of the class.

And also, students at home may not be able to control themselves to concentrate on the study. When searching on the internet to have classes, they can easily do other things to distract from study, such as chatting with friends on MSN or playing computer games. In contrast, students at school are under the supervision of teachers, and there are not many other things to do besides study sitting in the classroom. It absolutely increases the efficiency of study.

In addition, students meet their teachers and classmates at school everyday. It requires building up relationship with different people. One can learn how to cooperate with others through group study like finishing work arrangements, and how to be confident in the fierce competition. It is not available study at home in front of screens. The ability to deal with different people is a requisite part of one's life, one cannot avoid it after getting in the society.

In conclusion, although study at home provides more flexibilities in study time, traditional study cannot be replaced easily by that. The efficiency of traditional study makes it indispensable in the study patterns. That is the reason why I still prefer traditional study.

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-3 05:23:04

Q: Agree or disagree, in today’s world, working fast and risking making mistakes is more important than working slowly and making sure everything is correct.

Currently there has(is) a controversial issue that has drawn attention from(of) the public. Working fast and risking making mistakes or working slowly and making sure everything is correct , which one is more Important?(这句话前后部分颠倒一下) Some people assert that result is the key, (缺连词)we should make everything correct despite working slowly. While other people believe that efficiency is more important. Personally, I agree(缺with) the latter one.

One reason for my point of view lies in the fact that in the completive(拼写) world, we can get more opportunities if we can do more tasks in a limited time. There is not enough time let us(for us to) do everything over (这个over的用意?) carefully and slowly, (缺连词)we must adapt and follow(adapt ourselves to the) modern society’s pace. For example, boss always assign a project and just leave (give)  a few days for answer (completion更好). If we could not hand in it (hand it in), then face to be fire(we may be fired); but if we work fast and finish it in time, despite it is not perfect, at least we have chance to revise.

In addition, I remember an adage: practicing (practice) makes perfect. During working (work), we can learn new skill, accumulate experience and improve ability. Working fast so we can do more work than others in a equal time(句型:We can XXXX by working fast). Especially, as a new employee, working fast is not only for learn more knowledge, but also demonstrate (注意not only在is 的后面,所以but also和not only 分享一个动词is,这里再有动词语法就错了) his or her attitude, (缺that)he or she is passion(passionate) and positive.

Moreover, working slowly could not guarantee every conclusion is correct. So even working fast maybe accompany(may come) with risking making mistakes, it is still worthy(worthwhile). For instance, if you work faster than your colleagues, then you have much more time and energy to find out diverse methods check out(?), in order to make sure your work is correct. By this way, it is more convinced(?) than just work(working) slowly. 这个理由不太充分,你比较的对象是work fast和work slowly, 进而说工作慢不代表没错误;但题目比较的对象是working fast and risking making mistakes 和 working slowly and making sure everything is correct。所以这里有偷换概念之嫌

In conclusion, different people with diverse experience hold unlike(different; disparate) ideas, (缺连词) it is difficult to say which opinion is right arbitrarily. As far as I am considered, nowadays, working fast and risking making mistakes is more important.
11yuexue116 发表于 2009-9-1 10:57 https://bbs.gter.net/images/common/back.gif


jiang08 发表于 2009-9-3 05:34:30

TOPIC : Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage student to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
It is a perennial concern that whether grades encourage student to learn or not. Some people who hold a posotive attitude argue that grades are the impetus of(for) the progress on(in) study, while others point out that grades hinders students’ study since low grades always weaken their self-confidence. As far as I am concern(concerned), I endorse the former viewpoint, for I believe grades are benefitial to students’ study.

To begin with, grades help students find out where their (漏写了一个名词?) falls short, giving them a goal to strive for. Take me as an example, analyze the grades is an indespensable task after the exam for me. By comparing the grades of different sections of my test paper, I can easily figure out which part of my knowledge has not done well (注意 done well or not的主语应该是你,而不是knowledge)this time and which skill I have to improve in the future study. Thanks to the grades, I get a comprehensive view of my strong point and weak point. In this case, not only grades help to shape our current learning level, but also lead to great motivation to achieve the goal in a proper way. .

In addition, grades serves as an indespensable factor in creating studious and competitive atmosphere in the class. Despite that some people claim that competition exert(单数) a lot of pressures on students, I believe the proper competition is good for the growth as well as the study of students as no one can escape from the fierce competition in a modern society. According to a recent survey in the local(local指哪里?国家?) newpaper, more than half of the sutdents addmit(拼写) that although grades did pile on pressure, they also make great contribution to the progress of the study. Therefore, grades help to shape the good environment for students to compete and make progress together. 这个例子其实是支持上一段观点的。如果我没有理解错的话,上一段是说对于个体学生的作用,这一段是说对整体班级的影响。你可以考虑写一下打分怎样能促进大家的整体提高,把其中的因果关系写透。

In the final analysis, it is true that grades have certain drawback, considering the great benefits it can brings to(bring) us. 上一句在让步,这里回归正方观点,加一个转折连词更好 I firmly believe that grades offer the strong motivation and the studuious atmophere of our study.
lxriris 发表于 2009-9-1 15:09 https://bbs.gter.net/images/common/back.gif

jiang08 发表于 2009-9-3 06:44:23



17. Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

Whether we need a teacher or not depends on what stages we are learning in(in learning). In general, I would like to divide learning process into three stages--primary stage, intermediate stage and advanced stage---in which teachers will play different roles.

In primary stage, it is undeniable that teachers are very important. Not only (缺do) they give us many basic concepts of certain area, but also teach us where (do多余) the keystones lie. Just think(缺about) the functions of a guide when taking your first visit to a (you first visit an)unknown city, guides (who) will show you where are the most fascinating places to go, what are the most deliscious food, who are the famous people in history and what are the customs of local people.Work of teachers are alike (The duty of teacher is similar) with guides in this stage, (缺连词) they help us to comprhense(动词) some foundational thoeries, definitions and laws of certain field. In a word, with their help, we can learn more easily and efficiently. 首先你要定义什么是primary stage(后面2阶段也是),比如几岁到几岁,或者是学习某门新课程的某个阶段。另外如果能写道具体学科,以及老师带领的重要性就更好

Then, we come to the intermediate stage, in which teacher are not so important as the former(previous) one, however, we still need teachers to help us solve some difficult problems. After learning some essential knowledge on certain area, now we have the ability to learn more on ourselves.(这里用抽象的词如essential, certain 和上一段的知识区分不太开,如果能沿着上一段的例子继续写,就会生动很多) A good case in point is that students in universities spend more time learn by themselves than these in high schools or kids in primary schools, but we still need teachers in this stage just like colleage students need teachers. By the way, by spending more time studying by themselves, people can learn a skill that are(is) even more important than all knowledge, that(which) is, the ability to learn by oneself and to find methods to solve difficult problems.

Finally, we will attend(move into) an advanced stage that teachers may have no or little effect. All students will finally become teachers or experts though in different area(这句有些没根据), that(which)(缺is) to say, it might be hard to find a suitable teacher after someone(self多余) have(单数) become expert of certain field.
After living in a city for more than ten years, people will no longer needs(need) a guide; another example is that after focusing on certain area for a long term, students now become professors. Further more, the problems we may face in advanced stage probably have never been solved, there might be no teachers, so we have to figure it out with our ability to solve difficult problems by ourselves. 最后一句和上一段是一个意思,多余了。其实这段直接放结尾就可以了

In short, teachers are very important in primary stage and necessary in intermediate stage
in which people have to depend on theirselves(teacher吧?) more, while in an advanced stages,
people may have to rely on themself totally.eboocff 发表于 2009-9-1 16:39 https://bbs.gter.net/images/common/back.gif

分情况讨论很好,但前提是要定义好这几个不同的阶段,how one differs from another。
相应地,不同阶段的知识/学习如果能用一个连贯的例子来解释会更有说服力。比如,说物理,初级阶段我们必须从老师那儿学一些牛顿定律什么的,中级阶段我们学会用定律来解决问题,但不懂时仍需要老师。高级(say PhD)时基本都是独立研究了。

fancyww 发表于 2009-9-3 08:53:21


Do you agree or disagree: Most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.

Each decision we make, each action we take, is born out of an intention. Decisive and independent people may insist to make every decision themselves. Other people may care less about some non-principled choices and leave the decision to others. However, generally speaking, I believe that most people prefer to control the wheel of their own lives and make the vital decisions by themselves.

Admittedly, some people seem to care little about their daily choices and always answer with “whatever”, leaving their own decisions to make by others. However, for daily trivia like bread or cake for breakfast, comedy or serious movie to watch, and Italian or Chinese restaurant for diner, people’s answers may differ because of their personalities and interests. To decide a certain movie or to answer “whatever” actually make no difference. So here we are going to discuss some major and significant decisions people make in their life. As to this kind of decision, I deeply believe that people prefer to make their own decisions and control their own lives.

The reason why we prefer to make significant decisions for ourselves is that no one knows better about us than ourselves. As we are all concerned, decisions should be made according to personal willingness and preference. For example, when I was considering my future major in university, I received a lot of helping advice from parents, friends, and relatives. In parents’ eyes, they would like me to study law or business which might be good for my future career. In teachers’ eyes, they thought mathematics might suit me for I was good at mathematics. As to my friends’ opinion, they deemed that I would surely study animation for I was such an animation fan. In a bunch of people who seemed eagerly to make decisions for me, they all got something right about me in some aspects, but none of them saw an entire me. So I calmed down and thought what I really would like to become in the future. And I finally chose my own major. In a word, letting others to make vital decisions for us is always not a wise choice.

Besides, what people need is actually not a final decision, but useful and help suggestions and information from others. Occasionally, some people may find themselves lost in various available choices and then turn to others. At this time what they need is not a final call by others, but more advice and analysis. Life isn't always a smooth sailing, and everyone experiences up and down. So it is understandable and acceptable that some people may ever get confused. But it does not mean that people are willing to directly hand over the right of decision to others. People can turn to family members, friends, and teachers for suggestions; however, they are actually spending time on thinking. In short, some people’s seemingly searching for help is actually looking for suggestions instead of the decisions by others.

To sum up, people may pay little attention to trivial decisions in mundane chores, but they actually prefer to make the most suitable significant decisions for themselves. So they hardly prefer to hand the steering wheel of our life ship to other people, because in their deep heart they know that they are the captain.

11yuexue116 发表于 2009-9-3 11:11:07


uskevin 发表于 2009-9-3 12:52:50

题目:If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

I have a friend who set up a company recently, it is said that a company at the beginning is very hard to run, one day, my friend invited me to visit his company, much to my surprise, his company runs so well and has already enjoyed profits. I asked him how he managed to do so? He said that it was the experienced workers he hired that help him although at a higher cost. It’s make sense. So if I am an employer, I will also hire experienced workers like my friends did though at a higher pay. Some people may argue that hiring inexperienced workers at a lower salary may save a great amount of money for the company and they are easy to manage as well. Considerable though the advantages that hiring inexperienced workers at lower salary enjoys are, they can not compete with the benefits that hiring experienced workers at higher salary brings about when efficiency and quality are taken into consideration.

First, experienced workers can greatly improve the work efficiency and higher efficiency means more benefit. The experienced employee can work the moment I hire him, so I need not spend other money and time on educating them of what to do in my company which usually takes a long time for them to learn well. With the saved time, the experienced workers perhaps have already given birth to thousands of high quality goods which will bring me with much more money than the money I pay on their salary. Also the experienced workers can, definitely, provide with more products than the inexperienced persons per hour, so the working efficiency of hiring experienced workers is much greater than not, and high efficiency means earning money at a high speed, compared with the money paid to the experienced workers, the payment is really too little to mention at all.

Second, experienced workers ensure the quality of the products. In the world now full of competition, good quality of a product is of great importance. Experienced workers are skilled and familiar with the flow chart of the production, they know the key technology to guarantee the graceful looks, persistence, durability of the products. The higher quality the product possesses, the larger number of products will be sold, and the more profit will be available.

Frankly speaking, there are some minor benefits that hiring an inexperienced worker at lower salary, the most apparent aspect is it can save money for the company since workers are paid at lower level; also inexperienced workers are easy to control and manage.

In conclusion, from what has discussed above, I admit there are some minor advantages of hiring inexperienced workers at lower salary, but I will never do that, since the merits of hiring experienced workers at higher salary are more obvious with respect to the high efficiency and good product quality.

uskevin 发表于 2009-9-3 12:53:52

题目:It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer。

Nowadays, living standards in my country and my community have, undeniably, improved a lot, people no longer content with eating at home all the time, with spare time and money they often go  to restaurants for food. But in our neighborhood, there is only one decent one. In our community, a plan to build a new restaurant is proposed, and the plan enjoys both appreciation and objection. People who oppose the project hold the opinion that the new restaurant may brings about pollution and causes traffic jam. Contrary to the opinion of many people is my heartfelt agreement with the idea that a new restaurant should be built in our community when convenience and economy development are taken into consideration.

First, building a new restaurant in our neighborhood can help develop the local economy. For example, when the restaurant is build up, it creates many job opportunities such as waiter, waitress, casher for people, especially for people in my community, by doing so, the unemployment rate in our community may reduce greatly, and therefore contribute to the economy development. Also, the new restaurant is taxed by the government, and thus increasing the government's income, with more money to control, the government can do more things to improve the conditions of my community, such as rebuilding roads, planting more trees and flowers.

Second, I maintain the idea that a new restaurant can give us conveniences in many aspects. For the first aspect, it is more convenient for people to have food, since the restaurant is just near people's home, and people need not to drive hours to the downtown to have meals, especially when people are tired after a whole day's work. For the second aspect, with the build of the restaurant, many other shops like retail stores, pharmacies are stimulated to build by wise investors, which also make the daily life in the community more convenient.

Admittedly, there are several minor disadvantages of establishing the restaurant, pollution and traffic jams are mainly concerned. The restaurant may produce many waste water, the kitchen may omit exhaust gas, the customers may release loud noise; aslo, with too many people come to the restaurant for food, the traffic condition in our community may turn bad.

From what discussed above, although there are some minor drawbacks like pollutions and traffic problems may be brought about, as far as i am concerned, the merits are more obvious, the new restaurant contributes to the local economy development and convenience. It will be perfect if the restaurant designer aslo takes the problems of pollution and traffic jam into account.
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