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[题库与范文] 嘉文博译的Argument范文(整理版)浏览+下载 [复制链接]

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发表于 2004-6-18 21:25:08 |显示全部楼层

argument193 嘉文博译范文


The Department of Education in the state of Attra recommends that high school students be assigned homework every day. Yet a recent statewide survey of high school math and science teachers calls the usefulness of daily homework into question. In the district of Sanlee, 86 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week, whereas in the district of Marlee, less than 25 percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week. Yet the students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to be required to repeat a year of school than are the students in Sanlee. Therefore, all teachers in our high schools should assign homework no more than twice a week, if at all.

In this argument, the arguer concludes that all teachers in his or her town’s high schools should assign homework no more than twice a week, if at all. The arguer bases the argument on a statewide survey showing that in the district of Sanlee, eighty-six percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week while less than twenty-five percent of the teachers reported assigning homework three to five times a week. The arguer claims that despite this, students in Marlee earn better grades overall and are less likely to be required to repeat a year of school than are students in Sanlee. This argument is unconvincing because the arguer ignores several possible reasons other than the number of days that homework is assigned for these discrepancies.

First of all, the survey only contacted high school math and science teachers, not high school teachers in general. It is possible that there is a difference in homework assignments given by the two different districts because of a difference in subject emphasis. For example, perhaps Sanlee focuses more on science and math than Marlee and therefore requires more homework assignments of its students. A survey that covers only two subject areas in only two school districts is hardly convincing that all teachers should assign less homework.

Secondly, it is possible that homework assignments in Marlee are more extensive than those given in Sanlee, perhaps taking two or three days to complete. If the homework assignments take longer to complete, the teachers in Marlee would naturally assign homework less often, although the overall amount of homework completed would be the same as in Sanlee. Ignoring the length and difficulty of the homework that is assigned in the two different districts further weakens the argument. Simply assigning homework on more days does not necessarily mean that the total amount of homework is any different between the two school districts.

Furthermore, it is possible that the students themselves have differing levels of academic ability in Sanlee as opposed to Marlee. School districts can have a vastly different composition of students that directly affect overall grade results and whether students are more likely to be required to repeat a year of school. Students in the Marlee district may simply be brighter students than those in Sanlee, thus explaining the differences in overall grades and failure rates – it could have nothing to do with how much homework is assignment. Failing to address this possibility further weakens the argument.

Finally, it is also possible that the grading system itself is easier for the students in Marlee as opposed to the system in Sanlee. The students may be of equal academic skills, but Marlee’s grading system by design may give higher marks to students than Sanlee’s system. Furthermore, Marlee may have a policy that students never have to repeat a school year, regardless of their marks, while Sanlee may be stricter in this regard. Again, the number of days that homework is assigned has nothing to do with the student’s success; it is simply a function of the differing grading systems.

In summary, this argument is based on a very narrow study of only two subjects, in two school districts, with ambiguous results. To strengthen the argument, the arguer needs to directly compare all aspects of the two different districts with his or her own school district before jumping to the conclusion that all teachers in the district should assign homework no more than twice a week, if at all.

(590 words)










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发表于 2004-6-18 21:25:49 |显示全部楼层

ARGUMENT194 嘉文博译范文

A recent study suggests that people who are left-handed are more likely to succeed in business than are right-handed people. Researchers studied photographs of 1,000 prominent business executives and found that 21 percent of these executives wrote with their left hand. So the percentage of prominent business executives who are left-handed (21 percent) is almost twice the percentage of people in the general population who are left-handed (11 percent). Thus, people who are left-handed would be well advised to pursue a career in business, whereas people who are right-handed would be well advised to imitate the business practices exhibited by left-handers.

This arguer claims that a recent study suggests that left-handed people are more likely to succeed in business than right-handed people. For support, the arguer cites the results of a study where researchers studied photographs of one thousand prominent business executives and found that twenty-one percent wrote with their left hand. The arguer claims that the percentage of left-handed prominent business executives is almost twice that of left-handed people in the general population (eleven percent). The arguer then concludes that left-handed people should pursue a career in business while right-handed people should copy the business practices of left-handed people. This argument fails to convince on its premise because it is based on faulty reasoning.

First of all, there are problems with the research study itself. By studying only photographs rather than the actual people, there are two errors that may occur in drawing conclusions regarding which hand the subjects actually use to write. It is possible that although they were photographed with a pen in their left hand or apparently writing with their left hand, the business executives are in reality right-handed or ambidextrous. Merely looking at photographs is a poor substitute for actually observing or interviewing the business executives. Furthermore, in many cases with photographs, the negatives have been reversed when the photograph is printed, thereby reversing right and left. Although it may appear that the business executive is writing with his or her left hand, in reality he or she may have been using the right hand instead, or vice versa. The possibility of flaws in the research study itself critically weakens this argument.

Secondly, the arguer’s contention that the study suggests that people who are left-handed are more likely to succeed in business is wrong. Even assuming the accuracy of the study, only twenty-one percent of prominent business executives were said to write with their left hands. The vast majority of seventy-nine percent of prominent business executives wrote with their right hands. Simple mathematics shows that there are more right-handed prominent business executives than left-handed ones. Moreover, being a “prominent” business executive does not necessarily equal success in business. The arguer has framed the definition of success in business as becoming a “prominent business executive” when there are many other valid definitions of what makes one a success in business. One certainly does not have to be “prominent” nor a “business executive” to be successful in business. Failing to address these features of the research study further weakens this argument.

Finally, it simply does not follow that left-handed people should pursue a career in business and that right-handed people should imitate the business practices of left-handers. There are far too many other variables involved with success in business than solely which hand a person writes with. Inner-motivation, perseverance and just plain good luck are far more likely indicators of an individual’s success in business. To pursue any type of career or particular business practices based on such a flawed and ambiguous study would be the height of foolishness.

To summarize, the value of the research study itself is highly questionable because it is based on merely looking at photographs, which may be misleading. Furthermore, the arguer uses percentages that are not directly comparable with each other to attempt to show a correlation between which hand a person writes with and potential success in business. This argument is tenuous at best and should be rejected without better, more convincing evidence submitted for support.

(581 words)









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发表于 2004-6-18 21:26:25 |显示全部楼层

argument195 嘉文博译范文

The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president.

"In recent years, Liber has unfortunately moved away from its original mission: to publish the works of regional small-town authors instead of those of big-city authors. Just last year, 90 percent of the novels we published were written by authors who maintain a residence in a big city. Although this change must have been intended to increase profits, it has obviously backfired, because Liber is now in serious financial trouble. The only way to address this problem is to return to our original mission. If we return to publishing only the works of regional small-town authors, our financial troubles will soon be resolved."

The writer in this argument is an editor claiming that Liber Publishing Company has moved away from its original mission of publishing the writing of regional small-town authors instead of big-city authors. As evidence, the editor states that authors who maintain a residence in a big city wrote ninety percent of the novels published by the company last year. The writer further claims that the change must have been intended to increase profits but that it has backfired as Liber is now in serious financial trouble. The writer concludes that the only way to fix the problem is to return to only publishing the works of regional small-town authors. This argument is full of weaknesses that should leave the president of Liber unconvinced.

The main problem with this argument is that one is left unsure of what exactly is the definition of “regional small-town authors.” The writer gives no clear definition and the only indication of what makes an author a regional small-town author is when he or she mentions that ninety percent of the novels published last year were written by authors who “maintain a residence in a big city”. It does make sense that authors who have been published would be able to afford a residence in a big city because they have already gained a certain level of success simply by having been published. Perhaps they actually live in a small-town but maintain a big city residence for business purposes for use during promotional appearances, etc. However, the editor fails to indicate whether the big city residences are these authors’ sole residences or whether they also maintain a residence in a small town, and whether that makes a difference in their individual categorization. If they also have a small-town residence, does this make them “regional small-town authors”? If a person was born and raised in New York City but moved to a small town in Oklahoma six months ago, does that make them a regional small-town author? The writer’s failure to define what exactly is a regional small-town author critically weakens this argument.

Moreover, the editor maintains that returning to publishing only the works of small-town regional authors is the only way to address Liber’s serious financial problems. Certainly there are other options available to the company to make it financially stable. It does not follow that simply returning to some idealistic mission will automatically lead to a solution to the company’s financial problems. What the company needs are profits – through publishing books that sell well regardless of whether the author is from a small town or a big city, or by reducing costs so that current revenue is enough to maintain a profit. Profitability is not directly tied to whether the company publishes only works by regional small-town authors - in fact, that would appear to be a sure way to further reduce profitability by restricting the scope of the company’s business. Stating that publishing only regional small-town authors is the only way to address the company’s financial problems further weakens the argument.

In summary, the editor’s argument ultimately fails because there is no basis in fact for his or her conclusion. To make the argument stronger and more believable, the editor should present direct evidence that the company has lost sales by moving away from its original mission. The writer must also prove that there is a sufficient market available to the company for selling regional small-town authors’ works that would actually resolve the financial troubles of Liber Publishing Company.
(593 words)









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发表于 2004-6-18 21:27:32 |显示全部楼层

The country Myria, which charges fees for the use of national parks, reports little evidence of environmental damage. This strongly suggests that for the country Illium, the best way to preserve public lands is to charge people more money when they are using national parks and wilderness areas for activities with heavy environmental impact. By collecting fees from those people who overuse public lands, Illium will help preserve those lands for present and future generations.

In this argument, the arguer states that the country of Myria charges fees for the use of national parks and reports little evidence of environmental damage. The arguer cites this as a strong indicator that the country of Illium should charge people more money for activities with heavy environmental impact when they are using national parks and wilderness areas. The arguer further states that by collecting fees from people who overuse public lands, Illium will help preserve those lands for present and future generations. This argument is unconvincing because it suffers from a lack of evidence and problematic reasoning.

To begin with, there is no supporting evidence that the countries of Myria and Illium have the same types of national parks or that they are comparable in any other manner. It is possible that Myria is a sparsely populated country with very few visitors to its national parks, while Illium may be heavily populated with millions of visitors to its national parks. For example, it is possible that Myria’s national parks are not attractive to its own residents or tourists while Illium’s national parks may be wildly popular with visitors. With few visitors to Myria, it is unlikely that there would be much evidence of environmental damage. Furthermore, the arguer states that the country of Myria reports little evidence of environmental damage, whether to its national parks or otherwise. There may actually be tremendous environmental damage in Myria that the country simply does not report for political or economic reasons, for example.

In addition, there is no mention of how much the country of Myria charges as fees for the use of national parks. Their fees may actually be dramatically lower than what Illium is already charging as fees to use its national parks. The simple fact that Myria charges a fee for using its national parks does not suggest that Illium should charge more money when using national parks and wilderness areas for activities with heavy environmental impact – this is not logical reasoning. Moreover, Illium may already be charging a very high fee for this type of park use – simply charging more may not make any difference as far as how the areas are used.

Finally, the most glaring flaw in this argument lies with the reasoning in the last sentence. The arguer states that by collecting fees from people who overuse public lands, Illium will help preserve those lands for present and future generations. The fact of the matter is that simply collecting fees from people who overuse public lands will do nothing to preserve the lands – the fees must be used in some constructive manner to actively protect those particular environmental areas. The argument is fatally weakened by merely calling for the collection of such fees without indicating how those fees will be spent to safeguard the future of the national parks and wilderness areas of Illium.

In summary, the arguer bases his or her argument on scant evidence and a false analogy between two possibly very different countries. Very little factual information is included in the argument to persuade the reader that charging park users more money for activities with heavy environmental impact will prevent environmental damage in the country of Illium. Furthermore, proposing that simply collecting higher fees from people who overuse public lands will conserve such lands critically weakens the argument. Without presenting concrete evidence that shows a direct correlation between collecting higher park usage fees and the country’s ability to preserve its national parks and wilderness areas, the argument fails to deliver on its premise and should be rejected.

(603 words)









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发表于 2004-6-18 21:29:04 |显示全部楼层

argument202 嘉文博译范文


Humans arrived in the Kaliko Islands about 7,000 years ago, and within 3,000 years most of the large mammal species that had lived in the forests of the Kaliko Islands had become extinct. Yet humans cannot have been a factor in the species' extinctions, because there is no evidence that the humans had any significant contact with the mammals. Further, archaeologists have discovered numerous sites where the bones of fish had been discarded, but they found no such areas containing the bones of large mammals, so the humans cannot have hunted the mammals. Therefore, some climate change or other environmental factor must have caused the species' extinctions.

In this argument, the arguer states that humans arrived on the Kaliko islands seven thousand years ago and within three thousand years, most of the large mammal species that had lived in the forests there had become extinct. The arguer attempts to convince the reader that it was not humans that caused the extinction but that it was climate change or some other environmental factor that caused the species’ extinction. For support, the arguer claims that there is no evidence that the humans had any significant contact with the animals. The arguer also claims that archaeologists have discovered numerous sites where fish bones have been discarded but no such areas containing the bones of large mammals; therefore humans could not have hunted the mammals. This argument unconvincingly attempts to apply ambiguous evidence to prove the point but fails to address other possibilities that explain such evidence.

In the first place, the arguer states that humans cannot have been a factor simply because there is no evidence that the humans had any significant contact with the mammals. Simple logic would indicate that significant contact was likely. First of all, an island is a closed environment so it is likely that humans and the mammals would be forced to interact at some point during their four thousand year period of coexistence. Secondly, a lack of evidence after thousands of years have passed does not mean that humans cannot have been a factor – such evidence could have easily disintegrated or disappeared over such a long time. Finally, assuming that there was no significant contact between humans and mammals, the humans could have caused the mammals extinction without ever even touching them by destroying their food sources or natural habitats. Many species today are facing extinction due not to the animals being killed by humans, but by the elimination of their food sources and living environments. Failing to address these possibilities critically weakens the argument.

Furthermore, the arguer cites numerous sites where archaeologists have uncovered discarded fish bones, but that the archaeologists have found no such areas containing the bones of large mammals; therefore indicating that humans cannot have hunted the animals. Again, the arguer jumps to an illogical conclusion by failing to address other possibilities explaining the situation. First of all, it is possible that the humans did indeed hunt the large mammals for food, and ate the bones as well so that none were left behind as evidence. Many cultures today eat the bones (as well as all other parts) of mammals so it is a distinct possibility that there was simply nothing left of the mammals to be found by the archaeologists. Another possibility is that the humans discarded the bones in another manner where they could not be found by archaeologists, perhaps by burning them or throwing them into the ocean. The mere lack of a site containing the bones of large mammals proves nothing. By ignoring these other very viable possibilities, the argument again fails to convince.

In summary, the arguer jumps to the conclusion that humans cannot have been responsible for the extinction of the large mammals of the Kaliko Islands based on ambiguous evidence that does not prove anything with certainty. To make the argument stronger, the arguer should include direct evidence that proves that humans did not hunt the animals to extinction, nor did they destroy the mammals’ food supplies and natural habitat. Without such information, the argument is pure speculation and nothing more than a statement of the arguer’s opinion.

(591 words)








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发表于 2004-6-18 21:29:38 |显示全部楼层

argument203 嘉文博译范文


The following appeared in a newspaper feature story.

"At the small, nonprofit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient's stay is two days; at the large, for-profit hospital in the nearby city of Megaville, the average patient stay is six days. Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville, and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital. Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, nonprofit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for-profit hospitals."

This story concludes that treatment in smaller, nonprofit hospitals is more economical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for-profit hospitals. As evidence, the writer compares the average length of a patient’s stay between the small nonprofit hospital in the town of Saluda and the large, for-profit hospital in the nearby city of Megaville: two days for Saluda patients and six days for Megaville patients. Additionally, the writer claims that the cure rate for Saluda patients is about two times that of Megaville patients and that the Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the Megaville hospital with fewer complaints about the service. This argument is based on problematic reasoning that possibly misinterprets the information, thus leading to the wrong conclusion.

The first claim of the arguer compares the average length of a patient’s stay between the two hospitals, with an average of six days for the Megaville hospital and two days for the Saluda hospital. However, this does not take into account the reasons that the patient’s are in the hospitals in the first place. It is highly likely that the worst cases go to the nearby and larger Megaville hospital as it likely has more facilities and a better capability for dealing with difficult medical cases. As a small nonprofit hospital, it is likely that Saluda is not equipped to handle cases other than minor emergency cases. Furthermore, because Saluda is a small hospital, they may be forced to discharge patients sooner whether they are ready to be sent home or not. When severity of the patients’ conditions is taken into account, as well as capacity limitations, it is clear that length of stay is not a proper indicator of a hospital’s economic performance or quality of care.

The arguer also claims that the cure rate among Saluda patients is about twice that of Megaville patients. One problem with this claim is that “cure rate” is not defined – is a woman that gives birth “cured” once she is discharged? Once a broken arm is set in the emergency room, has that patient been “cured”? Perhaps as a small nonprofit hospital, Saluda treats mainly minor emergency injuries such as sprains and fractures while Megaville treats major illnesses such as cancer and AIDS. It is likely that the so-called cure rate is dramatically affected by Saluda either not accepting the much more serious cases or referring them to the nearby Megaville hospital for treatment, which severely weakens the writer’s argument.

Furthermore, the arguer states that Saluda has more employees per patient with fewer complaints about service. Firstly, the number of employees per patient is not necessarily an indicator of better quality care – Saluda may have more administrative staff per patient than Megaville but fewer doctors and nurses that actually deal with each patient. Secondly, patients know that Saluda is a small nonprofit hospital and therefore do not have high expectations as they do at the larger, for-profit hospital at Megaville. Patients are very aware of the adage “you get what you pay for” and are therefore much less likely to complain at the smaller hospital. It is also possible that because the cases are much more minor and the average stays much shorter at the Saluda hospital, patients have less opportunity for complaining.

In summary, the writer fails to consider the other possible reasons for the information presented in the argument. Without addressing such considerations as the severity of the patients’ illnesses or injuries and whether a hospital’s employees are administrators or are actually involved in direct patient contact, the argument is weak and does not convince the reader that smaller, nonprofit hospitals give more economical and higher quality treatment than larger, for-profit hospitals.

(618 words)








论述者此外还宣称,Saluda病人的治愈率约为Megaville病人治愈率的两倍。这一论点的其中一个问题在于,“治愈率”未得到清晰的定义——一位产妇的出院可否被视为“治愈”呢?手臂骨折后在急救室里进行处理,可否能将病人形容为“已被治愈”?或许,作为一家小型的非盈利性医院,Saluda主要治疗轻微的急诊个案,如扭伤和骨折,而Megaville则主要治疗重大疾病,如癌症和爱滋病。很有可能的是,由于 Saluda既不接受远为严重的个案,或将它们转往附近的Megaville医院进行救治,故它所谓的治愈率便受到了戏剧性的影响。这便严重地削弱了作者的论点。

另外,论述者称,Saluda的职员对病人的比例高于Megaville,且较少遭到服务质量方面的投诉。首先,医院职员对病人的比例并非必定标志着更好的医疗质量——Saluda可能是行政人员对病人的比例高出Megaville,而实际治疗病人的大夫和护士却数量来得较少。其次,病人们知道Saluda只是一所非盈利性小医院,因此他们对它并不会有太高的期望。而病人对Megaville较大的盈利性医院则不然。病人们都强烈地意识到“物有所值”这一至理名言,因此对小医院远不太可能进行投诉。也有可能是,由于在 Saluda医院各种个案远为轻微,且平均住院时间极短,故病人没有那么多的机会来进行投诉。

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发表于 2004-6-18 21:30:23 |显示全部楼层

argument204 嘉文博译范文


The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a farming publication.

"With continuing publicity about the need for healthful diets, and with new research about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar, nationwide demand for sugar will no doubt decline. Therefore, farmers in our state should use the land on which they currently grow sugar cane to grow peanuts, a food that is rich in protein and low in sugar. Farmers in the neighboring country of Palin greatly increased their production of peanuts last year, and their total revenues from that crop were quite high."

In this argument, the writer claims that nationwide demand for sugar will decline due to continuing publicity about the need for healthful diets and new research about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar. The writer then concludes that farmers in his or her state should grow peanuts rather than sugar cane. As further support for the argument, the writer claims that farmers in the neighboring country of Palin greatly increased their production of peanuts last year and had quite high total revenues from that crop. This argument is based on faulty logic and fails to convince the reader of its conclusion.

First of all, publicity about the need for a healthful diet and new research about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar do not necessarily indicate that the nationwide demand for sugar will decline. People in general ignore what is necessary for a healthful diet and eat what they like. Furthermore, it is not stated whether this state’s population currently eats too much sugar. It is possible that the sugar intake of the population is not a problem, therefore there does not need to be a reduction in the amount of sugar eaten. With no need to reduce the amount of sugar eaten, demand is unlikely to decline. The arguer states merely a conclusion that demand for sugar will decline without demonstrating a direct cause and effect relationship between that demand and the publicity about the need for a healthful diet and/or the new research about the harmful effects of eating too much sugar. This greatly weakens the writer’s argument.

In addition, the writer assumes that the farmers can actually grow peanuts on the same land on which they currently grow sugar cane. No such evidence is presented in the argument. The two are very different crops that likely require very different types of climate and soil. Without demonstrating that the farmers can make this transition, the writer again fails to support his or her conclusion.

Furthermore, peanuts and sugar are in no way substitutes for one another. The writer assumes that a decrease in demand for sugar will result in an increase in demand for peanuts, which is not true. Peanuts may be low in sugar content and high in protein, but they are also high in fat, which is not good for a healthful diet. Even assuming that this state’s population is concerned about a healthful diet or the harmful effects of eating too much sugar, there is no basis presented for the growing of peanuts instead of sugar. Again, the writer fails to make a direct connection between the evidence presented and his or her conclusion.

Finally, the writer mentions that farmers in the neighboring country of Palin greatly increased their production of peanuts last year and that their total revenues from that crop were quite high. Total revenue is the total amount of money brought in by the crop, without factoring in the farmers’ expenses. It is possible that although the total revenues were quite high, the farmers’ net income was quite low or may have even been net loss. In addition, the neighboring country of Palin may not be comparable to the writer’s state – demand for peanuts may be higher there, the climate and soil may be more suitable for growing peanuts, etc. It does not automatically follow that what happened in a neighboring country could be repeated in the writer’s home state.

In summary, the writer bases his or her conclusion on vague and ambiguous evidence. There is no convincing support given that shows that sugar demand will decline statewide, nor that farmers should grow peanuts instead of sugar. Without demonstrating such a cause and effect relationship, the writer’s argument fails to convince on its premise and should be rejected.

(637 words)











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发表于 2004-6-18 21:30:59 |显示全部楼层

argument205 嘉文博译范文


The following appeared in a recommendation from the president of Amburg's Chamber of Commerce.

"Last October the city of Belleville installed high intensity lighting in its central business district, and vandalism there declined almost immediately. The city of Amburg has recently begun police patrols on bicycles in its business district but the rate of vandalism there remains constant. Since high intensity lighting is apparently the most effective way to combat crime, we should install such lighting throughout Amburg. By reducing crime in this way, we can revitalize the declining neighborhoods in our city."

In this argument, the president of the Amburg Chamber of Commerce claims that the city of Belleville installed high intensity lighting in its central business district, which caused an immediate decline in vandalism. The president then states that his city of Amburg began bicycle police patrols in its business district but the rate of vandalism has been unchanged. The president then comes to the conclusion that Amburg should install high intensity lighting throughout the city, as it is apparently the most effective way to fight crime, which would then lead to a revitalization of the declining neighborhoods in the city. This argument is based on problematic reasoning and it should therefore be rejected.

First of all, the arguer does not state whether Belleville only installed high intensity lighting or also made some other changes, such as more frequent police patrols. It is unclear whether the high intensity lighting was the only change made in Belleville’s central business district. There may have been factors other than just the lighting that caused the decline in vandalism, which makes this argument less believable.

Secondly, the arguer does not state whether the cities and business districts of Belleville and Amburg are similar to each other or very different. It is possible that Belleville’s central business district is very small, which would make high intensity lighting much more effective at preventing vandalism than in a very large business district. Without addressing the issue of whether the two business districts are similar or dissimilar, the arguer has further weakened his or her argument.

Furthermore, the arguer mentions that the city of Amburg has recently begun police bicycle patrols but that the rate of vandalism has remained unchanged. The arguer fails to mention how many policemen patrol the area and how often – one policeman patrolling the area one or two times every twenty-four hours would be highly unlikely to make much of a difference in the area. By failing to discuss this issue, the argument is further weakened.

In addition, the arguer comes to the conclusion that high intensity lighting is apparently the most effective way to combat crime. The argument is already based on weak and ambiguous information, but here the arguer makes a critical mistake by equating vandalism with crime. In the argument, the arguer discusses the rates of vandalism in both Belleville and Amburg but never mentions other violations of the law that make up “crime”. It is possible that the high intensity lighting in Belleville has reduced vandalism but that other crimes such as muggings or burglaries have remained the same or increased. A reduction in vandalism is not necessarily a reduction in the number of overall crimes committed. By discussing vandalism and crime as one and the same, the arguer has critically weakened his or her argument.

Finally, the president states that installing high intensity lighting throughout Amburg will reduce crime and thus revitalize declining neighborhoods. First of all, residents of Amburg undoubtedly do not want high intensity lighting everywhere, particularly in residential neighborhoods where the resulting “light pollution” could keep residents awake at night. Furthermore, even assuming that the lighting would reduce crime, a reduction in crime does not automatically result in a revitalized neighborhood. Less crime would be a good start but there are numerous other factors involved with actually revitalizing a neighborhood, such as renovating derelict buildings, improving the economy, etc.

In summary, the arguer has failed to address some important issues and comes to his or her conclusion based on the false analogy between vandalism and crime. To strengthen the argument, the president should present evidence that shows that Amburg and Belleville have similar business districts, that high intensity lighting is the sole reason for a reduction in all crime, and that installing the lighting throughout Amburg would both be acceptable to residence as well as reduce crime. Without such evidence, the argument is fatally weak and fails to convince on its premise.

(658 words)











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发表于 2004-6-18 21:31:40 |显示全部楼层

argument206 嘉文博译范文


The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Parkville Daily Newspaper.

"Throughout the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league softball and soccer, over 80,000 of these young players suffered injuries. When interviewed for a recent study, youth-league softball players in several major cities also reported psychological pressure from coaches and parents to win games. Furthermore, education experts say that long practice sessions for these sports take away time that could be used for academic activities. Since the disadvantages apparently outweigh any advantages, we in Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine."

In this argument, the writer claims that more and more children below the age of nine were participating in youth league softball and soccer last year and that more than eighty thousand of those players suffered injuries. The writer also claims that youth league softball players in several major cities reported psychological pressure from coaches and parents to win games when interviewed for a study. Additionally, the writer cites educational experts as saying that long practice sessions for such sports take away time that could be used for academic activities. The writer then comes to the conclusion that the disadvantages outweigh any advantages; therefore the city of Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under the age of nine. This argument is based on problematic reasoning and it should therefore be rejected.

The first problem with this argument is that it does not define what types of injuries the eighty thousand youngsters suffered. Although any injury, no matter how slight, is undesirable, the argument is weakened by not discussing the relative severity of these injuries. This is necessary information when weighing the advantages or disadvantages of youth league sports for children under nine.

Secondly, the writer mentions that youth league softball players in several major cities reported psychological pressure from coaches and parents to win games. The problems with this information are obvious: the study was only for one sport, not all types of athletics; it was only conducted in the major cities, which may or may not be representative of what young athletes throughout the rest of the country would report; and the number of children reporting the psychological pressure as compared to those who did not report it is never mentioned. It is possible that only a few children reported such pressure. Moreover, the term “psychological pressure” is not defined and its meaning is unclear. A study that reports that an unknown number of children feel psychological pressure without defining what that term means, as well as covering only one type of sporting activity and only in the major cities is very weak evidence for discontinuing all athletic activities for children under nine years of age.

Furthermore, the writer mentions that long practice sessions take away time that could be used for academic activities. There is absolutely no evidence presented that Parkville youth league sports have long practice sessions, or that they have any practice sessions at all for that matter. In addition, too much time for academic activities is not healthy for children; they need time to exercise their bodies as well as their minds. Without evidence that long practice sessions are hurting the children’s studies, the argument is further weakened.

Finally, the writer jumps to the conclusion that the disadvantages apparently outweigh the advantages and that Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine. In this argument, the writer only mentions the disadvantages and none of the advantages. No evidence is presented that indicates that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages – some weak and ambiguous information is merely thrown into the argument. Furthermore, the writer ignores other changes that could be made short of discontinuing the program. Solutions such as shortening practice sessions, enforcing mandatory safety equipment rules and emphasizing sportsmanship rather than winning or losing are all ignored by the writer, which greatly weakens the argument.

In summary, the writer has done nothing more than state an opinion with some anecdotal information included that proves nothing. Without providing direct evidence that the children under the age of nine in Parkville are being hurt more than helped by organized athletic competition, the writer’s argument is unconvincing and should be rejected.

(613 words)



下述文字摘至一封致《 Parkville日报》某编辑的信函。

“去年在我们整个国家,由于越来越多的9岁以下的孩子参加了青少年联赛的垒球和足球运动,这些年轻球员中有不止80,000多人受伤。在接受某项近期的研究的访谈时,若干大城市中青少年联赛的垒球运动员称,他们承受着来自教练和家长的赢球压力。此外,教育专家称,这些体育运动员所需的漫长训练期耗费了原本可用于学习活动的时间。既然弊明显大于利,我们在Parkille 市就应该停止9岁以下的儿童进行有组织的体育竞赛。”






归纳而言,信函作者所做的,只是利用某些什么都证明不了的趣事轶闻性质的信息来表达某种个人观点。由于没有提供直接的证据来证明Parkville 市9岁以下的孩童从事有组织的体育竞赛所蒙受的弊是否会大于所得到的利,故信函作者的论述不能令人信服,应予摈弃。
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发表于 2004-6-18 21:32:19 |显示全部楼层

argument207 嘉文博译范文


It is known that in recent years, industrial pollution has caused the Earth's ozone layer to thin, allowing an increase in the amount of ultraviolet radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. At the same time, scientists have discovered, the population of a species of salamander that lays its eggs in mountain lakes has declined. Since ultraviolet radiation is known to be damaging to delicate tissues and since salamander eggs have no protective shells, it must be the case that the increase in ultraviolet radiation has damaged many salamander eggs and prevented them from hatching. This process will no doubt cause population declines in other species, just as it has in the salamander species.

Here the arguer states that industrial pollution has caused the Earth’s ozone layer to become thinner, thus allowing more ultraviolet (UV) radiation to reach the surface of the Earth. The arguer states that at the same time, scientists have discovered that the population of a species of salamander that lays its eggs in mountain lakes has declined. The arguer also states that ultraviolet radiation is known to be damaging to delicate tissues and that salamander eggs have no protective shells. The arguer than concludes that UV radiation must have damaged the salamander’s eggs and prevented them from hatching, and that the same process will cause other species’ populations to decline as well. This argument should be rejected because it is based on faulty cause and effect reasoning.

First of all, the arguer fails to present any evidence that UV radiation is actually damaging this particular species of salamander’s eggs or that it prevents them from hatching. Although it may be that UV rays are harmful to delicate tissues, it does not automatically follow that UV rays are therefore harmful to the salamander’s eggs or that it keeps them from being able to hatch. Furthermore, the arguer implies that because this salamander’s eggs have no protective shells, they must be vulnerable to UV radiation. Again, there is no evidence that this is the case. It is possible that they simply are not vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, with or without protective shells. Without providing direct proof that the UV rays are indeed harmful to the salamander’s eggs, the argument is weakened and remains unconvincing.

Furthermore, there is absolutely no evidence presented that the salamander’s eggs are being harmed or prevented from hatching by anything. It is possible that the eggs of the salamander are not being harmed at all. The arguer assumes that UV radiation damage is the reason for the decline in the population but totally ignores all other possible reasons. For example, it is possible that another species that preys on the salamanders or its eggs has increased, therefore leading to the decline in its population. It could be that other types of pollutants have polluted the water, killing off the salamander and/or its eggs. Perhaps a drought has caused the mountain lakes to shrink, therefore leaving fewer places for the salamander to lays its eggs and causing the decline. By ignoring these other possible reasons for the decline in the population of this species of salamander, as well as providing no evidence that its eggs are actually even being harmed, the arguer has critically weakened his or her position.

In addition, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever presented that, even assuming that the UV radiation is causing a decline in this particular species of salamander, it will also cause population declines in other species. It does not follow that simply because one species has been negatively impacted by ultraviolet radiation that other species will be harmed as well. It could be possible that this particular species of salamander has a genetic predisposition that causes it to be ultra-sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, therefore resulting in a decline in its population. The argument fails to convince that other species will also decline, even assuming that this particular species of salamander is being harmed by UV radiation.

In summary, the arguer bases his or her argument on vague and unconvincing evidence. Without showing a direct cause and effect relationship between an increase in ultraviolet radiation and damage that prevents this species of salamander’s eggs from hatching, as well as direct evidence that other species will be harmed as well, this argument fails to convince on its premise and should be rejected.

(615 words)









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发表于 2004-6-18 21:33:05 |显示全部楼层

The following appeared in a memo from the human resources department of Rifco Computer Company to the company president.

"In order to prevent conflicts in the workplace, Rifco Computer Company should require all its employees to attend workshops that teach the technique of active listening, a technique in which people express feelings without assigning blame. This technique has clearly benefited Terland Publishing Company: five years ago, two hundred recently hired Terland employees volunteered to participate in a one-day active-listening workshop. Five years later, only five percent of these employees had filed formal complaints with the human resources department, whereas the company as a whole had a fifteen percent complaint rate during that period."

This argument is an attempt by the human resources department of Rifco Computer Company to persuade the company president that the company should require all employees to attend workshops that teach the technique of active listening to prevent conflicts in the workplace. As evidence, the arguer states that Terland Publishing Company has clearly benefited from sending two hundred employees to a one-day active listening workshop five years ago because only five percent of those employees had filed formal complaints with the human resources department while the company as a whole had a fifteen percent complaint rate during the same period. This argument is based on flawed logic and should be rejected.

First of all, the reason that the human resources department cites for sending all employees to the active listening workshop is to prevent conflict in the workplace. There is no evidence presented to support the idea that either attending the workshops or that the technique of active listening itself actually prevents conflicts. There could be several other reasons for the results indicated by the Terland Publishing Company’s active listening workshop experience. The fact that fewer employees percentage-wise that attended the workshop had filed formal complaints with the human resources department means nothing – it has no bearing on whether the workshop prevented conflicts in the workplace at Terland Publishing. The nature of the formal complaints gives no indication of whether they were conflict-based or of another type. A simple reduction in complaints does not mean that conflict was prevented by the workshops or by workers engaging in active listening. Additionally, there may have been an increase in informal complaints, as opposed to formal complaints. Again, a reduction in formal complaints does not mean that conflict was prevented in the workplace at Terland. Moreover, there may have been an increase in complaints of whatever nature to a department other than the human resources department. All of these possibilities serve to critically weaken the argument.

Secondly, the argument ignores the fact that the two companies are different types of businesses and therefore have employees with different characteristics. Even assuming that the active listening workshop did actually lead to a reduction in complaints, and that this is an indication that conflicts had been prevented in the workplace at Terland, it does not follow that Rifco Computer Company would have similar results simply because Terland Publishing employees attended a similar workshop with the given results. Furthermore, the two hundred Terland employees that attended the workshop were both recently hired and volunteers, most likely making them even more different than the majority of the employees of Rifco Computer Company. These dissimilarities in the employees of the two companies further weakens this argument.

Finally, even assuming that the complaints were based on workplace conflict, that an active listening workshop does serve to reduce workplace conflict, and that Terland and Rifco employees would respond similarly to such a workshop, there could be an even simpler reason that there were fewer complaints from the Terland employees that attended the workshop – they simply left the company either on their own or were laid off as the newest hires and had no occasion to file complaints of any kind with any department at Terland. Combined with the other possibilities for the reduced number of complaints, it becomes obvious that this factor is irrelevant to the argument.

In summary, this argument is based on problematic reasoning and evidence that does not support its conclusion. Without direct evidence that an active listening workshop would reduce conflict at Rifco, even assuming that conflict is a problem there, this argument should be rejected.

(603 words)









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发表于 2004-6-18 21:33:40 |显示全部楼层

argument209 嘉文博译范文


The following recommendation was made by the Human Resources Manager to the board of directors of the Fancy Toy Company.

"In the last three quarters of this year, under the leadership of our president, Pat Salvo, our profits have fallen considerably. Thus, we should ask for her resignation in return for a generous severance package. In Pat's place, we should appoint Rosa Winnings. Rosa is currently president of Starlight Jewelry, a company whose profits have increased dramatically over the past several years. Although we will have to pay Rosa twice the salary that Pat has been receiving, it will be well worth it because we can soon expect our profits to increase considerably."

In this argument, the Human Resources Manager recommends to the board of directors of the Fancy Toy Company that due to a considerable fall in profits over the past three quarters, the current president should be asked to resign and given a generous severance package in return. Additionally, the H.R. Manager states that the current president of Starlight Jewelry should be hired at twice the salary of the current president, but that the added expense will be well worth it because profits could be expected to increase soon because Starlight’s profits have increased dramatically over the past several years under her leadership. This argument is unconvincing as it is based on faulty reasoning and a complete lack of evidence to support its conclusion.

In the first place, the Human Resources Manager makes an outright assumption without providing any evidence whatsoever to support that assumption. He or she assumes that the falling profits of the Fancy Toy Company are the fault of the current president but gives no reason for such an assumption. There are countless other factors that could cause falling profits that are completely out of the president’s control, such as changes in the domestic currency’s exchange rate, a declining economic situation either in the home market or in an important market abroad, or a natural disaster that caused extraordinary expenses for the company, for example. Furthermore, it is possible that the profits may have declined even further without the leadership demonstrated by the current president. Without providing any proof that the falling profits were actually caused by the actions or inactions of the current president, there is no support for the idea of asking her to resign.

Secondly, even assuming that the current president is to blame for the falling profits over the past three quarters, there is no evidence presented that the decline in profits will continue. It is possible that she has corrected her past mistakes and a turnaround has begun in the profitability of the company. A change in the presidency of the company at this point might be more detrimental than helpful to the company. It is further possible that her generous severance package might outweigh any benefits that are gained by replacing her. The H.R. Manager does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the trend in declining profits will continue nor that making a change in the presidency will increase the company’s profitability.

Thirdly, the H.R. Manager proposes to replace the toy company president with the current president of Starlight Jewelry, apparently based solely on the fact that Starlight’s profits have increased dramatically over the past several years. There is no proof offered to suggest that Starlight’s president is in any way responsible for such an increase in its profits. Furthermore, there is no evidence presented that Starlight’s president has any idea of how to run a toy company – the jewelry business is an entirely different industry dealing with a much different target market and totally different products. Additionally, the hiring of Starlight’s president as the Fancy Toy Company president will require a doubling of the salary for that executive position. Any increase in profits would have to be able to overcome a huge increase in the budgeted allocation for the presidential salary. There is no support offered to show that this would be the case.

In summary, this argument is based on mere speculation with absolutely no cause and effect evidence presented to show that the current president is in any way responsible for the toy company’s declining profits. No convincing evidence is offered that she should be asked for her resignation. Furthermore, there is no support for the idea that the current president of Starlight Jewelry is in any way qualified to lead the toy company. This argument should be rejected due to the lack of any supporting evidence that making such a change would increase the company’s overall profits.

(653 words)




“在本年度的过去三个季度中,在公司总裁Pat Salvo领导下,我们的利润已发生严重下滑。因此,我们应请求她辞职,以换取一份丰厚的一揽子离职福利。我们将任命Rosa Winnings来取代她的位置。Rosa 女士现任星光珠宝公司的总裁,她所领导的公司在过去的几年内利润取得了戏剧性的增长。虽然我们将不得不向Rosa女士支付高出Pat薪水两倍的工资,但这将非常值得,因为我们可以预期我们的利润不日将大幅度攀升。”






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发表于 2004-6-18 21:34:20 |显示全部楼层

argument210 嘉文博译范文


The following is a letter to the editor of a news magazine.

"Clearly, the successful use of robots on missions to explore outer space in the past 20 years demonstrates that robots could be increasingly used to perform factory work more effectively, efficiently, and profitably than human factory workers. The use of robots in factories would offer several advantages. First, robots never get sick, so absenteeism would be reduced. Second, robots do not make mistakes, so factories would increase their output. Finally, the use of robots would also improve the morale of factory workers, since factory work can be so boring that many workers would be glad to shift to more interesting kinds of tasks."

In this argument, the writer of the letter to the editor states that because robots have been used successfully on outer space exploration missions, robots can also be used to replace human factory workers and perform work more effectively, efficiently and profitably. To support the argument, the writer states that robots never get sick, thereby reducing absenteeism; that robots do not make mistakes, thereby increasing factory output; and that factory workers’ morale would be improved as they would be freed from boring work to focus on more interesting kinds of tasks. There are numerous flaws in the writer’s logic with no evidence whatsoever provided to demonstrate that this proposition is correct.

First of all, the use of robots on missions to explore outer space is not the same as using robots to perform factory work – the two jobs are vastly different. The dangers inherent in outer space exploration make it much more feasible to use robots rather than humans for such dangerous work. On the contrary, most factory work is not dangerous, thus reducing the need from a humane standpoint of replacing factory workers with robots. Additionally, there is no evidence provided that robots can actually perform any type of factory work more effectively, efficiently and profitably than human workers, although it is highly likely that this is so. It is equally probable, however, that there are just as many types of factory work that can be done more effectively, efficiently and profitably by human workers rather than robots. The writer’s argument is greatly weakened by the lack of examples of factory work where robots are better than humans.

Secondly, the writer mentions that robots never get sick, which is true, but he or she fails to mention that they do break down and wear out. A robot may not actually be physically absent from the workplace but it may still be unable to perform its assigned duties. Furthermore, robots are generally more difficult to repair or replace when compared to calling in a human replacement when a worker is absent from the job. Human beings are also much more flexible and able to perform an endless variety of tasks whereas robots can only do what they have been programmed to do. A mere reduction absenteeism does not provide solid evidence for the proposition that robots would be better than humans for factory work.

Thirdly, robots may not make mistakes but they can certainly malfunction or be programmed incorrectly by their human “masters”. It simply does not follow that there would be an increase in output in these unidentified factories because robots do not make mistakes. In addition, robots are not necessarily better or faster at all kinds of tasks – with some factory work, the flexibility and “fuzzy logic” of the human mind can not be replaced by machinery. The writer’s failure to supply evidence of how factories can increase their output by replacing human workers with robots further weakens the argument.

Finally, the writer states that factory workers’ morale would be improved by the use of robots, the reasoning being that workers could shift to more interesting tasks rather than boring factory work. On the contrary, it is likely that morale would be dampened because there would be less human interaction with more robots in the workplace. Furthermore, the remaining workers would be worried about how soon their own jobs would be eliminated through the use of even more robots. Moreover, there is no evidence provided that there would be “more interesting” tasks available for factory workers with the use of more robots.

In summary, the argument is too broadly based in covering all types of factory work, and it is based on problematic reasoning. The writer fails to mention any specific examples or evidence where robots can perform any type of factory work more effectively, efficiently and profitably than human workers. Without such support, the argument must be rejected.

(657 words)











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发表于 2004-6-18 21:35:09 |显示全部楼层

argument211 嘉文博译范文


The following appeared in a memorandum to faculty from the academic vice president of Waymarsh University.

"So that we can better accomplish Waymarsh University's academic goals, we should adopt the job-opportunity (job-op) program offered at Plateau Technical College and strongly encourage all students at Waymarsh to participate in it. The success of the job-op program at Plateau is evident: over the past two years, more than 75% of the freshmen at Plateau have enrolled in the optional job-op program. Moreover, at Plateau, the grades of job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within a month after their graduation, and most former job-op students report much success in their careers."

With this argument, the academic vice president attempts to persuade the faculty of Waymarsh University that a job-opportunity (job-op) program being offered at Plateau Technical College should be adopted in order for the university to better accomplish its academic goals. To support the argument, the vice president writes that the success of Plateau’s job-op program is shown by the enrollment of 75% of freshmen at that school, that the grades of the job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, that 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within one month of graduation, and that most former job-op students report much success in their careers. The vice president’s argument suffers from several critical flaws as well as a false analogy and it should therefore be rejected.

In the first place, the argument is critically weakened by directly comparing the academic goals of a university with a job opportunity program at a technical college. A university will have a different student body makeup than that of a technical college – therefore these students will have different wants and needs regarding the academic programs that are offered. Moreover, there is no relationship demonstrated between the academic goals of Waymarsh University (which are never mentioned) and the job opportunity program at Plateau Technical College. This “apples to oranges” comparison between the academic goals of a university and a job opportunity program at a technical college represents a false analogy that cannot be overcome in this argument.

Furthermore, the mere fact that 75% of the freshmen have enrolled in the optional job opportunity program at Plateau Technical College does not necessarily indicate its success. There may be underlying factors that have caused three-fourths of the freshmen at the school to enroll in the program, such as allowing for an easier path to a degree or that the students are allowed to work to pay all or part of their tuition fees, for example. Even assuming that such an enrollment rate indicates the success of the program at Plateau, it simply has nothing to do with the accomplishment of Waymarsh University’s academic goals. On the contrary, the program might actually be a detriment to the accomplishment of such goals for the university by distracting students from their studies by allowing them to work while going to school.

The vice president also cites as evidence of the success of the Plateau job-op program the idea that the grades of the job-op students are consistently higher than those of the other students. This may not be support for the idea that academic goals are being reached but rather that the core curriculum courses are merely easier than those of the other students. Additionally, the fact that 90% of the job-op students at Plateau receive job offers within one month of graduation is cited in support of the argument.
The receipt of job offers would seem to have very little to do with Waymarsh’s accomplishment of academic goals. In fact, the job offers may be for very low-level jobs that most university students would not accept in the first place. Furthermore, the vice president states that most former job-op students report much success in their careers. Again, this has nothing to do with the academic goals of a university. It is only natural that any type of former students would report much success in their careers – no one wants to admit failure in their work-related pursuits!

In summary, the vice president’s argument is based on a false analogy and problematic reasoning that proves nothing. Without providing direct evidence that the success of the job-op program at the technical college is directly related to the accomplishment of academic goals of Waymarsh University, the vice president’s argument must be rejected.

(627 words)








作为高原技工学院“工作机会计划”成功的证据,这位副校长还援引了这样一种看法,即参加“工作机会计划”的学生,其成绩一直高于其他学生。这或许无法当作学术目标正在被实现这一观点的依据,倒有可能恰恰相反,它表明这部分学生的核心课程只是比其他学生学的核心课程来得更容易罢了。此外,高原技工学院参加“工作机会计划”的学生中有90%的人在毕业后的一个月内就能获得工作录用,这一事实也被引用来支持此项论述。但获得录用似乎与 Waymarsh大学实现其学术目标几乎毫不相关。事实上,这些聘用书所针对的可能只是极为低端的工作,多数大学生根本就不会接受。另外,该副校长还说,大多数前“工作机会计划”的学生宣称其职业生涯极为成功。这又与大学的学术目标毫不相关。任何一类昔日的学生都会宣称他们的职业生涯甚为成功,这是再自然也不过的事情了,因为谁也不想承认他们在事业上无所建树。

总而言之,这位副校长的论点纯粹基于虚假类比以及成问题的逻辑推理,根本证明不了什么问题。由于没有提供直接的证据来证明在技工学院取得成功的“工作机会计划”与 Waymarsh大学学术目标的实现直接相关,这位副校长的论点应予摈弃。
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发表于 2004-6-18 21:35:56 |显示全部楼层

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