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[活动] 【六人三步进阶小组】听力口语不分家,我们的目标是26+  关闭 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-17 01:48:08 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-25 15:28 编辑

2012年3月17日 星期六 ==> done


1.<student & biological professor>
track meet 田径运动会。。。。真坑爹 // pre-season // athletics place a heavy demand on your time
exemplary 典范的 可效仿的 // cell division 没听出来 // rings off the hook 电话响不停 // shift gear 换档

2. <Art history class>
parchment 羊皮纸 // under tension //  scribes 抄写员 作者 // monks 僧侣 // monastery 修道院
customary 习惯的 通常的 // abrasive 研磨料  // scholar 没听粗来。。。不过decipher听出来啦 开心!
what many now think ...没听粗来。。。 // prayer 没听出来 // art auction // papyrus scrolls 纸莎草卷轴的原料
Baltimore 巴尔的摩 地名

3. <Biology class>
inorganic 无机的 // molecule 分子 // photosynthesis 光合作用 // microbe 细菌 微生物 // secrete chemicals 分泌
hydrothermal 热液的 //  deep sea vessel // chemosynthetic 化学合成的 // chemical reactions // sulfid 硫化物


game designer // considering how much urgent problems we have to solve in the real world
it's acctually the opposit it true // if we want to survive the next century on this planet
if we want to solve problems like hunger, poverty, climate change, global conflict, obesity
essential to the future suvival of the human species // the sense of urgency // intense concentration
deep focus on tackling a really difficult problem // a sign of optimism // an epic win
it was even beyond the threshold of imagination // we feel that we are not as good in reality as we are in games
motivated to do something // inspired to collaborate and to cooperta // stick to problems as long as it takes
get up after failure and try again // overwhelmed // cynical 愤世嫉俗的 // on the verge of what you're capable of
virtual problems 虚拟 // virtuoso 技艺精湛 高手 // extreme self-motivation // *urgent optimism
* weave a tight social fabric // builds bons, trust and cooperation // * blissful productivity // * epic meaning
achieve more // better feedback // take inspiration from // dice game 掷骰子 // Lydia ->famine
immerse in // devide in half // share the same NDA // fictional 虚构的 // food supply // run out of oil // ex-convict
wrap up 结束

【TWE】3月17日 30 It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 19.1 => 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读9/10各10遍 => done

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-20 00:06:57 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-25 22:37 编辑

2012年3月18日 星期日 ==》done

【TPO】 16A (错了四个 4/8/11/17)

1. <student and facility manager>
choir 这个词的发音真诡异! // rehearsal 彩排 // auditorium // let alone sing // bulldozer 推土机
we've got a concert in 6 weeks // I ran that by the group 这里run理解为“运行”吧 by the group有点怪。。。
ensemble 合奏组 这个单词发音有点怪 // but it can't hurt to check...彻底没听懂

2. <Geology class>
diagram 图表 // sulfuric acid // curly lines 曲线 // fissure 裂缝 // eats away // wear away 磨损 消逝 // carve out
dry as a bone // maze 迷宫 // underground tunnels // gypsum 石膏 // waterless caves // dormant 休眠的 静止的
rotten eggs // elaborate looking

3.<Music history class>
patronage 赞助 // clarinet 黑管 这个单词真的背过。。。// flute 长笛 这个也背过。。。// transverse 横向的
organ 风琴 // harpsichord 大键琴 // string 乐器的弦 // but i'm getting ahead of myself 俚语: 这件事情做得太早了
the price of the piano dropped to the point that a large proportion of the population could affrod to own them => 可用于写作
harp 竖琴 // refinement 文雅 // recital 独奏会 // virtuoso 艺术大师 前面的TED出现过 哈哈

TED】 单词的诞生

1. how child learn language 2. leaning from the son
3. visual 角度=》 wordscape 用来跟进语言学习 4. 转向 public media => base 在TV基础上建立wordscape
5. 动态角度观察社会联系=》传媒角度

living room 客厅 // baby bedroom // continuous capture // sunlit morning // lights out for the day
amass 积累 // at a personal level // the impact has already been immense and we are still learning its value
countless moment // not posed moment // tease 梳理 // language acquisition // toolkit 工具箱 // nanny 保姆
as you accelerate time // cruise 巡游 漫游 // over the course of 24 months-》 表达时间
on the vertical axis -> 纵轴 // trace back // utterance 表达 说话方式 // it appears that // feedback loop
walking toy // took an unexpected turn // commercials //  overall behavior // instrumented // entire database
biological memories  ==》总的来说,是一种新的观察角度

【TWE】Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 19.2 => 录音完毕

【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读11/12各10遍=> done

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-25 22:43:23 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-26 16:54 编辑

2012年3月19日 星期一  ==> done

【TPO】16B (只错了两个,开心!31/33)

1.<Student & professor>
well deserved // scheduled for Fri. // synthesize
2. <Biology class>
carry out //wreighs pros and cons 正反两方面 // streams and lakes // peel off 剥皮 // do double duty=>有双重用途
lug 用力拉拖 // constraint 约束

3.<Art history class>
paradigmatic 范例的 // stained 着色的 // strip 条 // lead 铅 // solid lines // metalic 金属的 // compound 混合物
ingredient 原料 要素 // foresight // intricate // lamp shades

http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh ... bert_on_genius.html
fascination 入魔 着迷 // recalibrate 重新校准 // memoir 回忆录 // decidedly 果断的 显然 // mega 许多 宏大的
doomed // top 作为动词有超越的意思 // humiliation 丢脸 // mental health // depressiveness 精神抑郁症患者
have that reputation // enormously 非常的 mentally unstable // very grim 非常冷酷的 糟糕的 残忍的 // magnificent 很棒的 creative mind
internalize 使内在化 // inherently linked // odious 可憎的 厌恶的 // saine 健康的 完好的 // ancient Greece and ancient Rome
unknowable 不可知的 // demons 心魔 守护神 // divine 神圣的 // dictation 命令 // eternal 永恒的 不朽的 // psyche 灵魂 心智
mistery mystery // erase 抹去 擦除  // fairy 仙女 精灵 // uncanny 神秘的 离奇的 // lose one's mind // elusive 逃避的 难捉摸的
gorgeous 华丽的 灿烂的 极好的 // novel 新奇的 adj // pit of despair // magnificient // footnote 脚注 // tricky 狡猾的


1. Describe your favorite book. Explain why you like it most. Include details and examples in your explanation.
2. One of the following and explain why you like it most: fictions, magazines and poems. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
3. Describe a book that is the most useful to you. Explain why this book is so useful. Include details and examples in your explanation.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 19.3 => 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读13/14各10遍 => done

nothing less than : 完全是 不亚于
spectacular: 壮观的 公开展示的

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-26 17:01:28 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-27 08:06 编辑

2012年3月20日 星期二 ==> done

1. <student and professor>
midsummer 盛夏 // i was wondering if you happen to have => 委婉的表达方式,可用于口语
track down 追捕// I'm having a really hard time doing sth => 可用于口语 // landmark production // ironic 讽刺的
听到一半才明白 midsummer dream 是仲夏夜之梦啊 真想骂娘 // interpretation 解释 演出 // Brook从哪里冒出来的。。。

dramatic 的 dra好难听出来啊这个女人念得 // transient 短暂的 瞬变 (重音在前)

2. <Art history>
paleolithic 旧石器时代,看到单词没准能认识,但是真没听出来 // hood 头巾 // tusk 长牙 // ivory不仅仅是象牙的意思哦 也可能是别的动物的大白牙
fair question // stratum 层。。。。// intact // discard 丢弃 // true age的tru发音有点怪,但是想学咧
charcoal 木炭 木有听粗来啊 // chip 凿 哈哈 这个听懂鸟 // motif // preconceive 预想 // trends
legal 没听到!!!!即便其他的都听懂了,这道题肯定错了!

3. <Environmental science class>
oval 椭圆的 // elliptical 椭圆的 // in particular // tilt 倾斜 // cyclical 周期的 循环的 // skeptical // oceanographer
contradict 否定反驳 // correspond to

【TED】半机器人 http://www.ted.com/talks/amber_case_we_are_all_cyborgs_now.html

cyborg 半机械人 // cell phone device // exogenous 外在的 // digital life // browser tab 分页浏览器
ambient 周围的 // self reflection // ==》真的 越到后面她的动作越像机器人。。。

1. Describe a book that you think is interesting.
    Explain why this book is interesting to you. Include details and examples in your explanation.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
    People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.
Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
3. Some people prefer to finish reading a book once. Others prefer to finish reading a book for several times.

    Which way do you prefer, and why?

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 18.1 => 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读15/16各10遍 => done

seismic 地震的 地震引起的
address 演说 致辞

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-26 21:44:19 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-27 15:55 编辑

2012年3月21日  星期三 ==> done

【TPO】17B (开心!只错了一个  22题,那个我有预感会错的,哈哈)
1. <student & food service manager>
open spot 空档 // audition 试音 // prep // in a different light 不同角度
I always thought that sacrificing for my art

2.<History class>
financial obligations // rents // address the problems //  inundation 洪水 泛滥 // submerge 把XX浸入
subside 平息 // recede 后退 // revealing a new layer of fertile black silt // barley 大麦
phase of the moon 听成鸟Face of the moon // new moon & full moon // constitute // inundate 动词 淹没
keep in step with // sirius 天狼星 // glare of the sun // heliacal 太阳的 与太阳同时生落的
marked the new year // administrative purpose // declare

3. <Biology class>
defense mechanism 防卫机制 // octopus 章鱼 // proteus 多变的人 希腊海神 // Greek mythology
speckle 弄上斑点 // 第二遍的时候听出来了 sacs 哈哈 // contract 收缩 // supplement 补充
squirt 喷射 // ink cloud // it serves to // posture 姿势 // nestle up 依偎

【TED】Ultrasound surgery -- healing without cuts
http://www.ted.com/talks/yoav_me ... g_without_cuts.html

Ultrasound 超音 超声波 // exceptional 异常的 例外的 // noninvasive surgery // convergence
MRI magnetic resonance imaging // acoustic 听觉的 // emit 发出 // beam
we can do it without harming any tissue // intensity 强度 亮度 // ponder 仔细考虑 衡量
surgical procedure // inability to // ablate 烧灼 去除 // moving a mouse // elevate the temperature
leverage 手段 影响力 // temporarily // protain of the cells // immediate relief // miraculous
pain is sth that can make your life miserable // lower-back pain -》 腰痛 // pivotal 关键的 中枢的
truck tractor 拖拉机 // collective will 群体意志 // brest cancle // adverse // lesion 损害 身体上的障碍
abdomen 腹部 之前背过 终于见到用了 // have a message to ... // suffer from // back pain
a first-time mother // at large 整个的

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live performance(for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 18.2=》录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读17/18各10遍=》done

philatelic // by no means // didn't start until // ferry // ingenious // reindeer // replica // bulk mail // exhibit hall

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-27 10:58:46 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-29 14:30 编辑

2012年3月22日 星期四 ==> done

(2/8/12/16 错了四个=》要保证听懂了的部分一定要做对,避免因为漏看选项或者对选项理解不当导致出错)

1.<Student and administrator>

remaining positions // above average // something every diploma needs // picky 挑剔的 // work out

2. <Astronomy class>
sun spot 太阳黑子 耀斑 // heavenly 天上的 神圣的 // blemish 瑕疵 // old friend // propose a new hypothesis
prevailing view //  lopside 倾向一方 // tossed around // that was a huge breakthrough // possible relationship
magnetic fields

3. <Art history class>
bust 半身像!!!第二遍听的时候居然听出来了,哈哈 背过的来 // relief 浮雕,这个听出来了
mediterranean 地中海的 // to the victor belong the spoils 战利品属于获胜者 // status -》 发音好奇怪
at the height of 在xx鼎盛时期 // at least his likeness => 文本上的好像错了 // bronze 青铜

【TED】Catherine Mohr: Surgery's past, present and robotic future
http://www.ted.com/talks/catheri ... robotic_future.html

robotic future // felony 重罪 // bypassing 绕过 // consent 同意 赞成 // plumber 水管工 // carpenter 木匠

reform // interventional 介入 // archeological sites // dating back // anesthesia 麻醉 // delve 钻研
advocate 主张 拥护  // incision 切开 // at quite a cost // allow => 很好用的小词,下次记得用到写作里
truly a pretty big revolution // casualty 意外事故 // delicate 微妙的 精美的 // debut 初次登台
see beyond surface // macro 巨大的 // with the combinations of these technologies
we can leave the patient intact => leave 也是个很好用的小词 // hear disease // malady 疾病
mortality 死亡率 死亡性

1. How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.
3. Some people read the newspaper every day; others prefer watching the news on television or listening to the radio. How do you keep yourself informed and why? Include details to support you explanation.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 18.3=》录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读19/20各10遍=》 done

strenuously // preoccupy // amino acid // induce

【TPO Reading】TPO 7 => DONE

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-27 16:13:45 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-3-30 11:13 编辑

2012年3月24日 星期六 ==> done

【TPO】18B (错了三个 第一篇第三题 第三篇的1和5=》虽然比最开始的时候有进步 但还是希望错题率能降到更低!)

1.<Student and sociology professor>
I fed a few comments => fed没听出来 // it's in good enough shape for you ...=>这个地方太诡异了,感觉文本错了
prep work // gift certificate // don't sell yourself short => short 听出来了 Sell 木有听醋来 // time slot 电视或者广告的播放时段

2.<European history class>
aromatic 芳香剂 // herb 没听出来捏 香草 // cinnamon 一种树 // ginger 姜!!!// bud 芽
spices 香料 调味料=》妈的 做题的时候脑袋里一直把spices等同于辣椒,所有各种辣椒。。。。
rarity 罕见 rare的名词形式吧 // fragrance 背过 但是没听出来呢 // captured Rome // diplomacy 第二遍的时候听出来了
ambassadors // bland // aristocracy 贵族。。。// and if you were caught doing it => caught 没听出来
fine 罚款 好久没出现了 // thriving 繁荣的 // hands-on 亲身实践的 亲自动手的 // shroud 覆盖
ward off 避开 挡住 // spur on 驱使 驱动 // repercussion 反响

3. <Biology class>
look like // blend // arctic 北极的 // be taken aback 吓到了 吃惊 //  puddle 水坑 // glucose 葡萄糖 没听出来
diminish 减少 // vocal 唱歌的。。。=》 mating 这个地方完全听反了。。。。

【TED】Ariel Garten: Know thyself, with a brain scanner
http://www.ted.com/talks/ariel_g ... _brain_scanner.html

sage advice 高见 // sage 圣人 明智的 // consciouse 意识到的 故意的 // in tune 一致  // dictum 格言
imperative 需要 规则 // self awareness // wired web 有线网络 // get famillar with // inner self
brainwave sensor  // compelling 引人瞩目的 激发兴趣的 // surge 激增 // creep 蔓延 爬行 // mental activity
loop // mental states // peer inside // entire lifespan // plug 插头 // make up who we are
humanized technology //  slacken // funk 恐惧 害怕 // overall // skinny 小道消息

1. Some people think that parents should lead their children to watch TV. Others think that the children should choose what they want to watch by themselves. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
2. Some people think that TV gives positive effects to the modern society. Others think that TV gives negative effects to the modern society. What is your opinion and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
3. Which one acts more influence on you? Media (information from TV, newspaper and radio), or people (friends, families or teachers)? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 17.1=> 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读21/22各10遍=》跟读完毕

patronizing downtown stores
suburbanite 市郊居民
cockroaches 蟑螂  termite 白蚁


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-29 14:34:53 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-4-1 14:58 编辑

2012年3月25日 星期日 ==》done

【TPO】 19A (错了四个。。。。第一篇:T4 第二篇T6 第三篇T1/T2)

1.<Student & Professor>
deception 欺骗 // end up sounding // invade 入侵 // trick // risk with
each company has to find a balance between the cost and benefits=> 可用于写作
journal articles // statistics end=>在原文的意思没太明白 // assume 承担。。。
specific 这个词下次记得用在写作里! // learning to interpret => 没听出来 learning to 太快了

2.<Linguistic class>
syntax 语法 句法 // historical linguistics // comparison // a real-word example // Sanskrit, Latin and Greek 发音太快

genetically related => 可用于写作 // refer to ... as ... // branch out 长出分条 into
several thousand years ago => several没听出来 // instead of => 可用于写作,不要总是rather than
imcomplete // do justice to -》 公平对待

3. <Astronomy class>
light pollution => 听到后面的时候才听出来 // unshielded // pointed downward // the building we are in now
beyond control // night sky // within city limits // there's a price for progress => 可用于写作
technological advance =》 可用于写作 // electromagnetic 电磁的 // photon 光子。。。
water droplets // dust particles // illuminate 照亮 // lit up 点亮 // by our street lights =》连读太快了
ambient 外界的!!!没听出来。。。 // on top of that 除此之外!!! // bounce off 弹开 反弹
scatter 分散 散开 // stand a chance 有可能=》 可用于写作 // emit // give off 散发 // comparatively easily=》可用于写作
satellite dish // grouped together 没听出来grouped // it is neat how they do it //  stick with 坚持。。
have trouble doing sth =》 可用于写作 // electronic devices =》 可用于写作 // remote control // you name it
gadget 小玩意 小配件

【TED】Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms
http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_rob ... tion_paradigms.html

paradigm 范例 // on earth 终究 // reform public education // there are two reasons for it

turmoil 动乱 骚乱// cultural identity // alienate 使疏远 // anesthesia 麻醉 // mentality 心态 注意发音
--很精彩 感觉没讲完。。。 认真听的话大部分都能听懂。。。。

1. Describe the most important decision that you have ever made. Explain why this decision is the most important. Include reasons and details to support your response.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 17.2==》 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读23/24各10遍=》done

are due in 6 weeks // proposed topics // made comments about // most frequent questions
proposing too broad a topic // look over // sketch out (草拟) // preliminary // indicate => 可用于写作
make necessary revision // hand in // be + due + 2 weeks from today // begin with // thesis statement
follow the textbook style // include xx + xx

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-3-30 14:29:38 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-4-2 17:50 编辑

2012年3月26日  星期一 ==> done

【TPO】19B (错的惨不忍睹 昨天一天没做听力而已,到底是状态差还是题目难,痛哭ing)

1. <Student and director>
student cafeteria // honor individual request // deep-fried food // produce 农产品(作名词使用)
clear-cut = dictinct // pursue this further

2. <Marine biology class>
coastal 沿海的 // marsh 沼泽 湿地 // coastal salt marshes 没听出来 // inviting 诱人的 // a plant genus => genus 种类
meadow 草地 牧场 // hay 干草 // withstand 很好用的小词,居然从来都没说过或者写在作文里。。。 // saline condition
osmosis 渗透 // cell wall 细胞壁 // 听到这里很不明白为什么形容盐分程度的时候用highest而不是higher,细胞壁里面和外面而已啊,还有第三者?
dehydrate 脱水 // exctere 排泄 分泌。。。// shimmer 闪烁(猜对啦)// tidbit 小兰报道 珍闻 // cope with
low in O2 // sulfide 硫化物(注意记 发音) // mechanism 机制 原理 途径 技巧 // anchoring =》 anchor+ing 抛锚
solidly 坚固地 // perish 死亡 腐烂 (反义词是thrive) //  resilient 有弹性的 // snap 突然拉断 // wonder 惊奇 奇迹
wilt 枯萎。。。。。

3. <Art history class>
protrait 肖像 描写 // protraiture 肖像画  // vision 美景 // prestige 威望 声誉 // headway 前进 进步 // contemplative 沉思的 冥想的
have high regard for 十分尊重 重视 // vague 模糊的 // sense of isolation // be aware of =》 记得用于口语/写作!
Besides her ... 可用于写作!!!

【TED】Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
http://www.ted.com/talks/donald_ ... newable_energy.html

start with // spend 后面出了接时间以外 还可以接 effort =》 可用于写作 // extensive study // most likely target
composite 合成物 // an amazing accomplishment => 不要只会achievement 还可以用accomplishment =》 可用于写作
size of the Mars => half of the earth // elevation 海拔 // volcanos produce atmospheres and oceans // intriguing 迷人 feature
magnitized // certain areas // intriguing evidence suggest => 可用于综合写作 // polar caps //
key ingredient // sub-surface // frozen in the form of ice // red planet // unravel the mystery // of equal importance =》 可用于写作
inspire the next generations of scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians => 很好的观点,可用于写作!
preprogram // as well as // pinpoint // gradient // largest diameter // parachute 降落伞
practice makes the perfect // comparable to // density and pressure // cover the cost // large effort //
NASA Langley Research Center  // we are on the verge right now // rewrite the textbook about Mars=> 可用于写作

【TWE】 --- 录音已传   Some people prefer to make decisions quickly. Others prefer to take their time making them. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 17.3 => 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读25/26各10遍=> done

halo 光环

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-4-1 15:13:45 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-4-4 17:30 编辑

2012年3月27日 星期二 =》 done

【TPO】20A (第一篇错第一题 第二篇全对 第三篇错1和5)

1. <Student and Library employee>
senior thesis 毕业论文 // the whole academic year // extended borrowing privileges // renew 续借!!!
suspend 缓 延迟 悬停 // fill out a form 填表

2.<Linguistic class>
conventions 惯例 大会 约定 // violate 违反=》 我总跟violent联系起来。。。// maxims 至理名言 // infer 推断
make inferences 做出推论 // spell out 讲清楚 // ambiguity 含糊不清 莫林两可 // subtle //
sarcasm TBBT里面学会的单词。。。 // irony // deceive 拼写出错了。。。

3. <Environmental science class>
interglacial period 间冰期 // retreat 撤 // default 默认 拖欠 不履行 // for reasons which are not entirely clear
lag effect 时滞效应 听出来了 咔咔 // slip 滑 // dipped 下降 // raise crops and animals for food instead of hunting for them=》 可用于写作
regard as // beneficiary 受益人 // fortuitous 偶然的 意外的 // pasture your animals => pasture 还有动词的意思的
end up with => 这个end up出现过太多次了,下次争取用在写作里 // associated with => 可用于写作 替换 relevant
the spread of // as it turned out // profound effect => 可用于写作 // ironic 讽刺 反话 // uncharted 未知的
fossil fuels =》 可用于写作

【TED】Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy

megawatt 百万瓦特 // can't respond fast enough // address the problem // renewable // liquid metal 液态金属
post doc 博士后。。。//  heterodoxy 异端 // innovation // current engergy situation
Volta 瓦特 意大利人 invent battery的例子可用于写作 // blueprint
compelling 激发兴趣的 引人注意的 // super-low cost // earth-abundant elements // scalable 可攀登的 // subsidy 津贴

1. Choose a school which is very impressive to you and explain why it is impressive to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Boys and girls should attend separate schools. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
3. If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 16.1=》 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读27/28各10遍=》 done

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-4-2 15:07:17 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-4-5 22:35 编辑

2012年3月28日 星期三 ==》 done

【TPO】20B((第一篇错1 第二篇错2/3/5 第三篇全对)

1. <student and professor>
come right in // while you were presenting 听成了 value your presenting // mouthful 拗口

the school has a pool of money // indepth research often requires monetary support->可用于写
expand on 详述 // panel of experts 专家小组 // grant 授权 // eligible 可行的 //  glowing letter
it is due in few weeks

2.<Literature class>
folk legends // main branch // folk tales // Norwegian => 听成了oringinal
retain 保持 // internal objective // so to speak // dragons 龙 凶恶的人 // trolls 巨人 // invisibility cloak 隐身衣
heroine 女英雄=>记得听出来 // standard opening // stock character // peasant girl //
comical story => comical 滑稽的 好笑的

3.<Biology class>
state of maine 缅因州  // field research 实地调查 实际教学 // survive and reproduce => 可用于写作
extreme climate // major concern // shedding 脱落 // furry // hind 后部的 // paw // lean 瘦的

【TED】T. Boone Pickens: Let's transform energy -- with natural gas
http://www.ted.com/talks/t_boone ... th_natural_gas.html

global warming // national security // we have to get off of oil purchased from enemies
As we moved on // fuel // crude oil // domestic // natural gas // barrel 桶 // anually // that has got to be stop
transfer of treasure // aircraft carrier 航空母舰 // double the demand // transportation fuel // sustainable 可以忍受的 足以支撑的 养得起的
headed to natual gas // have abundance of it // octane 辛烷 // air quality
world oil production is about to enter a period of irrevocable decline

1. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a college makes a person easier to get successful in career. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 16.2=》 录音完毕
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读29/30各10遍 =》 done

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-4-4 20:16:03 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-4-6 21:16 编辑

2012年3月29日 星期四 ==》 done

【TPO】21A (全对,真心希望考试的时候也是这个效果。。。。。)

1. <Student and professor>
orientation session 开学第一天或者上班第一天的重要讲话会 // map reading skill 老外还真能编,这种skill都能扯出来
month and month ago的意思没查到。。。 // marching forward // research equipment // on the forefront
specialize in // aerospace // prominent 突出的 显著地 卓越的哦// alumni => 妈啦 这个词背过这么长时间终于见到用了!!!虽然做题时没听出来
end up 再次出现。。。 // applied math // minor 辅修 // major minor 对应的蛮好的么 //

2. <History of science class>
geocentric 以地球为中心的。。。 // holds 持某观点 // revolve 旋转 // philosophical and religious beliefs => 哲学听出来了,宗教没听出来
continue to prevail // alternative theory // intuitive 直觉的 凭直觉的 // inconsistent 不一致的 前后矛盾的 // proposition propose的名词形式
so to speak => 再次出现

3. <Computer science class -> sofewar engineering>
relies heavily on // mentality 心智 心态 智力 头脑作用 // split 分开的 // known bugs in it 和 no bugs in it 真心听不出来
proactive 有前瞻性的


It can be a very complicated thing // daunting task 令人退却的 // move forward // canning 罐头

pile enormouse pollution into the ocean  // inlet 入口 // cannery 罐头工厂 // adage 格言
pyramid // plankton 浮游生物 背过哇 // save the ocean, heal the ocean
peanuts 花生 // food chain // dolphin // what a terrible price to pay // turns out // liver 肝脏
tragedy // toxic // awful // break the protocal // intolerable situation //  sewer 下水道
end up // clog up // sewage // surf riders // surfers
legacy 遗产 // human communities // bacteria lead to human disease
blocked and clogged // plumber 水管工 // abated 减少 减轻


1. Do you think that college education should be free? Use specific examples to support your opinion.

2. Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 16.3=》录音完毕

【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读31/32各10遍

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-4-5 22:47:15 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 idealibt 于 2012-4-7 23:08 编辑

2012年3月31日 星期六 ==> done

【TPO】 21B (第一篇错1.5 第二篇错5.6 第三篇错3.5)

1.<Student and public relation professor>

take aback 吃惊 受惊吓 // consultant 顾问 // required // elective course // master degree 硕士
stay awake 保持清醒的 // barely 勉强 //  allude 暗指 顺便提到 // allude to // a sense of good will
have expertise in xxx // more career options // befor commiting yourself

2. <Biology class>

lizard 蜥蜴 // venomous 有毒的 分泌毒液的 // venom 毒液 // viper 毒蛇 // cobras 眼镜蛇
constrictor 大蟒蛇 // python 巨蟒 // colubrid 无毒蛇类 // immobilize // drip 滴下 // apparatus 设备 装置 器官
constriction 收紧 压缩 // fewer side effects // far-fetched 牵强

3. <Art history class>
this is due to // at least in part // prestigious 有声望的 // outward form // override 推翻
lead-in 导入 // contradiction 矛盾 // elongated 瘦长的 // vicinity 附近 // span


wave of evolution // darwinian evolution =>darwinian 注意发音 // mutation 突变 //   niche 注意发音 // implications
intentionally // hybrid // slaughtering // genetic technology // genetic enhancement // plastic // geld // cloned creatures
save endangered species // instead of // somatic 躯体的 肉体的 // gestate 使怀孕 孕育  // end up

1. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?
2. Describe a subject you have studied in school. Explain why you like it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 15.1
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读33/34各10遍

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-4-6 23:59:01 |显示全部楼层
2012年4月1日 星期日  ==》 undone



1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
2. If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.
3. Some people believe that universities should require students to take classes on ethics, whereas others believe a school should focus only on academic issues. Which do you think is better? Support your decision with reasons and examples.

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 15.2
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读35/36各10遍

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2012-4-7 23:13:37 |显示全部楼层
2012年4月2日  星期一  ==》 undone



1. Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2. What is the most interesting class you have ever taken? Explain the aspects of the class that made it interesting. Include details and examples in your explanation.
3. Some people believe that students should focus their time on academic subjects. Others don’t think learning academic subjects is enough. They believe that students should also learn other things such as movies and music. Which opinion do you think is more reasonable, and why?

【朗读TPO Reading一篇】-》 TPO 15.3
【跟读Part-C 两篇】-》跟读37/38各10遍

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