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发表于 2012-2-25 14:56:58 |显示全部楼层
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-2-27 22:20:49 |显示全部楼层
【2012/02/27】 《新托福iBT词汇分类突破》复习 Page 1-20

Tiles are flat pieces of baked clay which are used for covering roofs. (覆盖屋顶的) 瓦片
Lime is a substance containing calcium. It is found in soil and water. 石灰(=>limestone)
Cement is the same as concrete. 混凝土
Something that cements a relationship or agreement makes it stronger. 巩固 (关系、协约)
Masonry is bricks or pieces of stone which have been stuck together with cement as part of a wall or building. 砖石建筑
Mortar is a mixture of sand, water, and cement or lime which is put between bricks to hold them together. 灰浆
be celebrated for:以XX出名
A dome is a round roof. 穹顶
A dome is any object that has a similar shape to a dome. 圆顶状物
facilitated by:得益于 eg. Like many progressive technology, it has been facilitated by the internet
the abundance of: 大量的 eg. You can use the abundance of time to learn new skills.
immense advantage: 可以用来修饰advantage的词有:big/considerable/enormous/great/huge/overwhelming/clear/decided/decisive/definite/distinct/obvious/positive/real/key/main/maijor/important/significant/comparative/relative/mutual
A lamp is a light that works by using electricity or by burning oil or gas. 灯
A blind is a roll of cloth or paper which you can pull down over a window as a covering. 窗帘; 百叶窗帘
A corridor is a long passage in a building, with doors and rooms on one or both sides. 走廊
A terrace is a flat area of stone or grass next to a building where people can sit. (房屋旁的) 露台; 草坪
A sewer is a large underground channel that carries waste matter and rain water away, usually to a place where it is treated and made harmless. 下水道
Someone's landlord is the man who allows them to live or work in a building which he owns, in return for rent. 房东(等同于lessor:出租人)
A tenant is someone who pays rent for the place they live in, or for land or buildings that they use. 租户; 佃户(等同于lessee:承租人)
You can use sprawl to refer to an area where a city has grown outward in an uncontrolled way. (城市的) 无计划扩张区域(“urban sprawl”
---creating large amount of commuters
If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing. 认为; 相信
eg.French and German were deemed essential
Sanitation is the process of keeping places clean and healthy, especially by providing a sewage system and a clean water supply. (尤指通过提供排污系统和洁净水源的) 公共卫生
Eg.the hazards of contaminated water and poor sanitation
personal hygiene: 个人卫生 There is a potential disaster implication if personal hygiene and environmentalsanitation are deficient (personal hygiene practice 个人卫生习惯)
public utilities are services that are regulated by the government or state, such as the supply of electricity, gas, or water. 公用事业
eg.Officials said water supplies and other public utilities in the capital were badly affected.
The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transportation, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function. (国家、社会、组织赖以行使职能的) 基础设施 eg.improvements in the country's infrastructure
A toll is a sum of money that you have to pay in order to use a particular bridge or road. (桥梁或道路的) 通行费
A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use. (道路或桥梁) 收费

by means of: 用、依靠
secured to:固定在-like device secured to the rear of the chair
in contrast:与此相反
postal service 邮电业
If you use aspiring to describe someone who is starting a particular career, you mean that they are trying to become successful in it. 有志向的
eg.Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters.(应该差不多等同于ambitious了)
apprentice 学徒 journeyman 熟练工人
A craftsman is a man who makes things skillfully with his hands. 手艺人; 工匠
A guild is an organization of people who do the same job. 同业公会
A masterpiece is an extremely good painting, novel, movie, or other work of art. 杰作
In areas such as the Middle East and India, a bazaar is a place where there are many small stores and stalls. (中东、印度等地的) 集市 (和fair相近)
amateur hobbyists 业余爱好者
A loom is a machine that is used for weaving thread into cloth. 织布机
treadle loom 脚踏织布机
If you twist something, you turn it to make a spiral shape, for example, by turning the two ends of it in opposite directions. 扭曲; 拧
A strand of something such as hair, wire, or thread is a single thin piece of it. (头发、电线或纱线的) 缕
A quilt is a bed cover made by sewing layers of cloth together, usually with different colors sewn together to make a design. 被子
If you stitch cloth, you use a needle and thread to join two pieces together or to make a decoration. 缝
eg.Fold the fabric and stitch the two layers together
To shear a sheep means to cut its wool off. (给羊) 剪毛
A pair of shears is a garden tool like a very large pair of scissors. Shears are used especially for cutting hedges. 大剪刀
A punch is a tool that you use for making holes in something. 打孔器
A chisel is a tool that has a long metal blade with a sharp edge at the end. It is used for cutting and shaping wood and stone. 凿子
If you carve writing or a design on an object, you cut it into the surface of the object. 刻上
If you carve an object, you make it by cutting it out of a substance such as wood or stone.
If you carve something such as wood or stone into an object, you make the object by cutting it out. 雕刻

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-2 15:39:16 |显示全部楼层
《新托福iBT词汇分类突破》复习 Page 21-40

Ceramic is clay that has been heated to a very high temperature so that it becomes hard. 陶瓷
A glaze is a thin layer of liquid which is put on a piece of pottery and becomes hard and shiny when the pottery is heated in a very hot oven. 釉
If the surface of something that has been made has a particular kind of finish, it has the appearance or texture mentioned. (物体表面的) 抛光; 修饰
picture frame 相框
A carpenter is a person whose job is making and repairing wooden things. 木匠 (辅助记忆:名字叫做“卡朋特”的木匠帅男一枚。。。
semicircular 半圆的 (half round)
==》 semicircular gouge 半圆凿If you gouge something, you make a hole or a long cut in it, usually with a pointed object. 凿
In a town or city, a square is a flat open place, often in the shape of a square. 广场

Something that is square has a shape the same as a square or similar to a square. 正方形的; 方形的
is used after units of length when you are giving the length of each side of something that is square in shape. 平方的 (用于长度单位前表示某面面积)A square is a shape with four sides that are all the same length and four corners that are all right angles. 正方形//直角尺 tri-squares:三角尺
Serve to 用来:Finishes serve to protect and preserve the wood and to bring out the beauty of the grain.
Sandpaper is strong paper that has a coating of sand on it. It is used for rubbing wood or metal surfaces to make them smoother. 砂纸

Bleach is a chemical that is used to make cloth white, or to clean things thoroughly and kill germs. 漂白剂
A stain is a mark on something that is difficult to remove. 污渍(==》引申一下有:着色剂/染色剂的意思)
shellac 例句 Applied a shellac finish to the cabinet (涂漆的动词用apply)
Varnish is an oily liquid that is painted onto wood or other material to give it a hard, clear, shiny surface. 清漆 (n/v)
Lacquer is a special liquid which is painted on wood or metal in order to protect it and to make it shiny. 漆
Enamel is a hard, shiny paint that is used especially for painting metal and wood. 瓷漆; 亮漆(珐琅)
a binder n.粘合剂
solidify->solid的变形 // liquid 液体
A solution to a problem or difficult situation is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is removed. 解决办法
A solution is a liquid in which a solid substance has been dissolved. 溶液
If an object or substance is opaque, you cannot see through it. 不透明的
If you say that something is opaque, you mean that it is difficult to understand. 难理解的
Cookery is the activity of preparing and cooking food. 烹饪
Cookery involves a diverse array of cuisines
The cuisine of a country or district is the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place. 烹调风格
When you broil food, you cook it using very strong heat directly above it. 烤 (broil-》B-把 R-肉 oil-油 -》把肉刷上油-》烧烤!)braise 炖、烧、用文火煮
A range or kitchen range is a large metal device for cooking food using gas or electricity. A range consists of a broiler, an oven, and some gas or electric burners. 炉灶(类似oven)
A sink is a large fixed container in a kitchen or bathroom, with faucets to supply water. In the kitchen, it is used for washing dishes, and in the bathroom, it is used to wash your hands and face. (固定在厨房里的) 洗涤槽; (固定在浴室里的) 洗脸盆 =》(每天洗脸、洗碗的时候回忆一下这个单词吧,sink。。。。)
utensils are tools or objects that you use in order to help you to cook, serve food, or eat. 器皿; 用具subject to : 受制于、易受、使受到、使遭遇

spatula 炒菜用的铲子 哈哈=》现在每天都在用啊!
whisks 打蛋器
a more highly specilized array of gear for producing pastries and other baked goods
A pastry is a small cake made with sweet pastry. 油酥糕点
more recent sophisticated equipment such as blenders (搅拌机)
If something is tinted, it has a small amount of a particular color or dye in it. 使略有…色彩; 给…淡淡地染色 [usu passive]
A tint is a small amount of color. 少许色彩 // eg.Molten glass was tinted in a wide range of colors...
If you score a surface with something sharp, you cut a line or number of lines in it. 划线于; 刻痕于(Score除了分数的意思,还有切、划的意思)
broken into strips and cubes 切成条状和块儿状
encaustic 蜡画 // tempera 蛋彩画 // parchment 羊皮纸

A cameo is a short description or piece of acting which expresses cleverly and neatly the nature of a situation, event, or person's character. 精彩片段; 小品
A cameo is a piece of jewelry, usually oval in shape, consisting of a raised stone figure or design fixed on to a flat stone of another color. 浮雕宝石
In physics, the mass of an object is the amount of physical matter that it has. 质量
relief 宽慰、安心//浮雕
To cast an object means to make it by pouring a liquid such as hot metal into a specially shaped container and leaving it there until it becomes hard. 铸造
The pitch of a sound is how high or low it is. 音高
If something conforms to something such as a law or someone's wishes, it is of the required type or quality. (与法律、愿望等) 相符合

A chord is a number of musical notes played or sung at the same time with a pleasing effect. 和弦

In music, a scale is a fixed sequence of musical notes, each one higher than the next, which begins at a particular note. 音阶
A rhythm is a regular series of sounds or movements. 节奏
If one thing overlaps another, or if you overlap them, a part of the first thing occupies the same area as a part of the other thing. You can also say that two things overlap. 重叠
The score of a movie, play, or similar production is the music which is written or used for it. (电影、戏剧等演出的) 配乐
Score 乐谱 clef 谱号 staff 五线谱  musical notation 音乐记谱法(五线谱)
ensemble play : 合奏 An ensemble is a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who regularly perform together. 表演团体
idiophone 非膜质打击乐器,体鸣乐器 // menbranephone 膜鸣乐器 // aerophone 管乐器

orchestra / bowed-string instruments / woodwind / brass / percussion instruments

If something has a resonance for someone, it has a special meaning or is particularly important to them. 共鸣
struck-》 strike的过去式、分词
clarinet 黑管 saxophone 萨克斯 oboe 双簧管 bassoon 低音管/巴松

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-6 00:09:51 |显示全部楼层
我要背单词 我要背单词 请同志们监督

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-8 20:41:38 |显示全部楼层
【喵】2012年3月8日 红宝书 list 1-5复习

abort: 和abolition都是名词,表示废除;注意abolition重音在后
absurd:= ridiculous
acclaim: 我总记得是宣称,其实是 喝彩 称赞 If someone or something is acclaimed, they are praised enthusiastically. // Acclaim is public praise for someone or something. 赞扬
acid 酸 alkali 碱 注意发音
adolescence 青春期 妈的发音真难记
adorn 装饰 If something adorns a place or an object, it makes it look more beautiful.
advocate 提倡 倡导者
aerobic 有氧运动
affirm = assert 断言 声称
afflict 使苦恼 折磨  If you are afflicted by pain, illness, or disaster, it affects you badly and makes you suffer. 困扰
airborne 空中传播的
algebra 代数学
allay 重音在后 减少 减轻 = reduce/alleviate  If you allay someone's fears or doubts, you stop them feeling afraid or doubtful. 消除 (恐惧、疑虑)
allegory 寓言 =》一条有关腿的故事。。。
allergy 过敏症 If you have a particular allergy, you become ill or get a rash when you eat, smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill.
alloy 合金
amass = accumulate
amino 氨基酸 =》 就是学生物时候老师讲的aa咯
ammonia 氨水
amnesia 健忘症 TPO reading 里面有。。
ample充足的 If there is an ample amount of something, there is enough of it and usually some extra.
anatomy 重音在N,解剖  Anatomy is the study of the structure of the bodies of people or animals.
anchor 锚 使固定 节目主持人
appetite 食欲
applicable 可应用的 可实施的 注意经常搭配的介词是to
aquarium 水族馆 养鱼池
aquatic 水生的 重音在Q
archaeology 考古学
arid 干旱的 名词是aridity = drought
arithmetic 算术。。。。
articulate 有关节的,清楚的说。。。If you describe someone as articulate, you mean that they are able to express their thoughts and ideas easily and well. 善表达的
ascending 上升的 向上的  If a group of things is arranged in ascending order, each thing is bigger, greater, or more important than the thing before it.
ascribe 把。。。归功于 to
asymmetrical 不均匀的
attorney 代理人 辩护律师
attribute 重音在前时 是 属性的意思
auction 拍卖
auditorium 礼堂
avalanche 雪崩 山崩
avenue 方法 途径 大街
avert 避免 = avoid   If you avert something unpleasant, you prevent it from happening.
awful 不舒服的 糟糕的 可怕的
backlighting 逆光
balcony 包厢 loge
bald 光秃的 bold 大胆的  Someone who is bald has little or no hair on the top of their head
banner 横幅
barge 驳船 游艇
bark 树皮  狗叫
barn 谷仓 牲口棚
barrel 桶
bead 珠子 水珠
benign 气候良好的 (良性肿瘤也是这个词来的) 注意发音和重音
besiege 包围 打扰 If you are besieged by people, many people want something from you and continually bother you // If soldiers besiege a place 围攻 siege也有围攻的意思
beverage 饮料
bind = tie 结合
bland 无味的 If you describe someone or something as bland, you mean that they are rather dull and unexciting. 没精打采的; 平淡乏味的 // Food that is bland has very little flavor. (食物) 淡而无味的
bleach 漂白剂
blizzard 大风雪 DQ里面的暴风雪就这个单词吧。。。
blur 使模糊
bog 沼泽 A bog is an area of land that is very wet and muddy. 沼泽
bony 瘦骨嶙峋的
boulder 大石头
bound 被束缚的 被要求的
breeze 微风
brochure 小册子
buck 美刀
buckle 扣紧
bulk 体积 大部分
bump 撞、肿块 bump into 无意中遇到
burrow 挖地洞 洞穴 A burrow is a tunnel or hole in the ground that is dug by an animal such as a rabbit. 洞穴
----If an animal burrows into the ground or into a surface, it moves through it by making a tunnel or hole. 掘地洞
cabin 小屋
cabinet 内阁 陈列柜
cactus 仙人掌
calculus 结石  微积分学
calibration 刻度 标度
camouflage 伪装 听力经常出现哦 掩饰,讲动物保护色时常用
cannibalism 嗜食同类  If a group of people practice cannibalism, they eat the flesh of other people
canyon 峡谷  A canyon is a long, narrow valley with very steep sides.--其实是凹进去的来
capillary 毛细血管
captive 猎物 俘虏
cardiac 心脏的 =》实习医生里面经常听到这个词吧
cardinal 主要的 最重要的 红衣凤头鸟。。。。这个单词太变态!
carnivore 肉食动物
carp 鲤鱼
cart 手推车
cartilage 软骨
cascade 小瀑布
cascara 缓泻剂
caterpillar 毛虫
catalyst 催化剂 You can describe a person or thing that causes a change or event to happen as a catalyst
celestial 天空的 Celestial is used to describe things relating to heaven or to the sky.
census 人口普查
centennial 百年纪念 The centennial of an event such as someone's birth is the 100th anniversary of that event. 一百周年纪念
chafe  擦热 擦破
charcoal 木炭 注意辨别发音 Charcoal is a black substance obtained by burning wood without much air. It can be burned as a fuel, and small sticks of it are used for drawing. 木炭
charter 宪章 特许
chlorine 氯 Cl...
choir 唱诗班
cholesterol 胆固醇  diabetes 糖尿病
chorus 合唱队
chromosome 染色体
chronical 慢性的 急性的 acute
clam 蛤
clamor 吵闹 喧哗  If people are clamoring for something, they are demanding it in a noisy or angry way. 强烈要求
clinical 临床的
clipper 快速帆船
clump 土块 A clump of things such as trees or plants is a small group of them growing together. (树或植物的) 丛
clutch 一次所孵的卵 企图抓住 抓紧
coax 巧妙地处理 If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it. 哄
coherent 有条理的 If something is coherent, it is well planned, so that it is clear and sensible and all its parts go well with each other. 连贯的
cohesion 内聚力 注意发音 重音在后
coil 盘绕 线圈 A coil of rope or wire is a length of it that has been wound into a series of loops. (绳子或金属线的) 圈 A coil is one loop in a series of loops. 一圈

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-9 22:34:39 |显示全部楼层
【喵】2012年3月9日 红宝书 list 6-10复习

collectively 全体的 共同的 :collect 收集=> +tive 集在一起了,共同的 -> +tively 副词,共同的
collide 碰撞 冲突 =》 collide witha smart guy in the subway =》偶遇帅哥,记住没
combat 战斗 =》 ideal在背单词的combat中差点牺牲,艰苦卓绝的斗争
combustible 可燃的 易燃的 flammable =》 combustible constituent =》易燃成分
comic 滑稽的 喜剧的 喜剧之王是不是要翻译成 King of comedy? 哈哈,查了一下,还真是!!!!!
commit 居然有 承诺的意思 名词 commitment 我已然commit myself to Dillon了。。。
-----If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them. 使 (自己) 承诺 (与某人的长期关系)
-----If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it  使 (自己) 致力于
communal 公共的 社区的 communal property 公有财产
compatible 协调的 一致的 + with => 移植器官的兼容;电脑配件/软件的兼容
compel 驱使 drive  =》 Toefl Exam compels me to 背单词 迫使,I feel compelled to 背单词。。。 感到必须做某事
compelling 引人信服的 引人入胜的 =》 Tpo reading的词汇题出现过 A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you
competence 胜任 能力=》 可用于写作: a college degree is accepted by employers as proof of competence in a given field
complement 补充 使完善  与XX相配
------if people or things complement each other, they are different or do something different, which makes them a good combination
------Something that is a complement to something else complements it.
complementary 补充的 互补的 => 定语形容词哦 two complementary strategies
【compliment VS complement 】If you compliment someone, you give them a compliment 恭维
comply 服从 遵守 If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they do what is required or expected
comprise = consist of  China is comprised of 56 *民族
compromise 妥协 折中 1. reach a compromise between  2. If you compromise with someone  3. If someone compromises themselves or compromises their beliefs
compulsory 义务的 必须做的 强制性的(because of law or anthority) :如果说每天背单词is compulsory有点过,九年义务教育可以说compulsory
concede 承认 让步 妈的 英文解释太多了,先记住一个:If you concede something, you admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct=》不情愿地承认
concert 除了音乐会的意思 重音在前的时候是一致的意思
concrete 混泥土+具体的
confederacy 联盟 联邦
confer 授予 conference 会议  To confer something such as power or an honor on someone means to give it to them
configuration 外形 构造 =》 A configuration is an arrangement of a group of things. 布局; 排列 // 还有一个意思是电脑配置。。。。
congenial 性格温和的 相宜的 A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant. 令人愉快的=》 ideal系一个congenial的好姑凉
congestion 拥塞的 If there is congestion in a place, the place is extremely crowded and blocked with traffic or people = 》 There is a congestion in 二环 everyday
conscious 有知觉的 有意识的 be conscious of = notice/realize = >consciously 刻意地。。。
consent 同意 赞成 approve => 那个讲座里面提到过食人案例,讨论吃他之前有没有consent
considerable 相当大的 相当多的 =》 麻烦你写作文的时候想起来用。。。
considerate 考虑周到的
consistent 意思太多了。。。哭;始终如一的,相符的,观点前后一致的
consonant 协调的 =》 其实,这个单词更常见的是名词形式吧,A consonant is a sound such as "p," "f," "n," or "t" =》 辅音。。。
consort 结交 associate =》 还有一个意思:dillon's consort => ideal :配偶的意思哒
constellation 星座 一系列 =》 "stella"经常出现在和星星有关的单词里面con是一起的意思,星星一起出现=》星座
constituent = component 要素 成分
constitute 组成
constitution 宪法  ==》The constitution of a country or organization is the system of laws=》 只能死记了!!!宪法宪法宪法宪法宪法宪法宪法宪法
constricted 狭窄的 收缩的
contagious 有传染性的 有感染力的=》 con-一起=》tagious 他一个人说 =》 一起听他一个人说,有感染力的!
contemporary n.同时代的人 a.当代的 现在的 current
continuum 连续统一体,你妹 =》 暂且理解为整体吧!
contour 轮廓 等高线 =》 swimming machine里面曾出现这个单词,真心变态啊娘亲
controversy 争论 辩论= dispute
convention 大会 惯例 约定 习俗
convection 对流 传送 // 物理学 气象学常见
conventional 传统的 traditional = 》 a respectable married woman with conventional opinions  说我呢么,哈哈
converse => conversation 的动词
convert 使转变信仰 使转换
convict 定罪  宣告有罪 = 》 If someone is convicted of a crime 定罪
coordinate 协调 相配合
corona 日冕=》中文意思都不了解的!!!!!带电粒子运动速度极快,以致不断有带电的粒子挣脱太阳的引力束缚,射向太阳的外围。形成太阳风。。。
corporate 共同的 公司的
correspond 符合 相应  【重要!!】If one thing corresponds to another, there is a close similarity or connection between them. You can also say that two things correspond
corrosion 腐蚀 侵蚀  corrosive
cosmic 宇宙的 cosmos 宇宙 名词
costume 服装
crack 破裂
cramped 狭窄的 狭小的 A cramped room or building is not big enough for the people or things in it. 狭促的=》噢,我们家很cramped!!
crawl 缓慢进行 =》 匍匐 =》 婴儿爬
credential 说明书=》明明是 凭证 文凭的意思。。。
crest 顶部 =》 C像不像爬山。。。爬到山顶have a rest => Crest ,妈啦,拼出来发现和佳洁士好像。。。一查果然是。。。佳洁士=顶部,请记住!
crew 全体工作人员
crippling 令人震惊的
---A crippling illness or disability is one that severely damages your health or your body. 严重损害健康的; 致残的
---If you say that an action, policy, or situation has a crippling effect on something, you mean it has a very serious, harmful effect.=》可用于写作,环保类文章
criterion 标准=》注意发音
critique 批评 评论 =》总觉得这是个外来词 法语什么的,一查好像还真是。。。。
crow 乌鸦 还有一个是 raven => 吸血鬼里面那个女主角在墓地里面的时候就有个黑乌鸦吧
cumbersome 笨重的 麻烦的=》腿很cu的member很多=》笨重的 麻烦的
cuneiform 楔形文字 楔形的=》笔画很cu nei的文字形式(form)=>我真的太有才了!
curriculum 课程
cushion 垫子  缓冲。。。。。=》 我记得垫子的意思,但是不晓得还有缓冲的意思=》垫子就是在硬石头和屁股之间的缓冲吧。。。。
custom 海关 税
cylinder 圆柱体 气缸
damp 潮湿的 moist
debut 首次演出 =》 首次演出在迪de拜but啊 => 才女,我爱你!
deceive 欺骗  deceptive
dedicate 致力于 奉献=> devote / commit / dedicate 都表示 致力于
defect 过失 瑕疵 =》 de 是不好,de fect 不好的一面=》 瑕疵
definitive 重音在f 确定的 最后的
deform 变形
delegate 代表 // 授权 发音不一样。。。=》 representative 代表
【deliberate】 审慎的 v.深思熟虑 =》 Deliberate 还有更重要的意思:adj 故意的!!
delicate 易损的 微妙的 精巧的=》 妈啦,恩多意思的词!!!微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的;纤弱的;清淡可口的。。。。。
demanding 苛求的  ideal在dillon眼里不是congenial而是demanding //另外:A demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention. 费力的; 费时的
demolish 拆除 破坏 destroy
denote 表示 = show
deplete 使耗尽 枯竭 =》 To deplete a stock or amount of something means to reduce it.=》delete 中间加了一个Person =》 deplete 耗尽,枯竭
derive 源自 + from
descend 遗传 下降 ascending=>上升的
descent 下降 血统 妈的两个意思完全不相关啊
deserted 荒芜的 无人的 void obsolete =》 de 被 desert沙漠 =》 被扔在沙漠 =》 荒无人烟的地方
designate 指定 任命
desolate 荒凉的 =》 isolate 使隔离
dessert甜点  沙漠是desert =》 为毛我总容易混淆。。。
deter 阻止 + from =》 四级词汇啊亲
detest 憎恶 =》 反感de 考试test
deteriorate 变坏 变质 vi
devastate vt 破坏 If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally. 严重破坏; 彻底摧毁
devise 设计
devoid 全无的 empty
devour 贪婪地吃 If a person or animal devours something // If you devour a book or magazine=> 神马时候我能 devour TPO reading.....
diagnose 诊断
diagonal a.倾斜的 n.斜线 => 记不住记不住记不住记不住记不住
dialect 方言
diameter 直径 半径是radius
dillemma 进退两难的局面
diminish 减低重要性 使变小=》 我一直记得这个词是消失的意思。。。=》 其实是:it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.
dinosaur 我总是不会拼写。。。
discern 洞悉 识别=know  ==》 If you can discern something, you are aware of it and know what it is.
discrete 分离的 seperate =》 好难记。。。
disintergrate 使瓦解 碎裂
dismal 忧郁的。。。形容我现在的心情啊
dismay 使气馁 使沮丧。。。形容我现在的状态啊。。。
dispose 使 愿意做 除掉 + of
disseminate 散步 传播 =》 distribute  disperse diffuse =》 我会的还是蛮多的哈。。。
distort 弄歪 歪曲
distress 痛苦 不幸 。。=> di 低迷的 stress 压力 =》 extreme sorrow
division  divide的名词形式 妈啦 居然有除法的意思
domain 领域 领土 A domain is a particular field of thought, activity, or interest, especially one over which someone has control, influence, or rights => 领域
dormant 静止的 休眠的=》 TPO reading 的词汇题出现过!!!
drastic 剧烈的=》笑死我了,还有一个意思叫:烈性泻药,真够猛的!!!!
drill 除了钻孔 还有操练/演习的意思
dubious 可疑的 If you describe something as dubious, you mean that you do not consider it to be completely honest, safe, or reliable. 可疑的; 不太可靠的
ductile 易延展的 =》 柔软 易延展。。。duck 鸭子 tile 瓦  鸭子+瓦=》 易延展 有毛线关系。。。
dull 单调的 迟钝的 =》 计算机里面空的 是不是就这个词来的
duplicate 复制 复写
dwarf 诸如  swarf star 矮星
Ester 复活节
edifice 大厦 建筑物 =》 大厦不是mansion 么 =》 那【楼】名叫【埃德菲斯】
eject 逐出 喷射
elicit 得出 =》 再次证明 学单词 要看英文解释,不然这个”得出“都能理解为 A推导出B的 得出啊!!
-----If you elicit a response or a reaction, you do or say something that makes other people respond or react. 引起 (反应)
-----If you elicit a piece of information, you get it by asking the right questions. 探得 (信息)
eligible 可供选择的 符合条件的 =》 big bang里面小印度说 我有一群eligible的姐们可以陪跳舞
eliminate 消除 淘汰==》我怎么又觉得是消失。。。。=》To eliminate something, especially something you do not want or need, means to remove it completely. 根除
elliptical  椭圆的 =》 行星轨道。。。。。
elm 榆树

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发表于 2012-3-13 17:10:51 |显示全部楼层
【喵】2012年3月13日 红宝书 list 11-15复习

【elusive】 难捉摸的/难懂的/易忘记的: Something or someone that is elusive is difficult to find, describe, remember, or achieve. 难 (找、形容、记、取得) 的
【embellish】 vt.修饰 渲染 If something is embellished with decorative features or patterns, it has those features or patterns on it and they make it look more attractive. 装饰
emblem 徽章(国徽,或者某个组织的徽) //  An emblem is something that represents a quality or idea 象征 标志 (和logo还有点区别)
embrace 乐于/渴望从事 拥抱  If you embrace a change, political system, or idea, you accept it and start supporting it or believing in it. 欣然接受; 信奉
emerald 绿宝石 // 翡翠!
eminent 杰出的(形容“人") An eminent person is well-known and respected, especially because they are good at their profession. 卓越的; 有名望的
enactment 制定  The enactment of a law is the process in a legislature by which the law is agreed upon and made official. 法律制定
encase 包住 =》 en->in;case->包 暂且理解为装在包包里面好了!
embed 1. 嵌入 2.使根深蒂固
encompass 1.包含(include) 2.环绕 To encompass a place means to completely surround or cover it.
【encroach 侵占】 + on/ upon  =>     ~ on my time // ~ on one's private life // ~ on a place
endeavor 努力 1. endeavor to do sth 努力做某事 2. An endeavor is an attempt to do something, especially something new or original. 尝试
endow 1.be endowed with 天生具有 2. 赋予 3. If someone endows an institution, scholarship, or project, they provide a large amount of money that will produce the income needed to pay for it. 资助
enforce: 1. 施行 If people in authority enforce a law or a rule 2. 强制执行 To enforce something means to force or cause it to be done or to happen.
engaging 迷人的。。。。。。。。。妈啦,教人怎么记
engraving 雕刻术
engulf 吞没 If one thing engulfs another, it completely covers or hides it, often in a sudden and unexpected way.
enroll   If you enroll or are enrolled at an institution or in a class, you officially join it. 注册
entail  牵扯 involve 导致 If one thing entails another, it involves it or causes it.
enterprising 有事业心 有进取心的 ambitious 富于进取 有创业心的 定语形容词 a ~ person
【ephemeral】 短暂的 转瞬即逝的 朝生暮死的 只存在一天的
epic 史诗 a.英雄的 伟大的 宏大的  ==》 MD 这种小词出现在了TPO听力里,所以说,存在即合理,list上有的,都背吧。。。
epidemic 流行 流行病 an ~ of  流行的 传染的 风行一时的
epitomize 成为xx缩影 If you say that something or someone epitomizes a particular thing, you mean that they are a perfect example of it. 为…的典型; 为…的代表
【errand】  1.差使 An errand is a short trip 2. If you run an errand for someone 跑腿
estate 地产 real estate 房地产
eternal 永恒的 不朽的 lasting -> 吸血鬼日记里面经常出现!!!
ethnic 种族的 民族的 少数民族的 =》 记得要让耳朵也认识这个单词
【evacuation】 撤离   To evacuate someone // people evacuate a place
evident 明显的 清楚的 apparent =》 evidence 证据
【exalted】 崇高的 高贵的 Someone or something that is at an exalted level is at a very high level, especially with regard to rank or importance. (地位、重要性) 很高的
excavate 掘出 考古学经常用 excavate + place
excursion 远足 短程旅游 a short trip
exempt 豁免的 + from 免除 eg. Men in college were exempt from military service.
exert 发出 施加 1.exerts influence, authority, or pressure 施加 (影响、压力); 运用 (权威)  2. If you exert yourself. 耗费 (自己的精力)
exhilarating 令人高兴的 表语adj, it is ~ to ...
expedition 远征 探险 => 也常用于考古什么的 科学远征队 考察啊什么的
explicit 清楚的 直率的 反义词是 implicit
exponent 支持者 拥护者 倡导者 // 典型 例子 =》 这词儿出镜率挺高的
extol 赞美 颂扬 + sth. / sb.
extravagant 言行放肆的 过度的 Someone who is extravagant spends more money than they can afford or uses more of something than is reasonable. 奢侈的; 浪费的
【exuberant】 繁茂的 充满活力的 [需要重点识别发音] If you are exuberant, you are full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness. 充满活力的
facilitate 推动 促进 impulse
faculty 能力;全体教职员工 -》联想到了crew
fade 凋谢 褪色 消失
fare 费用 vi.进展 If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity. 进展
fashion 方式;流行;风尚;把XX塑造成 = create
fatigue 劳累 金属材料的疲劳 Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness. 疲惫
faucet 水龙头 // fault 断层 错误 故障。。。 stratum
fauna 动物群  // fellow 家伙 同事 // fellowship 奖学金 友谊
feasible 可行的 practical workable // feeble 虚弱的 无力的 = weak
fertile 肥沃的 =》 反义词 infertile
fidelity 忠诚 忠实 反义词 infidelity
fin 鳍 // finch 雀类 // feudal 封建的
flag 旗帜 标记  // flagellum 鞭毛  // ferment 使发酵
flake => snowflake // flask 细颈瓶 // flavoring 调味品 // flint 打火石
flux 1.变迁 change 2.涌入 // fold 褶皱 合拢 // foliage 叶子
foment 煽动 =》 佛门fomen。。。特t爱干的事儿。。。
forage 草料 寻找食物 =》 for + age 为了长年纪 要吃饭啊
【formidable】 艰难的rough 强大的 powerful =》 一个词同时表示两个看似相反的意思。。。烦死了!
formulate 阐明 clarify illuminate
fort 要塞 堡垒 TPO出现过。。。
【fortuitous】 偶然的 lucky sudden casual
foster 鼓励 培养  TPO例句 government power should be used to foster the moral welfare of the country
fracture v/n 破裂 TPO例句 Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes, which fracture the Earth's crust
fragment 碎片 短片
【fray】 磨损 rub fret
freight = cargo // frenzy 狂暴 fury // fresco 壁画  mural
frigid 寒冷的 冷淡的 =冰箱是不是和这个词有关的来
frost 霜 结霜 frog // frugal 节俭的 thrifty
furnace 暖气锅炉 熔炉 // furnish 提供 装备 provide supply
fuse 融合 合并 作为名词 有 保险丝 导火线的意思
gallop vi 飞奔 疾驰 =》 有个调查公司叫盖洛普就是这个单词好像
gaseous 含气体的 气态的 TPO听力出现过的高频词汇
gear 设备 齿轮 速度 // gem 宝石 // gemstone 经雕琢的宝石
genesis 起源 orgin
【genial】 亲切的 和蔼的 =》 congenial 相宜的 性格温和的
genre 类型 流派 法语吧。。
genuine 真正的 真实的  genuine leather=>真皮。。。
geometry 几何 // germ 病菌 eg. Chlorine is widely used to kill germs
gin 轧棉机 // giraffe 长颈鹿 => 发音总是记不住啊记不住
girder 大梁 // glamourous 富有魅力的 迷人的 attractive  charming
gland 腺 // glare 耀眼的光
glorify 美化 赞扬  To glorify something means to praise it or make it seem good or special, usually when it is not. 美化
glossy 光滑的 // glow 发光 //  glowing 热情洋溢的 容光焕发的
gnaw 啃 咬  折磨 侵蚀 // gorgeous 漂亮的 令人愉快的
gorilla 大猩猩 // gospel 信条 耶稣的福音和教义
gourd 葫芦  // grab 取或拿
gradient 梯度  刻度:calibration  // granite 花岗岩
granular 粒状的  // gravel 沙砾
grazing 放牧 overgrazing 过度放牧
gregarious 群居的 social (动物)群居的;群集的;成群结队的
grimly 冷酷的 strictly severly // grind 打磨 碾碎 crush
grip 控制 // gist 主旨 要点
groan 呻吟 叹息
groom 把动物皮毛弄干净 使做好准备 => 杀它们之前先把它们关g在小屋room里。。。
grudge 怨恨 (malice)  If you have or bear a grudge against someone, you have unfriendly feelings toward them because of something they did in the past. 积怨
gulf 海湾 分歧 // gull 海鸥 // hail 冰雹 // hamper 妨碍 // harbor vt 藏有
hardy 强壮的 Strong 植物 耐寒的 // harsh 恶劣的 刺耳的
haven 庇护所 // hawk 鹰
hazard 危险 danger risk // healing 有治疗功效的
heed 注意,留心 // herald 信使 预示 //emerald => 绿宝石
herb  herbivore // hieratic 僧侣的 僧侣用的 hierocracy 僧侣统治
hind 后面的 hind legs 后足 //  hive 蜂房
hockey 曲棍球 // hominid  n. 原始人类;人科动物 // hook 勾 吊钩
horizon 地平线 pl.眼界 视野  horizontal => 水平的 地平线的
hospitable (环境、气候)宜人的 a hostible climate // 2. A hospitable person is friendly, generous, and welcoming to guests or people they have just met. 好客的; 殷勤周到的
hostile 不友好的 敌意的 // hover 徘徊 每次看到这个词都想到鹰。。。
huddle 挤在一起 crowd together  蜷缩 挤成一团
hue 1.颜色 类型 A hue is a color 2.If people raise a hue and cry about something, they protest angrily about it. 愤怒抗议
humid 潮湿的 湿润的 =》 humidity认得吧 湿度
hurl 投掷  If you hurl something, you throw it violently and with a lot of force. 用力掷
husk 皮 外壳 => rice husk 糠 // hydrothermal 热液的 (地质学)
hygiene 卫生 sanitation  //  identical 相同的 // idle 懒散的 // ignition 点火 点燃 动词igite
illuminate 1.照亮 lighten  2. 阐明

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