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[作文] qqweer2007的作文贴,求指导~ [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-7-15 10:17:38 |只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-7-14 22:19:21 |只看该作者

7.13 独立

Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future?

When talking about the issue that how can we plan our future appropriately, many people might advocate that they prefer challenging plans. I personally do not hold this opinion. Even though challenging plans have their own value, I still persist in doing my practical plans.) y8 Q/ ~) K# G) r" e" U
4 {4 N6 N7 j5 T+ V! |, y& j
One first reason is that only practical plans can help me get a good understand(understanding?) of my current work and give me confidence to finish it step by step. Comparing(campared) with challenging plans, practical plans give more details and always have definite goals for steps. Knowing that all these goals are possible for me to achieve in a near future, I can become more confident. Consequently, the efficiency will be promoted, too. As a result, I can promise the quality as well as the quantity of the work.(我觉得,虽然在某些方面,论证确实是指的从不同得角度讲同一个东西,但有层次、有递进会更好一点。比如,先说P会提高效率,然后论证说P会增加信心,拿自己做个例子,随后说信心增加效率上升,最后总结说P会使得效率增加?)

More importantly, practical plans can help avoid chaos during the process that I(据说在正式的文章里最好不要有I\MY\MINE\之类的主观性过强的词~)als.

On the contrary, challenging plans can create chaos. For example, you may have a dream to become a celebrated pianist and you know nothing about the piano now. Then you may start drafting your challenging plan, like learning to play piano for 3 months and getting a particular certify, which is pretty difficult. And you may have a lot of goals to achieve after that. But the first goal is too difficult, thus you are very likely to fail. Then the plan will be totally broken and you will get into chaos. What's more, you may be unconfident to finish the following work, which will definitely result in failure. - R0 y, P  N- n/ q! m& m

However, challenging plans have their own value, like(like不可以用来举例哟亲~用such as) motivating people to work hard. When people have practical plans, which include several easy goals, they may be over relaxed and do not work hard to achieve the goals. That is serious. On the other hand, if people have challenging plans, they may be motivated because the whole work is difficult and they have felt(为什么用完成时呢?) the pressure of failure.

R  ?8 {3 c
In a nutshell, practical is positive to help people find confidence during the work, and sometimes it is even necessary for avoiding chaos. Nevertheless, challenging plans have their own values and they can be useful to motivate people to work hard.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-14 15:09:27 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-14 15:08:31 |只看该作者
7,14& w$ C. i7 a3 ?. E2 q( t9 mDo you agree or disagree with the following statement:"The best way to improve the quality of education is to imcrease teachers' salaries."09,4,3

As we all know, education is the basis of the development of the society. Thus the quality of education is always a hot topic. Various of measures have been taken, including effective ones as well as ineffective ones. People may concern about that if increasing teachers' salaries can help improve the quality of education. From my perspective, I'll hold the opinion for several reasons.

First of all, increasing teachers' salaries can definitely motivate teachers to spend more time on their work and concentrate on the quality of their own work. On the contrary, low salaries make some teachers depressed about the work. With such a negative emotion, these teachers can not play a good role at their position. My brother's experience is a typical example. He graduated from the college and find a job of high school teacher. He always complains to us that teacher is a job with heavy work and low salary, which is definitely unfair. Recently, he trys to teach classes during the holiday, which is prohibited but with high income. The quality of the courses at school has been put at a second place, and working on holiday makes the efficiency during the workday decreases.All these factors ,which are due to the low salary, will definitely cause a low quality of education.

What is more, increasing teachers' salaries can also has a positive influence on attracting talents to participate in education. A survey conducted in 2010 about the hot majors shows that most of the high school students will choose hot majors such as economics, computer science and architecture. The reason is that students can find a better job and make more money in these fields after they graduated from the college. And most of these students are always talents because it is competitive in these hot fields. So we can draw a conclusion that if salaries of teachers have been increased, part of the top students will be attracted to the field of education, which will definitely improve the quality of education.

With reasons listed above, a conclusion can be drawn that increasing of salaries of teachers will help motivate teachers to work more hard and concentrate on their own work at school. In addition, high salaries will also attract talents to this field and thus improve the quality of education. In summary, the quality of education can definitely be improved by increasing salaries of teachers.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-7-14 12:09:50 |只看该作者
Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future?

When talking about the issue that how can we plan our future appropriately, many people might advocate that they prefer challenging plans. I personally do not hold this opinion. Even though challenging plans have their own value, I still persist in doing my practical plans.

One first reason is that only practical plans can help me get a good understandING of my current work and give me confidence to finish it step by step. Comparing with challenging plans, practical plans give more details and always have definite goals for steps. Knowing that all these goals are possible for me to achieve in a near future, I can become more confident. Consequently, the efficiency will be promoted, too. As a result, I can promise the quality as well as the quantity of the work.

More importantly, practical plans can help avoid chaos during the process that I strive to the goals.
On the contrary, challenging plans can create chaos. For example, you may have a dream to become a celebrated pianist and you know nothing about the piano now. Then you may start drafting your challenging plan, like learning to play piano for 3 months and getting a particular certify, which is pretty difficult. And you may have a lot of goals to achieve after that. But the first goal is too difficult, thus you are very likely to fail. Then the plan will be totally broken and you will get into chaos. What's more, you may be unconfident to finish the following work, which will definitely result in failure.
同意楼上,最好加一句however, since practical plans can be reached by steps/ more flexible, I rarely be chaotic...之类的

However, challenging plans have their own value, like motivating people to work hard. When people have practical plans, which include several easy goals, they may be over relaxed and do not work hard to achieve the goals. That is serious. On the other hand, if people have challenging plans, they may be motivated because the whole work is difficult and they have felt the pressure of failure.

In a nutshell, practical is positive to help people find confidence during the work, and sometimes it is even necessary for avoiding chaos. Nevertheless, challenging plans have their own values and they can be useful to motivate people to work hard.

表示,语句神马不错,结构也清晰,但是据说这种有让步的不是太好= =(听说)因为会把观点模糊化。我觉得最后一段结尾的时候应该好好确立自己的想法。比如说,“对我来讲practical plans会更有成效”之类的。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2011-7-14 11:20:58 |只看该作者
When talking about the issue that how can we plan our futureappropriately, many people might advocate that they prefer challengingplans. I personally do not hold this opinion. Even though challengingplans have their own value, I still persist in doing my practical plans.0 a) c2 _( \7 l! ^* B. `: h- C. x3 l# Q
) e8 i) W4 [) H, V- K) O8 }* x
One first reason is that only practical plans can help me get a goodunderstanding of my current work and give me confidence to finish it stepby step. Comparing with challenging plans, practical plans give moredetails and always have definite goals for steps/each step. Knowing that allthese goals are possible for me to achieve in a near future, I canbecome more confident. Consequently, the efficiency will be promoted,too. As a result, I can promise the quality as well as the quantity ofthe work.
" f$ Z4 I( g6 Q9 w/ |
, j. J% n+ ?4 t& zMore importantly, practical plans can help avoid chaos during the process that I strive to the goals. (不具体解释一下为什么会避免chaos?challenging plans may cause chaos不等于practical plans 就一定可以避免chaos.还需要证明论证一下)
+ l( b+ ~0 c+ m$ `: r; Z, HOn thecontrary, challenging plans can create chaos. For example, you may havea dream to become a celebrated pianist and you know nothing about thepiano now. Then you may start drafting your challenging plan, likelearning to play piano for 3 months and getting a particular certify,which is pretty difficult. And you may have a lot of goals to achieveafter that. But the first goal is too difficult, thus you are verylikely to fail. Then the plan will be totally broken and you will getinto chaos. What's more, you may be unconfident to finish the followingwork, which will definitely result in failure. (感觉这一段和上一段的意思差不多,只是从反面说了一下)
1 u$ I8 G, C3 l9 f7 ]% Z5 G
3 ~0 S; t& P- |& G+ t( h* IHowever,challenging plans have their own values, like motivating people to workhard. When people have practical plans, which include several easygoals, they may be over relaxed and do not work hard to achieve thegoals. That is serious. On the other hand, if people have challengingplans, they may be motivated because the whole work is difficult andthey have felt the pressure of failure.
8 m. P- q* @  ^; s% n3 ?
( O! x1 R7 G# c9 u5 t& I" uIn anutshell, practical is positive to help people find confidence duringthe work, and sometimes it is even necessary for avoiding chaos.Nevertheless, challenging plans have their own values and they can beuseful to motivate people to work hard.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-13 13:15:49 |只看该作者
7.13 独立
Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future?

When talking about the issue that how can we plan our future appropriately, many people might advocate that they prefer challenging plans. I personally do not hold this opinion. Even though challenging plans have their own value, I still persist in doing my practical plans.

One first reason is that only practical plans can help me get a good understand of my current work and give me confidence to finish it step by step. Comparing with challenging plans, practical plans give more details and always have definite goals for steps. Knowing that all these goals are possible for me to achieve in a near future, I can become more confident. Consequently, the efficiency will be promoted, too. As a result, I can promise the quality as well as the quantity of the work.

More importantly, practical plans can help avoid chaos during the process that I strive to the goals.
On the contrary, challenging plans can create chaos. For example, you may have a dream to become a celebrated pianist and you know nothing about the piano now. Then you may start drafting your challenging plan, like learning to play piano for 3 months and getting a particular certify, which is pretty difficult. And you may have a lot of goals to achieve after that. But the first goal is too difficult, thus you are very likely to fail. Then the plan will be totally broken and you will get into chaos. What's more, you may be unconfident to finish the following work, which will definitely result in failure.

However, challenging plans have their own value, like motivating people to work hard. When people have practical plans, which include several easy goals, they may be over relaxed and do not work hard to achieve the goals. That is serious. On the other hand, if people have challenging plans, they may be motivated because the whole work is difficult and they have felt the pressure of failure.

In a nutshell, practical is positive to help people find confidence during the work, and sometimes it is even necessary for avoiding chaos. Nevertheless, challenging plans have their own values and they can be useful to motivate people to work hard.

使用道具 举报

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