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[工科材料准备] [重要] 留学写作指南 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 02:57:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


☆ TOEFL成绩单

☆ GRE成绩单

☆ GRE SUBJECT 成绩单。并非每个专业都要求你有专项成绩,但你有的话,通常能增加你赢得奖学金的机会。

☆ TSE成绩单。并不是所有学生必须提供的,但有一个良好的TSE成绩,能增加拿助教津贴的机会。

☆ 本科四年成绩单。如果大学尚未毕业,可只提供现有的成绩单。所有成绩单都应当是中、英文对照的,最好两份同时盖上公章并封入信封,在封口上再盖上封签章。每所大学都会要求一、两份这样的成绩单。由于联系学校的数量一般在10~20所所以应该准备好不少于30份的成绩单。

☆ 研究生成绩单。国外学校一般要求提供所有post-secondary education的成绩单,如果你读过研究生,自然也包括你在研究生学习期间的成绩单。 这些成绩单的制作要求与本科成绩单相同。

☆ 本科、研究生的毕业证书和学位证书。在联系过程中,通常只要将这些证件的复印件寄给所联系的学校就行,但在使馆签证和到美国的大学报到时,则需要出示原件和公证件。 寄这些证件复印件时,应随附英文翻译。

☆ PERSONAL STATEMENT 或 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE。这是一份各专业都需要的自我表白材料,一般要求500~1000字。在这篇十分重要的文章中,你既要把对所学专业的精深看法写出来,还要把自己的精神状态和对前途的看法写出来。既要写得具体、实在,又要写得生动感人。如何写作这份文件,是本软件的重要内容。

☆ 三封推荐信。各学校一般要求每个申请者提供三封推荐信。大部分学校都有固定的推荐信表格,只要按照表格填写就行。多数情况下,推荐信也可以由推荐人另行用信纸写成,单独或随表格一起寄给国外学校。每份推荐信都必须由推荐人亲自签名,不能复印。推荐人最好由了解你的大学老师、单位领导及专业知名人士担任。如果有外国教授比较了解、欣赏你,请他们写推荐信,效果往往不错。本软件将对一些推荐信实例进行评改。

☆ 资金证明表。该表由各大学寄给你,要求你填上自己和家庭的经济状况,去美国读书的资金来源以及由谁提供担保等。

☆ RESUME 或简历。个人简历并不是每个学校每个专业都要求的,但写出一份个人简历,把自己的教育背景、工作经验和优点一目了然地呈现在洋教授们面前,一定会对你只有好处没有坏处。

☆ 论文摘要工程项目设计介绍。有些学校明文要求这些,但即便没有要求,你也应尽可能地提供,因为它们能够显著增加你的自述的可信度,从而大大提高你获得录取和资助的机会。

☆ 各大学所需的其他表格。有些学校和有些专业可能会要求某些特殊的申请文件,如有的大学要求你的健康证明等,应按要求准备并寄出。

☆ 正式申请大学的申请费。中国学生现在已不可能逃避这项30~70美元不等的费用。通常你可以到中国银行办理美元汇票,或请国外的亲友们帮你用支票交纳。

☆ 录取通知书。各大学在正式录取你后,都会给你发出正式录取通知书。该通知书通常与奖学金无关。

☆ I-20表。该表是所有到美国留学的学员最后都必须收到的一份重要表格,持该表格就可以办护照和签证,以最终进入美国。

☆ 护照。没有护照,一切免谈。办护照一般需要如下文件:a.录取通知书;b.I-20 表(美国);c.出境申请表,在上面需要有单位的人事章和公安局的审批章;d.国家培养费交费证明;e如果还没有毕业的学员要有退学证明书。

☆ 健康免疫证明书。每个学生都必须在出国前参加体检,注射一些疫苗,由中国卫生检疫中心发给健康免疫证明书,在通过美国海关时使用。

☆ 各种公证文件。在出国过程中也许并不需要,到了美国也难得用上,但一旦涉及结婚,工作等重大事情时却可能必不可少,所以必须做好准备。这些公证主要包括:婚姻公证,无犯罪公证,工作经验公证等。



在准备、参加考试的同时确定自己希望到美国去攻读的专业,调查该专业在美国各大学的排名和其他情况。通过Peterson's Guide 等资料查询各大学专业招生情况、要求及地址。有条件的,也可以进入各大学在Internet的网点查询。在8月份以前必须选出30~40所学校作为自己的联系对象。在些期间,还应该尽可能回原毕业的学校开出中英文的正式成绩单。


收到校方的回信和申请资料,着手准备各种各样的文件。首先要对申请表格进行筛选,排除一些不合适或对你不表示欢迎的学校,最后选定10~15所学校作为认真联系的对象。然后按这些学校各自的要求准备文件,通常这些文件包括经校方签章并签封的中英文成绩单,TOEFL、GRE等语言考试成绩单的复印件,你自己写的personal statement, resume, essays, 和你的推荐人写的recommendation letters, 等等。

a. Cover Letter, 向校方说明全部资料已准备齐全,现在一起寄出,希望校方认真考虑并给予回音。
d. Personal Statement & Resume,这两个文件事关你的奖学金,一定要把你的优势和成就写得充分可信。

1. Three Recommendation Letters, 把三封推荐信分三个信封装好,并在信封口上请教授签上字。
2. 中、英文对照的成绩单,用学校的信封封好,封口上应有学校的签章
3. TOEFL、GRE的正式成绩单,必须安排国外的考试中心直接寄给学校。






[ 本帖最后由 helenlhh 于 2007-1-2 18:46 编辑 ]

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 02:59:09 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-2


Jiao Dianshi
Dept. of Entertainment
Tsinghua University
Beijing 111001
People's Republic of China

Sept. 31, 1998

Graduate Admissions Committee
Department of Fancy Discipline
Nice & Beautiful University
101 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 10090
United States of America

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a lecturer teaching video production at the Tsinghua University of China, one of the country's leading institutions of higher learning. I now wish to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing advanced studies in a quality graduate program at an American university. Towards that end, I am writing to ask for a package of your application documents. Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated.

I did my undergraduate studies at the Tsinghua University, where I now teach, and obtained a Master's Degree in 1996 at the Beijing Institute of Broadcasting, the best higher-learning institution of its kind in China. In the past two years, I have been serving as a popular teacher of television shooting and the making of documentary films. In this capacity, I have published a number of research papers concerning China's booming media industry.

As I try to ground myself more solidly in my teaching and research career, I need to broaden my vision and perspectives. Checking into the Peterson's Guide and other sources, I have found that your university offers the kind of graduate program that caters to my type of research interests. It is therefore hoped that this letter will start me off in a process that will lead to my enrolment in your program next year.

Yours sincerely

Jiao Dianshi

Chen Xuemin
P.O. Box 4444
Northern Industrial University
Beijing 100085
E-Mail: chenxue@mail.niu.edu.cn

Apr. 31, 1998
Graduate School
University of Wonders
London N55 44G
United Kingdom

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a Chinese student due to graduate this year with a B.S. from the Computer Department of the Northern Industrial University, a distinguished higher-learning institution based in Beijing, China's capital. I would like to apply for acceptance into your graduate program so that I can further my training in my chosen field of studies. All your assistance will be highly appreciated.

I was born in 1976 in Liaoning, the country's most industrialized province, with a population of about 40 million. My education began in 1983 in my hometown Liaoyang's Nanlinzi Primary School. I did so well at Nanlinzi that I won admission in 1986 into the Liaoning Experiemental Primary School, which groups together the province's best and brightest children. It was at the Liaoning Experimental Primary School that I set out to learn computer programming with the BASIC language at only 11 years of age, which is quite unusual among Chinese children even today. In 1988, I moved on into the Liaoning Experimental Middle School, the cream of the province's high schools. In this middle school, I persevered in enhancing my computer expertise, which enabled me to win the championship at a contest of computer knowledge that involved all the high schools in Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning.

My schooling at the province's best high school paid off in 1994. That year, I gained acceptance into the Northern Industrial University on the strength of my impressive grades in the highly competitive National University Entrance Examinations, which are held annually nationwide to screen high school graduates for university education. In the four years since, I have been receiving systematic and comprehensive training in computer science, taking courses ranging from discrete mathematics, fundamentals of combinatorics, introduction to mathematical logic, assembly language, C language, data structure, compiler design theory, operating system, computer architecture and organization, to fundamentals of computer networks.

Meanwhile, I have also endeavored to improve my English proficiency. Recently, I took the TOFEL and GRE tests. Although the scores are still pending, I believe that they will be good.

I now would very much like to expand the horizon and insights that my education so far has endowed in me. Towards that end, I have checked around for a good Western university to go to. Judging by all that I know, I think your university suits my purpose the best. It would be a great privilege for me if I could join your graduate program to advance my training. Please send me an application package and all other material I might need to apply for acceptance.

Yours sincerely,

Chen Xuemin

 本信较长,是个颇极端的例子。由于原作者坚持要写满一页,所以改后稿也甚长。其实这么多文字很可能浪费了。这样一封用于索取资料的信,目的仅是要对方对自己产生兴趣,然后把申请和介绍材料寄给自己。一般来说,这种信不必要太长,也不必太详细地介绍自己,更不必要设计与自己学术能力无关的内容。当然,也不要使用Dear Leadership这种话,听起来让人起鸡皮疙瘩。

Dear President and Leadership,

My name is Tai Changle, I will graduate from Computer Department of Chinese Northern Industrial University this year. I would like to apply for further study as graduate student at your University. I took forward to your permission and reply. Here is my resume as following:

I was born in Liaoyang city of Liaoning Province, China, in June 10, 1976. I studied at the Nanlinzi Primary School in my home town from September 1983 to June 1986, at the Provincial Testing Primary School of Liaoning Province in Shenyang City from June 1986 to July 1988, at the provincial Testing Middle School of Liaoning Province In Shenyang City from September 1988 to February 1992, at the Middle School attached at the People's University of China in Beijing from February 1992 to July 1994. Since September 1994, I became an undergraduate at the Northern Industrial University of China in Beijing.

When I was 11 years old, I began to study BASIC language programming. In middle school, I kept on studying computer knowledge in my spare time, and won a championship at the competition of computer knowledge in which the students from all excellent High Schools in Shenyang City took part.

In the last four years, I have learned the courses on computer systematically, including Discrete Mathematics, Fundamentals of Combinatorics Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Assembly Language, C Language, Data Structure, Compiler Design Theory, Operating System, Computer Architecture and Organization, Fundamentals of Computer Networks and So on.

In the mean time, I took the TOFEL and GRE test. Last year, I got a license for drivers.

My four years undergraduate life is very wonderful and meaningful, it has expanded my horizon. I long for the chance to learn more knowledge. ## is the best university in my mind. I wish I could study at your University in the future.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 03:00:21 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-3

By Jin Sheng

From this book, I learned a lot of modern technology that can improve the performance of computer, like pipelining and parallel processing. It made my mind. In the third year, I entered the laboratory, worked with Dr. Komatsu (chief researcher in IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory) and Dr. Koseki (researcher in IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory) on GIFT project. It introduces the following architecture supports that can allow compilers to derive more parallelism from programs. 1. A conditional execution mechanism. 3 A dynamic memory disambiguation mechanism to execute memory access instructions simultaneously.

As an undergraduate student, I only could do a limited research work, but at the seminar twice a week, I learned lots about parallel processing and software engineering. In laboratory, we read and discuss the paper and book, like " ADVANCED COMPILER DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION", with master students. Dr. Komatsu also taught us some new knowledge. My graduation thesis is :" An Improvement of Softwarepipelining using Loop Transformations". In that, I introduced a translation algorithm using Loop interchange and Loop skewing. This algorithm can minimize the initiation interval of loop nest to improve the performance of Softwarepipelining."

Yet parallel processing is mostly aren't in recent system, it is far from maturity. There are still some sequential algorithms can't be easily translated into fast parallel algorithms and most compiler can only distribute works on one platform. Another unsettled problem is :programming parallel computers now is still a manual work, even the modern language ( like Java, C++) can do some automatic translation work. If there is a compiler that can translate and distribute work into different platforms, then personal computers can work like a supercomputer with low cost. Especially, today, more and more computers are connected by network, even in family. Contacting all computers in world to make the fastest one is not a dream.

Without advanced knowledge, I can do nothing but wait. In order to convert my undergraduate study into full play, graduate is necessity. Form the Web and my advisor's recommendation, I am pleased to learn that your department has an academic atmosphere where originality is appreciated and individual potential is explored. It will be the best place for my specialized study. If possible, my main interest in the future will be in the following areas.
Parallelizing and Distributing Compiler
Operating System
Computer Network

    Upon the completion of my study, I would work to realize the dream before. I believe it will fruit in the nearest future.

By Jin Sheng


A fourth-year student grounded solidly in the basics of computer science, I am writing in pursuit of graduate studies that I hope can help me acquire cutting-edge expertise in software programming in general and parallel processing in particular.

Intrigued by the power of the computer since high school, I have been trying to stay on top of the computer science by concentrating my undergraduate studies on those subjects that underpin the discipline, particularly mathematics and electronics. To build up my solid knowledge in these subjects, I have taken virtually all the related courses that the university has had to offer. These courses include Algorithm & Data Structure, Mathematical Modeling, Network Theory, Digital Circuit, Discrete Mathematics, and Electric Circuit. With a sophisticated understanding in these areas, I have been well positioned to appreciate the basic theories of computer science and their applications to software development.

Aided by the firm command of the basics, I have found it not only easy but also exciting to study the various subjects covered by my major. As most of my classmates, I took a variety of courses ranging from AI to Computer Network, from AI Programming to Knowledge Engineering, from Pattern Recognition to Software Engineering, and from Database Design to Programming Language Design. But I distinguished myself by my academic record, which places me as one of the very top students in my class. My grades in these course never went below A or B. I have also stood out as one of the few who have taught themselves Real Time System and Computer Graphics.

Armed with sound training in the basic theories and applied technologies, I have been able to move on into deeper and wider areas of computer science. Early in my university life, I began to understand that the modern computer's base, the Turing machine, was reaching its limits in AI. Gradually, I have narrowed down my research interest to parallel & distributive computing, which I understand can significantly boost the performance of personal computers by giving them some of the functions of mainframe computers.

Of all the areas of computer science, parallel processing fascinates me the most. The term first came to me when I read the book Computer Organization & Design: the Hardware/software Interface as part of my Computer Architecture course. By teaching me how the performance of computers can be improved through pipelining and parallel processing, the book reshaped my thinking in computer science.

My lab experience deepened my understanding of parallel processing. In my third year, I worked on a GIFT project with Dr. Komatsu, chief researcher of IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory and Dr. Koseki, one of Dr. Komatsu's colleagues. The project was to introduce the architecture supports that can allow compilers to derive more parallelism from programs. These architecture supports include three designs, a conditional execution mechanism to execute instructions without normal conditional jump instructions, speculative execution mechanism, and a dynamic memory disambiguation mechanism to execute memory access instructions simultaneously.

As undergraduate students seldom get to be involved in actual research, I took full advantage of the opportunity of working in the lab. I particularly enjoyed the seminars held twice a week as part of the lab work. At these seminars, I engaged in in-depth discussions with Master's students under Dr. Komatsu's seasoned guidance. The lab experience is adding weight and insights to my graduation paper An Improvement of Software pipelining using Loop Transformations. In this paper, I will introduce a translation algorithm using loop interchange and loop skewing. This algorithm can minimize the initiation interval of loop nest to improve the performance of software pipelining.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 03:01:44 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-4



Department of Computer Science and Technology
Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084
People's Republic of China

Dear Sir:

I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr.Wang as an exceptional candidate for admission to your Ph. D program.

I have known Mr. Wang since his enrollment in Tsinghua University in 1991. To my knowledge, he studied diligently and got excellent records in most courses he took, especially those of mathematics and computer theories. He was also enrolled in a graduate course of mine in Theory and Application of Problem Solving, in which he showed a clear and quick grasp of the concepts involved and a strong capacity of analytical thinking.

Since the third year of his undergraduate study, Mr. Wang has taken part in a lot of research work on analysis of algorithms and cryptography along with other faculty. His good work has fully manifested his ability to analyze and solve problems, his incorporation of fundamental knowledge with good skills, and his cooperative manner with others.

Due to his internal drive to excel and his industrious study, he was constant among the top three of 160 students in undergraduate and 56 students in graduate of his grade. Moreover, he has been awarded several prizes and honors for his outstanding work, such as "Lin Jiaqiao Applied Mathematics Scholarship 1988", which awarded only 10 students from 15,000 students of Tsinghua University, and "National Computer World Magazine Scholarship 1990", which awarded only 60 students of all college students majoring in Computer Science in P.R. China. These honors clearly demonstrate his achievement in Tsinghua University.

In addition, his proficiency in English language in listening, speaking as well as reading and writing will certainly enable him to be competent at the task as teaching and researching assistant.

Therefore, I recommend Mr. Wang most enthusiastically. Any assistance you could render to his application for admission and assistantship would be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,

To whom it may concern:

It gives me tremendous pleasure to recommend to you Ms. Du, who has applied for admission into your graduate program.

Both Ms. Du and I work for The First Water Supply Plant of Big City, the biggest in Big City, where Ms. Du has always been an inspiring source of help and support for me throughout the years with her impressive meticulousness and diligence.(到了第二段也没有说明推荐者与被推荐人的具体关系是不妥的。)

She started working as my assistant when our plant had just completed converting the old filters into fast-filters and I was busy testing their working conditions to make sure that the conversion was successful. It was a good opportunity for her to practice what she had learned, and she did seize it. She was first assigned to do data recording in the experiment of testing the functioning of the new filters under different conditions. She did the job with great patience and meticulous care, despite its triviality and boredom. But, with her creative mind, she was never content with merely doing her job. When the data were in, she studied them and put forward her analysis of what the data suggested, as proved invaluable for the experiment. By and by, I developed full confidence in her research ability and later let her do some related minor experiments independently. It turned out to be a wise move as her experiment reports were very satisfactory.

Her English is also very good. Over the past few years, she has helped me translate lots of foreign technology literature. She is always willing to do this work., as she believes translating not only improves her English, but adds to her knowledge of the latest developments in water and waste water treatment.(本段的内容是必要的,但位置不妥,放在这里打断了对她科研能力的介绍和评价。应放在下一段之后。)

After one and a half years' work, I am confident that she would have a very promising prospect in the field of water treatment, since she has demonstrated all the abilities and personality -hard-working, cautious and agreeable, which it takes to be a qualified researcher. Her only weakness is lack of access to more new theories, research methods and advanced practical technology. She knew this perfectly, so she told me that she was planning to pursue graduate studies abroad. While I regret very much that I will lose an excellent assistant, I quickly support her decision, as I know that it is a far-sighted decision for this promising young lady. She can learn what she wants to and I am sure that more advanced theoretical training will in turn further boost her ability in practical research.

I heartily recommend her to you without reservation, because I believe that she will also become an excellent student and assistant when admitted into your department. I would very much appreciate it if you could accept Ms. Du as a graduate student.

  With kindest regards,

  Sincerely yours,

  Wang Qiang
  Chief Engineer & Deputy Manager
  The First Water Supply Plant of Big City

Dear Professors:

I am very pleased to know that Ms. Du Huazi, a highly talented employee at this water plant, is applying for further studies in your graduate program, and I am now writing to lend her my full support in this effort.

Ms. Du has been working under my supervision at First Water Supply Plant, the biggest in the city, for the past year and a half. With her diligence and brilliance, Ms. Du has served as a source of inspiration and help for me and many others during this period.

At this water plant, she has consistently demonstrated a keen mind and impeccable work ethics. She started working as my assistant when I was conducting research on the application of the fiber filtering technology to the treatment of drinking water, which is traditionally treated with sodium silicate. My research represented the first attempt at the time to apply the fiber filtering technology outside the realm of industrial wastewater treatment.(原文没有这句话,而说明这个项目的重要性无疑有助于洋教授更好地了解被推荐人。)

Ms. Du stopped at nothing in her effort to learn. By taking part in the training sessions, she quickly learned to operate all the equipment and devices skillfully. When the plant completed converting the old filters into fast-filters, she seized the occasion as a good opportunity for her to practice what she had learned. Assigned to test the quality of the water out of the new filters, she had to do protracted data recording to find out the functioning of the new filters under different conditions. Undeterred by the monotony of the job, she discharged her duties with great patience and meticulous care. But, with her creative mind, she was never content with merely doing her job. When the data were in, she studied them and put forward her analysis of what the data suggested, which proved very valuable for the experiment. Under my guidance, she conducted the filter configuration. By and by, I developed full confidence in her research ability and later assigned her to do minor experiments independently. Her experiment reports were always satisfactory.

Judging by what I know of her, I believe that Ms. Du has the makings of a good scientific researcher in the field of water treatment. Hardworking, intelligent and cooperative, she should be able to build up a promising career, particularly if she can have the benefit of advanced studies in a developed country, where the technologies of environmental protection are much more advanced. In China, she finds herself inhibited by her lack of access to new theories, research methods and advanced technological know-how. I think it is wise of her to have decided to pursue graduate studies abroad. While I regret very much that I will lose an excellent assistant when she goes, I feel bound to support her decision, as I know this decision will lead her to new horizons and broader vision. I hope that one day she will return to China with new conceptual frameworks to take charge of the practical research that she is now leaving behind.

Ms. Du has a solid command of English. Over the past few years, she has helped me translate lots of foreign literature on science and technology. She is always enthusiastic about doing translations, as she believes it not only improves her English but also enhances her knowledge of the latest developments in water and waste treatment.

I recommend her to you without any reservation. I trust that she will become an excellent student and assistant when admitted into your department. I would greatly appreciate it if you could accept Ms. Du as a graduate student.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 03:03:00 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-5


No.S, Gate, Building
Beijing Language and Culture University
Beijing, 100083
People's Republic of China


Date of Birth: 8,7,1968         Sex: Female
Place of Birth: Xiamen, Fujian Province         Marital Status: Single
Nationality: People's Republic of China        Health: Excellent


Graduation:         07/88
Honors:         Top Student
Class monitor
National “Honor Student”
Highest scores from the University High School in the National
Entrance Examination for Universities

Foreign Languages Department
Major:        English
Minors:        Linguistics, French and Computer Science
Degree:        B.A
Honors:        Dean's List
University Scholarships for 4 consecutive years


Research        Foreign Language Department
Assistant        Project: Improvement of Computer programs for English-Chinese /Chinese-English translations

Assistant        Adult Education Institute
Professor        Course taught: English Listening Comprehension

Assistant        Foreign Language Department
Professor        Course taught: Intensive Reading English

part-time        Chinese Department
Course taught: Advanced Chinese (for foreign students from Australia,
Colombia, Greece, Hungary, Japan and the United States)


Chinese (Putonghua or Mandarin): Excellent
English:         Very good in listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities
French:         Fair in reading ability
Dialects:         Can understand some Fuzhou and xiamen(Min) dialects


Interests include:
Music:        Pop music and jazz
Sports:        Long-distance running
Taijiquan-a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing
Qigong-a system of deep breathing exercises
Cooking:        Chinese food
Dyeing:        Zharan---a Chinese traditional folk art
Penmanship:        Won many prizes in Chinese and English penmanship competitions


NAME:  Wang Zhi        BIRTH:  Beijing, P. R. China
SEX:  Male        MARITAL STATUS:  Single

Sept. 1986-June 1991        Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University,
Bachelor of Engineering
GPA: 92.1/100

Sept.1991-Mar. 1993        Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Majoring in Computer
Theory, Graduate School of Tsinghua University, Master of Engineering.
GPA: 91.4/100

Apr. 1993         Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

Algorithm Analysis, Complexity Theory, Parallel Algorithms and Interconnection Network, Crytography and Data Security, Al, Database System

1.  “Techniques in Distribution and Management of Database Encrytion keys”, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Symposium on Computer Imformation Security, Chinese Computer Federation, 1992
2.  “Key Transformation through Transformation Table”, Proceedings of 3rd Annual Symposium on Computer Imformation Security, Chinese Computer Federation,1992

1.  Tsinghua University Scholarship 1986-1991, First Prize
2.  Lin Jiaqiao (Professor of MIT) Applied Mathematics Scholarship 1988 (10 students awarded over 15,000 students of Tsinghua University)
3.  “Computer World” Scholarship 1990 (one of 60 students all over P.R. China)
4.  Guang Hua Scholarship for Graduate Students 1992, First Prize

Soccer, Captain of Tsinghua University Soccer Team and Champion of League A of Beijing Universities and Colleges 1992.

TOEFL:        64/68/61 total 643, May 1996
GRE General: 610,82%/800,97%/790, 98%, Oct, 1996.
Subject (on Computer Science): 790,93%, Oct. 1992


Name:        Wang Yifang
Sex:        Male
Birth:        28/6/1965, Beijing P. R. China
Major:        Computer Software

1. Courses Studied:
Mathematical Analysis        Introduction to Database System   
Advanced Algebra        Software Engineer
Mathematical Logic        Computer Network*
Set Theory and Algebra Structure        Computer Interactive Graphics
Graph Theory        Digital Logic
Probability & Statistics         Computer Architecture
Theoretical Computer Science         Microcomputer Architecture     
Introduction to Computing        Computer Interface and Peripheral Devices
Data Structure         Lab. of Digital Logic
Assembly Language         Lab of PASCAL Programming
Compiler's Principle         Lab. of Microcomputer
Operating System         Lab. of Compiler Design
Unix & C          English (Band 1~6)
Specialty English

2. Courses Learned by Myself
Combinational Mathematics         the Science of Programming
Advanced Operating System         Programming in FORTRAN

3. Honors
□ Fist prize in the national computer contest for non-professional students, 1989.
□ Practical Work Fellowship, 1992
□ Beijing University Fellowship, 1993.
□ Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, 1994.
□ Privilege to enter the Graduate program at Beijing University, waived of the admission test, 1994.

4. Professional Experience
  a. Course Project
* Operating System: developed a SPOOLING system on a virtual machine with a simplified instruction system. (MS DOS environment)
* Compiler Design: a practical PASCAL compiler developed on PC. (MS DOS environment)
* Database System: an insurance system with simplified functions on INFORMIX 5.0 (UNIX system).

  b. DBMS testing of Cobase system, which is a research project conducted by the Database Research Group in my department.
* I am in charge of the white box testing of the log management subsystem.

  c.        Programming for G/S project, which is directed by Prof. Fang Yu, 1994.
* My share of the responsibility is to develop the user interface with Windows 3.1.

  d.        Unix (Chinese Version) testing, sponsored by the Institute of Software, Academia Sinica, 1994.
* My task is to test (black box test )the lib functions listed in the Unix manual.

  e. I am now teaching Computer Architecture to part time students who are going to sit in the national computer qualification test to get their Associate's Degree.

6. Affiliations
  □ Computer Club Committee member, 1991~1994.
  □ English Club member, 1993.
  □ Department Volleyball Team player, 1992.
  □ Representative of the Student Union, Dept, of Computer Science, Beijing University, 1992.

7. Standard Tests
  □ TOEFL: 653, Oct 1994(61/68/67).
  □ GRE General: 2220, Oct 1994.(V: 720 97%, Q:790 96%, A:710 90%).
  □ GRE Subject (Computer Science): 740, 83%, Oct, 1994.

8. My Motto
Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.

9. Address
Room 203, Building 32
Beijing University
Beijing 1000871
P.R. China

Signature        Date

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 03:04:14 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-6


Beijing University
October 22, 1997

Dear Sir/Madam:

I wish to apply for and financial aids to your Graduate School to pursue a Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering. My intended date of entry is Fall, 1998.

Enclosed please find: (1) A completed application form and application fee; (2) Official transcripts from Beijing University; (3) RESUME and PURPOSE STATEMENT; (4) Letters of recommendation. Furthermore, I have requested the reference, I am enclosing photocopies of my TOEFL and GRE scores.

Thank you very much in advance for you immediate action to process my application.

Sincerely yours.
和申请材料一起寄出的Cover Letter

Annie Wang
P.O. Box 8740
Beijing 100084
October 22, 2001

Dear Sir / Madam:

I am applying for acceptance and financial aid in a bid to pursue a Master's Degree in Materials Science and Engineering at your university. My intended date of enrollment is the beginning of September 2002.

Enclosed hereinwith are: (1) a completed application form; (2) the application fee by way of an international money order; (3) a copy of my resume, and (4) my personal statement.

The Beijing University, my alma mater, will send official transcripts of my undergraduate academic record to you soon. Meanwhile, I have arranged for you to receive three letters of recommendation directly from their authors, two my former professors and the other my current employer.

I trust that you have received my official TOEFL and GRE scores from the ETS. In any case, photocopies of my TOEFL and GRE score reports are included in this package for your reference.

I will be looking forward to hearing of your decision regarding my application. If you need any other information or material, please let me know promptly.

Sincerely yours

Annie Wang


Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100021
P.R. China
Dec 8, 1996

Dear Professor Aki:

I am a master degree holder applying to your department for a Doctoral Degree program beginning in fall, 1994. I have already mailed application documents to Queen's University.

My major is computer theory with focus on algorithms and cryptography. I have known you since I took part in a seminar discussing your book Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, which greatly enhances my interest in parallel computation. I have also read some papers of yours concerning computer security, for example, the View for Multilevel Database Security collaborated with Denning et al. My master thesis is on multilevel database security. In the thesis I combined database security with cryptography, and got some results on cryptographic key management.

I am very interested in the areas of parallel algorithms and data security, and longing to continue my study in these areas. Since you are a well known specialist in these areas, I believe that it will be very helpful to my academic career if I have the chance to continue my research work under your advice.

Enclosed are some materials outlining my previous education and academic objectives. You may have more knowledge about me through these materials.

I sincerely hope that you can consider my request and accept me as one of your students.

Sincerely yours.


Dear Professor:

I have received the application and recommendation forms forwarded by Prof. Speegle on Sep. 7th, 1994. Since my GRE and TOEFL scores didn't arrive at that time, I didn't contact with you until now. Thank you for your sending the necessary material in advance.

As a matter of fact, I am deeply interested in the graduate program in your department. I intend to pursue my advanced study and research work on the topics of Database Design and Computation Theory. I have excellent records in my undergraduate years and obtained many honors. Particularly, mathematics is my forte. In addition, I took TOEFL in Oct, 1994 with a score of 653 (61/68/67). My GRE General score is also relatively high (total 2220; V 720 97%IQ 790 96%/A 710 90%).

Yet financial problems exist. Because I have no means to support myself in the U.S., my chance of admission is absolutely dependent on your financial assistant. Can you give me some detailed information on this issue? Is it advisable for me to apply? With the impending deadline, I wish you could give me a definite answer at your earliest convenience by Email (the email address is jzeg@ibm320h.phy.pku.edu.cn ). If your reply is positive, I will surely compete for your admission.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours.

Wen Luqu
P. O. Box 8740
Beijing 100080
People's Republic of China

Dear Professor Speegle:

Thank you for forwarding to the application and recommendation forms on July 1999. I did not immediately respond at the time because I was waiting for my GRE and TOEFL scores. Since I have those scores now, I wish to get some preliminary indication from you about my chance of pursuing graduate studies at your university.

A major in Database Design and Computation Theory, I am deeply interested in your graduate program, which seems to offer exactly the kind of advanced training that I need to further my career. My TOEFL score, obtained March 1999, is 653 (61/68/67), and my GRE General score, obtained in December 1998, is also relatively high at 2220 (V 720 97%; IQ 790 96%; A 710 90%). The academic record of my undergraduate studies is very good. Except for two peripheral courses, I was a straight A student throughout the four undergraduate years. My performance was particularly strong in mathematics. Since graduation, I have been engaged in research and development at a leading Chinese research institution.

While this record looks impressive, I need to know whether it is good enough to win me not only acceptance into your Master' s program but also full financial assistance for my studies. Coming from an impoverished family in a Third World country, I cannot possibly pay up front for graduate studies with either my own or my family's savings. In fact, the application fee itself can be quite some encumbrance on me. My enrollment, if I get accepted, will therefore hinge on the availability of sufficient assistance to cover both my tuition and other expenses.

Given the information here, could you give me a preliminary assessment of my qualifications and the chance I stand in winning an offer of both acceptance and full financial assistance? Do you think it is advisable for me to apply? With the deadline looming, an early answer from you will be greatly appreciated. You can either reply to me by regular mail or send an E-mail message to jzeg@ibm320h.phy.pku.edu.cn. If your answer is positive, I will surely compete for admission into your program.

Yours sincerely

Wen Lu

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 03:05:22 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-7


Dear Professor Amazali:

Thank you for your informing me that my application folder was complete, and I am writing this letter to further my application to your graduate program.

Presently, I am engaged in the thesis of my B. S. degree. The topic of my thesis is about the software reusability in the field of business management. Specifically, it is centered on a POS (point of sales )system of a typical supermarket. My paper is going on smoothly and I guess it will be finished in the mid May.

In the meanwhile, I am very anxious of my application. After you review my material, I wish you could give me an idea of my chance of the admission and financial assistance. I am aware that the competition is keen, but I think a successful graduate education is vital for a young student to become a mature researcher so that I joined it. When you make the decision, please let me know it at your earliest convenience.

Finally, your consideration is greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Sincerely yours,


Dear Professor Amazali:

Thank you for informing me that my application file is now complete. This is to update the information you find in that file.

When I first made the application, my fourth and final year of undergraduate studies had just commenced. I am now half way through the writing of my graduation paper, titled Software Reusability in the Field of Business Management. My research, centered around a POS (point of sales) system at the typical supermarket, has been going on smoothly, and I expect to finish the paper by mid May. This graduation paper project has further enhanced my understanding of computer science and its potential in business management.

As I am sure you imagine, I am now anxious to hear any news you may have regarding the status of my application. While I know that you must be flooded with applications by high-caliber people around the world, I do think that I cut a good match to any of my competitors for acceptance and financial aid. As weigh my various options beyond graduation, I hope that you can give me an early indication as to how you view my application.

All your help will be greatly appreciated

Sincerely yours

Jiao Jixin

Dear Professor Miller:

I have submitted my complete materials for application and financial assistance to your program. Learning from the information provided by your department and my research advisor-Prof. Fang yu and Yang dongqing-I have known that you are very knowledgeable in the field of Parallel Professing. Parallel Professing and Compiler Construction are my proposed major, and I deem it a great honor to become your student, if admitted.

Presently, I can not say I know a lot about parallel processing. Most of what I have got about parallelism is from books. Upon reading magazines such as Computer and Scientific American, I am impressed to see the power of parallel computers and the ingenuity of parallel algorisms. Von Numman's Architecture is great challenged. In the next semester-the last term of my undergraduate years - I intend to sit in a seminar offered to the graduate students to accept some formal training about parallel processing. My background is strong in Computer Science (Please turn to my "Resume" and "Purpose Statement" for details) and now I would like to assure you of my deepest desire to attend your program and to pursue my education in the field of my choice.

Since I am not able to support myself while engaging in the graduate study in your department, my possibility of enrollment will depend on financial aids from your graduate school. If you can give me some advise about making the rest of my plans for studying abroad, I would be very grateful.

Your program is my first choice, and I greatly appreciate your early reply concerning the status of my application.

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance during my application.



Dear Professor Miller:

I have submitted to your department a full application package, all completed as required, for your consideration. It is my strong hope to start my Master's training from the fall semester of 2000.

Prof. Fang Yu and Prof. Yang Dongqing, both graduates from your university, told me to get in touch with you, saying that your area of expertise coincides with my area of interest, namely, parallel Processing. A new but determined student of parallel processing and compiler construction, I shall feel greatly privileged if I get to study under your seasoned guidance.

Although I can not say I know a whole lot about parallel processing at this point, I have made my plan to acquire a solid grounding in it. My interest in this area was kindled when I was reading Computer and Scientific American. The power of parallel computers and the ingenuity inherent in parallel algorithms, as-described in such literature, are really fascinating to me. Von Numman's Architecture is particularly challenging. Next semester, the last of my undergraduate years, I plan to sit in a seminar offered to the graduate students on the subject so that I can be formally inducted. As you can see from my resume, personal statement and other materials, my background is strong in computer science, which I am sure has set the stage for me to pursue graduate training in parallel processing.

As I do not have any savings or other funds to finance my graduate education, my enrollment will ultimately depend on whether I can obtain adequate financial assistance in the form of an assistantship, a scholarship or both. Given this, whatever advice or suggestions you may have regarding my application will be greatly appreciated. If you have any general ideas about my plan to undertake advanced studies abroad, I would also very much like to hear them.

I take your program as my first choice for a graduate education abroad. An early reply from you is therefore very important to me. I look forward to joining you next year.

Yours sincerely

Yi Ge

Dear Sir:

I am very sorry to inform you that I presently cannot afford the application fee you demanded because of the following reasons:

1. the high foreign exchange rate, US$ 1=8.7 RMB
2. my relatively low monthly income, about 200 RMB-US$23
3. the strict limitation in our country to obtain foreign currency, at least in the near future.

I have got relatively high score in TOEFL (653, Oct 1994) and GRE (Oct, 1994: General 720, 97%/790,96%/710, 90%, total 2220; Subject 740 83%). My undergraduate GPA is upper 10% among 50 students of the same grade. I sincerely hope that you can consider my situation and review my application.

I certify that all supporting documents I sent to you are true and complete, and I am aware that any falsification will be sufficient for denial of my admission.

Yours Sincerely,


Dear Sir or Madam:

This to request a waiver of the application fee. While I realize that this may be an unusual request, I have no choice but to make it simply because I cannot possibly afford the fee in my current financial circumstances.

My meager income of 500 yuan Renminbi translates into only 60 US dollars at current exchange rate, barely enough for me sustain myself in these tough economic times. Even if I had extra Chinese money, which I do not, I have no way of turning the money into hard currencies due to the governments tight control over the use and circulation of foreign currencies.

As an outstanding student, I will find it deeply disappointing if my plan to pursue advanced training is frustrated by such cost as the application fee. My TOEFL score, obtained in Oct. 1999, is 653. For the GRE, I had a score of 2220 in total (720, 97%; 790, 96%; 710, 90%) in the General Test, and a score of 740 (83%) in the Engineering Subject. My undergraduate GPA is among the top 10% in the class of 50 students. These should give me a good chance to be accepted and offered financial assistance if you consider my application at all.

Given my dire financial situation, I would greatly appreciate it if you can waive my application fee, at least for now.

Yours Sincerely

Xue Nai

Dear Professor K. Lochmantz:

I am an applicant to your graduate program. Four weeks ago, I sent you an email inquiring my application and you told me that it had not been processed. Now since it comes to the April, I wonder if the decision has come out.

If I am lucky enough to be admitted and awarded the financial assistance, please inform me by email at your earliest convenience; if not, I would also be very thankful when you give me some advice on my future application. There is still one thing I want to tell you: I have intensive interest in your program and I deem it an honor if I can join your graduate group.

Finally, thank you for your help and I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Professor K. Lochmantz:

I am an applicant to your graduate program. Four weeks ago, I sent you an E-mail message inquiring about my application and you told me in reply that it had not been processed. Since it is now already April, I wonder whether a decision has been reached regarding my application.

Seized with strong interest and in possession of strong qualifications, I am waiting anxiously for news of your decision. If I am lucky enough to be admitted and awarded financial assistance, please inform me by email at your earliest convenience; if I do not get the chance this time around, please share with me any ideas you may have on my future applications.

Thank you for your help, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours

Hao Xin

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Aquarius水瓶座 荣誉版主

发表于 2002-9-20 03:06:27 |只看该作者

[重要] 留学写作指南-8


Dear Professor Killer:

   Thanks for your email. I learned form your letter that there are so many applicants that your work is not really very easy. I completely understand the delays in our correspondence.
  From your letter, I am very pleased to known that I've been admitted. However, I was not offered an assistantship. This is unfortunate to me because it is impossible for me to afford my study in the US. Therefore, If I truly have no chance for financial aid, I am afraid that I can not attend your university.
   In spite of this, I still have strong interest in your graduate program. I will be most grateful when you could give me some information about my future chance of admittance and financial assistance.
   Again, thank you for your help in your busy time.

sincerely yours,

Dear Professor Killer:

Thanks for your E-mail. I understand that you have to process a lot of applications, and I have no problem with any delay you may have in reaching your decisions.

Your offer of acceptance is really exciting news to me. But I am troubled that no financial assistance has been made available to me. As I have indicated before, my enrollment will probably depend on some form of assistance from the university, as neither my family nor I myself have the savings to cover such huge expenses.

As some of the applicants will probably decline the offers you have made them, I still hold out the hope that some funding may still be possible. Please let me know whether such hope is realistic at all, and tell me about my chance in future applications. Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Hao xin


Dear Professor Ronald Dutton;

   Thank you for your letter on Feb. 21. I am very pleased to learn that I've been recommended to your Ph.D. program in Computer Science and considered for financial assistance. I know that a successful graduate education is vital for a young student to become a mature researcher so that it would be a great honor to me if I can study in your university.
   As you mentioned in the letter, in order to study in your department and meet no problem in getting the visa, I have to get some form of financial assistance. Now I would apply for a TA position because I think the teaching experience is my forte. Still a junior in Peking University, I worked in the University Computer Club and acted as a young lecture. My role was to introduce the computer concept and application to all of the university students and my talks received special welcome. Presently, invited by the "Soar Educational Center", I am teaching Computer Architecture and Pascal Programming to part time students to help them get the Associate's degree. In my work, I found teaching a great pleasure and it builds up my confidence. Because of this, I would apply for a TA. I think the work in your department will be more challenging and inviting.
   Finally, Thank your for your informing me the good news. I look forward to having your decision soon.

Sincerely yours,

学校通知近期将作出给予奖学金的决定, 学员写的询问信

Dear Professor Hope:

   Thank you for your email last Saturday. From your letter, I learned that your department would make the decision concerning the TA award early this week. Since it is Wednesday now, I wonder whether the result has come out.
   Am I lucky enough to receive some form of financial assistance? If yes, please inform me by email at your earliest convenience; if not, I would also be very grateful if you could give me some hints about my chance of future application. In short, I am eager to have your reply.
   Whatever the decision is, I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I deem it a great honor if I could study in your university. Thank you for your help.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Professor Frastrate:

   As I wrote you by email last Friday, I am very pleased to be admitted by your graduate program and offered an assistantship. However, Financial problem still exists.
   This Sunday, I talked with my family about this matter. It is unfortunate that we are not able to obtain enough money to afford my study. Therefore, I can attend your program only when my tuition is fully covered by an assistantship.
  I am very sorry to bother you with so much financial issues, but it is very important to me. I am confident of my competence in dealing with academic research, but when it comes to the problem above, it is beyond my ability.
   Again, I assure you that I am willing to attend your program and be your student. If you could give me some further help, I would be most grateful.



Dear Professor Frastrate:

Thank you for your E-mail message that informs me of your offer of acceptance and assistantship. This offer testifies that you highly value competence and dedication.

Barring an improved offer of financial aid, I am afraid that I can accept your offer. Upon receiving the news from you, I talked the matter over with my family. Regretfully, I cannot possibly put together enough money to cover the shortfall. I thank you for the offer and hope that it will now be made to another deserving applicant, one who has no trouble paying the difference between the cost and the assistantship.

I am very sorry that I have bothered you so much with financial problems, and I appreciate the effort you have made in meeting my needs. I remain interested in and committed to joining your program if my financial problems can be solved either on my own or through your help.

Yours sincerely

Wu qu

I'm delighted to hear that you plan to accept our TA offer.

In regard to your questions, there is no hidden problem that I can think of. The TA covers all of your tuition, and you get $1000 a month for 9 months which is enough to cover reasonable living expenses for an  entire year. The school will send you an 120 form which guarantees that there will be no problem in getting a visa. The TA is good for 2 years for an MS and 4 years if you go on for your Ph.D.Thus, the TA effectively solves all of your concerns.

Would you please let me know as soon as possible whether you will accept our TA offer? Your e-mail seems to indicate that you will accept since the TA solves all of your concerns. However, we need to know your final decision. If you have additional questions, I will be happy to answer them.



Dear Professor Enough:

   I am very pleased to know that I have been accepted by your graduate program in Computer Science and offered a TA position. To decide my future plan of study, I have some questions which need your prompt reply, since the deadline of my decision is April 22.
   From your letter, I learned that I was offered a Fellowship of $12,222 and a stipend of $9000. Also, I learned that the tuition in your university is very high. My question is whether the $ 12,222 fellowship will be continued if I maintain satisfactory records in the years that follow. Additionally, I want to know whether in the three months that the stipend is not available, there are any other part time work that I can take.
   In fact, I think your department offers one of the best graduate programs in the country and I am very willing to join you. I wish you could understand my concerning with the financial issues because if the assistance from your department is not enough for me to live and study in the US, it is very possible that I may meet problems when applying for a visa.
   Finally, your consideration during my application is greatly appreciated and I hope to hear from you by email soon.

Sincerely yours,


April 1, 1999

Dear Professor Enough:

Very pleased to know that I have been offered admission into your graduate program in Computer Science and a TA position. Before I make a final decision to accept your kind offer, I would like to trouble you with a few questions. As you have set the deadline of my decision as April 22, I would greatly appreciate your prompt reply.

In your letter, you have stated that I will receive a Fellowship of $12,222 and a stipend of $9000. You have further stated that the tuition at your university is very high, although you did not specify. My first question is whether the $12,222 fellowship will be continued in the second and following years if I maintain a satisfactory academic record. I would also like to know whether there would be any part-time positions for me to take on campus during the three months when no stipend is available.

As your program is one of the best of its kind anywhere in the world, I am really eager to join you as soon as possible. I hope that you understand my financial concerns, though. Inadequate funding will not only pose problems for me in the course of my studies but also may bar me from the US. I hear that the American embassy here in Beijing is very strict in scrutinizing visa applicants' financial situations.

I greatly appreciate your offer, and I hope to hear from you by E-mail soon.

Sincerely yours

You Yuan

Dear Professor Satisfy:

   I am very pleased to have your reply about my financial concerns. Since there are not hidden financial problems for me to study in your department and your program offers excellent education, I am glad to accept the enrollment and the TA position.
   I have sent a separate letter to the Dept. of Computer Science acknowledging my admission. I think it will arrive in the near future. when you receive it, please write to me or contact me by email. Further more, I would most appreciate it if you could send me some more information about the life and study of foreign students in your university.
   By the way, if it not so inconvenient, I wonder if you could send me a list describing all forms of financial requirement, including tuition, insurance, miscellaneous fees, textbooks, room and food. From your information, I can plan my travel to the US.
   Finally, thank you for your consideration. I hope to meet you on campus in August this year:

Sincerely yours,


Dear Professor Goodman:

Thank you for your prompt reply to my inquiry. All my concerns are now cleared, and I wish to inform you unequivocally that I will be coming over to join you research team and take up the TA position.

I have sent a separate letter to the Dept of Computer Science confirming my acceptance of the offer. It should arrive shortly. Meanwhile, please write me, preferably by email, and tell me any other information you may have about the life and study of international students at your university.

By the way, is it possible for you to send me a list describing all financial requirements that I have meet, including tuition, insurance, miscellaneous fees, textbooks, room, food, etc. I need such information to facilitate the planning of my life in the US.

Thank you for all your help, and I look forward to meeting you on campus in August this year.

Yours sincerely

Hao Yi


Dear Professor Ozsoyoglu,

   I am pleased to learn that I have been admitted by your Ph.D. program and awarded an assistantship. I am writing this letter to inform you that I would accept the enrollment and the financial assistance.
   During my application for your program, I got a lot of help and advice from you. Now, I would like to thank you for all the consideration you gave me in this procedure. I hope to see you soon on campus in August.
   If some other documentation is needed before I register, please write to me or contact me by Email. Again, thank you for your help.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Professor Ozsoyoglu,

I have received the letter in which you offered me admission into your Ph. D. program and awarded me an assistantship that will be sufficient to cover all my expenses. This is to inform you that your kind offer is readily accepted with pleasure.

In the course of preparing and making my application, you and your colleagues provided me with a lot of information and advice, all of which have been very helpful. I would like thank you for your kindness and tremendous dedication to recruiting the best candidates.

If there is anything I must do or prepare for enrolment, please contact me soon. Again, thank you for your help and offer.

Sincerely yours

Zhun Qu


March 29, 1996

Professor Mashe Y.Vardi
Department of Computer Science
Brown School of Engineering
Rice University
P.O.Box 1892
Houston, Texas 77251

Dear Professor Vardi:

   Thank you for your letter of February 28, 1997, in which you grant admission and financial aid to me. I am sorry to inform you that I must decline your gracious offer because, before receiving your letter, I had accepted a similar offer of admission and financial aid from another institution.

   For this position, I can recommend Miss. Yang Hongxia who has applied to your department, In terms of scholastic capacity and work ability, she is also a strong applicant. She, however, has not received notification of admission or financial aid. I believe she will be delighted to accept your offer.

   Please accept my deep appreciation for your very kind assistance to my application.

Sincerely yours,


Campus Life Housing Office
Cornell University
119 Robert Purcell Community Center
Ithaca, NY 14853-6001
Fax: 1-607-255, 0319

Dear Sir:

   I am an incoming graduate student to the Doctoral program at Department of Computer Science. By now, I have received your brochure, Guide to Graduate and Professional Student Housing 1997-1998, from which I got a lot of useful information. However, I have still some questions.
   First is the detail for the residential program houses, especially the Jerome H. Holland International Living Center. I would like to know the per person rate for a double room or a single room, the facilities it provided, and that whether I could indicate my preference of roommates.
   Second is that while I am a single student to go to Cornell, whether I have the chance to apply for a student domestic-group housing, provided that I can find someone to share an apartment. If it is possible, could you help me to find this person? My preference is a Chinese single student.

I look forward to your answer soon. Thanks for your consideration and assistance.

Sincerely yours,


Professor Lloyd N. Trefethen
Graduate Field Admissions Officer
Department of Computer Science
4130 Upson Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, N.Y. 14853-7501

Dear Professor Trefethen:

   I am very pleased to know from your letter dated February 25, 1994 of my admission to the Department of Computer Science at your University and that you have kindly granted me full financial support. This is to inform you that I intend to accept the admission and your kind offer of full financial support with deep appreciation. I feel very happy to become a Ph. D student at Cornell University and wish to assure you that I shall do everything I can to make a success of my work.
   I have also mailed a letter with my signature as an official document to you.
   Furthermore, I have just received a letter from the Dean of Graduate School, enclosed with I-20 form and several brochures that enable me to know more about your University. However, there is a question I am not clear about. One of the brochure states that "if you will receive support from Cornell, approximately 20% of your salary or monthly stipend will be deducted for federal and state income taxes." I wonder whether 20% of $11,500, the stipend for my assistantship for an academic year, should be deducted for income taxes.
Thank you very much for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,


To American Embassy to China:

Dear Sir:

   This is to request a change of my destination for my planned trip to the United States. You have approved my visa for attending Roosevelt University in Chicago to pursue an advanced degree in Chemistry. Fortunately yesterday I received another 1-20 form issued by the University of Oklahoma which admitted me to graduate study in Hospital Pharmacy. As I am a graduate of the School of Pharmacy, Beijing Medical University. the study of Hospital Pharmacy will be more beneficial to my future career in China. Thus, I prefer the University of Oklahoma to Roosevelt University.
   I am enclosing the 1-20 form issued by the University of Ok lahoma. It is requested that you permit me to change my destination from Roosevelt University to the University of Oklahoma. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.


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