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[习作点评] 所以决定接下来的作文都发到这个里面来了,各种求拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-11-1 16:52:59 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 bert2177 于 2013-11-3 21:53 编辑


这里的第一篇,也是我的第八篇issue, 103,写到后面就发现不太会写了然后就开始自暴自弃了,果然作文不能拖太久还是要一直练习写的T.T
The best idea arises from a passionate interest in commonplace things.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Technology has been in great developments for few decades. It may seem that some of the impressive discoveries are found in as simple as an idea derived by the enthusiasm in common things. Although a passionate interest is one of the factors that contribute to a finding, to come up with a best idea, one is also required to have more than just eagerness.

To start with, a basic ken is as important as the love. Before one is fond of something, he/she would have known it to some degree, because not only it's been said that human are naturally afraid of the unknowns, but also people are not likely to develop any further feeling until they aware of it. In such case, a basic knowledge comes before interests. For instance, not until one tastes the happiness of swimming in the summer will he/she be interest in swimming. Besides, simple by the love of water can't someone think of a faster style to move in it. It's by the knowledge of physics and structure of human body that people figure out how to swim faster. In addition, in science fields, one is unlike to have any idea or finding without knowing the basics. Such as Isaac Newton, a great scientist of physics and the founder of classic physics didn't find Gravity with only his passionate interest over physics and the apple fell on his head. If so, it's possible Gravity would have been found years earlier. The finding also requires his knowledge of mathematics and physics.

What's more, a persistent mind may have a greater influence on an idea. It is well known that before the first light bulb was finally invented, thousands of material was tested by Edison, a famous inventor. There's no doubt that having numerous metal tested requires not only great passion, but patience in one. The experiment of finding the suitable substance for filament may be regarded as dull because most of the work was repetitive. No matter how enthusiastic one is, repeating the same experiment and failing it day after day would surely decrease one's interest on one thing. This is probably also why Edison was the first who successfully invented light bulb. Indeed, without insistence, people would give up once they are no longer interested in something that isn’t necessary to do.

However, to some degree it may be true that a passionate interest is the origin of an idea without which, there would probably be no best idea at all. If there was no interest in flying, planes wouldn't be invented at the first place, not to mention other things related with it such as jet engine. Furthermore, it is with the interest in the unknowns that human explore the nature, thus, help the advancing in technology.

In general, we can't deny that passion has its effect, but it's not the only contribution to the success of one's work.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-11-3 18:05:49 |显示全部楼层

The following is a memorandum from the business manager of a television station.
Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news. During this time period, most of the complaints received from viewers were concerned with our station's coverage of weather and local news. In addition, local businesses that used to advertise during our late-night news program have just canceled their advertising contracts with us. Therefore, in order to attract more viewers to the program and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should restore the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level.

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

In order to attract more audiences and prevent losing sponsors, a memorandum was posted by the business manager where the proposal seemed to be well presented. However, failing to provide some specific evidences, the argument couldn't be regarded as a cogent one.

To start with, there was no doubt that the television station had changed the proportion of its late-night news, thus the fluctuation lead to complaints from some viewers. It's common that a change would bring disagreements as a consequence, but without a further investigation, drawing to a conclusion as did in the argument weakens the proposal. A further study including a wider range of the audiences watching late-night news and a complete survey where people can state their disagreements to the change as well as their supports to it would surly provide a better understanding whether people like the increasing in national news or not. On the other hand, simply by the received calls may the argument be misguiding because there were no detail on the people who may probably be consisted of opponents towards the change. Under the circumstance, the argument was weakened by the lack of evidence, hence, it wasn't persuasive on stating that the audience disliked the increasing time to national news.

What's more, the reason that local businesses stopped its sponsor wasn't clearly stated. Although local businesses may cancel their contracts with the station during the increasing of national news, no other evidence was provided to support the assumption that two incidents were connected. It's possible local businesses called off their contracts for the following reasons. First, local businesses found that it's a waste of money to keep the contracts. Second, the television station did something else that lead to the abolishment. Third, local businesses saw no future in the TV station. None of the cases was related to the change in late-night news program. Thus, judged by the argument, the author reckoned that by returning the program to its original proportion the station would avoid losing further advertising revenues was unconvincing.

In addition, the author assumed that the increasing of national news had caused complains of the program. However, in the latter part of the argument, it was said that by restoring the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level the program would attract more viewers. If the first assumption about complains is true, then the restoring may, at best, stop the complains about the alternation. On the other hand, there were no proofs presented to show why the act of restoring would attract more audiences.

There's no doubt what a manager in TV station would like is to attract more viewers, and indeed, the best way to accomplish it is to cater needs of most people. Although the argument proposed a possibility, lack of evidence made it weak in its demonstration. If the author is to his point of view persuasive, more cogent details should be presented.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-11-7 17:00:16 |显示全部楼层
issue 148
Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Under the rapid growth of economy and industry, natural environment has being modified into factories and human habitats which allow only few amount of species to survive with. It is the concern about the nature that some hold the opinion in which laws to be established to preserve the wilderness areas left in every country. There's no doubt the proposal is of great controversy, as according to different aspects, it could be both beneficial and harmful.

To start with, protecting natural lands would not only be good for the environment, but also the nation. With the utilizing of machines, human beings already show their mighty power to the nature. People can cut down all trees in a forest within days, thus ruins the habitats of thousands of creatures, which were forced to either move or die. However, the more people destroy, the worse the environment becomes. For instance, typhoons are gaining their strength every year due to the green house effect, which is partly related to the undermining of wilderness areas. Thus, to some degree, the wilderness areas are providing protection to people. On the other hand, by protecting the natural lands, a nation could gain popularity and funds. Like Kenya, a country in Africa, is famous for its nation park where wildness areas are preserved. Numerous of tourists, scientist and people who are fond of nature visit Kenya to explore the wild and some of visitors even invest the country. Thus, the well protected nature brings Kenya popularity and investment.

What's more, laws preserving wilderness areas may be an effective method. It's possible that some people ignore the importance of protecting the nature and destroy it unscrupulously because these people would, at best, be condemned by the society rather than be punished by the laws. There's no doubt that if driven by strong desire, people may lose their consciousness, which makes them overlook the condemnation and take advantages of the nature regardless of the consequences, especially when there are countless of treasures to be found in the nature, such as precious woods, animal furs, delicious but rare foods, etc. However, with the establishing of laws, those who wanted to make profits from the nature would have to consider the risk of being caught, hence, lower the possibility of destroying the wild. Furthermore, people would be more equipped to protect the nature with the help of the laws. Instead of being ignored, they would have more deterrence.

However, the laws could be harmful to the advancing economy and industry. We can't deny the fact that some necessary sacrifices are expected. For instance, it's possible that a chemistry industry could produce qualified and effective medicine, even though the byproducts do harm to the wildness. However, before new environmental friendly drugs are invented, people won't stop the pollution brought by the current one. If laws protecting nature is put into use, the company would be closed or fined which could cause the cessation of development. On the other hand, with the increasing population, more fields are required to become human habitats, but sadly, they weren't compatible with the original state of wildness. With the law preserving wildness areas, the density of population would increase which may lead to an unstable society.

In general, as a member of the Earth, protecting the environment ought to be considered when we are developing ourselves. Although we can't deny the laws could hamper the development of economy and industry, I believe with a brain that exceeds all other animals, human are able to come up with other ways to overcome the disadvantages. Therefore, I agree that nations should pass laws to protect the wildness nature.

使用道具 举报

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